Hoops Visualize HPS  version 2018-SP2
Hoops Visualize HPS 3D Rendering Engine
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CAllocatorThe Allocator class is a memory allocator suitable for STL container classes that uses memory in the Visualize memory space
 CAnchorShapeElementUser space object
 CAnnotationOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to insert annotations
 CAnnotationInsertedEventAn event injected every time a new annotation is inserted
 CApplicationWindowKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CApplicationWindowOptionsControlThe HPS::ApplicationWindowOptionsControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CAttributeLockControlThe HPS::AttributeLockControl class provides support for attribute locking, which allows temporarily override of an attribute setting for a segment and its descendants
 CAttributeLockKitThe HPS::AttributeLockKit class provides support for attribute locking, which allows temporarily override of an attribute setting for a segment and its descendants
 CAxisTriadControlThe AxisTriadControl allows you to turn on or off the axis triad, move it to a specific corner of the screen, change the material palette used to style it, or otherwise manipulate it
 CAxisTriadOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to interact with the axis triad
 CBlankLinePatternElementUser space object
 CBooleanMetadataSmart pointer
 CBoundingThis is the Bounding Class
 CBoundingControlThe HPS::BoundingControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CBoundingKitThe HPS::BoundingKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings
 CCADModelSmart pointer
 CCameraThis is the Camera Class
 CCameraKitThe HPS::CameraKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings
 CCameraPointBasic 3D point that is assumed to represent a location in camera space
 CCanvasOne of the four core display classes used in a Visualize application
 CCaptureSmart pointer
 CCircleKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CCircleKitThe HPS::CircleKit class is a user space object
 CCircleShapeElementUser space object
 CCircularArcGlyphElementUser space object
 CCircularArcKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CCircularArcKitUser space object
 CCircularArcShapeElementUser space object
 CCircularWedgeKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CCircularWedgeKitUser space object
 CColorInterpolationKitThe HPS::ColorInterpolationKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CComponentSmart pointer
 CComponentHighlightEventEvent that will be triggered for each highlight or unhighlight call
 CComponentIsolateEventEvent that will be triggered for each isolate call
 CComponentPathThe ComponentPath contains an array of components, organized from leaf to root
 CComponentTreeSmart pointer which corresponds to a tree object in a GUI toolkit, e.g., a TreeView in WPF or a CTreeCtrl in MFC
 CComponentTreeItemSmart pointer which corresponds to an item or node in a tree object in a GUI toolkit, e.g., a TreeViewItem in WPF or an HTREEITEM in MFC
 CConditionConcept class for condition-related enum classes
 CConditionalExpressionA ConditionalExpression is a string or collection of strings separated by logical operators
 CConditionControlSmart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CContourLineThis is the ContourLine Class
 CContourLineKitThe HPS::ContourLineKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings
 CControlBase class for all Visualize controls
 CCoordinateConcept class that contains information about various coordinate spaces
 CCubeMapDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CCullingKitThe HPS::CullingKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CCurveAttributeKitThe HPS::CurveAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CCuttingSectionConcept class for cutting-section-related enum classes
 CCuttingSectionAttributeControlThe HPS::CuttingSectionAttributeControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CCuttingSectionAttributeKitThe HPS::CuttingSectionAttributeKit class is a user space object which encapsulates a set of attributes pertaining to cutting sections
 CCuttingSectionKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CCuttingSectionKitUser space object

The CuttingSectionOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to insert and interact with cutting sections. This Operator works for both mouse- and touch-driven devices. Each instance of the operator supports inserting and interacting with a single cutting plane. Multiple instances of the operator can be pushed to the View’s operator stack when the user wants to add an additional cutting plane to the scene. The cutting plane associated with an instance of the operator will be removed when the operator is popped from the View’s operator stack.

Mouse-driven devices:

Action Result
Mouse move When the operator is first activated, moving the mouse over the model will display a indicator representing the normal of the face the user is currently hovering over. Once a cutting section has been inserted, it will be highlighted when the user hovers over it. The highlight options can also be customized, or this behavior can be disabled entirely.
Left click When the operator is first activated, a left click will insert a cutting section at this position.
Double left click Flips the cutting section the user double clicked on.
Left mouse down and move Translates the cutting section the user clicked on along its normal.

Touch-driven devices:

Action Result
Touch down Inserts a cutting section at the position of the touch.
Double tap Flips the cutting section the user double tapped.
Touch down and drag Translates the cutting section the user tapped along its normal.
 CCylinderConcept class for cylinder-related enum classes
 CCylinderAttributeControlThe HPS::CylinderAttributeControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CCylinderAttributeKitThe HPS::CylinderAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CCylinderKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CCylinderKitUser space object
 CDatabaseSpecial type that is never intended to be instantiated
 CDebuggingControlThe HPS::DebuggingControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CDebuggingKitThe HPS::DebuggingKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CDistantLightKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CDistantLightKitUser space object
 CDotGlyphElementUser space object
 CDoubleMetadataSmart pointer
 CDrawingAttributeKitThe HPS::DrawingAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CDrawWindowEventEvent generated when the driver draws the window background for each subwindow
 CDriverEventCommon base class of all driver events
 CDriverEventHandlerBase class for driver event handlers
 CDWGObjects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via RealDWG
 CCADModelSmart pointer
 CComponentSmart pointer
 CFactoryUsed to create and DWG objects which inherit from HPS::Component or one of its subclasses
 CFileFunctions to import CAD files via DWG
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a file import
 CImportOptionsKitThe HPS::DWG::ImportOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CLayerUser space object
 CEdgeThis is the Edge Class
 CEdgeAttributeKitThe HPS::EdgeAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CEllipseGlyphElementUser space object
 CEllipseKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CEllipseKitUser space object
 CEllipseShapeElementUser space object
 CEllipticalArcKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CEllipticalArcKitUser space object
 CEllipticalArcShapeElementUser space object
 CEmergencyConcept class for Emergency codes
 CErrorEventEvent that will be generated if an asynchronous error occurs
 CEventCommon base class of all events
 CEventDispatcherUsed for injecting any events and dealing with event handlers which handle those events
 CEventHandlerBase class for any event handler that can be created
 CEventNotifierSmart pointer that is associated with an event object
 CExceptionThe base class of all HPS exceptions
 CExchangeObjects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via Exchange
 CCADModelSmart pointer
 CCaptureSmart pointer
 CCommonMeasurementOperatorDefines an operator which contains many often used functions when inserting measurements
 CComponentSmart pointer
 CConfigurationUser space object
 CExport3MFOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::Export3MFOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportACISOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportACISOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportIGESOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportIGESOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportJTOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportJTOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a file export
 CExportParasolidOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportParasolidOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportPRCOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportPRCOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportSTEPOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportSTEPOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportSTLOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportSTLOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportU3DOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportU3DOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CExportXMLOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ExportXMLOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CFactoryUsed to create and Exchange objects which inherit from HPS::Component or one of its subclasses
 CFileFunctions to import and export CAD files via Exchange
 CFilterSmart pointer
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a file import
 CImportOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CJTThe Exchange::JT class is a concept class for JT-related enums
 CMeasurementOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to insert measurements into the scene This operator requires the model be loaded using the Exchange bridge, and the model must contain B-rep
 CModelFileImportOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::ModelFileImportOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CNURBSConversionOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CPRCThe Exchange::PRC class is a concept class for PRC-related enums
 CProEThe Exchange::ProE class is a concept class for ProE-related enums
 CReloadNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a Component::Reload or a CADModel::Reload
 CSheetUser space object
 CSTEPThe Exchange::STEP class is a concept class for STEP-related enums
 CTessellationThe Exchange::Tessellation class is a concept class for tessellation-related enums
 CChordThe Exchange::Tessellation::Chord class is a concept class for chord-tessellation-related enums
 CTessellationOptionsKitUser space object
 CTranslationThe Exchange::Translation class is a concept class for translation-related enums
 CTranslationNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a file translation
 CTranslationOptionsKitThe HPS::Exchange::TranslationOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CU3DThe Exchange::U3D class is a concept class for U3D-related enums
 CFileFunctions to import CAD files via Exchange and manage the BRep data with Parasolid
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a file import
 CExtentConcept class that contains information about various extent options
 CFactoryUsed to create and query Sprocket objects
 CFilterSmart pointer
 CFinishPictureEventEvent generated when the driver finishes the update and puts the rendered image on screen (except for OffscreenWindows)
 CFloatConcept class that exposes a number of useful utilities for working with floating point numbers
 CFloat_Traits< double >
 CFloat_Traits< float >
 CFlyOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to accurately move the camera around the scene
 CFocusLostEventEvent that is generated when an application loses focus
 CFontInfoStateUser space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CFontSearchResultsSmart-pointer to a database object
 CFontSearchResultsIteratorAn iterator used for traversing results from a search on an associated FontSearchResults object
 CGlyphConcept class for glyph-related enum classes
 CGlyphDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CGlyphElementUser space object
 CGlyphKitUser space object
 CGlyphLinePatternElementUser space object
 CGlyphPointPoint that is used in the definition of glyphs
 CGridConcept class for grid-related enum classes
 CGridKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CGridKitUser space object
 CHandlesOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to move geometry
 CFileEncapsulates all the functions and options related to exporting HPS::Hardcopy files
 CExportOptionsKitThe HPS::Hardcopy::File::ExportOptionsKit class contains settings controlling hardcopy export
 CHiddenLineAttributeKitThe HPS::HiddenLineAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CHideKeyboardEventEvent that can be used on mobile devices to request that the software keyboard be hidden
 CHighlightControlThe HPS::HighlightControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CHighlightEventEvent that will be triggered for each highlight or unhighlight call
 CHighlightOptionsKitUser space object
 CHighlightSearchConcept class for highlight search related enum classes
 CHighlightSearchOptionsKitUser space object
 CHighlightSearchResultsSmart-pointer to a database object
 CHighlightSearchResultsIteratorAn iterator used for traversing results from a search on an associated HighlightSearchResults object
 CHighlightStateUser space object
 CHTMLObjects used for exporting Communicator powered HTML files
 CFileFunctions to export HTML files
 CImageObjects for importing image files and enumerations used when defining images in Visualize
 CExportOptionsKitThe HPS::Image::ExportOptionsKit class contains options that will be used to export image files
 CFileFunction to import and export image files
 CImportOptionsKitOptions that will be used to import image files and will be set on the ImageKit returned by File::Import
 CImageDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CImageKitUser space object
 CImportStatusEventEvent that can be used by importers to let the user know what they are currently working on
 CIncludeKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CIndexOutOfRangeExceptionAn IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when a user tries to access an array element beyond the valid range, typically when interacting with the points or faces defining geometry
 CInfiniteLineConcept class for infinite-line-related enum classes
 CInfiniteLineGlyphElementUser space object
 CInfiniteLineKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CInfiniteLineKitUser space object
 CInfoConcept class for information, warning, and error codes
 CInformationEventEvent that will be generated if an asynchronous informational message occurs
 CInnerPixelPointBasic 2D point that is assumed to represent a location in inner pixel screen space
 CInnerWindowPointBasic 2D point that is assumed to represent a location in inner window space
 CInputEventBase class for input events such as MouseEvent, TouchEvent, and KeyboardEvent
 CIntegerMetadataSmart pointer
 CInvalidLicenseExceptionAn InvalidLicenseException is thrown when trying to run Visualize with an invalid license
 CInvalidObjectExceptionAn InvalidObjectException is thrown when a user tries to interact with an object that either is uninitialized or has been deleted
 CInvalidOperationExceptionAn InvalidOperationException is thrown when an operation is not supported on the current platform
 CInvalidSpecificationExceptionAn InvalidSpecificationException is thrown when a method is called with non-sensical or contradictory arguments
 CIOExceptionException that is thrown if there was a problem during file import or export
 CIONotifierSmart-pointer that is associated with an asynchronous file import or export
 CKeyCommon base class of all Visualize keys
 CKeyboardEventEvent generated for each key press and release
 CKeyboardStateState of a keyboard for a particular event
 CKeyHasherA std::hash compatible hasher for HPS::Key
 CKeyPathThe KeyPath contains an array of keys, organized from leaf to root
 CKitBase class for all Visualize kits
 CLayoutOne of the four core display classes used in a Visualize application
 CLeaderLineClippingElementUser space object
 CLightingThis is the Lighting Class
 CLightingAttributeKitThe HPS::LightingAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CLineThis is the Line Class
 CLineAttributeKitThe HPS::LineAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to lines
 CLineGlyphElementUser space object
 CLineKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CLineKitUser space object
 CLinePatternConcept class for line-pattern-related enum classes
 CLinePatternDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CLinePatternElementUser space object
 CLinePatternKitUser space object
 CLinePatternOptionsKitUser space object
 CLinePatternParallelKitUser space object
 CLineShapeElementUser space object
 CMarkerThis is the Marker Class
 CMarkerAttributeKitThe HPS::MarkerAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CMarkerKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CMarkerKitUser space object
 CMarkupOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to insert mark-up text and geometry
 CMaterialConcept class for material-related enum classes
 CColorThe Material Color Class
 CTextureThe Material::Texture class is a concept class for texture-related enum classes
 CMaterialKitUser space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings
 CMaterialMappingKitThe HPS::MaterialMappingKit class is a user space object, used for grouping attribute settings related to materials
 CMaterialPaletteDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CMatrixKitUser space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CMemoryFunctions for allocating and freeing memory in the Visualize memory space
 CMeshConcept class for mesh-related enum classes
 CMeshKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CMeshKitUser space object
 CMetadataSmart pointer
 CModelOne of the four core display classes used in a Visualize application
 CModellingMatrixControlSmart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CModifierKeysVarious modifier keys that could be active for an InputEvent
 CMouseButtonsMouse buttons that could be active for a MouseEvent
 CMouseEventEvent generated for each mouse action
 CMouseStateState of the mouse or similar pointer device for a particular event
 CNamedStyleDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CNavigationCubeControlThe NavigationCubeControl allows you to turn on or off the navigation cube, move it to a specific corner of the screen, change the material palette used to style it, or otherwise manipulate it
 CNURBSCurveKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CNURBSCurveKitUser space object
 CNURBSSurfaceAttributeKitThe HPS::NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit class is a user space object that contains settings related to NURBS surfaces
 CNURBSSurfaceKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CNURBSSurfaceKitUser space object
