Hoops Visualize HPS  version 2018-SP2
Hoops Visualize HPS 3D Rendering Engine
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Hoops Visualize HPS 2018-SP1 was downloaded on 2018-June-12.


Hoops Visualize HPS 2018-SP2 was downloaded on 2019-February-11. See:

To get started, please see the HPS namespace reference or jump directly to a code location such as:

This Doxygen output does not include the older 3DF interface! Only the newer C++ HPS API was downloaded.

The license files "hoops_license.cs" and "hoops_license.h" were excluded from Doxygen. If you're just getting started with Hoops, see one or both of those two files and/or contact your sales rep for license details.

The official documentation is also available directly from TechSoft3D's web site: