D++ (DPP)  10.0.30
C++ Discord API Bot Library
dpp::utility Namespace Reference

Utility helper functions, generally for logging, running programs, time/date manipulation, etc. More...




struct  dummy
 Utility struct that has the same size and alignment as another but does nothing. More...
struct  icon
 Wrapper class around a variant for either iconhash or image, for API objects that have one or the other (generally iconhash when receiving, image when uploading an image) More...
struct  iconhash
 Store a 128 bit icon hash (profile picture, server icon etc) as a 128 bit binary value made of two uint64_t. More...
struct  image_data
 Image to be received or sent to API calls. More...
struct  uptime
 A class used to represent an uptime in hours, minutes, seconds and days, with helper functions to convert from time_t and display as a string. More...


typedef std::function< void(const std::string &output)> cmd_result_t
 Callback for the results of a command executed via dpp::utility::exec. More...


enum  avx_type_t : uint8_t {
 Supported AVX instruction set type for audio mixing. More...
enum  guild_navigation_type {
 Guild navigation types for dpp::utility::guild_navigation() More...
enum  time_format : uint8_t {
  tf_long_date = 'D',
  tf_long_datetime = 'F',
  tf_relative_time = 'R',
  tf_long_time = 'T',
  tf_short_date = 'd',
  tf_short_datetime = 'f',
  tf_short_time = 't'
 Timestamp formats for dpp::utility::timestamp() More...


std::string DPP_EXPORT avatar_size (uint32_t size)
 Get the url query parameter for the cdn endpoint. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT bot_invite_url (const snowflake bot_id, const uint64_t permissions=0, const std::vector< std::string > &scopes={"bot", "applications.commands"})
 Create a bot invite. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT bytes (uint64_t c)
 Convert a byte count to display value. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT cdn_endpoint_url (const std::vector< image_type > &allowed_formats, const std::string &path_without_extension, const dpp::image_type format, uint16_t size, bool prefer_animated=false, bool is_animated=false)
 Helper function to easily create discord's cdn endpoint urls. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT cdn_endpoint_url_hash (const std::vector< image_type > &allowed_formats, const std::string &path_without_extension, const std::string &hash, const dpp::image_type format, uint16_t size, bool prefer_animated=false, bool is_animated=false)
 Helper function to easily create discord's cdn endpoint urls. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT cdn_endpoint_url_sticker (snowflake sticker_id, sticker_format format)
 Helper function to easily create discord's cdn endpoint urls (specialised for stickers) More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT channel_mention (const snowflake &id)
 Create a mentionable channel. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT channel_url (const snowflake &guild_id, const snowflake &channel_id)
 Create a URL for message. More...
uint32_t DPP_EXPORT cmyk (double c, double m, double y, double k)
 Convert doubles to CMYK for sending in embeds. More...
uint32_t DPP_EXPORT cmyk (int c, int m, int y, int k)
 Convert ints to CMYK for sending in embeds. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT current_date_time ()
 Returns current date and time. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT debug_dump (uint8_t *data, size_t length)
 Output hex values of a section of memory for debugging. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT emoji_mention (std::string_view name, snowflake id, bool is_animated=false)
 Create a mentionable emoji. More...
void DPP_EXPORT exec (const std::string &cmd, std::vector< std::string > parameters={}, cmd_result_t callback={})
 Run a commandline program asynchronously. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT file_extension (image_type type)
 Get the file extension for an image type. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT file_extension (sticker_format format)
 Get the file extension for a sticker format. More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, sticker_format >, std::string > file_extension (T format)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, image_type >, std::string > file_extension (T type)
template std::string file_extension< image_type > (image_type t)
template std::string file_extension< sticker_format > (sticker_format t)
std::string DPP_EXPORT guild_navigation (const snowflake guild_id, guild_navigation_type gnt)
 Create a mentionable guild navigation (used in a message). More...
bool DPP_EXPORT has_voice ()
 Returns true if D++ was built with voice support. More...
uint32_t DPP_EXPORT hsl (double h, double s, double l)
 Convert doubles to HSL for sending in embeds. More...
uint32_t DPP_EXPORT hsl (int h, int s, int l)
 Convert ints to HSL for sending in embeds. More...
bool DPP_EXPORT is_coro_enabled ()
 Returns true if D++ was built with coroutine support. More...
command_completion_event_t DPP_EXPORT log_error ()
 The default callback handler for API calls. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT loglevel (dpp::loglevel in)
 Convert a dpp::loglevel enum value to a string. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT make_url_parameters (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &parameters)
 Build a URL parameter string e.g. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT make_url_parameters (const std::map< std::string, uint64_t > &parameters)
 Build a URL parameter string e.g. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT markdown_escape (const std::string &text, bool escape_code_blocks=false)
 Escapes Discord's markdown sequences in a string. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT message_url (const snowflake &guild_id, const snowflake &channel_id, const snowflake &message_id)
 Create a URL for message. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT mime_type (image_type type)
 Get the mime type for an image type. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT mime_type (sticker_format format)
 Get the mime type for a sticker format. More...
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, sticker_format >, std::string > mime_type (T format)
template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, image_type >, std::string > mime_type (T type)
template std::string mime_type< image_type > (image_type t)
template std::string mime_type< sticker_format > (sticker_format t)
std::string DPP_EXPORT read_file (const std::string &filename)
 Read a whole file into a std::string. More...
uint32_t DPP_EXPORT rgb (double red, double green, double blue)
 Convert doubles to RGB for sending in embeds. More...
uint32_t DPP_EXPORT rgb (int red, int green, int blue)
 Convert ints to RGB for sending in embeds. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT role_mention (const snowflake &id)
 Create a mentionable role. More...
void DPP_EXPORT set_thread_name (const std::string &name)
 Set the name of the current thread for debugging and statistical reporting. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT slashcommand_mention (snowflake command_id, const std::string &command_name, const std::string &subcommand="")
 Create a mentionable slashcommand (used in a message). More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT slashcommand_mention (snowflake command_id, const std::string &command_name, const std::string &subcommand_group, const std::string &subcommand)
 Create a mentionable slashcommand (used in a message). More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT thread_url (const snowflake &guild_id, const snowflake &thread_id)
 Create a URL for message. More...
double DPP_EXPORT time_f ()
 Return the current time with fractions of seconds. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT timestamp (time_t ts, time_format tf=tf_short_datetime)
 Return a mentionable timestamp (used in a message). More...
std::vector< std::string > DPP_EXPORT tokenize (std::string const &in, const char *sep="\r\n")
 Split (tokenize) a string into a vector, using the given separators. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT url_encode (const std::string &value)
 Encodes a url parameter similar to php urlencode() More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT user_mention (const snowflake &id)
 Create a mentionable user. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT user_url (const snowflake &user_id)
 Create a URL for message. More...
size_t DPP_EXPORT utf8len (std::string_view str)
 Returns the length of a UTF-8 string in codepoints. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT utf8substr (std::string_view str, size_t start, size_t length)
 Return substring of a UTF-8 encoded string in codepoints. More...
std::string_view DPP_EXPORT utf8subview (std::string_view str, size_t start, size_t length)
 Return subview of a UTF-8 encoded string in codepoints. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT validate (const std::string &value, size_t _min, size_t _max, const std::string &exception_message)
 Validate a string value In the event the length of the string is less than _min, then an exception of type dpp:length_exception will be thrown. More...
std::string DPP_EXPORT version ()
 Returns the library's version string. More...
avx_type_t DPP_EXPORT voice_avx ()
 Returns an enum value indicating which AVX instruction set is used for mixing received voice data, if any. More...


template<typename F , typename R , typename... Args>
constexpr bool callable_returns_v = std::is_convertible_v<std::invoke_result_t<F, Args...>, R>
 Type trait to check if a callable F can be called using the arguments Args, and that its return value is convertible to R. More...
const std::string cdn_host = "https://cdn.discordapp.com"
 The base URL for CDN content such as profile pictures and guild icons. More...
std::function< void(const dpp::log_t &)> DPP_EXPORT cout_logger ()
 Get a default logger that outputs to std::cout. More...
static const char * hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"
constexpr int max_cdn_image_size {4096}
constexpr int min_cdn_image_size {16}
const std::string url_host = "https://discord.com"
 The base URL for message/user/channel links. More...

Detailed Description

Utility helper functions, generally for logging, running programs, time/date manipulation, etc.

Typedef Documentation

◆ cmd_result_t

typedef std::function<void(const std::string& output)> dpp::utility::cmd_result_t

Callback for the results of a command executed via dpp::utility::exec.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ avx_type_t

enum dpp::utility::avx_type_t : uint8_t

Supported AVX instruction set type for audio mixing.


No AVX Support.


AVX support.


AVX2 support.


AVX512 support.

◆ guild_navigation_type

Guild navigation types for dpp::utility::guild_navigation()


Customize tab with the server's dpp::onboarding_prompt


"16:20" Browse Channels tab


Server Guide.

◆ time_format

enum dpp::utility::time_format : uint8_t

Timestamp formats for dpp::utility::timestamp()

These values are the actual character values specified by the Discord API and should not be changed unless the Discord API changes the specification! They have been sorted into numerical order of their ASCII value to keep C++ happy.

"20 April 2021" - Long Date


"Tuesday, 20 April 2021 16:20" - Long Date/Time


"2 months ago" - Relative Time


"16:20:30" - Long Time


"20/04/2021" - Short Date


"20 April 2021 16:20" - Short Date/Time


"16:20" - Short Time

Function Documentation

◆ avatar_size()

std::string dpp::utility::avatar_size ( uint32_t  size)

Get the url query parameter for the cdn endpoint.

Internally used to build url getters.

sizesize to generate url parameter for. Must be any power of two between 16 and 4096 (inclusive) or it'll return an empty string.
std::string url query parameter e.g. ?size=128, or an empty string

References max_cdn_image_size, and min_cdn_image_size.

Referenced by cdn_endpoint_url_hash().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bot_invite_url()

std::string dpp::utility::bot_invite_url ( const snowflake  bot_id,
const uint64_t  permissions = 0,
const std::vector< std::string > &  scopes = {"bot", "applications.commands"} 

Create a bot invite.

bot_idBot ID
permissionsPermission bitmask of the bot to invite
scopesScopes to use
Invite URL

◆ bytes()

std::string dpp::utility::bytes ( uint64_t  c)

Convert a byte count to display value.

cnumber of bytes
std::string display value suffixed with M, G, T where necessary

Referenced by dpp::utility::image_data::set().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cdn_endpoint_url()

std::string dpp::utility::cdn_endpoint_url ( const std::vector< image_type > &  allowed_formats,
const std::string &  path_without_extension,
const dpp::image_type  format,
uint16_t  size,
bool  prefer_animated = false,
bool  is_animated = false 

Helper function to easily create discord's cdn endpoint urls.

For internal use only!
See also
allowed_formatsA vector of supported formats for the endpoint from the discord docs
path_without_extensionThe path for the endpoint (without the extension e.g. .png)
formatthe wished format to return. Must be one of the formats passed in allowed_formats, otherwise it returns an empty string
sizethe image size which will be appended as a querystring to the url. It must be any power of two between 16 and 4096, otherwise no querystring will be appended (discord then returns the image as their default size)
prefer_animatedWhether the user prefers gif format. If true, it'll return gif format whenever the image is available as animated. In this case, the format-parameter is only used for non-animated images.
is_animatedWhether the image is actually animated or not
std::string endpoint url or empty string

References cdn_endpoint_url_hash().

Referenced by dpp::role::get_members(), and dpp::user_identified::user_identified().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cdn_endpoint_url_hash()

std::string dpp::utility::cdn_endpoint_url_hash ( const std::vector< image_type > &  allowed_formats,
const std::string &  path_without_extension,
const std::string &  hash,
const dpp::image_type  format,
uint16_t  size,
bool  prefer_animated = false,
bool  is_animated = false 

Helper function to easily create discord's cdn endpoint urls.

For internal use only!
See also
allowed_formatsA vector of supported formats for the endpoint from the discord docs
path_without_extensionThe path for the endpoint (without the extension e.g. .png)
hashThe hash (optional). If not empty, it will be prefixed with a_ for animated images (is_animated=true)
formatthe wished format to return. Must be one of the formats passed in allowed_formats, otherwise it returns an empty string
sizethe image size which will be appended as a querystring to the url. It must be any power of two between 16 and 4096, otherwise no querystring will be appended (discord then returns the image as their default size)
prefer_animatedWhether the user prefers gif format. If true, it'll return gif format whenever the image is available as animated. In this case, the format-parameter is only used for non-animated images.
is_animatedWhether the image is actually animated or not
std::string endpoint url or empty string

References avatar_size(), cdn_host, dpp::unicode_emoji::hash, dpp::i_gif, dpp::i_jpg, dpp::i_png, and dpp::i_webp.

Referenced by cdn_endpoint_url(), dpp::guild::connect_member_voice(), and dpp::user::has_animated_icon().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cdn_endpoint_url_sticker()

std::string dpp::utility::cdn_endpoint_url_sticker ( snowflake  sticker_id,
sticker_format  format 

Helper function to easily create discord's cdn endpoint urls (specialised for stickers)

For internal use only!
See also
sticker_idThe sticker ID. Returns empty string if 0
formatThe format type
std::string endpoint url or empty string

References cdn_host, and file_extension().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ channel_mention()

std::string dpp::utility::channel_mention ( const snowflake id)

Create a mentionable channel.

idThe ID of the channel.
std::string The formatted mention of the channel.

◆ channel_url()

std::string dpp::utility::channel_url ( const snowflake guild_id,
const snowflake channel_id 

Create a URL for message.

guild_idThe ID of the guild where channel is located.
channel_idThe ID of the channel.
std::string The URL to message or empty string if any of ids is 0.

References dpp::snowflake::empty(), and url_host.

Referenced by thread_url().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cmyk() [1/2]

uint32_t dpp::utility::cmyk ( double  c,
double  m,
double  y,
double  k 

Convert doubles to CMYK for sending in embeds.

ccyan value, between 0 and 1 inclusive
mmagenta value, between 0 and 1 inclusive
yyellow value, between 0 and 1 inclusive
kkey (black) value, between 0 and 1 inclusive
uint32_t returned integer colour value

References dpp::unicode_emoji::b, dpp::unicode_emoji::m, and rgb().

Referenced by cmyk().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cmyk() [2/2]

uint32_t dpp::utility::cmyk ( int  c,
int  m,
int  y,
int  k 

Convert ints to CMYK for sending in embeds.

ccyan value, between 0 and 255 inclusive
mmagenta value, between 0 and 255 inclusive
yyellow value, between 0 and 255 inclusive
kkey (black) value, between 0 and 255 inclusive
uint32_t returned integer colour value

References cmyk(), and dpp::unicode_emoji::m.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ current_date_time()

std::string dpp::utility::current_date_time ( )

Returns current date and time.

std::string Current date and time in "Y-m-d H:M:S" format

References dpp::unicode_emoji::tm, and dpp::trim().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ debug_dump()

std::string dpp::utility::debug_dump ( uint8_t *  data,
size_t  length 

Output hex values of a section of memory for debugging.

dataThe start of the data to display
lengthThe length of data to display

References dpp::to_hex().

Referenced by dpp::discord_client::handle_frame().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ emoji_mention()

std::string dpp::utility::emoji_mention ( std::string_view  name,
snowflake  id,
bool  is_animated = false 

Create a mentionable emoji.

nameThe name of the emoji.
idThe ID of the emoji.
is_animatedis emoji animated.
std::string The formatted mention of the emoji.

Referenced by dpp::emoji::load_image().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ exec()

void dpp::utility::exec ( const std::string &  cmd,
std::vector< std::string >  parameters = {},
cmd_result_t  callback = {} 

Run a commandline program asynchronously.

The command line program is spawned in a separate std::thread, and when complete, its output from stdout is passed to the callback function in its string parameter. For example:

dpp::utility::exec("/bin/ls", {"-al"}, [](const std::string& output) {
std::cout << "Output of 'ls -al': " << output << "\n";
cmdThe command to run.
parametersCommand line parameters. Each will be escaped using std::quoted.
callbackThe callback to call on completion.

References set_thread_name(), and dpp::unicode_emoji::thread.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ file_extension() [1/4]

std::string DPP_EXPORT dpp::utility::file_extension ( image_type  type)

Get the file extension for an image type.

typeImage type
std::string The file extension (e.g. ".png") for this image type

Referenced by dpp::utility::image_data::get_file_extension().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ file_extension() [2/4]

std::string DPP_EXPORT dpp::utility::file_extension ( sticker_format  format)

Get the file extension for a sticker format.

formatSticker format
std::string The file extension (e.g. ".png") for this sticker format

◆ file_extension() [3/4]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, sticker_format>, std::string> dpp::utility::file_extension ( format)

References dpp::sf_apng, dpp::sf_gif, dpp::sf_lottie, and dpp::sf_png.

Referenced by cdn_endpoint_url_sticker().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ file_extension() [4/4]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, image_type>, std::string> dpp::utility::file_extension ( type)

◆ file_extension< image_type >()

template std::string dpp::utility::file_extension< image_type > ( image_type  t)

◆ file_extension< sticker_format >()

◆ guild_navigation()

std::string dpp::utility::guild_navigation ( const snowflake  guild_id,
guild_navigation_type  gnt 

Create a mentionable guild navigation (used in a message).

guild_idThe guild ID
gntGuild navigation type using dpp::utility::guild_navigation_type
std::string The formatted timestamp

References gnt_browse, gnt_customize, and gnt_guide.

◆ has_voice()

bool dpp::utility::has_voice ( )

Returns true if D++ was built with voice support.

bool True if voice support is compiled in (libsodium/libopus)

◆ hsl() [1/2]

uint32_t dpp::utility::hsl ( double  h,
double  s,
double  l 

Convert doubles to HSL for sending in embeds.

hhue value, between 0 and 1 inclusive
ssaturation value in percentage, between 0 and 1 inclusive
llightness value in percentage, between 0 and 1 inclusive
uint32_t returned integer colour value

References dpp::unicode_emoji::b, and rgb().

Referenced by hsl().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hsl() [2/2]

uint32_t dpp::utility::hsl ( int  h,
int  s,
int  l 

Convert ints to HSL for sending in embeds.

hhue value, between 0 and 360 inclusive
ssaturation value in percentage, between 0 and 100 inclusive
llightness value in percentage, between 0 and 100 inclusive
uint32_t returned integer colour value

References hsl().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_coro_enabled()

bool dpp::utility::is_coro_enabled ( )

Returns true if D++ was built with coroutine support.

bool True if coroutines are supported

◆ log_error()

std::function< void(const dpp::confirmation_callback_t &detail)> dpp::utility::log_error ( )

The default callback handler for API calls.

on error, sends the error to the logger.

A lambda for attaching to an API callback

References dpp::error_info::human_readable, and dpp::ll_error.

◆ loglevel()

std::string dpp::utility::loglevel ( dpp::loglevel  in)

Convert a dpp::loglevel enum value to a string.

inlog level to convert
std::string string form of log level

References dpp::ll_critical, dpp::ll_debug, dpp::ll_error, dpp::ll_info, dpp::ll_trace, and dpp::ll_warning.

