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Current articles
How not to detect virtualization
A brief look into several different methods of detecting virtualization software, and the reasons why you shouldn't try to use any of them.
How to get started with libxml2
As a 3rd-party library, libxml2 is quite valuable, but the learning curve is quite steep unless you have a good example. Here is one such example of how to open an XML file, read a value, change a value, and write the file back out.
How to get started with Valgrind
How to get started with
Linux tool that detects memory corruption and resource leaks.
The problem with POSIX semaphores
Why I cannot use POSIX named semaphores in my applications.
How to use backtrace and demangle C++ names
How to log a proper call stack.
How I use regular expressions
Making use of <regex.h>.
How to use std::thread (C++0x)
Information on how to use the new C++0x std::thread.
How to install and use GCC g++ v4.7 and C++11 on Ubuntu 12.04
GCC v4.7 supports nearly all of C++11, but it doesn't come standard with Ubuntu.
C++0x and C++11
A short slideshow with information on the state of C++ in 2011.
How to use boost::date_time
Replacing time_t with boost::date_time::ptime.
Setting up a Ubuntu Development VM
A list of things I do when setting up a Ubuntu-based development VM.
What is the shortest amount of time a thread can sleep.
How to install Munin
How to install and configure Munin.
Valgrind script
Convenient script used to start Valgrind.
How to create new irc channels
Notes on how I create and configure support channels on irc.
How to use boost::regex
Regular expressions using boost::regex (and std::regex).
How to do bandwidth control
Rate control sounds complicated, but can be done in a few lines of code.
How to build OpenSSL in Windows
Building 32-bit and 64-bit versions of OpenSSL for Windows.
How to use Code39
Generating Code39 barcodes.
BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green, and Ubuntu
Installing and configuring Ubuntu on the Beagle Bone Black and Beagle Bone Green ARM7.
Lines of code
Using CLOC to get an accurate count of lines of code.
BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green, and Grove
How to get started with BeagleBone Black, BeagleBone Green, and Grove.
How to cross compile
Cross compiling for BeagbleBone Black and BeagleBone Green.
How to install ccache
GNU gcc and g++ compiler cache.
How to setup a BeagleBone Green Wireless
Setting up a BBGW for the first time.
How to access 5" LCD cape for BeagleBone
How to use Seeed Studio's 5" LCD on a BeagleBone.
How to build and use GoAccess
Building GoAccess from source and running it to monitor a web server.
How to revive a BeagleBone with a bad eMMC
Bringing back to life a BeagleBone that wont boot anymore.
Setting up a Ubuntu development VM (2016-10 edition)
An update to an earlier post on setting up a Ubuntu development VM.
How to setup a honeypot
Setting up a SSH/Telnet honeypot is simple with Cowrie.
How to setup a BeagleBone Black Wireless
Setting up a BBBW for the first time.
BeagleBone images
Differences between BeagleBone images.
Anatomy of a JPEG
Understanding the internals of JPEG files.
Size of common types
Byte size of common variable types.
PostgreSQL, timestamps, and time zones
How to use timestamps and time zones in PostgreSQL.
Parallax's Boe Bot
Using Parallax's Boe Bot in Ubuntu.
Introduction To OpenCV
Part 1 -- how to build your first OpenCV project.
Colours In OpenCV
Part 2 -- manipulating colours in OpenCV.
Edges And Contours In OpenCV
Part 3 -- finding edges and contours in OpenCV.
Java And Ubuntu
Installing Oracle Java in Ubuntu.
Building OpenCV v4.1.0
Building OpenCV v4.1.0 on Ubuntu 16.04 and Ubuntu 18.10.
Generating barcodes with the Zint C API
Building and Using Zint's C API to generate barcodes and access them from OpenCV.
Darknet Summary
Darknet post #1 of 5 -- Summary.
Creating training images
Darknet post #2 of 5 -- Creating the training images.
Installing and building Darknet
Darknet post #3 of 5 -- Installing and building Darknet.
Training a neural network
Darknet post #4 of 5 -- Using Darknet to train a new neural network.
Accessing Darknet in C and C++
Darknet post #5 of 5 -- Using the Darknet C API and DarkHelp C++ API.
Neural Network: Dogs and Cats
Training a neural network to recognize dogs and cats.
Artificial Neural Networks
Various artificial neural networks including some sample images.
YOLO Neural Network Training with Darknet
Several observations and test results related to training a YOLOv3 neural network.
How to get started with Darknet
Start a new computer vision neural network with Darknet and YOLO.
Darknet FAQ
Some important questions and answers related to Darknet and YOLO.
Cost of cv::imwrite()
How expensive are calls to cv::imwrite()?
CUDA and OpenCV
How to use CUDA and OpenCV.
Darknet, OpenCV, and FPS
What kind of throughput can be expected when working with Darknet, OpenCV, and various IoT devices.
Tesseract and Image Quality
How does image quality impact tesseract results?
Tesseract and Image Dimensions
How does image dimensions impact tesseract results?
Tesseract and Image Rotation
How does image rotation impact tesseract results?
Granada Dataset
Documents to use when learning Darknet/YOLO object detection and Tesseract OCR.
Project Nayuki's QR Code Generator and OpenCV
How to combine qrcodegen.hpp and OpenCV.
ZInt revisited
Generating barcodes from within C++ using the ZInt library.
Rolodex Dataset
Yet another text dataset to use with Darknet/YOLO annotation format.
Darknet/YOLO and Image Rotation
How to use YOLO results to rotate an image and get better results.
Lego Gears Dataset
An extremely simple dataset to use with Darknet/YOLO.
Darknet/YOLO Keypoints
Keypoints & Skeletons in Darknet V3.
Darknet/YOLO People-R-People
Detecting people in images and videos using the Darknet/YOLO People-R-People weights.
Doxygen output of several projects