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juce::XmlElement Class Reference

Used to build a tree of elements representing an XML document. More...

#include <juce_XmlElement.h>

Collaboration diagram for juce::XmlElement:


struct  GetNextElement
struct  GetNextElementWithTagName
class  Iterator
struct  TextFormat
 A struct containing options for formatting the text when representing an XML element as a string. More...
struct  XmlAttributeNode

Public Member Functions

 XmlElement (const char *tagName)
 Creates an XmlElement with this tag name. More...
 XmlElement (const Identifier &tagName)
 Creates an XmlElement with this tag name. More...
 XmlElement (const String &tagName)
 Creates an XmlElement with this tag name. More...
 XmlElement (const XmlElement &)
 Creates a (deep) copy of another element. More...
 XmlElement (String::CharPointerType tagNameBegin, String::CharPointerType tagNameEnd)
 Creates an XmlElement with this tag name. More...
 XmlElement (StringRef tagName)
 Creates an XmlElement with this tag name. More...
 XmlElement (XmlElement &&) noexcept
 Move constructor. More...
 ~XmlElement () noexcept
 Deleting an XmlElement will also delete all of its child elements. More...
void addChildElement (XmlElement *newChildElement) noexcept
 Appends an element to this element's list of children. More...
void addTextElement (const String &text)
 Appends a section of text to this element. More...
bool compareAttribute (StringRef attributeName, StringRef stringToCompareAgainst, bool ignoreCase=false) const noexcept
 Compares the value of a named attribute with a value passed-in. More...
bool containsChildElement (const XmlElement *possibleChild) const noexcept
 Returns true if the given element is a child of this one. More...
XmlElementcreateNewChildElement (StringRef tagName)
 Creates a new element with the given name and returns it, after adding it as a child element. More...
void deleteAllChildElements () noexcept
 Deletes all the child elements in the element. More...
void deleteAllChildElementsWithTagName (StringRef tagName) noexcept
 Deletes all the child elements with a given tag name. More...
void deleteAllTextElements () noexcept
 Removes all the text elements from this element. More...
XmlElementfindParentElementOf (const XmlElement *childToSearchFor) noexcept
 Recursively searches all sub-elements of this one, looking for an element which is the direct parent of the specified element. More...
String getAllSubText () const
 Returns all the text from this element's child nodes. More...
const StringgetAttributeName (int attributeIndex) const noexcept
 Returns the name of one of the elements attributes. More...
const StringgetAttributeValue (int attributeIndex) const noexcept
 Returns the value of one of the elements attributes. More...
bool getBoolAttribute (StringRef attributeName, bool defaultReturnValue=false) const
 Returns the value of a named attribute as a boolean. More...
XmlElementgetChildByAttribute (StringRef attributeName, StringRef attributeValue) const noexcept
 Returns the first sub-element which has an attribute that matches the given value. More...
XmlElementgetChildByName (StringRef tagNameToLookFor) const noexcept
 Returns the first sub-element with a given tag-name. More...
XmlElementgetChildElement (int index) const noexcept
 Returns the sub-element at a certain index. More...
String getChildElementAllSubText (StringRef childTagName, const String &defaultReturnValue) const
 Returns all the sub-text of a named child element. More...
Iterator< GetNextElementgetChildIterator () const
 Allows iterating the children of an XmlElement using range-for syntax. More...
Iterator< GetNextElementWithTagNamegetChildWithTagNameIterator (StringRef name) const
 Allows iterating children of an XmlElement with a specific tag using range-for syntax. More...
double getDoubleAttribute (StringRef attributeName, double defaultReturnValue=0.0) const
 Returns the value of a named attribute as floating-point. More...
XmlElementgetFirstChildElement () const noexcept
 Returns the first of this element's sub-elements. More...
int getIntAttribute (StringRef attributeName, int defaultReturnValue=0) const
 Returns the value of a named attribute as an integer. More...
String getNamespace () const
 Returns the namespace portion of the tag-name, or an empty string if none is specified. More...
XmlElementgetNextElement () const noexcept
 Returns the next of this element's siblings. More...
XmlElementgetNextElementWithTagName (StringRef requiredTagName) const
 Returns the next of this element's siblings which has the specified tag name. More...
int getNumAttributes () const noexcept
 Returns the number of XML attributes this element contains. More...
int getNumChildElements () const noexcept
 Returns the number of sub-elements in this element. More...
const StringgetStringAttribute (StringRef attributeName) const noexcept
 Returns the value of a named attribute. More...
String getStringAttribute (StringRef attributeName, const String &defaultReturnValue) const
 Returns the value of a named attribute. More...
const StringgetTagName () const noexcept
 Returns this element's tag type name. More...
String getTagNameWithoutNamespace () const
 Returns the part of the tag-name that follows any namespace declaration. More...
const StringgetText () const noexcept
 Returns the text for a text element. More...
bool hasAttribute (StringRef attributeName) const noexcept
 Checks whether the element contains an attribute with a certain name. More...
bool hasTagName (StringRef possibleTagName) const noexcept
 Tests whether this element has a particular tag name. More...
bool hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace (StringRef possibleTagName) const
 Tests whether this element has a particular tag name, ignoring any XML namespace prefix. More...
void insertChildElement (XmlElement *newChildElement, int indexToInsertAt) noexcept
 Inserts an element into this element's list of children. More...
bool isEquivalentTo (const XmlElement *other, bool ignoreOrderOfAttributes) const noexcept
 Compares two XmlElements to see if they contain the same text and attributes. More...
bool isTextElement () const noexcept
 Returns true if this element is a section of text. More...
XmlElementoperator= (const XmlElement &)
 Creates a (deep) copy of another element. More...
XmlElementoperator= (XmlElement &&) noexcept
 Move assignment operator. More...
void prependChildElement (XmlElement *newChildElement) noexcept
 Inserts an element at the beginning of this element's list of children. More...
void removeAllAttributes () noexcept
 Removes all attributes from this element. More...
void removeAttribute (const Identifier &attributeName) noexcept
 Removes a named attribute from the element. More...
void removeChildElement (XmlElement *childToRemove, bool shouldDeleteTheChild) noexcept
 Removes a child element. More...
bool replaceChildElement (XmlElement *currentChildElement, XmlElement *newChildNode) noexcept
 Replaces one of this element's children with another node. More...
void setAttribute (const Identifier &attributeName, const String &newValue)
 Adds a named attribute to the element. More...
void setAttribute (const Identifier &attributeName, double newValue)
 Adds a named attribute to the element, setting it to a floating-point value. More...
void setAttribute (const Identifier &attributeName, int newValue)
 Adds a named attribute to the element, setting it to an integer value. More...
void setTagName (StringRef newTagName)
 Changes this elements tag name. More...
void setText (const String &newText)
 Sets the text in a text element. More...
template<class ElementComparator >
void sortChildElements (ElementComparator &comparator, bool retainOrderOfEquivalentItems=false)
 Sorts the child elements using a comparator. More...
String toString (const TextFormat &format={}) const
 Returns a text version of this XML element. More...
bool writeTo (const File &destinationFile, const TextFormat &format={}) const
 Writes the document to a file as UTF-8. More...
void writeTo (OutputStream &output, const TextFormat &format={}) const
 Writes the document to a stream as UTF-8. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static XmlElementcreateTextElement (const String &text)
 Creates a text element that can be added to a parent element. More...
static bool isValidXmlName (StringRef possibleName) noexcept
 Checks if a given string is a valid XML name. More...

Private Member Functions

 XmlElement (const wchar_t *)=delete
 XmlElement (int) noexcept
void copyChildrenAndAttributesFrom (const XmlElement &)
XmlAttributeNodegetAttribute (StringRef) const noexcept
void getChildElementsAsArray (XmlElement **) const noexcept
void reorderChildElements (XmlElement **, int) noexcept
void writeElementAsText (OutputStream &, int, int, const char *) const

Private Attributes

LinkedListPointer< XmlAttributeNodeattributes
LinkedListPointer< XmlElementfirstChildElement
LinkedListPointer< XmlElementnextListItem
String tagName


class LinkedListPointer< XmlAttributeNode >
class LinkedListPointer< XmlElement >
class LinkedListPointer< XmlElement >::Appender
class NamedValueSet
class XmlDocument

Detailed Description

Used to build a tree of elements representing an XML document.

An XML document can be parsed into a tree of XmlElements, each of which represents an XML tag structure, and which may itself contain other nested elements.

An XmlElement can also be converted back into a text document, and has lots of useful methods for manipulating its attributes and sub-elements, so XmlElements can actually be used as a handy general-purpose data structure.

Here's an example of parsing some elements:

// check we're looking at the right kind of document..
if (myElement->hasTagName ("ANIMALS"))
// now we'll iterate its sub-elements looking for 'giraffe' elements..
for (auto* e : myElement->getChildIterator())
if (e->hasTagName ("GIRAFFE"))
// found a giraffe, so use some of its attributes..
String giraffeName = e->getStringAttribute ("name");
int giraffeAge = e->getIntAttribute ("age");
bool isFriendly = e->getBoolAttribute ("friendly");

And here's an example of how to create an XML document from scratch:

// create an outer node called "ANIMALS"
XmlElement animalsList ("ANIMALS");
for (int i = 0; i < numAnimals; ++i)
// create an inner element..
XmlElement* giraffe = new XmlElement ("GIRAFFE");
giraffe->setAttribute ("name", "nigel");
giraffe->setAttribute ("age", 10);
giraffe->setAttribute ("friendly", true);
// ..and add our new element to the parent node
animalsList.addChildElement (giraffe);
// now we can turn the whole thing into textual XML
auto xmlString = animalsList.toString();
See also
parseXML, parseXMLIfTagMatches, XmlDocument


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ XmlElement() [1/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( const String tagName)

Creates an XmlElement with this tag name.

◆ XmlElement() [2/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( const char *  tagName)

Creates an XmlElement with this tag name.

◆ XmlElement() [3/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( const Identifier tagName)

Creates an XmlElement with this tag name.

◆ XmlElement() [4/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( StringRef  tagName)

Creates an XmlElement with this tag name.

◆ XmlElement() [5/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( String::CharPointerType  tagNameBegin,
String::CharPointerType  tagNameEnd 

Creates an XmlElement with this tag name.

◆ XmlElement() [6/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( const XmlElement )

Creates a (deep) copy of another element.

◆ XmlElement() [7/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( XmlElement &&  )

Move constructor.

◆ ~XmlElement()

juce::XmlElement::~XmlElement ( )

Deleting an XmlElement will also delete all of its child elements.

◆ XmlElement() [8/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( int  )

◆ XmlElement() [9/9]

juce::XmlElement::XmlElement ( const wchar_t *  )

Member Function Documentation

◆ addChildElement()

void juce::XmlElement::addChildElement ( XmlElement newChildElement)

Appends an element to this element's list of children.

Child elements are deleted automatically when their parent is deleted, so make sure the object that you pass in will not be deleted by anything else, and make sure it's not already the child of another element.

Note that due to the XmlElement using a singly-linked-list, prependChildElement() is an O(1) operation, but addChildElement() is an O(N) operation - so if you're adding large number of elements, you may prefer to do so in reverse order!

See also
getFirstChildElement, getNextElement, getNumChildElements, getChildElement, removeChildElement

◆ addTextElement()

void juce::XmlElement::addTextElement ( const String text)

Appends a section of text to this element.

See also
isTextElement, getText, getAllSubText

◆ compareAttribute()

bool juce::XmlElement::compareAttribute ( StringRef  attributeName,
StringRef  stringToCompareAgainst,
bool  ignoreCase = false 
) const

Compares the value of a named attribute with a value passed-in.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to look up
stringToCompareAgainstthe value to compare it with
ignoreCasewhether the comparison should be case-insensitive
true if the value of the attribute is the same as the string passed-in; false if it's different (or if no such attribute exists)

◆ containsChildElement()

bool juce::XmlElement::containsChildElement ( const XmlElement possibleChild) const

Returns true if the given element is a child of this one.

◆ copyChildrenAndAttributesFrom()

void juce::XmlElement::copyChildrenAndAttributesFrom ( const XmlElement )

◆ createNewChildElement()

XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::createNewChildElement ( StringRef  tagName)

Creates a new element with the given name and returns it, after adding it as a child element.

This is a handy method that means that instead of writing this:

XmlElement* newElement = new XmlElement ("foobar");
myParentElement->addChildElement (newElement);

..you could just write this:

XmlElement* newElement = myParentElement->createNewChildElement ("foobar");

◆ createTextElement()

static XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::createTextElement ( const String text)

Creates a text element that can be added to a parent element.

