class | Allocator |
| The Allocator class is a memory allocator suitable for STL container classes that uses memory in the Visualize memory space. More...
class | AnchorShapeElement |
| The AnchorShapeElement class is a user space object. More...
class | AnnotationOperator |
| The AnnotationOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to insert annotations. More...
class | ApplicationWindowKey |
| The ApplicationWindowKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | ApplicationWindowOptionsControl |
| The HPS::ApplicationWindowOptionsControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | ApplicationWindowOptionsKit |
class | AttributeLock |
class | AttributeLockControl |
| The HPS::AttributeLockControl class provides support for attribute locking, which allows temporarily override of an attribute setting for a segment and its descendants. More...
class | AttributeLockKit |
| The HPS::AttributeLockKit class provides support for attribute locking, which allows temporarily override of an attribute setting for a segment and its descendants. More...
class | AxisTriadControl |
| The AxisTriadControl allows you to turn on or off the axis triad, move it to a specific corner of the screen, change the material palette used to style it, or otherwise manipulate it. More...
class | AxisTriadOperator |
| The AxisTriadOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to interact with the axis triad. More...
class | BlankLinePatternElement |
| The BlankLinePatternElement class is a user space object. More...
class | BooleanMetadata |
| The BooleanMetadata class is a smart pointer. More...
class | Bounding |
| This is the Bounding Class. More...
class | BoundingControl |
| The HPS::BoundingControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | BoundingKit |
| The HPS::BoundingKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings. More...
class | CADModel |
| The CADModel class is a smart pointer. More...
class | Camera |
| This is the Camera Class. More...
class | CameraChangedEvent |
class | CameraControl |
class | CameraKit |
| The HPS::CameraKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings. More...
class | CameraPoint |
| The CameraPoint class is a basic 3D point that is assumed to represent a location in camera space. More...
class | Canvas |
| The Canvas class is one of the four core display classes used in a Visualize application. More...
class | CanvasDeletedEvent |
class | Capture |
| The Capture class is a smart pointer. More...
class | CaptureActivationEvent |
class | CircleKey |
| The CircleKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | CircleKit |
| The HPS::CircleKit class is a user space object. More...
class | CircleShapeElement |
| The CircleShapeElement class is a user space object. More...
class | CircularArcGlyphElement |
| The CircularArcGlyphElement class is a user space object. More...
class | CircularArcKey |
| The CircularArcKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | CircularArcKit |
| The CircularArcKit class is a user space object. More...
class | CircularArcShapeElement |
| The CircularArcShapeElement class is a user space object. More...
class | CircularWedgeKey |
| The CircularWedgeKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | CircularWedgeKit |
| The CircularWedgeKit class is a user space object. More...
class | ColorInterpolationControl |
class | ColorInterpolationKit |
| The HPS::ColorInterpolationKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | Component |
| The Component class is a smart pointer. More...
class | ComponentHighlightEvent |
| The ComponentHighlightEvent class is the event that will be triggered for each highlight or unhighlight call. More...
class | ComponentIsolateEvent |
| The ComponentIsolateEvent class is the event that will be triggered for each isolate call. More...
class | ComponentPath |
| The ComponentPath contains an array of components, organized from leaf to root. More...
class | ComponentTree |
| The ComponentTree class is a smart pointer which corresponds to a tree object in a GUI toolkit, e.g., a TreeView in WPF or a CTreeCtrl in MFC. More...
class | ComponentTreeItem |
| The ComponentTreeItem class is a smart pointer which corresponds to an item or node in a tree object in a GUI toolkit, e.g., a TreeViewItem in WPF or an HTREEITEM in MFC. More...
class | Condition |
| The Condition class is a concept class for condition-related enum classes. More...
class | ConditionalExpression |
| A ConditionalExpression is a string or collection of strings separated by logical operators. More...
class | ConditionControl |
| The ConditionControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | ConstructRectangleOperator |
class | ContourLine |
| This is the ContourLine Class. More...
class | ContourLineControl |
class | ContourLineKit |
| The HPS::ContourLineKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings. More...
class | Control |
| The Control class is the base class for all Visualize controls. More...
class | Coordinate |
| The Coordinate class is a concept class that contains information about various coordinate spaces. More...
class | CubeMapDefinition |
| The CubeMapDefinition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
struct | Cuboid_3D |
class | CullingControl |
class | CullingKit |
| The HPS::CullingKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | CurveAttributeControl |
class | CurveAttributeKit |
| The HPS::CurveAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | CutGeometryGatheringOptionsKit |
class | CuttingSection |
| The CuttingSection class is a concept class for cutting-section-related enum classes. More...
class | CuttingSectionAttributeControl |
| The HPS::CuttingSectionAttributeControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | CuttingSectionAttributeKit |
| The HPS::CuttingSectionAttributeKit class is a user space object which encapsulates a set of attributes pertaining to cutting sections. More...
class | CuttingSectionKey |
| The CuttingSectionKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | CuttingSectionKit |
| The CuttingSectionKit class is a user space object. More...
class | CuttingSectionOperator |
The CuttingSectionOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to insert and interact with cutting sections. This Operator works for both mouse- and touch-driven devices. Each instance of the operator supports inserting and interacting with a single cutting plane. Multiple instances of the operator can be pushed to the View’s operator stack when the user wants to add an additional cutting plane to the scene. The cutting plane associated with an instance of the operator will be removed when the operator is popped from the View’s operator stack.
Mouse-driven devices:
Action |
Result |
Mouse move |
When the operator is first activated, moving the mouse over the model will display a indicator
representing the normal of the face the user is currently hovering over. Once a cutting section has been inserted, it will be highlighted when the user hovers over it. The highlight options can also be customized, or this behavior can be disabled entirely. |
Left click |
When the operator is first activated, a left click will insert a cutting section at this position. |
Double left click |
Flips the cutting section the user double clicked on. |
Left mouse down and move |
Translates the cutting section the user clicked on along its normal. |
Touch-driven devices:
Action |
Result |
Touch down |
Inserts a cutting section at the position of the touch. |
Double tap |
Flips the cutting section the user double tapped. |
Touch down and drag |
Translates the cutting section the user tapped along its normal. |
class | Cylinder |
| The Cylinder class is a concept class for cylinder-related enum classes. More...
class | CylinderAttributeControl |
| The HPS::CylinderAttributeControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | CylinderAttributeKit |
| The HPS::CylinderAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | CylinderKey |
| The CylinderKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | CylinderKit |
| The CylinderKit class is a user space object. More...
class | Database |
| The Database class is a special type that is never intended to be instantiated. More...
class | DebuggingControl |
| The HPS::DebuggingControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | DebuggingKit |
| The HPS::DebuggingKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | Definition |
| The Definition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
struct | DirectRGBColor |
class | DistantLightKey |
| The DistantLightKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | DistantLightKit |
| The DistantLightKit class is a user space object. More...
class | DotGlyphElement |
| The DotGlyphElement class is a user space object. More...
class | DoubleMetadata |
| The DoubleMetadata class is a smart pointer. More...
class | Drawing |
class | DrawingAttributeControl |
class | DrawingAttributeKit |
| The HPS::DrawingAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | DrawWindowEvent |
| The DrawWindowEvent class is the event generated when the driver draws the window background for each subwindow. More...
class | DriverEvent |
| The DriverEvent class is the common base class of all driver events. More...
class | DriverEventHandler |
| The DriverEventHandler class is the base class for driver event handlers. More...
class | DWG |
| The DWG class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via RealDWG. More...
class | Edge |
| This is the Edge Class. More...
class | EdgeAttributeControl |
class | EdgeAttributeKit |
| The HPS::EdgeAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | EllipseGlyphElement |
| The EllipseGlyphElement class is a user space object. More...
class | EllipseKey |
| The EllipseKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | EllipseKit |
| The EllipseKit class is a user space object. More...
class | EllipseShapeElement |
| The EllipseShapeElement class is a user space object. More...
