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nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams Struct Reference

RPROIParams is used to create the RPROIPlugin instance. More...

Collaboration diagram for nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams:

Public Attributes

int32_t poolingH
int32_t poolingW
int32_t featureStride
int32_t preNmsTop
int32_t nmsMaxOut
int32_t anchorsRatioCount
int32_t anchorsScaleCount
float iouThreshold
float minBoxSize
float spatialScale

Detailed Description

RPROIParams is used to create the RPROIPlugin instance.

It contains:

poolingHHeight of the output in pixels after ROI pooling on feature map.
poolingWWidth of the output in pixels after ROI pooling on feature map.
featureStrideFeature stride; ratio of input image size to feature map size. Assuming that max pooling layers in neural network use square filters.
preNmsTopNumber of proposals to keep before applying NMS.
nmsMaxOutNumber of remaining proposals after applying NMS.
anchorsRatioCountNumber of anchor box ratios.
anchorsScaleCountNumber of anchor box scales.
iouThresholdIoU (Intersection over Union) threshold used for the NMS step.
minBoxSizeMinimum allowed bounding box size before scaling, used for anchor box calculation.
spatialScaleSpatial scale between the input image and the last feature map.

Member Data Documentation

◆ poolingH

int32_t nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::poolingH

◆ poolingW

int32_t nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::poolingW

◆ featureStride

int32_t nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::featureStride

◆ preNmsTop

int32_t nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::preNmsTop

◆ nmsMaxOut

int32_t nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::nmsMaxOut

◆ anchorsRatioCount

int32_t nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::anchorsRatioCount

◆ anchorsScaleCount

int32_t nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::anchorsScaleCount

◆ iouThreshold

float nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::iouThreshold

◆ minBoxSize

float nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::minBoxSize

◆ spatialScale

float nvinfer1::plugin::RPROIParams::spatialScale

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: