The DarkHelp Server is an application that runs in the backgroud and waits for images to run inference.
DarkHelp Server is configured using a JSON file. When you run DarkHelp Server without any parameters, the default JSON file is shown. It looks like this:
The fields in the JSON configuration file are:
JSON | Example | Description |
darkhelp/lib/network/cfg | example.cfg | DarkHelp::Config::cfg_filename |
darkhelp/lib/network/names | example.names | DarkHelp::Config::names_filename |
darkhelp/lib/network/weights | example_best.weights | DarkHelp::Config::weights_filename |
darkhelp/lib/settings/annotation/auto_hide_labels | true | DarkHelp::Config::annotation_auto_hide_labels |
darkhelp/lib/settings/annotation/shade_predictions | 0.25 | DarkHelp::Config::annotation_shade_predictions |
darkhelp/lib/settings/annotation/include_all_names | true | DarkHelp::Config::include_all_names |
darkhelp/lib/settings/annotation/font_scale | 0.5 | DarkHelp::Config::annotation_font_scale |
darkhelp/lib/settings/annotation/font_thickness | 1 | DarkHelp::Config::annotation_font_thickness |
darkhelp/lib/settings/annotation/include_duration | true | DarkHelp::Config::annotation_include_duration |
darkhelp/lib/settings/annotation/include_timestamp | false | DarkHelp::Config::annotation_include_timestamp |
darkhelp/lib/settings/general/debug | false | DarkHelp::Config::enable_debug |
darkhelp/lib/settings/general/driver | darknet opencv opencvcpu | DarkHelp::EDriver |
darkhelp/lib/settings/general/fix_out_of_bound_values | true | DarkHelp::Config::fix_out_of_bound_values |
darkhelp/lib/settings/general/modify_batch_and_subdivisions | true | DarkHelp::Config::modify_batch_and_subdivisions |
darkhelp/lib/settings/general/names_include_percentage | true | DarkHelp::Config::names_include_percentage |
darkhelp/lib/settings/general/non_maximal_suppression_threshold | 0.45 | DarkHelp::Config::non_maximal_suppression_threshold |
darkhelp/lib/settings/general/sort_predictions | 0 | DarkHelp::Config::sort_predictions (0 = unsorted, 1 = ascending, 2 = descending) |
darkhelp/lib/settings/general/threshold | 0.5 | DarkHelp::Config::threshold |
darkhelp/lib/settings/tiling/combine_tile_predictions | true | DarkHelp::Config::combine_tile_predictions |
darkhelp/lib/settings/tiling/enable_tiles | false | DarkHelp::Config::enable_tiles |
darkhelp/lib/settings/tiling/only_combine_similar_predictions | true | DarkHelp::Config::only_combine_similar_predictions |
darkhelp/lib/settings/tiling/tile_edge_factor | 0.25 | DarkHelp::Config::tile_edge_factor |
darkhelp/lib/settings/tiling/tile_rect_factor | 1.2 | DarkHelp::Config::tile_rect_factor |
darkhelp/server/settings/camera/buffersize | 3 | When a digital camera is used for input, this determines the number of image buffers OpenCV should attempt to use. |
darkhelp/server/settings/camera/fps | 30 | When a digital camera is used for input, this determines the FPS OpenCV should attempt to use. |
darkhelp/server/settings/camera/height | 480 | When a digital camera is used for input, this determines the image height OpenCV should attempt to use. |
darkhelp/server/settings/camera/name | /dev/video0 3 | When a digital camera is used for input, this determines the device name OpenCV should attempt to use. If the name is a digit, then it is converted to int and the camera with that index is opened. |
darkhelp/server/settings/camera/save_original_image | true | When a digital camera is used for input, this determines if the original video frame will be saved in the output directory. |
darkhelp/server/settings/camera/width | 640 | When a digital camera is used for input, this determines the image width OpenCV should attempt to use. |
darkhelp/server/settings/clear_output_directory_on_startup | true | If old images might remain in the input directory, this can be set to true to force all those images to be deleted. If set to false then those old images will be processed as soon as the DarkHelp Server starts. |
darkhelp/server/settings/crop_and_save_detected_objects | false | When set to true , all the objects detected during inference will be cropped and saved in the output directory. |
darkhelp/server/settings/exit_if_idle | false | When set to true , DarkHelp Server will exit once there are no images left to process. Also see idle_time_in_seconds . |
darkhelp/server/settings/idle_time_in_seconds | 60 | When exit_if_idle is set to true , this value determines how long DarkHelp Server waits before exiting. |
darkhelp/server/settings/input_directory | /tmp/darkhelpserver/input | This is the directory DarkHelp Server uses to find new images. Once an image is moved into this folder, the Server will pick it up and run inference on it, storing the results as configured. |
darkhelp/server/settings/max_images_to_process_at_once | 10 | The maximum number of images from the input directory that are processed before run_cmd_after_processing_images is called. |
darkhelp/server/settings/output_directory | /tmp/darkhelpserver/output | This is the directory DarkHelp Server uses to store results and annotations. |
darkhelp/server/settings/purge_files_after_cmd_completes | true | When set to true , all the files in output_directory will be deleted |
darkhelp/server/settings/run_cmd_after_processing_images | The name of an external application or script which is called every once in a while after images have been processed. | |
darkhelp/server/settings/save_annotated_image | false | When set to true , images will be annotated using DarkHelp and saved in the output directory. |
darkhelp/server/settings/save_json_results | true | When set to true , the results of inference in JSON format will be saved in the output directory. |
darkhelp/server/settings/save_txt_annotations | false | When set to true , the annotations in Darknet format will be saved in the output directory. |
darkhelp/server/settings/use_camera_for_input | false | When set to false , this means images will be loaded from output_directory . When set to true , this means images will be loaded from the digital camera. |
So once the settings are saved to a JSON file, start DarkHelp Server like this:
Note that the JSON file isn't required to have all the settings in it. Only the ones that differ from the default values listed in the table above. For example, if your JSON file looks like this:
Those settings would then be merged with the default values, and the combined settings are also shown on the console when DarkHelp Server starts running.