class | EllipticalArcKey |
| The EllipticalArcKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | EllipticalArcKit |
| The EllipticalArcKit class is a user space object. More...
class | EllipticalArcShapeElement |
| The EllipticalArcShapeElement class is a user space object. More...
class | Emergency |
| The Emergency class is a concept class for Emergency codes. More...
class | EmergencyHandler |
class | ErrorEvent |
| The ErrorEvent class is the event that will be generated if an asynchronous error occurs. More...
class | Event |
| The Event class is the common base class of all events. More...
class | EventDispatcher |
| The EventDispatcher class is used for injecting any events and dealing with event handlers which handle those events. More...
class | EventHandler |
| The EventHandler class is the base class for any event handler that can be created. More...
class | EventNotifier |
| The EventNotifier class is a smart pointer that is associated with an event object. More...
class | Exception |
| The base class of all HPS exceptions. More...
class | Exchange |
| The Exchange class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via Exchange. More...
class | ExchangeParasolid |
class | Extent |
| The Extent class is a concept class that contains information about various extent options. More...
class | Factory |
| The Factory class is used to create and query Sprocket objects. More...
class | Filter |
| The Filter class is a smart pointer. More...
class | FilterActivationEvent |
class | FinishPictureEvent |
| The FinishPictureEvent class is the event generated when the driver finishes the update and puts the rendered image on screen (except for OffscreenWindows). More...
class | Float |
| The Float class is a concept class that exposes a number of useful utilities for working with floating point numbers. More...
struct | Float_Traits |
struct | Float_Traits< double > |
struct | Float_Traits< float > |
class | FlyOperator |
| The FlyOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to accurately move the camera around the scene. More...
class | FocusLostEvent |
| The FocusLostEvent class is the event that is generated when an application loses focus. More...
class | FontInfoState |
| The FontInfoState class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | FontSearchResults |
| The FontSearchResults class is a smart-pointer to a database object. More...
class | FontSearchResultsIterator |
| An iterator used for traversing results from a search on an associated FontSearchResults object. More...
class | GeometryKey |
class | Glyph |
| The Glyph class is a concept class for glyph-related enum classes. More...
class | GlyphDefinition |
| The GlyphDefinition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | GlyphElement |
| The GlyphElement class is a user space object. More...
class | GlyphKit |
| The GlyphKit class is a user space object. More...
class | GlyphLinePatternElement |
| The GlyphLinePatternElement class is a user space object. More...
class | GlyphPoint |
| The GlyphPoint class is a point that is used in the definition of glyphs. More...
class | Grid |
| The Grid class is a concept class for grid-related enum classes. More...
class | GridKey |
| The GridKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | GridKit |
| The GridKit class is a user space object. More...
class | HandlesOperator |
| The HandlesOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to move geometry. More...
class | Hardcopy |
class | HiddenLine |
class | HiddenLineAttributeControl |
class | HiddenLineAttributeKit |
| The HPS::HiddenLineAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | HideKeyboardEvent |
| The HideKeyboardEvent class is the event that can be used on mobile devices to request that the software keyboard be hidden. More...
class | HighlightAreaOperator |
class | HighlightControl |
| The HPS::HighlightControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | HighlightEvent |
| The HighlightEvent class is the event that will be triggered for each highlight or unhighlight call. More...
class | HighlightOperator |
class | HighlightOptionsKit |
| The HighlightOptionsKit class is a user space object. More...
class | HighlightSearch |
| The HighlightSearch class is a concept class for highlight search related enum classes. More...
class | HighlightSearchOptionsKit |
| The HighlightSearchOptionsKit class is a user space object. More...
class | HighlightSearchResults |
| The HighlightSearchResults class is a smart-pointer to a database object. More...
class | HighlightSearchResultsIterator |
| An iterator used for traversing results from a search on an associated HighlightSearchResults object. More...
class | HighlightState |
| The HighlightState class is a user space object. More...
class | HTML |
| The HTML class contains objects used for exporting Communicator powered HTML files. More...
class | Image |
| The Image class contains objects for importing image files and enumerations used when defining images in Visualize. More...
class | ImageDefinition |
| The ImageDefinition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | ImageKit |
| The ImageKit class is a user space object. More...
class | ImportStatusEvent |
| The ImportStatusEvent class is the event that can be used by importers to let the user know what they are currently working on. More...
class | IncludeKey |
| The IncludeKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | IndexOutOfRangeException |
| An IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when a user tries to access an array element beyond the valid range, typically when interacting with the points or faces defining geometry. More...
class | InfiniteLine |
| The InfiniteLine class is a concept class for infinite-line-related enum classes. More...
class | InfiniteLineGlyphElement |
| The InfiniteLineGlyphElement class is a user space object. More...
class | InfiniteLineKey |
| The InfiniteLineKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | InfiniteLineKit |
| The InfiniteLineKit class is a user space object. More...
class | Info |
| The Info class is a concept class for information, warning, and error codes. More...
class | InformationEvent |
| The InformationEvent class is the event that will be generated if an asynchronous informational message occurs. More...
class | InitPictureEvent |
class | InnerPixelPoint |
| The InnerPixelPoint class is a basic 2D point that is assumed to represent a location in inner pixel screen space. More...
class | InnerWindowPoint |
| The InnerWindowPoint class is a basic 2D point that is assumed to represent a location in inner window space. More...
class | InputEvent |
| The InputEvent class is the base class for input events such as MouseEvent, TouchEvent, and KeyboardEvent. More...
class | IntegerMetadata |
| The IntegerMetadata class is a smart pointer. More...
struct | IntRectangle |
class | InvalidLicenseException |
| An InvalidLicenseException is thrown when trying to run Visualize with an invalid license. More...
class | InvalidObjectException |
| An InvalidObjectException is thrown when a user tries to interact with an object that either is uninitialized or has been deleted. More...
class | InvalidOperationException |
| An InvalidOperationException is thrown when an operation is not supported on the current platform. More...
class | InvalidSpecificationException |
| An InvalidSpecificationException is thrown when a method is called with non-sensical or contradictory arguments. More...
class | IOException |
| The IOException class is an exception that is thrown if there was a problem during file import or export. More...
class | IONotifier |
| The IONotifier class is a smart-pointer that is associated with an asynchronous file import or export. More...
class | Key |
| The Key class is the common base class of all Visualize keys. More...
class | KeyboardEvent |
| The KeyboardEvent class is the event generated for each key press and release. More...
class | KeyboardState |
| The KeyboardState class represents the state of a keyboard for a particular event. More...
struct | KeyHasher |
| A std::hash compatible hasher for HPS::Key. More...
class | KeyPath |
| The KeyPath contains an array of keys, organized from leaf to root. More...
class | Kit |
| The Kit class is the base class for all Visualize kits. More...
class | Layout |
| The Layout class is one of the four core display classes used in a Visualize application. More...
class | LayoutDeletedEvent |
class | LayoutDetachedEvent |
class | LeaderLineClippingElement |
| The LeaderLineClippingElement class is a user space object. More...
class | Lighting |
| This is the Lighting Class. More...
class | LightingAttributeControl |
class | LightingAttributeKit |
| The HPS::LightingAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | Line |
| This is the Line Class. More...
class | LineAttributeControl |
class | LineAttributeKit |
| The HPS::LineAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to lines. More...
class | LineGlyphElement |
| The LineGlyphElement class is a user space object. More...
class | LineKey |
| The LineKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | LineKit |
| The LineKit class is a user space object. More...
class | LinePattern |
| The LinePattern class is a concept class for line-pattern-related enum classes. More...
class | LinePatternDefinition |
| The LinePatternDefinition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | LinePatternElement |
| The LinePatternElement class is a user space object. More...
class | LinePatternKit |
| The LinePatternKit class is a user space object. More...
class | LinePatternOptionsKit |
| The LinePatternOptionsKit class is a user space object. More...
