test_t | APPCOMMAND = {"APPCOMMAND", "Creation of application command" , tf_online } |
test_t | AUTOMOD_RULE_CREATE = {"AUTOMOD_RULE_CREATE", "cluster::automod_rule_create" , tf_online } |
test_t | AUTOMOD_RULE_DELETE = {"AUTOMOD_RULE_DELETE", "cluster::automod_rule_delete" , tf_online } |
test_t | AUTOMOD_RULE_GET = {"AUTOMOD_RULE_GET", "cluster::automod_rule_get" , tf_online } |
test_t | AUTOMOD_RULE_GET_ALL = {"AUTOMOD_RULE_GET_ALL", "cluster::automod_rules_get" , tf_online } |
test_t | BASE64ENC = {"BASE64ENC", "Base 64 encoding" , tf_offline } |
test_t | BOTSTART = {"BOTSTART", "cluster::start method" , tf_online } |
test_t | CACHE = {"CACHE", "Test guild cache" , tf_online } |
test_t | CHANNEL_GET_MENTION = {"CHANNEL_GET_MENTION", "channel::get_mention" , tf_offline } |
test_t | CHANNEL_GET_URL = {"CHANNEL_GET_URL", "channel::get_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | CHANNEL_SET_TYPE = {"CHANNEL_SET_TYPE", "channel::set_type" , tf_offline } |
test_t | CHANNELCACHE = {"CHANNELCACHE", "find_channel()" , tf_online } |
test_t | CHANNELTYPES = {"CHANNELTYPES", "channel type flags" , tf_online } |
test_t | CLUSTER = {"CLUSTER", "Instantiate DPP cluster" , tf_offline } |
test_t | COMPARISON = {"COMPARISON", "manged object comparison" , tf_offline } |
test_t | CONNECTION = {"CONNECTION", "Connection to client websocket" , tf_online } |
constexpr bool | coro = true |
test_t | CORO_API_CALLS = {"CORO_API_CALLS", "coro: online api calls" , tf_online | tf_coro } |
test_t | CORO_ASYNC_OFFLINE = {"CORO_ASYNC_OFFLINE", "coro: offline async" , tf_offline | tf_coro } |
test_t | CORO_COROUTINE_OFFLINE = {"CORO_COROUTINE_OFFLINE", "coro: offline coroutine" , tf_offline | tf_coro } |
test_t | CORO_EVENT_HANDLER = {"CORO_EVENT_HANDLER", "coro: online event handler" , tf_online | tf_coro } |
test_t | CORO_JOB_OFFLINE = {"CORO_JOB_OFFLINE", "coro: offline job" , tf_offline | tf_coro } |
test_t | CORO_MUMBO_JUMBO = {"CORO_MUMBO_JUMBO", "coro: online mumbo jumbo in event handler" , tf_online | tf_coro | tf_extended } |
test_t | CORO_TASK_OFFLINE = {"CORO_TASK_OFFLINE", "coro: offline task" , tf_offline | tf_coro } |
test_t | CURRENTUSER = {"CURRENTUSER", "cluster::current_user_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | CUSTOMCACHE = {"CUSTOMCACHE", "Instantiate a cache" , tf_offline } |
test_t | DELCOMMAND = {"DELCOMMAND", "Deletion of application command" , tf_online } |
test_t | EDITEVENT = {"EDITEVENT", "Message edit event" , tf_online } |
test_t | EMOJI_CREATE = {"EMOJI_CREATE", "cluster::guild_emoji_create" , tf_online } |
test_t | EMOJI_DELETE = {"EMOJI_DELETE", "cluster::guild_emoji_delete" , tf_online } |
test_t | EMOJI_GET = {"EMOJI_GET", "cluster::guild_emoji_get" , tf_online } |
test_t | EMOJI_GET_URL = {"EMOJI_GET_URL", "emoji::get_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | ERRORS = {"ERRORS", "Human readable error translation" , tf_offline } |
test_t | EVENT_CLASS = {"EVENT_CLASS", "event class" , tf_offline } |
bool | extended |
test_t | FORUM_CHANNEL_DELETE = {"FORUM_CHANNEL_DELETE", "delete the created forum channel" , tf_online } |
test_t | FORUM_CHANNEL_GET = {"FORUM_CHANNEL_GET", "retrieve the created forum channel" , tf_online } |
test_t | FORUM_CREATION = {"FORUM_CREATION", "create a forum channel" , tf_online } |
test_t | GET_PARAMETER_WITH_SUBCOMMANDS = {"GET_PARAMETER_WITH_SUBCOMMANDS", "interaction_create_t::get_parameter() with subcommands" , tf_offline } |
test_t | GET_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_SUBCOMMANDS = {"GET_PARAMETER_WITHOUT_SUBCOMMANDS", "interaction_create_t::get_parameter() without subcommands" , tf_offline } |
constexpr user_project_id_t | get_user_snowflake |
| Convenience lambda to get the user snowflake of a certain user type. More...
test_t | GETBANS = {"GETBANS", "cluster::guild_get_bans()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETCHAN = {"GETCHAN", "cluster::channel_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETCHANS = {"GETCHANS", "cluster::channels_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETEVENT = {"GETEVENT", "cluster::guild_event_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETEVENTS = {"GETEVENTS", "cluster::guild_events_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETEVENTUSERS = {"GETEVENTUSERS", "cluster::guild_event_users_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETGUILD = {"GETGUILD", "cluster::guild_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETINVS = {"GETINVS", "cluster::guild_get_invites()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETPINS = {"GETPINS", "cluster::channel_pins_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GETROLES = {"GETROLES", "cluster::roles_get()" , tf_online } |
test_t | GUILD_BAN_CREATE = {"GUILD_BAN_CREATE", "cluster::guild_ban_add ban three deleted discord accounts" , tf_online } |
test_t | GUILD_BAN_DELETE = {"GUILD_BAN_DELETE", "cluster::guild_ban_delete unban the banned discord accounts" , tf_online } |
test_t | GUILD_BAN_GET = {"GUILD_BAN_GET", "cluster::guild_get_ban getting one of the banned accounts" , tf_online } |
test_t | GUILD_BANS_GET = {"GUILD_BANS_GET", "cluster::guild_get_bans get bans using the after-parameter" , tf_online } |
test_t | GUILD_EDIT = {"GUILD_EDIT", "cluster::guild_edit" , tf_online } |
test_t | GUILDCREATE = {"GUILDCREATE", "Receive guild create event" , tf_online } |
test_t | HOSTINFO = {"HOSTINFO", "https_client::get_host_info()" , tf_offline } |
test_t | HTTP = {"HTTP", "https_client HTTP request" , tf_offline } |
test_t | HTTPS = {"HTTPS", "https_client HTTPS request" , tf_online } |
test_t | ICONHASH = {"ICONHASH", "utility::iconhash" , tf_offline } |
test_t | INVALIDUTF8 = {"INVALIDUTF8", "Invalid UTF-8 handling" , tf_online } |
test_t | INVITE_CREATE = {"INVITE_CREATE", "cluster::channel_invite_create" , tf_online } |
test_t | INVITE_CREATE_EVENT = {"INVITE_CREATE_EVENT", "cluster::on_invite_create" , tf_online } |
test_t | INVITE_DELETE = {"INVITE_DELETE", "cluster::invite_delete" , tf_online } |
test_t | INVITE_DELETE_EVENT = {"INVITE_DELETE_EVENT", "cluster::on_invite_delete" , tf_online } |
test_t | INVITE_GET = {"INVITE_GET", "cluster::invite_get" , tf_online } |
constexpr auto | is_owner |
| Convenience lambda to check if a certain user is the owner of the test bot, mostly meant to be passed to standard algorithms. More...
test_t | JSON_INTERFACE = {"JSON_INTERFACE", "dpp::json_interface class" , tf_offline } |
test_t | JSON_PARSE_ERROR = {"JSON_PARSE_ERROR", "JSON parse error for post_rest" , tf_online } |
test_t | LOGGER = {"LOGGER", "Log events" , tf_online } |
test_t | MD_ESC_1 = {"MD_ESC_1", "Markdown escaping (ignore code block contents)" , tf_offline } |
test_t | MD_ESC_2 = {"MD_ESC_2", "Markdown escaping (escape code block contents)" , tf_offline } |
test_t | MEMBER_GET = {"MEMBER_GET", "cluster::guild_get_member" , tf_online } |
test_t | MESSAGE_GET_URL = {"MESSAGE_GET_URL", "message::get_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | MESSAGECREATE = {"MESSAGECREATE", "Creation of a channel message" , tf_online } |
test_t | MESSAGEDELETE = {"MESSAGEDELETE", "Deletion of a channel message" , tf_online } |
test_t | MESSAGEEDIT = {"MESSAGEEDIT", "Editing a channel message" , tf_online } |
test_t | MESSAGEFILE = {"MESSAGEFILE", "Message attachment send and check" , tf_online } |
test_t | MESSAGEPIN = {"MESSAGEPIN", "Pinning a channel message" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | MESSAGERECEIVE = {"MESSAGERECEIVE", "Receipt of a created message" , tf_online } |
test_t | MESSAGESGET = {"MESSAGESGET", "Get messages" , tf_online } |
test_t | MESSAGEUNPIN = {"MESSAGEUNPIN", "Unpinning a channel message" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | MSGCOLLECT = {"MSGCOLLECT", "message_collector" , tf_online } |
test_t | MSGCREATESEND = {"MSGCREATESEND", "message_create_t::send()" , tf_online } |
test_t | MULTIHEADER = {"MULTIHEADER", "multiheader cookie test" , tf_offline | tf_extended } |
bool | offline |
test_t | ONESHOT = {"ONESHOT", "one-shot timer" , tf_online } |
test_t | OPTCHOICE_BOOL = {"OPTCHOICE_BOOL", "command_option_choice::fill_from_json: bool" , tf_offline } |
test_t | OPTCHOICE_DOUBLE = {"OPTCHOICE_DOUBLE", "command_option_choice::fill_from_json: double" , tf_offline } |
test_t | OPTCHOICE_INT = {"OPTCHOICE_INT", "command_option_choice::fill_from_json: int64_t" , tf_offline } |
test_t | OPTCHOICE_SNOWFLAKE = {"OPTCHOICE_SNOWFLAKE", "command_option_choice::fill_from_json: snowflake" , tf_offline } |
test_t | OPTCHOICE_STRING = {"OPTCHOICE_STRING", "command_option_choice::fill_from_json: string" , tf_offline } |
test_t | PERMISSION_CLASS = {"PERMISSION_CLASS", "permission" , tf_offline } |
test_t | POLL_CREATE = {"POLL_CREATE", "Creating a poll" , tf_online } |
test_t | POLL_END = {"POLL_END", "Ending a poll" , tf_online } |
test_t | PRESENCE = {"PRESENCE", "Presence intent" , tf_online } |
test_t | REACT = {"REACT", "React to a message" , tf_online } |
test_t | REACTEVENT = {"REACTEVENT", "Reaction event" , tf_online } |
test_t | READFILE = {"READFILE", "utility::read_file()" , tf_offline } |
test_t | REQUEST_GET_IMAGE = {"REQUEST_GET_IMAGE", "using the cluster::request method to fetch an image" , tf_online } |
test_t | ROLE_COMPARE = {"ROLE_COMPARE", "role::operator<" , tf_offline } |
test_t | ROLE_CREATE = {"ROLE_CREATE", "cluster::role_create" , tf_online } |
test_t | ROLE_DELETE = {"ROLE_DELETE", "cluster::role_delete" , tf_online } |
test_t | ROLE_EDIT = {"ROLE_EDIT", "cluster::role_edit" , tf_online } |
test_t | RUNONCE = {"RUNONCE", "run_once<T>" , tf_offline } |
test_t | SNOWFLAKE = {"SNOWFLAKE", "dpp::snowflake class" , tf_offline } |
test_t | STICKER_GET_URL = {"STICKER_GET_URL", "sticker::get_url aka utility::cdn_endpoint_url_sticker" , tf_offline } |
test_t | SYNC = {"SYNC", "sync<T>()" , tf_online } |
dpp::snowflake | TEST_EVENT_ID |
dpp::snowflake | TEST_GUILD_ID |
dpp::snowflake | TEST_TEXT_CHANNEL_ID |
const int64_t | TEST_TIMEOUT = 60 |
dpp::snowflake | TEST_USER_ID |
dpp::snowflake | TEST_VC_ID |
std::vector< test_t * > | tests = {} |
test_t | THREAD_CREATE = {"THREAD_CREATE", "cluster::thread_create" , tf_online } |
test_t | THREAD_CREATE_EVENT = {"THREAD_CREATE_EVENT", "cluster::on_thread_create event" , tf_online } |
test_t | THREAD_CREATE_MESSAGE = {"THREAD_CREATE_MESSAGE", "cluster::thread_create_with_message" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_DELETE = {"THREAD_DELETE", "cluster::channel_delete with thread" , tf_online } |
test_t | THREAD_DELETE_EVENT = {"THREAD_DELETE_EVENT", "cluster::on_thread_delete event" , tf_online } |
test_t | THREAD_EDIT = {"THREAD_EDIT", "cluster::thread_edit" , tf_online } |
test_t | THREAD_GET_ACTIVE = {"THREAD_GET_ACTIVE", "cluster::threads_get_active" , tf_online } |
test_t | THREAD_MEMBER_ADD = {"THREAD_MEMBER_ADD", "cluster::thread_member_add" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MEMBER_GET = {"THREAD_MEMBER_GET", "cluster::thread_member_get" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MEMBER_REMOVE = {"THREAD_MEMBER_REMOVE", "cluster::thread_member_remove" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MEMBERS_ADD_EVENT = {"THREAD_MEMBERS_ADD_EVENT", "cluster::on_thread_members_update event with member addition" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MEMBERS_GET = {"THREAD_MEMBERS_GET", "cluster::thread_members_get" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MEMBERS_REMOVE_EVENT = {"THREAD_MEMBERS_REMOVE_EVENT", "cluster::on_thread_members_update event with member removal" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MESSAGE = {"THREAD_MESSAGE", "message manipulation in thread" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MESSAGE_CREATE_EVENT = {"THREAD_MESSAGE_CREATE_EVENT", "cluster::on_message_create in thread" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MESSAGE_DELETE_EVENT = {"THREAD_MESSAGE_DELETE_EVENT", "cluster::on_message_delete in thread" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MESSAGE_EDIT_EVENT = {"THREAD_MESSAGE_EDIT_EVENT", "cluster::on_message_edit in thread" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MESSAGE_REACT_ADD_EVENT = {"THREAD_MESSAGE_REACT_ADD_EVENT", "cluster::on_reaction_add in thread" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_MESSAGE_REACT_REMOVE_EVENT = {"THREAD_MESSAGE_REACT_REMOVE_EVENT", "cluster::on_reaction_remove in thread" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | THREAD_UPDATE_EVENT = {"THREAD_UPDATE_EVENT", "cluster::on_thread_update event" , tf_online } |
test_t | TIMEDLISTENER = {"TIMEDLISTENER", "timed listener" , tf_online } |
test_t | TIMERSTART = {"TIMERSTART", "start timer" , tf_online } |
test_t | TIMERSTOP = {"TIMERSTOP", "stop timer" , tf_online } |
test_t | TIMESTAMP = {"TIMESTAMP", "crossplatform_strptime()" , tf_online } |
test_t | TIMESTAMPTOSTRING = {"TIMESTAMPTOSTRING", "ts_to_string()" , tf_offline } |
test_t | TIMESTRINGTOTIMESTAMP = {"TIMESTRINGTOTIMESTAMP", "ts_not_null()" , tf_offline } |
test_t | TS = {"TS", "managed::get_creation_date()" , tf_online } |
test_t | URLENC = {"URLENC", "URL encoding" , tf_offline } |
test_t | USER_FORMAT_USERNAME = {"USER_FORMAT_USERNAME", "user::format_username" , tf_offline } |
test_t | USER_GET = {"USER_GET", "cluster::user_get" , tf_online } |
test_t | USER_GET_AVATAR_URL = {"USER_GET_AVATAR_URL", "user::get_avatar_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | USER_GET_CACHED_ABSENT = {"USER_GET_CACHED_ABSENT", "cluster::user_get_cached_sync() with not present member" , tf_online } |
test_t | USER_GET_CACHED_PRESENT = {"USER_GET_CACHED_PRESENT", "cluster::user_get_cached_sync() with present member" , tf_online } |
test_t | USER_GET_CREATION_TIME = {"USER_GET_CREATION_TIME", "user::get_creation_time" , tf_offline } |
test_t | USER_GET_FLAGS = {"USER_GET_FLAGS", "cluster::user_get flag parsing" , tf_online } |
test_t | USER_GET_MENTION = {"USER_GET_MENTION", "user::get_mention" , tf_offline } |
test_t | USER_GET_URL = {"USER_GET_URL", "user::get_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | USERCACHE = {"USERCACHE", "Test user cache" , tf_online } |
test_t | UTILITY_AVATAR_SIZE = {"UTILITY_AVATAR_SIZE", "utility::avatar_size" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_CDN_ENDPOINT_URL_HASH = {"UTILITY_CDN_ENDPOINT_URL_HASH", "utility::cdn_endpoint_url_hash" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_CHANNEL_MENTION = {"UTILITY_CHANNEL_MENTION", "utility::channel_mention" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_CHANNEL_URL = {"UTILITY_CHANNEL_URL", "utility::channel_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_EMOJI_MENTION = {"UTILITY_EMOJI_MENTION", "utility::emoji_mention" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_GUILD_NAVIGATION = {"UTILITY_GUILD_NAVIGATION", "utility::guild_navigation" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_ICONHASH = {"UTILITY_ICONHASH", "utility::iconhash" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_MAKE_URL_PARAMETERS = {"UTILITY_MAKE_URL_PARAMETERS", "utility::make_url_parameters" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_MARKDOWN_ESCAPE = {"UTILITY_MARKDOWN_ESCAPE", "utility::markdown_escape" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_MESSAGE_URL = {"UTILITY_MESSAGE_URL", "utility::message_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_ROLE_MENTION = {"UTILITY_ROLE_MENTION", "utility::role_mention" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_SLASHCOMMAND_MENTION = {"UTILITY_SLASHCOMMAND_MENTION", "utility::slashcommand_mention" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_THREAD_URL = {"UTILITY_THREAD_URL", "utility::thread_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_TOKENIZE = {"UTILITY_TOKENIZE", "utility::tokenize" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_URL_ENCODE = {"UTILITY_URL_ENCODE", "utility::url_encode" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_USER_MENTION = {"UTILITY_USER_MENTION", "utility::user_mention" , tf_offline } |
test_t | UTILITY_USER_URL = {"UTILITY_USER_URL", "utility::user_url" , tf_offline } |
test_t | VOICE_CHANNEL_CREATE = {"VOICE_CHANNEL_CREATE", "creating a voice channel" , tf_online } |
test_t | VOICE_CHANNEL_DELETE = {"VOICE_CHANNEL_DELETE", "deleting the created voice channel" , tf_online } |
test_t | VOICE_CHANNEL_EDIT = {"VOICE_CHANNEL_EDIT", "editing the created voice channel" , tf_online } |
test_t | VOICECONN = {"VOICECONN", "Connect to voice channel" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | VOICESEND = {"VOICESEND", "Send audio to voice channel" , tf_online | tf_extended } |
test_t | WEBHOOK = {"WEBHOOK", "webhook construct from URL" , tf_offline } |