DarkHelp  v1.9.7-1
C++ API for the neural network framework Darknet
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Official DarkHelp documentation: http://www.ccoderun.ca/DarkHelp/api/


DarkHelp is an API and related tools used to call Darknet's original C API. The DarkHelp CLI and API contains advanced features such as tiling and object tracking. The DarkHelp project is fully open source (MIT license).

  What Where URL
GitHub The GitHub repo with the most recent source code for DarkHelp   https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/
DarkHelp C++ API The DarkHelp C++ namespace, classes, headers, and functions. src-lib/ *.hpp https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-lib
DarkHelp C API The C API has limited functionality; it was created to help create a Python wrapper. src-lib/ *.h https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-lib
DarkHelp Python API The Python API is similar to the DarkHelp C API. src-python/ https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-python
DarkHelp CLI Tool The DarkHelp CLI is a simple tool written using the DarkHelp C++ API. src-tool/ *Cli.cpp https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-tool
DarkHelp::PositionTracker::PositionTracker() The DarkHelp object tracker. src-lib/ DarkHelpPositionTracker.hpp https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-lib
DarkHelp::DHThreads::DHThreads() Load several DarkHelp neural networks at once using worker threads. src-lib/ DarkHelpThreads.hpp https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-lib
DarkHelp::combine() Combine .cfg, .names, and .weights files together into a single obfuscated bundle. src-tool/ DarkHelpCombine.cpp https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-tool
DarkHelp Server The DarkHelp Server is similar to the CLI; it runs continuously and processes images. src-tool/ *Server.cpp https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-tool
Sample Apps The sample applications provide additional example code showing how to use the API. src-apps/ https://github.com/stephanecharette/DarkHelp/tree/master/src-apps

DarkHelp is written with and tested against this Darknet repo: https://github.com/hank-ai/darknet. There are 2 other historical repos for Darknet, by Joseph Redmon and Alexey Bochkovskiy. However, both of those have been abandoned for several years. Please use the more recent Hank.ai fork instead.

DarkHelp is not Darknet! You must also install Darknet to use DarkHelp.

DarkHelp is written by Stéphane Charette d.b.a. C Code Run
© 2019-2024 Stéphane Charette
Tel. +1-250-769-2759   [Pacific Time, PST/PDT]