class | LinePatternParallelKit |
| The LinePatternParallelKit class is a user space object. More...
class | LineShapeElement |
| The LineShapeElement class is a user space object. More...
class | Marker |
| This is the Marker Class. More...
class | MarkerAttributeControl |
class | MarkerAttributeKit |
| The HPS::MarkerAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | MarkerKey |
| The MarkerKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | MarkerKit |
| The MarkerKit class is a user space object. More...
class | MarkupOperator |
| The MarkupOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to insert mark-up text and geometry. More...
class | Material |
| The Material class is a concept class for material-related enum classes. More...
class | MaterialKit |
| The MaterialKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings. More...
class | MaterialMappingControl |
class | MaterialMappingKit |
| The HPS::MaterialMappingKit class is a user space object, used for grouping attribute settings related to materials. More...
class | MaterialPaletteDefinition |
| The MaterialPaletteDefinition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | MatrixKit |
| The MatrixKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | Memory |
| The Memory class contains functions for allocating and freeing memory in the Visualize memory space. More...
class | Mesh |
| The Mesh class is a concept class for mesh-related enum classes. More...
class | MeshKey |
| The MeshKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | MeshKit |
| The MeshKit class is a user space object. More...
class | Metadata |
| The Metadata class is a smart pointer. More...
class | Model |
| The Model class is one of the four core display classes used in a Visualize application. More...
class | ModelDeletedEvent |
class | ModelDetachedEvent |
class | ModellingMatrixControl |
| The ModellingMatrixControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | ModifierKeys |
| Various modifier keys that could be active for an InputEvent. More...
class | MouseButtons |
| Mouse buttons that could be active for a MouseEvent. More...
class | MouseEvent |
| The MouseEvent class is the event generated for each mouse action. More...
class | MouseState |
| The MouseState class represents the state of the mouse or similar pointer device for a particular event. More...
class | MouseWheelOperator |
class | NamedStyleDefinition |
| The NamedStyleDefinition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | NavigationCubeControl |
| The NavigationCubeControl allows you to turn on or off the navigation cube, move it to a specific corner of the screen, change the material palette used to style it, or otherwise manipulate it. More...
class | NavigationCubeOperator |
class | NURBSCurveKey |
| The NURBSCurveKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | NURBSCurveKit |
| The NURBSCurveKit class is a user space object. More...
class | NURBSSurfaceAttributeControl |
class | NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit |
| The HPS::NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit class is a user space object that contains settings related to NURBS surfaces. More...
class | NURBSSurfaceKey |
| The NURBSSurfaceKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | NURBSSurfaceKit |
| The NURBSSurfaceKit class is a user space object. More...
class | OBJ |
| The OBJ class contains objects and enumerations used for importing OBJ files. More...
class | Object |
| The Object class is the common base class of most Visualize classes. More...
class | ObjectPoint |
| The ObjectPoint class is a basic 3D point that is assumed to represent a location in object space. More...
class | OffScreenWindowKey |
| The OffScreenWindowKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | OffScreenWindowOptionsControl |
| The HPS::OffScreenWindowOptionsControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | OffScreenWindowOptionsKit |
class | OOC |
| The OOC class contains objects used for importing OOC files. More...
class | Operator |
| The Operator class is the base class for classes which handle under input and operate on the scene. More...
class | OperatorControl |
| The OperatorControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | OperatorUtility |
class | OrbitOperator |
| The OrbitOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to orbit the camera. More...
class | PanOperator |
| The PanOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to pan the camera. More...
class | PanOrbitZoomOperator |
| The PanOrbitZoomOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to pan, orbit and zoom the camera. More...
class | Parasolid |
| The Parasolid class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via Parasolid. More...
class | Performance |
class | PerformanceControl |
class | PerformanceKit |
| The HPS::PerformanceKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to performance settings. More...
class | PixelPoint |
| The PixelPoint class is a basic 2D point that is assumed to represent a location in pixel space. More...
class | Plane_2D |
class | Plane_3D |
class | Point_2D |
class | Point_3D |
class | PointCloud |
| The PointCloud class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting XYZ, PTX, and PTS files. More...
class | PolygonKey |
| The PolygonKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | PolygonKit |
| The PolygonKit class is a user space object. More...
class | PolygonShapeElement |
| The PolygonShapeElement class is a user space object. More...
class | PortfolioControl |
| The PortfolioControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | PortfolioKey |
| The PortfolioKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | PostProcessEffects |
class | PostProcessEffectsControl |
class | PostProcessEffectsKit |
| The HPS::PostProcessEffectsKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to post-process effects. More...
class | Publish |
| The Publish class contains objects and enumerations used for exporting 3D PDF files via Publish. More...
class | Quaternion |
struct | Rectangle |
class | ReferenceKey |
| The ReferenceKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | RelativeOrbitOperator |
class | Rendering |
class | RGB24Color |
class | RGBA32Color |
class | RGBAColor |
class | RGBAS32Color |
class | RGBColor |
class | SceneTree |
| The SceneTree class is a smart pointer which corresponds to a tree object in a GUI toolkit, e.g., a TreeView in WPF or a CTreeCtrl in MFC. More...
class | SceneTreeItem |
| The SceneTreeItem class is a smart pointer which corresponds to an item or node in a tree object in a GUI toolkit, e.g., a TreeViewItem in WPF or an HTREEITEM in MFC. More...
class | Search |
| The Search class is a concept class for search-related enum classes. More...
class | SearchOptionsKit |
| The SearchOptionsKit class is a user space object. More...
class | SearchResults |
| The SearchResults class is a smart-pointer to a database object. More...
class | SearchResultsIterator |
| An iterator used for traversing results from a search on an associated SearchResults object. More...
class | SegmentKey |
| The SegmentKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | SegmentOptimizationOptions |
class | SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit |
| Configuration options kit for controlling HPS::Segment::Optimize behavior. More...
class | Selectability |
| This is the Selectability Class. More...
class | SelectabilityControl |
class | SelectabilityKit |
| The HPS::SelectabilityKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | SelectAreaOperator |
| The HPS::SelectAreaOperator class is a selection mechanism that operates on a rectangle input. More...
class | Selection |
| The Selection class is a concept class for selection-related enum classes. More...
class | SelectionControl |
| The SelectionControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | SelectionItem |
| The SelectionItem class is a smart-pointer to a database object. More...
class | SelectionOptionsControl |
class | SelectionOptionsKit |
| The SelectionOptionsKit class is a user space object. More...
class | SelectionResults |
| The SelectionResults class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | SelectionResultsIterator |
| The SelectionResultsIterator class is used to iterate over a SelectionResults object and access the SelectionItem objects contained within it. More...
class | SelectOperator |
| The HPS::SelectOperator class is a selection mechanism that is intended to operate on a single selection point. More...
class | Shader |
| The Shader class contains objects for importing shader source files and enumerations used when defining shaders in Visualize. More...
class | ShaderDefinition |
| Internal use only - customers should not use. More...
class | ShaderKit |
| Internal use only - customers should not use. More...
class | Shape |
| The Shape class is a concept class for shape-related enum classes. More...
class | ShapeCoordinate |
| The ShapeCoordinate class is a coordinate used in shape definitions. More...
class | ShapeDefinition |
| The ShapeDefinition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | ShapeElement |
| The ShapeElement class is a user space object. More...
class | ShapeKit |
| The ShapeKit class is a user space object. More...
class | ShapePoint |
| The ShapePoint class is a point used in shape definitions. More...
class | Shell |
| The Shell class is a concept class for shell-related enum classes. More...
class | ShellKey |
| The ShellKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | ShellKit |
| The ShellKit class is a user space object. More...
class | ShellOptimizationOptionsKit |
| The ShellOptimizationOptionsKit class is a user space object. More...
class | ShellRelationOptionsKit |
class | ShellRelationResultsKit |
| The ShellKit class is a user space object. More...
class | ShowKeyboardEvent |
| The ShowKeyboardEvent class is the event that can be used on mobile devices to request that the software keyboard be shown. More...
class | SimpleWalkOperator |
| The SimpleWalkOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to move forward and backwards and rotate while staying snapped to a plane. More...
class | Sketchup |
| The Sketchup class contains objects used for importing SketchUp files. More...
class | SmoothTransitionCompleteEvent |
| The SmoothTransitionCompleteEvent class is the event that will be triggered when a Smooth Transition ends. More...
class | SolidLinePatternElement |
| The SolidLinePatternElement class is a user space object. More...
struct | Sphere_3D |
class | SphereAttributeControl |
| The HPS::SphereAttributeControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | SphereAttributeKit |
| The HPS::SphereAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | SphereGlyphElement |
| The SphereGlyphElement class is a user space object. More...
class | SphereKey |
| The SphereKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | SphereKit |
| The SphereKit class is a user space object. More...
class | Spotlight |
| The Spotlight class is a concept class for spotlight-related enum classes. More...
class | SpotlightKey |
| The SpotlightKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | SpotlightKit |
class | Sprocket |
class | SprocketControl |
class | SprocketKit |
class | SprocketPath |
| The SprocketPath class is a utility class which can be used to automatically obtain a KeyPath from the Model to the Canvas. More...
class | StandAloneWindowEvent |
| The StandAloneWindowEvent class is the event that is generated by a Standalone window. More...
class | StandAloneWindowKey |
| The StandAloneWindowKey object is a handle to a stand-alone window that Visualize can draw into. More...
class | StandAloneWindowOptionsControl |
class | StandAloneWindowOptionsKit |
class | STL |
| The STL class contains objects and enumerations used for importing STL files. More...
class | Stream |
| The Stream class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting HSF files. More...
class | StringMetadata |
| The StringMetadata class is a smart pointer. More...
class | Style |
| This is the Style Class. More...
class | StyleControl |
| The StyleControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | StyleKey |
| The StyleKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | Subwindow |
| This is the Subwindow Class. More...
class | SubwindowControl |
class | SubwindowKit |
| The HPS::SubwindowKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to subwindows. More...
class | Text |
| The Text class is a concept class for text-related enum classes. More...
class | TextAttributeControl |
class | TextAttributeKit |
| The HPS::TextAttributeKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | TextInputEvent |
| The TextInputEvent class is the event that is generated when an application receives text input. More...
class | TextKey |
| The TextKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | TextKit |
| The TextKit class is a user space object. More...
class | TextureDefinition |
| The TextureDefinition class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | TextureMatrixControl |
| The TextureMatrixControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | TextureOptionsKit |
class | TimeMetadata |
| The TimeMetadata class is a smart pointer. More...
class | TimerTickEvent |
| The TimerTickEvent class is the event that will be triggered for each timer tick. More...
class | Touch |
| The Touch class represents the state of a single touch on a multi-touch device. More...
class | TouchEvent |
| The TouchEvent class is the event generated for each touch action on a multi-touch device. More...
class | TouchState |
| The TouchState class represents the state of touches on a multi-touch device for a particular event. More...
class | TransformMaskControl |
| The HPS::TransformMaskControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | TransformMaskKit |
| The HPS::TransformMaskKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | Transparency |
| This is the Transparency Class. More...
class | TransparencyControl |
| The HPS::TransparencyControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | TransparencyKit |
| The HPS::TransparencyKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings related to transparency. More...
class | TreeContext |
| The TreeContext class is a user space object. More...
class | Trim |
| The Trim class is a concept class for trim-related enum classes. More...
class | TrimElement |
| The TrimElement class is a user space object. More...
class | TrimKit |
| The TrimKit class is a user space object. More...
class | TurntableOperator |
| The TurntableOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to orbit the camera along a specific axis. More...
class | UnsignedIntegerMetadata |
| The UnsignedIntegerMetadata class is a smart pointer. More...
class | UpdateCompletedEvent |
| The UpdateCompletedEvent class is the event that is generated when an update is completed. More...
struct | UpdateInfo |
class | UpdateNotifier |
| The UpdateNotifier class is a smart pointer that is associated with a window update. More...
class | UpdateOptionsControl |
class | UpdateOptionsKit |
| The HPS::UpdateOptionsKit class is a user space object. More...
class | UTF8 |
| The UTF8 class encapsulates a utf8 encoded array of characters and allows for easy encoding and decoding. More...
struct | UTF8Hasher |
| A std::hash compatible hasher for HPS::UTF8. More...
class | Vector_2D |
class | Vector_3D |
class | View |
| The View class is one of the four core display classes used in a Visualize application. More...
class | ViewDeletedEvent |
class | ViewDetachedEvent |
class | VisibilityControl |
class | VisibilityKit |
| The HPS::VisibilityKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group of attribute settings. More...
class | VisualEffectsControl |
class | VisualEffectsKit |
| The HPS::VisualEffectsKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | WalkOperator |
| The WalkOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to accurately move the camera around the scene, while snapped to a plane. More...
class | WarningEvent |
| The WarningEvent class is the event that will be generated if an asynchronous warning occurs. More...
class | Window |
| The Window class is a concept class for window-related enum classes. More...
class | WindowInfoControl |
| The WindowInfoControl class is a smart pointer that is tied to a database object. More...
class | WindowInfoKit |
| The WindowInfoKit class is a user space object, useful for carrying a group attribute settings. More...
class | WindowKey |
| The WindowKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...
class | WindowPoint |
| The WindowPoint class is a basic 2D point that is assumed to represent a location in normalized window space. More...
class | World |
| The World class is a special object that must be constructed prior to making any database calls and must exist for the life of the application. More...
class | WorldPoint |
| The WorldPoint class is a basic 3D point that is assumed to represent a location in world space. More...
class | ZoomBoxOperator |
class | ZoomFitTouchOperator |
| The ZoomFitTouchOperator class defines an operator which fits the camera to the model currently loaded. More...
class | ZoomOperator |
| The ZoomOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to zoom the camera. More...
typedef double | Time |
typedef Point_3D< float > | Point |
typedef Point_3D< double > | DPoint |
typedef Point_2D< float > | Point2D |
typedef Point_2D< double > | DPoint2D |
typedef Vector_3D< float > | Vector |
typedef Vector_3D< double > | DVector |
typedef Vector_2D< float > | Vector2D |
typedef Vector_2D< double > | DVector2D |
typedef Plane_3D< float > | Plane |
typedef Plane_3D< double > | DPlane |
typedef Plane_2D< float > | Plane2D |
typedef Plane_2D< double > | DPlane2D |
typedef Cuboid_3D< float > | SimpleCuboid |
typedef Cuboid_3D< double > | DSimpleCuboid |
typedef Sphere_3D< float > | SimpleSphere |
typedef Sphere_3D< double > | DSimpleSphere |
typedef unsigned char | byte |
typedef signed char | sbyte |
typedef intptr_t | WindowHandle |
typedef int64_t | TouchID |
typedef intptr_t | PlatformData |
typedef intptr_t | OpaqueHandle |
typedef std::vector< Point, Allocator< Point > > | PointArray |
| Array of type HPS::Point. More...
typedef std::vector< ObjectPoint, Allocator< ObjectPoint > > | ObjectPointArray |
| Array of type HPS::ObjectPoint. More...
typedef std::vector< WorldPoint, Allocator< WorldPoint > > | WorldPointArray |
| Array of type HPS::WorldPoint. More...
typedef std::vector< CameraPoint, Allocator< CameraPoint > > | CameraPointArray |
| Array of type HPS::CameraPoint. More...
typedef std::vector< InnerWindowPoint, Allocator< InnerWindowPoint > > | InnerWindowPointArray |
| Array of type HPS::InnerWindowPoint. More...
typedef std::vector< InnerPixelPoint, Allocator< InnerPixelPoint > > | InnerPixelPointArray |
| Array of type HPS::InnerPixelPoint. More...
