WS++  v0.5.0-1152
Workflow/Spaces - C++ Library
FC++ Exceptions

The Unlimi-Tech Workflow/Spaces C++ API makes use of the Unlimi-Tech FileCatalyst C++ API, including the fc::Exception objects which are thrown when problems are detected.

All Workflow/Spaces functions and fc::WS methods that detect significant problems will throw a fc::Exception object. This means checking status results after FC++ and WS++ API calls is generally unecessary. Instead, you'll want a try/catch block to prevent the stack from unwinding if an exception is thrown.

The fc::Exception class derives publicly from std::exception, and is defined in "FCException.hpp". Objects of type fc::Exception have the following:

  • A single line text message, available via what(), same as any exception that derives from std::exception.
  • A timestamp when the exception was created.
  • The filename, function, and line number where the exception was created.
  • A full call stack where the exeption was created.
  • Various other fields.

In the most simple cases, you can catch a thrown fc::Exception object in your code like you would any other C++ exception. For example:

catch (const std::exception & e)
std::cout << "Normal C++ exception caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;

If you want the full set of exception details, including the call stack, filename, line number, etc, then you must catch fc::Exception:

catch (const fc::Exception & e)
std::cout << "Fancy C++ exception caught:" << std::endl << e.to_string() << std::endl;
catch (const std::exception & e)
std::cout << "Normal C++ exception caught: " << e.what() << std::endl;

Calling fc::Exception::to_string() will return a multi-line text block with all the details of the exception. Here is an example of what that looks like:

Exception or error detected: Network error (connection refused).
2019-06-22 18:52:51.277075
Pid 26467: ./fcws_client_test
Errno 111: Connection refused
connect(): FCClientConnect.cpp, line #53
Call stack where the exception was created:
1: fc::Exception::Exception()
2: fc::Client::connect()
3: fc::Control::upload()
4: fc::Control::upload(fc::Local const&)
5: main()
6: __libc_start_main()
7: _start()
Additional information:
1: Bandwidth: 2.00 Gbps
2: Bandwidth Slow Start: 0 bps
3: Block size: 5242880
4: Build type: Linux-64-release
5: ...

For more information on how to use fc::Exception, please see the official FC++ documentation.