This is the complete list of members for tesseract::AssociateUtils, including all inherited members.
ComputeOutlineLength(float rating_cert_scale, const BLOB_CHOICE &b) | tesseract::AssociateUtils | inlinestatic |
ComputeRating(float rating_cert_scale, float cert, int width) | tesseract::AssociateUtils | inlinestatic |
ComputeStats(int col, int row, const AssociateStats *parent_stats, int parent_path_length, bool fixed_pitch, float max_char_wh_ratio, WERD_RES *word_res, bool debug, AssociateStats *stats) | tesseract::AssociateUtils | static |
FixedPitchGapCost(float norm_gap, bool end_pos) | tesseract::AssociateUtils | inlinestatic |
FixedPitchWidthCost(float norm_width, float right_gap, bool end_pos, float max_char_wh_ratio) | tesseract::AssociateUtils | static |
kMaxFixedPitchCharAspectRatio | tesseract::AssociateUtils | static |
kMinGap | tesseract::AssociateUtils | static |