D++ (DPP)  10.0.30
C++ Discord API Bot Library
dispatcher.h File Reference
#include <dpp/export.h>
#include <dpp/snowflake.h>
#include <dpp/misc-enum.h>
#include <dpp/managed.h>
#include <dpp/utility.h>
#include <dpp/role.h>
#include <dpp/user.h>
#include <dpp/channel.h>
#include <dpp/thread.h>
#include <dpp/guild.h>
#include <dpp/invite.h>
#include <dpp/emoji.h>
#include <dpp/ban.h>
#include <dpp/automod.h>
#include <dpp/webhook.h>
#include <dpp/presence.h>
#include <dpp/message.h>
#include <dpp/appcommand.h>
#include <dpp/application.h>
#include <dpp/scheduled_event.h>
#include <dpp/stage_instance.h>
#include <dpp/integration.h>
#include <dpp/auditlog.h>
#include <dpp/entitlement.h>
#include <functional>
#include <variant>
#include <exception>
#include <algorithm>
#include <string>
#include <dpp/coro.h>
Include dependency graph for dispatcher.h:
This graph shows which files directly or indirectly include this file:


struct  dpp::autocomplete_t
 Discord requests that we fill a list of auto completion choices for a command option. More...
struct  dpp::automod_rule_create_t
 Create automod rule. More...
struct  dpp::automod_rule_delete_t
 Delete automod rule. More...
struct  dpp::automod_rule_execute_t
 Execute/trigger automod rule. More...
struct  dpp::automod_rule_update_t
 Update automod rule. More...
struct  dpp::button_click_t
 Click on button. More...
struct  dpp::channel_create_t
 Create channel. More...
struct  dpp::channel_delete_t
 Delete channel. More...
struct  dpp::channel_pins_update_t
 Channel pins update. More...
struct  dpp::channel_update_t
 Update channel. More...
struct  dpp::context_menu_t
 Base class for context menu interactions, e.g. More...
struct  dpp::entitlement_create_t
 Delete stage instance. More...
struct  dpp::entitlement_delete_t
 Delete stage instance. More...
struct  dpp::entitlement_update_t
 Delete stage instance. More...
struct  dpp::event_dispatch_t
 Base event parameter struct. More...
struct  dpp::form_submit_t
 On form submitted. More...
struct  dpp::guild_audit_log_entry_create_t
 Guild audit log entry create. More...
struct  dpp::guild_ban_add_t
 Guild ban add. More...
struct  dpp::guild_ban_remove_t
 Guild ban remove. More...
struct  dpp::guild_create_t
 Create guild. More...
struct  dpp::guild_delete_t
 Delete guild. More...
struct  dpp::guild_emojis_update_t
 Guild emojis update. More...
struct  dpp::guild_integrations_update_t
 Guild integrations update. More...
struct  dpp::guild_join_request_delete_t
 Guild join request delete (user declined membership screening) More...
struct  dpp::guild_member_add_t
 Guild member add. More...
struct  dpp::guild_member_remove_t
 Guild member remove. More...
struct  dpp::guild_member_update_t
 Guild member update. More...
struct  dpp::guild_members_chunk_t
 Guild members chunk. More...
struct  dpp::guild_role_create_t
 Guild role create. More...
struct  dpp::guild_role_delete_t
 Guild role delete. More...
struct  dpp::guild_role_update_t
 Guild role update. More...
struct  dpp::guild_scheduled_event_create_t
 Create scheduled event. More...
struct  dpp::guild_scheduled_event_delete_t
 Delete scheduled event. More...
struct  dpp::guild_scheduled_event_update_t
 Create scheduled event. More...
struct  dpp::guild_scheduled_event_user_add_t
 Add user to scheduled event. More...
struct  dpp::guild_scheduled_event_user_remove_t
 Delete user from scheduled event. More...
struct  dpp::guild_stickers_update_t
 Update guild stickers. More...
struct  dpp::guild_update_t
 Guild update. More...
struct  dpp::integration_create_t
 Integration create. More...
struct  dpp::integration_delete_t
 Integration delete. More...
struct  dpp::integration_update_t
 Integration update. More...
struct  dpp::interaction_create_t
 Create interaction. More...
struct  dpp::invite_create_t
 Invite create. More...
struct  dpp::invite_delete_t
 Invite delete. More...
struct  dpp::log_t
 Log messages. More...
struct  dpp::message_context_menu_t
 Event parameter for context menu interactions for messages. More...
struct  dpp::message_create_t
 Create message. More...
struct  dpp::message_delete_bulk_t
 Message delete bulk. More...
struct  dpp::message_delete_t
 Message Deleted. More...
struct  dpp::message_poll_vote_add_t
 Message poll vote add. More...
struct  dpp::message_poll_vote_remove_t
 Message poll vote remove. More...
struct  dpp::message_reaction_add_t
 Message reaction add. More...
struct  dpp::message_reaction_remove_all_t
 Message remove all reactions. More...
struct  dpp::message_reaction_remove_emoji_t
 Message remove emoji. More...
struct  dpp::message_reaction_remove_t
 Message reaction remove. More...
struct  dpp::message_update_t
 Message update. More...
struct  dpp::presence_update_t
 Presence update. More...
struct  dpp::ready_t
 Session ready. More...
struct  dpp::resumed_t
 Session resumed. More...
struct  dpp::select_click_t
 Click on select. More...
struct  dpp::slashcommand_t
 User has issued a slash command. More...
struct  dpp::stage_instance_create_t
 Create stage instance. More...
struct  dpp::stage_instance_delete_t
 Delete stage instance. More...
struct  dpp::stage_instance_update_t
 Update stage instance. More...
struct  dpp::thread_create_t
 Thread Create. More...
struct  dpp::thread_delete_t
 Thread Delete. More...
struct  dpp::thread_list_sync_t
 Thread List Sync. More...
struct  dpp::thread_member_update_t
 Thread Member Update. More...
struct  dpp::thread_members_update_t
 Thread Members Update. More...
struct  dpp::thread_update_t
 Thread Update. More...
struct  dpp::typing_start_t
 Typing start. More...
struct  dpp::user_context_menu_t
 Event parameter for context menu interactions for users. More...
struct  dpp::user_update_t
 User update. More...
struct  dpp::voice_buffer_send_t
 voice buffer send More...
struct  dpp::voice_client_disconnect_t
 voice client disconnect event More...
struct  dpp::voice_client_speaking_t
 voice client speaking event More...
struct  dpp::voice_ready_t
 voice user talking More...
struct  dpp::voice_receive_t
 voice receive packet More...
struct  dpp::voice_server_update_t
 Voice server update. More...
struct  dpp::voice_state_update_t
 Voice state update. More...
struct  dpp::voice_track_marker_t
 Voice state update. More...
struct  dpp::voice_user_talking_t
 voice user talking More...
struct  dpp::webhooks_update_t
 Webhooks update. More...


 The main namespace for D++ functions.
 Utility helper functions, generally for logging, running programs, time/date manipulation, etc.


using dpp::command_completion_event_t = std::function< void(const confirmation_callback_t &)>
 A function used as a callback for any REST based command. More...


command_completion_event_t DPP_EXPORT dpp::utility::log_error ()
 The default callback handler for API calls. More...


std::function< void(const dpp::log_t &)> DPP_EXPORT dpp::utility::cout_logger ()
 Get a default logger that outputs to std::cout. More...