 COBJObjects and enumerations used for importing OBJ files
 CExportNotifierSmart-pointer that is associated with an asynchronous file export
 CFileFunctions to import and export OBJ files
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is associated with an asynchronous file import
 CImportOptionsKitAny settings controlling the import of OBJ files
 CImportResultsKitResults of a successful OBJ import
 CObjectCommon base class of most Visualize classes
 CObjectPointBasic 3D point that is assumed to represent a location in object space
 COffScreenWindowKeySmart pointer to a database object
 COffScreenWindowOptionsControlThe HPS::OffScreenWindowOptionsControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 COOCObjects used for importing OOC files
 CAreaQuadrilateral area for highlighting
 CAreaHighlightTrackerOverride this class to customize Area Highlighting
 CFileFunctions to import OOC files
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a file import
 CImportOptionsKitUser space object
 CPointCloudInteractions with a OOC point cloud
 CQueryFilterQueryFilter is an class used to indicate what point data should be retrieved from OOC::PointCloud::QueryPoints
 CQueryIteratorThe iterator returned from a call to OOC::PointCloud::QueryPoints
 CSynchronizedOverride this class to access SynchronizedActions on a point cloud
 CSynchronizedActionsThis class provides ways to create and optimize OOC deltas
 COperatorBase class for classes which handle under input and operate on the scene
 COperatorControlSmart pointer that is tied to a database object
 COrbitOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to orbit the camera
 CPanOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to pan the camera
 CPanOrbitZoomOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to pan, orbit and zoom the camera
 CParasolidObjects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via Parasolid
 CCADModelSmart pointer
 CComponentSmart pointer
 CExportOptionsKitUser space object
 CFacetTessellationKitUser space object
 CFactoryUsed to create Parasolid objects which inherit from HPS::Component or one of its subclasses
 CFileFunctions to import and export CAD files via the Parasolid interface
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a file import
 CImportOptionsKitUser space object
 CLineTessellationKitUser space object
 CPerformanceKitThe HPS::PerformanceKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to performance settings
 CPixelPointBasic 2D point that is assumed to represent a location in pixel space
 CPointCloudObjects and enumerations used for importing and exporting XYZ, PTX, and PTS files
 CFileFunctions to import and export XYZ, PTX, and PTS files
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is associated with an asynchronous file import
 CImportOptionsKitAny settings controlling the import of XYZ, PTX, and PTS files
 CImportResultsKitResults of a successful point cloud import
 CPolygonKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CPolygonKitUser space object
 CPolygonShapeElementUser space object
 CPortfolioControlSmart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CPortfolioKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CPostProcessEffectsKitThe HPS::PostProcessEffectsKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to post-process effects
 CPublishObjects and enumerations used for exporting 3D PDF files via Publish
 CActivationThe Publish::Activation class is a concept class for activation-related enumerations
 CAnimationThe Publish::Animation class is a concept class for animation-related enumerations
 CAnnotationThe Publish::Annotation class is a concept class for annotation-related enums
 CAnnotationKitUser space object
 CArtworkThe Publish::Artwork class is a concept class for artwork-related enumerations
 CDisplayThe Publish::Artwork::Display class is a concept class for display-related artwork enumerations
 CViewThe Publish::Artwork::View class is a concept class for view-related artwork enumerations
 CArtworkKitUser space object
 CBorderThe Publish::Border class is a concept class for border-related enumerations
 CButtonKitUser space object
 CCheckBoxKitUser space object
 CDeactivationThe Publish::Deactivation class is a concept class for deactivation-related enumeration
 CDocumentKeySmart pointer to a Publish PDF document
 CDocumentKitUser space object
 CDropDownListKitUser space object
 CExportOptionsKitUser space object
 CFieldThe Publish::Field class is a concept class for field-related enumerations
 CFileFunctions to export Model objects to 3D PDFs via Publish
 CHighlightingThe Publish::Highlighting class is a concept class for highlighting-related enumerations
 CImageThe Publish::Image class is a concept class for image-related enumerations
 CImageKitUser space object
 CLabelThe Publish::Label class is a concept class for label-related enumerations
 CLightingThe Publish::Lighting class is a concept class for lighting-related enumerations