◆ deleteAllChildElements()

void juce::XmlElement::deleteAllChildElements ( )

Deletes all the child elements in the element.

See also
removeChildElement, deleteAllChildElementsWithTagName

◆ deleteAllChildElementsWithTagName()

void juce::XmlElement::deleteAllChildElementsWithTagName ( StringRef  tagName)

Deletes all the child elements with a given tag name.

See also

◆ deleteAllTextElements()

void juce::XmlElement::deleteAllTextElements ( )

Removes all the text elements from this element.

See also
isTextElement, getText, getAllSubText, addTextElement

◆ findParentElementOf()

XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::findParentElementOf ( const XmlElement childToSearchFor)

Recursively searches all sub-elements of this one, looking for an element which is the direct parent of the specified element.

Because elements don't store a pointer to their parent, if you have one and need to find its parent, the only way to do so is to exhaustively search the whole tree for it.

If the given child is found somewhere in this element's hierarchy, then this method will return its parent. If not, it will return nullptr.

◆ getAllSubText()

String juce::XmlElement::getAllSubText ( ) const

Returns all the text from this element's child nodes.

This iterates all the child elements and when it finds text elements, it concatenates their text into a big string which it returns.


<xyz>hello <x>there</x> world</xyz>

if you called getAllSubText on the "xyz" element, it'd return "hello there world".

Note that leading and trailing whitespace will be included in the string - to remove if, just call String::trim() on the result.

See also
isTextElement, getChildElementAllSubText, getText, addTextElement

◆ getAttribute()

XmlAttributeNode* juce::XmlElement::getAttribute ( StringRef  ) const

◆ getAttributeName()

const String& juce::XmlElement::getAttributeName ( int  attributeIndex) const

Returns the name of one of the elements attributes.

E.g. for an element such as <MOOSE legs="4" antlers="2">, then getAttributeName(1) would return "antlers".

See also
getAttributeValue, getStringAttribute

◆ getAttributeValue()

const String& juce::XmlElement::getAttributeValue ( int  attributeIndex) const

Returns the value of one of the elements attributes.

E.g. for an element such as <MOOSE legs="4" antlers="2">, then getAttributeName(1) would return "2".

See also
getAttributeName, getStringAttribute

◆ getBoolAttribute()

bool juce::XmlElement::getBoolAttribute ( StringRef  attributeName,
bool  defaultReturnValue = false 
) const

Returns the value of a named attribute as a boolean.

This will try to find the attribute and interpret it as a boolean. To do this, it'll return true if the value is "1", "true", "y", etc, or false for other values.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to look up
defaultReturnValuea value to return if the element doesn't have an attribute with this name

◆ getChildByAttribute()

XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::getChildByAttribute ( StringRef  attributeName,
StringRef  attributeValue 
) const

Returns the first sub-element which has an attribute that matches the given value.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to check
attributeValuethe target value of the attribute
the first element with this attribute value, or nullptr if none is found
See also

◆ getChildByName()

XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::getChildByName ( StringRef  tagNameToLookFor) const

Returns the first sub-element with a given tag-name.

tagNameToLookForthe tag name of the element you want to find
the first element with this tag name, or nullptr if none is found
See also
getNextElement, isTextElement, getChildElement, getChildByAttribute

◆ getChildElement()

XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::getChildElement ( int  index) const

Returns the sub-element at a certain index.

It's not very efficient to iterate the sub-elements by index - see getNextElement() for an example of how best to iterate.

the n'th child of this element, or nullptr if the index is out-of-range
See also
getNextElement, isTextElement, getChildByName

◆ getChildElementAllSubText()

String juce::XmlElement::getChildElementAllSubText ( StringRef  childTagName,
const String defaultReturnValue 
) const

Returns all the sub-text of a named child element.

If there is a child element with the given tag name, this will return all of its sub-text (by calling getAllSubText() on it). If there is no such child element, this will return the default string passed-in.

