At the heart of Work Order is a standard SQL database. All orders, sizes, quantities, lengths, customers, pricing, and record keeping is stored in a series of database tables.
The database used is PostgreSQL, a proven reliable open-source database. Normally, a copy of this free database is installed on a server owned by you, and only you and your office has access to this database. This requires a Linux-based database server in your office, which is easily installed and maintained.
The minimum requirements for the database are:
For trial versions of Work Order, a database in the "cloud" is available for testing. This database should never be used for real data or customer information.
When you first install Work Order, the initial default connection is to this "public" database.
The disadvantage to having the trial database in the cloud is that loading and saving orders is slower than typical. On a normal installation with the database running locally, loading or saving an order is instantaneous. When using the trial "cloud" database, it can take a second or two to load and save orders.