 CLinkKitUser space object
 CListBoxKitUser space object
 CPageThe Publish::Page class is a concept class for page-related enums
 CPageControlSmart pointer to a page within a Publish PDF document
 CPageKitUser space object
 CPermissionThe Publish::Permission class is a concept class for permission-related enumerations
 CPRCThe Publish::PRC class is a concept class for PRC-related enums
 CRadioButtonKitUser space object
 CRenderingThe Publish::Rendering class is a concept class for rendering-related enumerations
 CSignatureFieldKitUser space object
 CSlideTableKitUser space object
 CSourceThe Publish::Source class is a concept class for source-string-related enums
 CTableKitUser space object
 CTextThe Publish::Text class is a concept class for text-related enumerations
 CFontThe Publish::Text::Font class is a concept class for text-font-related enumerations
 CTextFieldKitUser space object
 CTextKitUser space object
 CU3DThe Publish::U3D class is a concept class for U3D-related enums
 CViewKitUser space object
 CReferenceKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CSceneTreeSmart pointer which corresponds to a tree object in a GUI toolkit, e.g., a TreeView in WPF or a CTreeCtrl in MFC
 CSceneTreeItemSmart pointer which corresponds to an item or node in a tree object in a GUI toolkit, e.g., a TreeViewItem in WPF or an HTREEITEM in MFC
 CSearchConcept class for search-related enum classes
 CSearchOptionsKitUser space object
 CSearchResultsSmart-pointer to a database object
 CSearchResultsIteratorAn iterator used for traversing results from a search on an associated SearchResults object
 CSegmentKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CSegmentOptimizationOptionsKitConfiguration options kit for controlling HPS::Segment::Optimize behavior
 CSelectabilityThis is the Selectability Class
 CSelectabilityKitThe HPS::SelectabilityKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CSelectAreaOperatorThe HPS::SelectAreaOperator class is a selection mechanism that operates on a rectangle input
 CSelectionConcept class for selection-related enum classes
 CSelectionControlSmart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CSelectionItemSmart-pointer to a database object
 CSelectionOptionsKitUser space object
 CSelectionResultsSmart pointer to a database object
 CSelectionResultsIteratorUsed to iterate over a SelectionResults object and access the SelectionItem objects contained within it
 CSelectOperatorThe HPS::SelectOperator class is a selection mechanism that is intended to operate on a single selection point
 CShaderObjects for importing shader source files and enumerations used when defining shaders in Visualize
 CFileFunction to import shader files
 CImportOptionsKitSettings that will be set on the ShaderKit which is returned by File::Import
 CShaderDefinitionInternal use only - customers should not use
 CShaderKitInternal use only - customers should not use
 CShapeConcept class for shape-related enum classes
 CShapeCoordinateCoordinate used in shape definitions
 CShapeDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CShapeElementUser space object
 CShapeKitUser space object
 CShapePointPoint used in shape definitions
 CShellConcept class for shell-related enum classes
 CShellKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CShellKitUser space object
 CShellOptimizationOptionsKitUser space object
 CShellRelationResultsKitThe ShellKit class is a user space object
 CShowKeyboardEventEvent that can be used on mobile devices to request that the software keyboard be shown
 CSimpleWalkOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to move forward and backwards and rotate while staying snapped to a plane
 CSketchupObjects used for importing SketchUp files
 CFileFunctions to import SketchUp files
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is tied to a file import
 CImportOptionsKitUser space object
 CImportResultsKitResults of a successful SketchUp import
 CSmoothTransitionCompleteEventEvent that will be triggered when a Smooth Transition ends
 CSolidLinePatternElementUser space object
 CSphereAttributeControlThe HPS::SphereAttributeControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CSphereAttributeKitThe HPS::SphereAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CSphereGlyphElementUser space object
 CSphereKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CSphereKitUser space object
 CSpotlightConcept class for spotlight-related enum classes
 CSpotlightKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CSprocketPathUtility class which can be used to automatically obtain a KeyPath from the Model to the Canvas
 CStandAloneWindowEventEvent that is generated by a Standalone window
 CStandAloneWindowKeyThe StandAloneWindowKey object is a handle to a stand-alone window that Visualize can draw into
 CSTLObjects and enumerations used for importing STL files
 CFileFunctions to import and export STL files
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is associated with an asynchronous file import
 CImportOptionsKitAny settings controlling the import of STL files
 CImportResultsKitResults of a successful STL import
 CStreamObjects and enumerations used for importing and exporting HSF files
 CExportEventBase class for events signaled during Stream export
 CExportEventHandlerBase class for user-defined ExportEvent handlers
 CExportNotifierSmart-pointer that is associated with an asynchronous file export
 CExportOptionsKitThe HPS::Stream::ExportOptionsKit class contains settings controlling the export of HSF files
 CFileFunctions to import and export HSF files
 CGeometryExportEventIndicates that geometry is about to be exported by Stream
 CImportEventBase class for events signaled during Stream export
 CImportEventHandlerBase class for user-defined ImportEvent handlers
 CImportNotifierSmart-pointer that is associated with an asynchronous file import
 CImportOptionsKitAny settings controlling the import of HSF files
 CImportResultsKitResults of a successful HSF import
 CNonDBUserDataImportEventThis class indicates non-database user data is being imported by Stream
 CSegmentExportEventIndicates that a segment is about to be exported by Stream
 CToolkitPrimary support class which manages streaming of HSF data
 CUserDataImportEventThis class indicates that user data contained within the database (associated with either a segment or geometry key) is being imported by Stream
 CStringMetadataSmart pointer
 CStyleThis is the Style Class
 CStyleControlSmart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CStyleKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CSubwindowThis is the Subwindow Class
 CSubwindowKitThe HPS::SubwindowKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to subwindows
 CTextConcept class for text-related enum classes
 CTextAttributeKitThe HPS::TextAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CTextInputEventEvent that is generated when an application receives text input
 CTextKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CTextKitUser space object
 CTextureDefinitionSmart pointer to a database object
 CTextureMatrixControlSmart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CTimeMetadataSmart pointer
 CTimerTickEventEvent that will be triggered for each timer tick
 CTouchState of a single touch on a multi-touch device
 CTouchEventEvent generated for each touch action on a multi-touch device
 CTouchStateState of touches on a multi-touch device for a particular event
 CTransformMaskControlThe HPS::TransformMaskControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CTransformMaskKitThe HPS::TransformMaskKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CTransparencyThis is the Transparency Class
 CTransparencyControlThe HPS::TransparencyControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CTransparencyKitThe HPS::TransparencyKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to transparency
 CTreeContextUser space object
 CTrimConcept class for trim-related enum classes
 CTrimElementUser space object
 CTrimKitUser space object
 CTurntableOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to orbit the camera along a specific axis
 CUnsignedIntegerMetadataSmart pointer
 CUpdateCompletedEventEvent that is generated when an update is completed
 CUpdateNotifierSmart pointer that is associated with a window update
 CUpdateOptionsKitThe HPS::UpdateOptionsKit class is a user space object
 CUTF8Encapsulates a utf8 encoded array of characters and allows for easy encoding and decoding
 CUTF8HasherA std::hash compatible hasher for HPS::UTF8
 CViewOne of the four core display classes used in a Visualize application
 CVisibilityKitThe HPS::VisibilityKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings
 CVisualEffectsKitThe HPS::VisualEffectsKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CWalkOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to accurately move the camera around the scene, while snapped to a plane
 CWarningEventEvent that will be generated if an asynchronous warning occurs
 CWindowConcept class for window-related enum classes
 CWindowInfoControlSmart pointer that is tied to a database object
 CWindowInfoKitUser space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings
 CWindowKeySmart pointer to a database object
 CWindowPointBasic 2D point that is assumed to represent a location in normalized window space
 CWorldSpecial object that must be constructed prior to making any database calls and must exist for the life of the application
 CWorldPointBasic 3D point that is assumed to represent a location in world space
 CZoomFitTouchOperatorDefines an operator which fits the camera to the model currently loaded
 CZoomOperatorDefines an operator which allows the user to zoom the camera
 NstdSTL namespace
 Chash< HPS::RGBColor >