See also

◆ getChildElementsAsArray()

void juce::XmlElement::getChildElementsAsArray ( XmlElement **  ) const

◆ getChildIterator()

Iterator<GetNextElement> juce::XmlElement::getChildIterator ( ) const

Allows iterating the children of an XmlElement using range-for syntax.

void doSomethingWithXmlChildren (const XmlElement& myParentXml)
for (auto* element : myParentXml.getChildIterator())
doSomethingWithXmlElement (element);

◆ getChildWithTagNameIterator()

Iterator<GetNextElementWithTagName> juce::XmlElement::getChildWithTagNameIterator ( StringRef  name) const

Allows iterating children of an XmlElement with a specific tag using range-for syntax.

void doSomethingWithXmlChildren (const XmlElement& myParentXml)
for (auto* element : myParentXml.getChildWithTagNameIterator ("MYTAG"))
doSomethingWithXmlElement (element);

References juce::gl::name.

◆ getDoubleAttribute()

double juce::XmlElement::getDoubleAttribute ( StringRef  attributeName,
double  defaultReturnValue = 0.0 
) const

Returns the value of a named attribute as floating-point.

This will try to find the attribute and convert it to a double (using the String::getDoubleValue() method).

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to look up
defaultReturnValuea value to return if the element doesn't have an attribute with this name
See also

◆ getFirstChildElement()

XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::getFirstChildElement ( ) const

Returns the first of this element's sub-elements.

see getNextElement() for an example of how to iterate the sub-elements.

See also

◆ getIntAttribute()

int juce::XmlElement::getIntAttribute ( StringRef  attributeName,
int  defaultReturnValue = 0 
) const

Returns the value of a named attribute as an integer.

This will try to find the attribute and convert it to an integer (using the String::getIntValue() method).

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to look up
defaultReturnValuea value to return if the element doesn't have an attribute with this name
See also

◆ getNamespace()

String juce::XmlElement::getNamespace ( ) const

Returns the namespace portion of the tag-name, or an empty string if none is specified.

◆ getNextElement()

XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::getNextElement ( ) const

Returns the next of this element's siblings.

This can be used for iterating an element's sub-elements, e.g.

XmlElement* child = myXmlDocument->getFirstChildElement();
while (child != nullptr)
...do stuff with this child..
child = child->getNextElement();

Note that when iterating the child elements, some of them might be text elements as well as XML tags - use isTextElement() to work this out.

Also, it's much easier and neater to use this method indirectly via the getChildIterator() method.

the sibling element that follows this one, or a nullptr if this is the last element in its parent
See also
getNextElement, isTextElement, getChildIterator

Referenced by juce::XmlElement::GetNextElement::getNext().

◆ getNextElementWithTagName()

XmlElement* juce::XmlElement::getNextElementWithTagName ( StringRef  requiredTagName) const

Returns the next of this element's siblings which has the specified tag name.

This is like getNextElement(), but will scan through the list until it finds an element with the given tag name.

See also
getNextElement, getChildIterator

Referenced by juce::XmlElement::GetNextElementWithTagName::getNext().

◆ getNumAttributes()

int juce::XmlElement::getNumAttributes ( ) const

Returns the number of XML attributes this element contains.

E.g. for an element such as <MOOSE legs="4" antlers="2">, this would return 2.

◆ getNumChildElements()

int juce::XmlElement::getNumChildElements ( ) const

Returns the number of sub-elements in this element.

See also

◆ getStringAttribute() [1/2]

const String& juce::XmlElement::getStringAttribute ( StringRef  attributeName) const

Returns the value of a named attribute.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to look up

◆ getStringAttribute() [2/2]

String juce::XmlElement::getStringAttribute ( StringRef  attributeName,
const String defaultReturnValue 
) const

Returns the value of a named attribute.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to look up
defaultReturnValuea value to return if the element doesn't have an attribute with this name

◆ getTagName()

const String& juce::XmlElement::getTagName ( ) const

Returns this element's tag type name.

E.g. for an element such as <MOOSE legs="4" antlers="2">, this would return "MOOSE".

See also

◆ getTagNameWithoutNamespace()

String juce::XmlElement::getTagNameWithoutNamespace ( ) const

Returns the part of the tag-name that follows any namespace declaration.

◆ getText()

const String& juce::XmlElement::getText ( ) const

Returns the text for a text element.