◆ make_url_parameters() [1/2]

std::string dpp::utility::make_url_parameters ( const std::map< std::string, std::string > &  parameters)

Build a URL parameter string e.g.

"?a=b&c=d&e=f" from a map of key/value pairs. Entries with empty key names or values are omitted.

parametersparameters to create a url query string for
std::string A correctly encoded url query string

References url_encode(), and dpp::unicode_emoji::v.

Referenced by dpp::cluster::delete_webhook(), dpp::cluster::edit_webhook_message(), dpp::cluster::guild_delete_integration(), and make_url_parameters().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ make_url_parameters() [2/2]

std::string dpp::utility::make_url_parameters ( const std::map< std::string, uint64_t > &  parameters)

Build a URL parameter string e.g.

"?a=b&c=d&e=f" from a map of key/value pairs. Entries with empty key names or zero values are omitted.

parametersparameters to create a url query string for
std::string A correctly encoded url query string

References make_url_parameters(), and dpp::unicode_emoji::v.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ markdown_escape()

std::string dpp::utility::markdown_escape ( const std::string &  text,
bool  escape_code_blocks = false 

Escapes Discord's markdown sequences in a string.

textText to escape
escape_code_blocksIf set to false, then code blocks are not escaped. This means that you can still use a code block, and the text within will be left as-is. If set to true, code blocks will also be escaped so that ` symbol may be used as a normal character.
std::string The text with the markdown special characters escaped with a backslash

Represents the current state of the finite state machine for the markdown_escape function.

Normal text

A paragraph code block, represented by three backticks.

An inline code block, represented by one backtick.

Represents the current state of the finite state machine for the markdown_escape function.

Normal text

A paragraph code block, represented by three backticks.

An inline code block, represented by one backtick.

Referenced by main().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ message_url()

std::string dpp::utility::message_url ( const snowflake guild_id,
const snowflake channel_id,
const snowflake message_id 

Create a URL for message.

guild_idThe ID of the guild where message is written.
channel_idThe ID of the channel where message is written.
message_idThe ID of the message.
std::string The URL to message or empty string if any of ids is 0.

References dpp::snowflake::empty(), and url_host.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ mime_type() [1/4]

std::string DPP_EXPORT dpp::utility::mime_type ( image_type  type)

Get the mime type for an image type.

typeImage type
std::string The mime type for this image type

Referenced by dpp::utility::image_data::get_mime_type().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mime_type() [2/4]

std::string DPP_EXPORT dpp::utility::mime_type ( sticker_format  format)

Get the mime type for a sticker format.

formatSticker format
std::string The mime type for this sticker format

◆ mime_type() [3/4]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, sticker_format>, std::string> dpp::utility::mime_type ( format)

◆ mime_type() [4/4]

template<typename T >
std::enable_if_t<std::is_same_v<T, image_type>, std::string> dpp::utility::mime_type ( type)

◆ mime_type< image_type >()

template std::string dpp::utility::mime_type< image_type > ( image_type  t)

◆ mime_type< sticker_format >()

template std::string dpp::utility::mime_type< sticker_format > ( sticker_format  t)

◆ read_file()

std::string dpp::utility::read_file ( const std::string &  filename)

Read a whole file into a std::string.

This function can take a while if this is a large file, causing events to not reply and also taking up a lot of memory. Make sure you have enough memory, and use dpp::interaction_create_t::thinking in events where you call this function on big files.
Be aware this function can block! If you are regularly reading large files, consider caching them.
filenameThe path to the file to read
std::string The file contents
dpp::file_exceptionon failure to read the entire file

◆ rgb() [1/2]

uint32_t dpp::utility::rgb ( double  red,
double  green,
double  blue 

Convert doubles to RGB for sending in embeds.

redred value, between 0 and 1 inclusive
greengreen value, between 0 and 1 inclusive
blueblue value, between 0 and 1 inclusive
uint32_t returned integer colour value

References dpp::colors::blue, dpp::colors::green, and dpp::colors::red.

Referenced by cmyk(), and hsl().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rgb() [2/2]

uint32_t dpp::utility::rgb ( int  red,
int  green,
int  blue 

Convert ints to RGB for sending in embeds.

redred value, between 0 and 255 inclusive
greengreen value, between 0 and 255 inclusive
blueblue value, between 0 and 255 inclusive
uint32_t returned integer colour value

References dpp::colors::blue, dpp::colors::green, and dpp::colors::red.

◆ role_mention()

std::string dpp::utility::role_mention ( const snowflake id)

Create a mentionable role.

idThe ID of the role.
std::string The formatted mention of the role.

◆ set_thread_name()

void dpp::utility::set_thread_name ( const std::string &  name)

Set the name of the current thread for debugging and statistical reporting.

nameNew name to set

Referenced by exec().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ slashcommand_mention() [1/2]

std::string dpp::utility::slashcommand_mention ( snowflake  command_id,
const std::string &  command_name,
const std::string &  subcommand = "" 

Create a mentionable slashcommand (used in a message).

command_idThe ID of the slashcommand
command_nameThe command name
subcommandOptional: The subcommand name (for mentioning a subcommand)
std::string The formatted mention

Referenced by dpp::interaction::get_channel(), and dpp::interaction::get_context_message().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ slashcommand_mention() [2/2]

std::string dpp::utility::slashcommand_mention ( snowflake  command_id,
const std::string &  command_name,
const std::string &  subcommand_group,
const std::string &  subcommand 

Create a mentionable slashcommand (used in a message).

command_idThe ID of the slashcommand
command_nameThe command name
subcommand_groupThe subcommand group name
subcommandThe subcommand name
std::string The formatted mention of the slashcommand with its subcommand

◆ thread_url()

std::string dpp::utility::thread_url ( const snowflake guild_id,
const snowflake thread_id 

Create a URL for message.

guild_idThe ID of the guild where thread is located.
thread_idThe ID of the thread.
std::string The URL to message or empty string if any of ids is 0.

References channel_url().

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ time_f()

double dpp::utility::time_f ( )

Return the current time with fractions of seconds.

This is a unix epoch time with the fractional seconds part after the decimal place.

double time with fractional seconds

Referenced by dpp::connect_with_timeout(), get_time(), dpp::discord_client::handle_frame(), main(), and dpp::discord_client::one_second_timer().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ timestamp()

std::string dpp::utility::timestamp ( time_t  ts,
time_format  tf = tf_short_datetime 

Return a mentionable timestamp (used in a message).

These timestamps will display the given timestamp in the user's timezone and locale.

tsTime stamp to convert
tfFormat of timestamp using dpp::utility::time_format
std::string The formatted timestamp

Referenced by dpp::set_ts_not_null(), and dpp::ts_not_null().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tokenize()

std::vector< std::string > dpp::utility::tokenize ( std::string const &  in,
const char *  sep = "\r\n" 

Split (tokenize) a string into a vector, using the given separators.

inInput string
sepSeparator characters
std::vector<std::string> Tokenized strings

References dpp::unicode_emoji::b.

Referenced by dpp::https_client::handle_buffer().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ url_encode()

◆ user_mention()

std::string dpp::utility::user_mention ( const snowflake id)

Create a mentionable user.

idThe ID of the user.
std::string The formatted mention of the user.

◆ user_url()

std::string dpp::utility::user_url ( const snowflake user_id)

Create a URL for message.

user_idThe ID of the guild where thread is located.
std::string The URL to message or empty string if id is 0.

References dpp::snowflake::empty(), and url_host.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ utf8len()

size_t dpp::utility::utf8len ( std::string_view  str)

Returns the length of a UTF-8 string in codepoints.

Result is unspecified for strings that are not valid UTF-8.
strstring to count length of
size_t Length of string

Referenced by dpp::commandhandler::register_commands(), and validate().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ utf8substr()

std::string dpp::utility::utf8substr ( std::string_view  str,
size_t  start,
size_t  length 

Return substring of a UTF-8 encoded string in codepoints.

Result is unspecified for strings that are not valid UTF-8.
strstring to return substring from
startstart codepoint offset
lengthlength in codepoints
std::string The requested substring

References start, and utf8subview().

Referenced by dpp::select_option::set_animated(), dpp::embed::set_description(), dpp::embed::set_video(), dpp::slashcommand::to_json_impl(), and validate().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ utf8subview()

std::string_view dpp::utility::utf8subview ( std::string_view  str,
size_t  start,
size_t  length 

Return subview of a UTF-8 encoded string in codepoints.

You must ensure that the resulting view is not used after the lifetime of the viewed string has ended.
Result is unspecified for strings that are not valid UTF-8.
strstring to return substring from
startstart codepoint offset
lengthlength in codepoints
std::string_view The requested subview

References start.

Referenced by dpp::commandhandler::register_commands(), and utf8substr().

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ validate()

std::string dpp::utility::validate ( const std::string &  value,
size_t  _min,
size_t  _max,
const std::string &  exception_message 

Validate a string value In the event the length of the string is less than _min, then an exception of type dpp:length_exception will be thrown.

If the string is longer than _max UTF8 codepoints it will be truncated to fit.

valueThe value to validate
_minMinimum length
_maxMaximum length
exception_messageException message to throw if value length < _min
std::string Validated string, truncated if necessary.
dpp::length_exceptionif value UTF8 length < _min

References utf8len(), and utf8substr().

Referenced by dpp::role::has_view_creator_monetization_analytics(), and dpp::scheduled_event::scheduled_event().

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ version()

std::string dpp::utility::version ( )

Returns the library's version string.

std::string version


◆ voice_avx()

avx_type_t dpp::utility::voice_avx ( )

Returns an enum value indicating which AVX instruction set is used for mixing received voice data, if any.

avx_type_t AVX type

References avx_1, avx_2, avx_512, and avx_none.

Variable Documentation

◆ callable_returns_v

template<typename F , typename R , typename... Args>
constexpr bool dpp::utility::callable_returns_v = std::is_convertible_v<std::invoke_result_t<F, Args...>, R>

Type trait to check if a callable F can be called using the arguments Args, and that its return value is convertible to R.

Template Parameters
FCallable object
RReturn type to check for convertibility to
Args...Arguments to use to resolve the overload
Whether the expression F(Args...) is convertible to R

◆ cdn_host

const std::string dpp::utility::cdn_host = "https://cdn.discordapp.com"

The base URL for CDN content such as profile pictures and guild icons.

Referenced by cdn_endpoint_url_hash(), and cdn_endpoint_url_sticker().

◆ cout_logger

std::function< void(const dpp::log_t &)> dpp::utility::cout_logger

Get a default logger that outputs to std::cout.


A logger for attaching to on_log

Referenced by main().

◆ hex

const char* dpp::utility::hex = "0123456789ABCDEF"

◆ max_cdn_image_size

constexpr int dpp::utility::max_cdn_image_size {4096}

Referenced by avatar_size().

◆ min_cdn_image_size

constexpr int dpp::utility::min_cdn_image_size {16}

Referenced by avatar_size().

◆ url_host

const std::string dpp::utility::url_host = "https://discord.com"

The base URL for message/user/channel links.

Referenced by channel_url(), message_url(), and user_url().

void DPP_EXPORT exec(const std::string &cmd, std::vector< std::string > parameters={}, cmd_result_t callback={})
Run a commandline program asynchronously.
Definition: utility.cpp:458
std::function< void(const dpp::log_t &)> DPP_EXPORT cout_logger()
Get a default logger that outputs to std::cout.
Definition: dispatcher.h:228