Note that if you have an element like this:


then calling getText on the "xyz" element won't return "hello", because that is actually stored in a special text sub-element inside the xyz element. To get the "hello" string, you could either call getText on the (unnamed) sub-element, or use getAllSubText() to do this automatically.

Note that leading and trailing whitespace will be included in the string - to remove if, just call String::trim() on the result.

See also
isTextElement, getAllSubText, getChildElementAllSubText

◆ hasAttribute()

bool juce::XmlElement::hasAttribute ( StringRef  attributeName) const

Checks whether the element contains an attribute with a certain name.

◆ hasTagName()

bool juce::XmlElement::hasTagName ( StringRef  possibleTagName) const

Tests whether this element has a particular tag name.

possibleTagNamethe tag name you're comparing it with
See also

◆ hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace()

bool juce::XmlElement::hasTagNameIgnoringNamespace ( StringRef  possibleTagName) const

Tests whether this element has a particular tag name, ignoring any XML namespace prefix.

So a test for e.g. "xyz" will return true for "xyz" and also "foo:xyz", "bar::xyz", etc.

See also

◆ insertChildElement()

void juce::XmlElement::insertChildElement ( XmlElement newChildElement,
int  indexToInsertAt 

Inserts an element into this element's list of children.

Child elements are deleted automatically when their parent is deleted, so make sure the object that you pass in will not be deleted by anything else, and make sure it's not already the child of another element.

newChildElementthe element to add
indexToInsertAtthe index at which to insert the new element - if this is below zero, it will be added to the end of the list
See also
addChildElement, insertChildElement

◆ isEquivalentTo()

bool juce::XmlElement::isEquivalentTo ( const XmlElement other,
bool  ignoreOrderOfAttributes 
) const

Compares two XmlElements to see if they contain the same text and attributes.

The elements are only considered equivalent if they contain the same attributes with the same values, and have the same sub-nodes.

otherthe other element to compare to
ignoreOrderOfAttributesif true, this means that two elements with the same attributes in a different order will be considered the same; if false, the attributes must be in the same order as well

◆ isTextElement()

bool juce::XmlElement::isTextElement ( ) const

Returns true if this element is a section of text.

Elements can either be an XML tag element or a section of text, so this is used to find out what kind of element this one is.

See also
getAllText, addTextElement, deleteAllTextElements

◆ isValidXmlName()

static bool juce::XmlElement::isValidXmlName ( StringRef  possibleName)

Checks if a given string is a valid XML name.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

XmlElement& juce::XmlElement::operator= ( const XmlElement )

Creates a (deep) copy of another element.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

XmlElement& juce::XmlElement::operator= ( XmlElement &&  )

Move assignment operator.

◆ prependChildElement()

void juce::XmlElement::prependChildElement ( XmlElement newChildElement)

Inserts an element at the beginning of this element's list of children.

Child elements are deleted automatically when their parent is deleted, so make sure the object that you pass in will not be deleted by anything else, and make sure it's not already the child of another element.

Note that due to the XmlElement using a singly-linked-list, prependChildElement() is an O(1) operation, but addChildElement() is an O(N) operation - so if you're adding large number of elements, you may prefer to do so in reverse order!

See also
addChildElement, insertChildElement

◆ removeAllAttributes()

void juce::XmlElement::removeAllAttributes ( )

Removes all attributes from this element.

◆ removeAttribute()

void juce::XmlElement::removeAttribute ( const Identifier attributeName)

Removes a named attribute from the element.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to remove
See also

◆ removeChildElement()

void juce::XmlElement::removeChildElement ( XmlElement childToRemove,
bool  shouldDeleteTheChild 

Removes a child element.

childToRemovethe child to look for and remove
shouldDeleteTheChildif true, the child will be deleted, if false it'll just remove it

◆ reorderChildElements()

void juce::XmlElement::reorderChildElements ( XmlElement **  ,

◆ replaceChildElement()

bool juce::XmlElement::replaceChildElement ( XmlElement currentChildElement,
XmlElement newChildNode 

Replaces one of this element's children with another node.

If the current element passed-in isn't actually a child of this element, this will return false and the new one won't be added. Otherwise, the existing element will be deleted, replaced with the new one, and it will return true.

◆ setAttribute() [1/3]

void juce::XmlElement::setAttribute ( const Identifier attributeName,
const String newValue 

Adds a named attribute to the element.

If the element already contains an attribute with this name, it's value will be updated to the new value. If there's no such attribute yet, a new one will be added.

Note that there are other setAttribute() methods that take integers, doubles, etc. to make it easy to store numbers.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to set
newValuethe value to set it to
See also

◆ setAttribute() [2/3]

void juce::XmlElement::setAttribute ( const Identifier attributeName,
double  newValue 

Adds a named attribute to the element, setting it to a floating-point value.

If the element already contains an attribute with this name, it's value will be updated to the new value. If there's no such attribute yet, a new one will be added.

Note that there are other setAttribute() methods that take integers, doubles, etc. to make it easy to store numbers.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to set
newValuethe value to set it to

◆ setAttribute() [3/3]

void juce::XmlElement::setAttribute ( const Identifier attributeName,
int  newValue 

Adds a named attribute to the element, setting it to an integer value.

If the element already contains an attribute with this name, it's value will be updated to the new value. If there's no such attribute yet, a new one will be added.

Note that there are other setAttribute() methods that take integers, doubles, etc. to make it easy to store numbers.

attributeNamethe name of the attribute to set
newValuethe value to set it to

◆ setTagName()

void juce::XmlElement::setTagName ( StringRef  newTagName)

Changes this elements tag name.

See also

◆ setText()

void juce::XmlElement::setText ( const String newText)

Sets the text in a text element.

Note that this is only a valid call if this element is a text element. If it's not, then no action will be performed. If you're trying to add text inside a normal element, you probably want to use addTextElement() instead.

◆ sortChildElements()

template<class ElementComparator >
void juce::XmlElement::sortChildElements ( ElementComparator &  comparator,
bool  retainOrderOfEquivalentItems = false 

Sorts the child elements using a comparator.

This will use a comparator object to sort the elements into order. The object passed must have a method of the form:

int compareElements (const XmlElement* first, const XmlElement* second);

..and this method must return:

  • a value of < 0 if the first comes before the second
  • a value of 0 if the two objects are equivalent
  • a value of > 0 if the second comes before the first

To improve performance, the compareElements() method can be declared as static or const.

comparatorthe comparator to use for comparing elements.
retainOrderOfEquivalentItemsif this is true, then items which the comparator says are equivalent will be kept in the order in which they currently appear in the array. This is slower to perform, but may be important in some cases. If it's false, a faster algorithm is used, but equivalent elements may be rearranged.

References juce::gl::num, and juce::sortArray().

◆ toString()

String juce::XmlElement::toString ( const TextFormat format = {}) const

Returns a text version of this XML element.

If your intention is to write the XML to a file or stream, it's probably more efficient to use writeTo() instead of creating an intermediate string.

See also

◆ writeElementAsText()

void juce::XmlElement::writeElementAsText ( OutputStream ,
int  ,
int  ,
const char *   
) const

◆ writeTo() [1/2]

bool juce::XmlElement::writeTo ( const File destinationFile,
const TextFormat format = {} 
) const

Writes the document to a file as UTF-8.

See also
writeTo, toString

◆ writeTo() [2/2]

void juce::XmlElement::writeTo ( OutputStream output,
const TextFormat format = {} 
) const

Writes the document to a stream as UTF-8.

See also
writeTo, toString

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ LinkedListPointer< XmlAttributeNode >

friend class LinkedListPointer< XmlAttributeNode >

◆ LinkedListPointer< XmlElement >

friend class LinkedListPointer< XmlElement >

◆ LinkedListPointer< XmlElement >::Appender

friend class LinkedListPointer< XmlElement >::Appender

◆ NamedValueSet

friend class NamedValueSet

◆ XmlDocument

friend class XmlDocument

Member Data Documentation

◆ attributes

LinkedListPointer<XmlAttributeNode> juce::XmlElement::attributes

◆ firstChildElement

LinkedListPointer<XmlElement> juce::XmlElement::firstChildElement

◆ nextListItem

LinkedListPointer<XmlElement> juce::XmlElement::nextListItem

◆ tagName

String juce::XmlElement::tagName

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
GLdouble x
Definition: juce_gl.h:939
XmlElement(const String &tagName)
Creates an XmlElement with this tag name.
GLint first
Definition: juce_gl.h:1056