typedef std::vector< WindowPoint, Allocator< WindowPoint > > | WindowPointArray |
| Array of type HPS::WindowPoint. More...
typedef std::vector< PixelPoint, Allocator< PixelPoint > > | PixelPointArray |
| Array of type HPS::PixelPoint. More...
typedef std::vector< Vector, Allocator< Vector > > | VectorArray |
| Array of type HPS::Vector. More...
typedef std::vector< DVector, Allocator< DVector > > | DVectorArray |
| Array of type HPS::DVector. More...
typedef std::vector< Plane, Allocator< Plane > > | PlaneArray |
| Array of type HPS::Plane. More...
typedef std::vector< int, Allocator< int > > | IntArray |
| Array of type int. More...
typedef std::vector< RGBColor, Allocator< RGBColor > > | RGBColorArray |
| Array of type HPS::RGBColor. More...
typedef std::vector< RGBAColor, Allocator< RGBAColor > > | RGBAColorArray |
| Array of type HPS::RGBAColor. More...
typedef std::vector< unsigned int, Allocator< unsigned int > > | UnsignedIntArray |
| Array of type unsigned int. More...
typedef std::vector< size_t, Allocator< size_t > > | SizeTArray |
| Array of type size_t. More...
typedef std::vector< float, Allocator< float > > | FloatArray |
| Array of type float. More...
typedef std::vector< SegmentKey, Allocator< SegmentKey > > | SegmentKeyArray |
| Array of type HPS::SegmentKey. More...
typedef std::vector< WindowKey, Allocator< WindowKey > > | WindowKeyArray |
| Array of type HPS::WindowKey. More...
typedef std::vector< EventHandler, Allocator< EventHandler > > | EventHandlerArray |
| Array of type HPS::EventHandler. More...
typedef std::vector< GlyphElement, Allocator< GlyphElement > > | GlyphElementArray |
| Array of type HPS::GlyphElement. More...
typedef std::vector< ShapeElement, Allocator< ShapeElement > > | ShapeElementArray |
| Array of type HPS::ShapeElement. More...
typedef std::vector< GlyphPoint, Allocator< GlyphPoint > > | GlyphPointArray |
| Array of type HPS::GlyphPoint. More...
typedef std::vector< UTF8, Allocator< UTF8 > > | UTF8Array |
| Array of type HPS::UTF8. More...
typedef std::vector< UTF8Array, Allocator< UTF8Array > > | UTF8ArrayArray |
| Array of type HPS::UTF8Array. More...
typedef std::vector< bool, Allocator< bool > > | BoolArray |
| Array of type bool. More...
typedef std::vector< TrimKit, Allocator< TrimKit > > | TrimKitArray |
| Array of type HPS::TrimKit. More...
typedef std::vector< Key, Allocator< Key > > | KeyArray |
| Array of type HPS::Key. More...
typedef std::vector< PortfolioKey, Allocator< PortfolioKey > > | PortfolioKeyArray |
| Array of type HPS::PortfolioKey. More...
typedef std::vector< char, Allocator< char > > | CharArray |
| Array of type char. More...
typedef std::vector< wchar_t, Allocator< wchar_t > > | WCharArray |
| Array of type wchar_t. More...
typedef std::vector< byte, Allocator< byte > > | ByteArray |
| Array of type HPS::byte. More...
typedef std::vector< ByteArray, Allocator< ByteArray > > | ByteArrayArray |
| Array of type HPS::ByteArray. More...
typedef std::vector< sbyte, Allocator< sbyte > > | SByteArray |
| Array of type HPS::sbyte. More...
typedef std::vector< MaterialKit, Allocator< MaterialKit > > | MaterialKitArray |
| Array of type HPS::MaterialKit. More...
typedef std::vector< LinePatternElement, Allocator< LinePatternElement > > | LinePatternElementArray |
| Array of type HPS::LinePatternElement. More...
typedef std::vector< LinePatternParallelKit, Allocator< LinePatternParallelKit > > | LinePatternParallelKitArray |
| Array of type HPS::LinePatternParallelKit. More...
typedef std::vector< Material::Type, Allocator< Material::Type > > | MaterialTypeArray |
| Array of type HPS::Material::Type. More...
typedef std::vector< Search::Type, Allocator< Search::Type > > | SearchTypeArray |
| Array of type HPS::Search::Type. More...
typedef std::vector< Line::SizeUnits, Allocator< Line::SizeUnits > > | LineSizeUnitsArray |
| Array of type HPS::Line::SizeUnits. More...
typedef std::vector< CameraKit, Allocator< CameraKit > > | CameraKitArray |
| Array of type HPS::CameraKit. More...
typedef std::vector< ConditionalExpression, Allocator< ConditionalExpression > > | ConditionalExpressionArray |
| Array of type HPS::ConditionalExpression. More...
typedef std::vector< TextureDefinition, Allocator< TextureDefinition > > | TextureDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::TexureDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< CubeMapDefinition, Allocator< CubeMapDefinition > > | CubeMapDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::CubeMapDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< ImageDefinition, Allocator< ImageDefinition > > | ImageDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::ImageDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< NamedStyleDefinition, Allocator< NamedStyleDefinition > > | NamedStyleDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::NamedStyleDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< MaterialPaletteDefinition, Allocator< MaterialPaletteDefinition > > | MaterialPaletteDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::MaterialPaletteDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< GlyphDefinition, Allocator< GlyphDefinition > > | GlyphDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::GlpyhDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< LinePatternDefinition, Allocator< LinePatternDefinition > > | LinePatternDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::LinePatternDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< ShaderDefinition, Allocator< ShaderDefinition > > | ShaderDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::ShaderDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< ShapeDefinition, Allocator< ShapeDefinition > > | ShapeDefinitionArray |
| Array of type HPS::ShapeDefinition. More...
typedef std::vector< IntRectangle, Allocator< IntRectangle > > | IntRectangleArray |
| Array of type HPS::IntRectangle. More...
typedef std::vector< AttributeLock::Type, Allocator< AttributeLock::Type > > | AttributeLockTypeArray |
| Array of type HPS::AttributeLock. More...
typedef std::vector< Style::Type, Allocator< Style::Type > > | StyleTypeArray |
| Array of type HPS::Style::Type. More...
typedef std::vector< TrimElement, Allocator< TrimElement > > | TrimElementArray |
| Array of type HPS::TrimElement. More...
typedef std::vector< KeyPath, Allocator< KeyPath > > | KeyPathArray |
| Array of type HPS::KeyPath. More...
typedef std::vector< IncludeKey, Allocator< IncludeKey > > | IncludeKeyArray |
| Array of type HPS::IncludeKey. More...
typedef std::vector< KeyboardCode, Allocator< KeyboardCode > > | KeyboardCodeArray |
| Array of type HPS::KeyboardCode. More...
typedef std::vector< Touch, Allocator< Touch > > | TouchArray |
| Array of type HPS::Touch. More...
typedef std::vector< ReferenceKey, Allocator< ReferenceKey > > | ReferenceKeyArray |
| Array of type HPS::ReferenceKey. More...
typedef std::vector< intptr_t, Allocator< intptr_t > > | IntPtrTArray |
| Array of type intptr_t. More...
typedef std::vector< GeometryKey, Allocator< GeometryKey > > | GeometryKeyArray |
| Array of type HPS::GeometryKey. More...
typedef std::vector< Shell::Relation, Allocator< Shell::Relation > > | ShellRelationArray |
| Array of type HPS::ShelL::Relation. More...
typedef std::vector< StyleKey, Allocator< StyleKey > > | StyleKeyArray |
| Array of type HPS::StyleKey. More...
typedef std::vector< PointArray, Allocator< PointArray > > | PointArrayArray |
| Array of type HPS::PointArray. More...
typedef std::vector< Text::MarginUnits, Allocator< Text::MarginUnits > > | TextMarginUnitsArray |
| Array of type HPS::Text::MarginUnits. More...
typedef std::vector< PointArrayArray, Allocator< PointArrayArray > > | PointArrayArrayArray |
| Array of type HPS::PointArrayArray. More...
typedef std::vector< Drawing::ClipSpace, Allocator< Drawing::ClipSpace > > | ClipSpaceArray |
| Array of type HPS::Drawing::ClipSpace. More...
typedef std::vector< Drawing::ClipOperation, Allocator< Drawing::ClipOperation > > | ClipOperationArray |
| Array of type HPS::Drawing::ClipOperation. More...
typedef std::vector< MatrixKit, Allocator< MatrixKit > > | MatrixKitArray |
| Array of type HPS::MatrixKit. More...
typedef std::vector< int32_t, HPS::Allocator< int32_t > > | Int32Array |
| Array of type int32_t. More...
typedef std::vector< Line::CoordinateSpace, Allocator< Line::CoordinateSpace > > | LineCoordinateSpaceArray |
| Array of type HPS::Line::CoordinateSpace. More...
typedef std::vector< Drawing::Overlay, Allocator< Drawing::Overlay > > | DrawingOverlayArray |
| Array of type HPS::Drawing::Overlay. More...
typedef std::vector< HighlightState, Allocator< HighlightState > > | HighlightStateArray |
| Array of type HPS::HighlightState. More...
typedef std::vector< ShapePoint, Allocator< ShapePoint > > | ShapePointArray |
typedef std::shared_ptr< Operator > | OperatorPtr |
typedef std::vector< OperatorPtr, Allocator< OperatorPtr > > | OperatorPtrArray |
typedef std::vector< Canvas, Allocator< Canvas > > | CanvasArray |
typedef std::vector< Layout, Allocator< Layout > > | LayoutArray |
typedef std::vector< View, Allocator< View > > | ViewArray |
typedef std::vector< Model, Allocator< Model > > | ModelArray |
typedef std::vector< Component, Allocator< Component > > | ComponentArray |
typedef std::vector< Metadata, Allocator< Metadata > > | MetadataArray |
typedef std::vector< Filter, Allocator< Filter > > | FilterArray |
typedef std::vector< Capture, Allocator< Capture > > | CaptureArray |
typedef std::vector< CADModel, Allocator< CADModel > > | CADModelArray |
typedef std::vector< ReferenceKeyArray, Allocator< ReferenceKeyArray > > | ReferenceKeyArrayArray |
typedef std::vector< ComponentPath, Allocator< ComponentPath > > | ComponentPathArray |
typedef std::vector< HighlightOptionsKit, Allocator< HighlightOptionsKit > > | HighlightOptionsKitArray |
typedef std::shared_ptr< SceneTreeItem > | SceneTreeItemPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< SceneTree > | SceneTreePtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ComponentTreeItem > | ComponentTreeItemPtr |
typedef std::shared_ptr< ComponentTree > | ComponentTreePtr |
enum | IOResult : uint32_t {
} |
| Enumerates the import and export result values. More...
enum | Type : uint32_t {
Type::None = 0x00000000,
Type::GenericMask = 0xffffff00,
Type::World = 0x00000001,
Type::UTF8 = 0x00000002,
Type::EventDispatcher = 0x00000003,
Type::EventHandler = 0x00000004,
Type::EventNotifier = 0x00000005,
Type::UpdateNotifier = 0x00000006,
Type::SearchResults = 0x00000008,
Type::FontSearchResults = 0x00000009,
Type::SelectionResults = 0x0000000a,
Type::SelectionItem = 0x0000000b,
Type::TreeContext = 0x0000000c,
Type::StreamToolkit = 0x0000000d,
Type::DriverEventHandler = 0x0000000e,
Type::HighlightSearchResults = 0x0000000f,
Type::IONotifier = 0x04000100,
Type::StreamImportNotifier = 0x04000101,
Type::STLImportNotifier = 0x04000102,
Type::OBJImportNotifier = 0x04000103,
Type::ExchangeImportNotifier = 0x04000104,
Type::SketchupImportNotifier = 0x04000105,
Type::ParasolidImportNotifier = 0x04000106,
Type::ExchangeTranslationNotifier = 0x04000107,
Type::ExchangeExportNotifier = 0x04000108,
Type::StreamExportNotifier = 0x04000109,
Type::ExchangeReloadNotifier = 0x0400010a,
Type::DWGImportNotifier = 0x0400010b,
Type::ExchangeParasolidImportNotifier = 0x0400010c,
Type::PointCloudImportNotifier = 0x0400010d,
Type::OOCImportNotifier = 0x0400010e,
Type::OBJExportNotifier = 0x0400010f,
Type::SearchResultsIterator = 0x01000001,
Type::FontSearchResultsIterator = 0x01000002,
Type::SelectionResultsIterator = 0x01000003,
Type::HighlightSearchResultsIterator = 0x01000004,
Type::Kit = 0x01000000,
Type::MarkerKit = 0x01000010,
Type::SphereAttributeKit = 0x01000011,
Type::TextAttributeKit = 0x01000012,
Type::TransparencyKit = 0x01000013,
Type::VisibilityKit = 0x01000014,
Type::VisualEffectsKit = 0x01000015,
Type::CuttingSectionAttributeKit = 0x01000016,
Type::CircleKit = 0x01000017,
Type::CircularArcKit = 0x01000018,
Type::CircularWedgeKit = 0x01000019,
Type::CuttingSectionKit = 0x0100001a,
Type::CylinderKit = 0x0100001b,
Type::DistantLightKit = 0x0100001c,
Type::EllipseKit = 0x0100001d,
Type::EllipticalArcKit = 0x0100001e,
Type::InfiniteLineKit = 0x0100001f,
Type::LineKit = 0x01000020,
Type::NURBSCurveKit = 0x01000021,
Type::MeshKit = 0x01000022,
Type::NURBSSurfaceKit = 0x01000023,
Type::PolygonKit = 0x01000024,
Type::SphereKit = 0x01000025,
Type::SpotlightKit = 0x01000026,
Type::ShellKit = 0x01000027,
Type::TextKit = 0x01000028,
Type::MaterialKit = 0x01000029,
Type::TrimKit = 0x0100002a,
Type::TextureOptionsKit = 0x0100002c,
Type::LinePatternKit = 0x0100002d,
Type::GlyphKit = 0x0100002e,
Type::ImageKit = 0x0100002f,
Type::LinePatternOptionsKit = 0x01000030,
Type::CameraKit = 0x01000031,
Type::BoundingKit = 0x01000032,
Type::CullingKit = 0x01000033,
Type::CurveAttributeKit = 0x01000034,
Type::CylinderAttributeKit = 0x01000035,
Type::EdgeAttributeKit = 0x01000036,
Type::LightingAttributeKit = 0x01000037,
Type::LineAttributeKit = 0x01000038,
Type::MarkerAttributeKit = 0x01000039,
Type::MaterialMappingKit = 0x0100003a,
Type::MatrixKit = 0x0100003b,
Type::NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit = 0x0100003c,
Type::PostProcessEffectsKit = 0x0100003d,
Type::SelectabilityKit = 0x0100003e,
Type::SelectionOptionsKit = 0x0100003f,
Type::StandAloneWindowOptionsKit = 0x01000040,
Type::OffScreenWindowOptionsKit = 0x01000041,
Type::ApplicationWindowOptionsKit = 0x01000042,
Type::HighlightOptionsKit = 0x01000043,
Type::LinePatternParallelKit = 0x01000044,
Type::SubwindowKit = 0x01000045,
Type::PerformanceKit = 0x01000046,
Type::HiddenLineAttributeKit = 0x01000047,
Type::DrawingAttributeKit = 0x01000048,
Type::ShaderKit = 0x01000049,
Type::DebuggingKit = 0x0100004a,
Type::ContourLineKit = 0x0100004b,
Type::StreamImportOptionsKit = 0x0100004c,
Type::StreamImportResultsKit = 0x0100004d,
Type::StreamExportOptionsKit = 0x0100004e,
Type::StreamExportResultsKit = 0x0100004f,
Type::WindowInfoKit = 0x01000050,
Type::ImageImportOptionsKit = 0x01000051,
Type::SearchOptionsKit = 0x01000052,
Type::ShaderImportOptionsKit = 0x01000053,
Type::HardcopyExportOptionsKit = 0x01000055,
Type::HardcopyGDIExportOptionsKit = 0x01001055,
Type::AttributeLockKit = 0x01000056,
Type::TransformMaskKit = 0x01000057,
Type::ColorInterpolationKit = 0x01000058,
Type::UpdateOptionsKit = 0x01000059,
Type::ImageExportOptionsKit = 0x0100005a,
Type::OBJImportOptionsKit = 0x0100005b,
Type::OBJImportResultsKit = 0x0100005c,
Type::STLImportOptionsKit = 0x0100005d,
Type::STLImportResultsKit = 0x0100005e,
Type::ShellOptimizationOptionsKit = 0x0100005f,
Type::ShellRelationOptionsKit = 0x01000060,
Type::ShellRelationResultsKit = 0x01000061,
Type::GridKit = 0x01000062,
Type::CutGeometryGatheringOptionsKit = 0x01000063,
Type::SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit = 0x01000064,
Type::PointCloudImportOptionsKit = 0x01000065,
Type::PointCloudImportResultsKit = 0x01000066,
Type::ShapeKit = 0x01000067,
Type::HighlightSearchOptionsKit = 0x01000068,
Type::LinePatternElement = 0x03000000,
Type::SolidLinePatternElement = 0x03000001,
Type::BlankLinePatternElement = 0x03000002,
Type::GlyphLinePatternElement = 0x03000003,
Type::GlyphElement = 0x05000000,
Type::DotGlyphElement = 0x05000001,
Type::LineGlyphElement = 0x05000002,
Type::EllipseGlyphElement = 0x05000003,
Type::CircularArcGlyphElement = 0x05000004,
Type::InfiniteLineGlyphElement = 0x05000005,
Type::SphereGlyphElement = 0x05000006,
Type::TrimElement = 0x07000000,
Type::ConditionalExpression = 0x09000000,
Type::NOTCondition = 0x09000001,
Type::ANDCondition = 0x09000002,
Type::ORCondition = 0x09000003,
Type::XORCondition = 0x09000004,
Type::EQCondition = 0x09000005,
Type::NEQCondition = 0x09000006,
Type::GTCondition = 0x09000007,
Type::LTCondition = 0x09000008,
Type::GTEQCondition = 0x09000009,
Type::LTEQCondition = 0x0900000A,
Type::ShapeElement = 0x0B000000,
Type::PolygonShapeElement = 0x0B000001,
Type::EllipseShapeElement = 0x0B000002,
Type::CircleShapeElement = 0x0B000003,
Type::EllipticalArcShapeElement = 0x0B000004,
Type::AnchorShapeElement = 0x0B000005,
Type::LineShapeElement = 0x0B000006,
Type::CircularArcShapeElement = 0x0B000007,
Type::LeaderLineClippingElement = 0x0B000008,
Type::MouseState = 0x01001001,
Type::TouchState = 0x01001002,
Type::KeyboardState = 0x01001003,
Type::FontInfoState = 0x01001004,
Type::HighlightState = 0x01001005,
Type::KeyPath = 0x01000F01,
Type::Key = 0x10000000,
Type::IncludeKey = 0x10000001,
Type::PortfolioKey = 0x10000002,
Type::StyleKey = 0x10000003,
Type::SegmentKey = 0x10200000,
Type::WindowKey = 0x10600000,
Type::StandAloneWindowKey = 0x10600001,
Type::OffScreenWindowKey = 0x10600002,
Type::ApplicationWindowKey = 0x10600003,
Type::GeometryKey = 0x10100000,
Type::ReferenceKey = 0x10100001,
Type::CircleKey = 0x10100002,
Type::CircularArcKey = 0x10100003,
Type::CircularWedgeKey = 0x10100004,
Type::CuttingSectionKey = 0x10100005,
Type::CylinderKey = 0x10100006,
Type::EllipseKey = 0x10100007,
Type::EllipticalArcKey = 0x10100008,
Type::InfiniteLineKey = 0x10100009,
Type::LineKey = 0x1010000a,
Type::DistantLightKey = 0x1010000b,
Type::SpotlightKey = 0x1010000c,
Type::MarkerKey = 0x1010000d,
Type::MeshKey = 0x1010000e,
Type::NURBSCurveKey = 0x1010000f,
Type::NURBSSurfaceKey = 0x10100010,
Type::PolygonKey = 0x10100011,
Type::ShellKey = 0x10100012,
Type::SphereKey = 0x10100013,
Type::TextKey = 0x10100014,
Type::GridKey = 0x10100015,
Type::Definition = 0x20000000,
Type::NamedStyleDefinition = 0x20000001,
Type::TextureDefinition = 0x20000002,
Type::LinePatternDefinition = 0x20000003,
Type::GlyphDefinition = 0x20000004,
Type::CubeMapDefinition = 0x20000005,
Type::ImageDefinition = 0x20000006,
Type::MaterialPaletteDefinition = 0x20000007,
Type::ShaderDefinition = 0x20000008,
Type::ShapeDefinition = 0x20000009,
Type::Control = 0x50000000,
Type::CameraControl = 0x50000001,
Type::SelectabilityControl = 0x50000002,
Type::MarkerAttributeControl = 0x50000003,
Type::SphereAttributeControl = 0x50000004,
Type::LightingAttributeControl = 0x50000005,
Type::CylinderAttributeControl = 0x50000006,
Type::TextAttributeControl = 0x50000007,
Type::LineAttributeControl = 0x50000008,
Type::EdgeAttributeControl = 0x50000009,
Type::CurveAttributeControl = 0x5000000a,
Type::ModellingMatrixControl = 0x5000000b,
Type::TextureMatrixControl = 0x5000000c,
Type::CullingControl = 0x5000000d,
Type::TransparencyControl = 0x5000000e,
Type::MaterialMappingControl = 0x5000000f,
Type::NURBSSurfaceAttributeControl = 0x50000010,
Type::PostProcessEffectsControl = 0x50000011,
Type::BoundingControl = 0x50000012,
Type::VisualEffectsControl = 0x50000013,
Type::SelectionOptionsControl = 0x50000014,
Type::HighlightOptionsControl = 0x50000015,
Type::DefinitionControl = 0x50000016,
Type::SelectionControl = 0x50000017,
Type::HighlightControl = 0x50000018,
Type::StandAloneWindowOptionsControl = 0x50600019,
Type::OffScreenWindowOptionsControl = 0x5060001a,
Type::ApplicationWindowOptionsControl = 0x5060001b,
Type::VisibilityControl = 0x5000001c,
Type::SubwindowControl = 0x5000001d,
Type::PerformanceControl = 0x5000001e,
Type::HiddenLineAttributeControl = 0x5000001f,
Type::DrawingAttributeControl = 0x50000020,
Type::DebuggingControl = 0x50000021,
Type::ContourLineControl = 0x50000022,
Type::StyleControl = 0x50000023,
Type::ConditionControl = 0x50000024,
Type::PortfolioControl = 0x50000025,
Type::WindowInfoControl = 0x50000026,
Type::AttributeLockControl = 0x50000027,
Type::TransformMaskControl = 0x50000028,
Type::ColorInterpolationControl = 0x50000029,
Type::UpdateOptionsControl = 0x50600030,
Type::CuttingSectionAttributeControl = 0x50000031,
Type::LibraryMask = 0x80FF0000,
Type::Sprocket = 0x80000000,
Type::Canvas = 0x80000001,
Type::Layout = 0x80000002,
Type::View = 0x80000003,
Type::Model = 0x80000004,
Type::Operator = 0x80000005,
Type::SprocketPath = 0x80000007,
Type::SprocketControl = 0xD0000000,
Type::OperatorControl = 0xD0000008,
Type::NavigationCubeControl = 0xD0000009,
Type::AxisTriadControl = 0xD000000A,
Type::SprocketKit = 0x81000000,
Type::Metadata = 0x80001000,
Type::IntegerMetadata = 0x80001001,
Type::UnsignedIntegerMetadata = 0x80001002,
Type::DoubleMetadata = 0x80001003,
Type::StringMetadata = 0x80001004,
Type::TimeMetadata = 0x80001005,
Type::BooleanMetadata = 0x80001006,
Type::Component = 0x80000200,
Type::Filter = 0x80000600,
Type::Capture = 0x80000a00,
Type::CADModel = 0x80000300,
Type::ComponentPath = 0x81001000,
Type::ExchangeMask = 0x80020000,
Type::ExchangeComponent = 0x80021200,
Type::ExchangeSheet = 0x80021201,
Type::ExchangeProductOccurrence = 0x80021202,
Type::ExchangeFilter = 0x80020601,
Type::ExchangeCapture = 0x80020a01,
Type::ExchangeCADModel = 0x80020301,
Type::ExchangeConfiguration = 0x81020001,
Type::ExchangeImportOptionsKit = 0x81020002,
Type::ExchangeExportACISOptionsKit = 0x81020003,
Type::ExchangeExportIGESOptionsKit = 0x81020004,
Type::ExchangeExportJTOptionsKit = 0x81020005,
Type::ExchangeExportParasolidOptionsKit = 0x81020006,
Type::ExchangeExportPRCOptionsKit = 0x81020007,
Type::ExchangeExportSTEPOptionsKit = 0x81020008,
Type::ExchangeExportSTLOptionsKit = 0x81020009,
Type::ExchangeExportU3DOptionsKit = 0x8102000a,
Type::ExchangeExportXMLOptionsKit = 0x8102000b,
Type::ExchangeTessellationOptionsKit = 0x8102000c,
Type::ExchangeModelFileImportOptionsKit = 0x8102000d,
Type::ExchangeTranslationOptionsKit = 0x8102000e,
Type::ExchangeNURBSConversionOptionsKit = 0x8102000f,
Type::ExchangeExport3MFOptionsKit = 0x81020010,
Type::PublishMask = 0x80040000,
Type::PublishDocumentKit = 0x81040001,
Type::PublishPageKit = 0x81040002,
Type::PublishTemplateKit = 0x81040003,
Type::PublishAnnotationKit = 0x81040004,
Type::PublishArtworkKit = 0x81040005,
Type::PublishViewKit = 0x81040006,
Type::PublishTextKit = 0x81040007,
Type::PublishImageKit = 0x81040008,
Type::PublishTableKit = 0x81040009,
Type::PublishExportOptionsKit = 0x8104000a,
Type::PublishLinkKit = 0x8104000b,
Type::PublishButtonKit = 0x8104000c,
Type::PublishTextFieldKit = 0x8104000d,
Type::PublishSlideTableKit = 0x8104000e,
Type::PublishCheckBoxKit = 0x8104000f,
Type::PublishRadioButtonKit = 0x81040010,
Type::PublishListBoxKit = 0x81040011,
Type::PublishDropDownListKit = 0x81040012,
Type::PublishSignatureFieldKit = 0x81040013,
Type::PublishDocumentKey = 0x80040001,
Type::PublishPageControl = 0x80040002,
Type::ExchangeParasolidMask = 0x80080000,
Type::SceneTree = 0x80008001,
Type::SceneTreeItem = 0x80008002,
Type::ComponentTree = 0x80008003,
Type::ComponentTreeItem = 0x80008004,
Type::SketchupMask = 0x80100000,
Type::SketchupImportOptionsKit = 0x81100001,
Type::SketchupImportResultsKit = 0x81100002,
Type::ParasolidMask = 0x80200000,
Type::ParasolidComponent = 0x80201201,
Type::ParasolidCADModel = 0x80200302,
Type::ParasolidImportOptionsKit = 0x81200003,
Type::ParasolidFacetTessellationKit = 0x81200004,
Type::ParasolidLineTessellationKit = 0x81200005,
Type::ParasolidExportOptionsKit = 0x81200006,
Type::DWGMask = 0x80400000,
Type::DWGComponent = 0x80401201,
Type::DWGLayer = 0x80401202,
Type::DWGLayout = 0x80400a03,
Type::DWGCADModel = 0x80400304,
Type::DWGImportOptionsKit = 0x81400005,
Type::OOCMask = 0x80800000,
Type::OOCImportOptionsKit = 0x81800001,
Type::OOCImportResultsKit = 0x81800002,
Type::HTMLMask = 0x80010000,
Type::IONotifierData = 0x84000200,
Type::StreamImportNotifierData = 0x84000201,
Type::STLImportNotifierData = 0x84000202,
Type::OBJImportNotifierData = 0x84000203,
Type::ExchangeImportNotifierData = 0x84020204,
Type::SketchupImportNotifierData = 0x84100205,
Type::ParasolidImportNotifierData = 0x84200206,
Type::ExchangeTranslationNotifierData = 0x84020207,
Type::ExchangeExportNotifierData = 0x84020208,
Type::StreamExportNotifierData = 0x84000209,
Type::DWGImportNotifierData = 0x8440020a,
Type::ExchangeParasolidImportNotifierData = 0x8408020b,
Type::PointCloudImportNotifierData = 0x8400020c,
Type::OOCImportNotifierData = 0x8480020d,
Type::OBJExportNotifierData = 0x8400020e
} |
| The Type class is a concept class that contains type information for all classes. More...
enum | KeyboardCode : uint32_t {
KeyboardCode::None = 0,
KeyboardCode::Backspace = 8,
KeyboardCode::Tab = 9,
KeyboardCode::Clear = 11,
KeyboardCode::Return = 13,
KeyboardCode::Shift = 16,
KeyboardCode::Control = 17,
KeyboardCode::Alt = 18,
KeyboardCode::Pause = 19,
KeyboardCode::Escape = 27,
KeyboardCode::Space = 32,
KeyboardCode::Insert =1024,
} |
| The KeyboardCode enum contains codes for each key for use by the KeyboardEvent and KeyboardState classes. More...
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T | Degrees_To_Radians (T const °rees) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T | Radians_To_Degrees (T const &radians) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE void | SinCos (T const &angle, T &sine, T &cosine) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T | Cos (T const &angle) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T | Sin (T const &angle) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T | ACos (T const &x) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T | ATan2 (T const &y, T const &x) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T * | Alter (T const *a) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T & | Alter (T const &a) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T | Abs (T const &a) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE int | Compare (T const &a, T const &b) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE int | Sign (T const &a) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE void | Swap (T &a, T &b) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE int | Floor (T const &a) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE int | Ceiling (T const &a) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Min (T const &a, T const &b) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Min (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Min (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c, T const &d) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Min (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c, T const &d, T const &e) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Min (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c, T const &d, T const &e, T const &f) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Max (T const &a, T const &b) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Max (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Max (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c, T const &d) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Max (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c, T const &d, T const &e) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Max (T const &a, T const &b, T const &c, T const &d, T const &e, T const &f) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE T const & | Clamp (T const &x, T const &min, T const &max) |
template<> |
HPS_INLINE float | Abs< float > (float const &a) |
template<> |
HPS_INLINE int | Sign< float > (float const &a) |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (float const &f) |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (double const &d) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (size_t count, T const *t) |
template<typename T > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (int count, T const *t) |
template<typename F , typename S > |
HPS_INLINE Point_3D< F > | operator* (S s, Point_3D< F > const &a) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Point_3D< F > | Midpoint (Point_3D< F > const &a, Point_3D< F > const &b) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Point_3D< F > | Midpoint (Point_3D< F > const &a, Point_3D< F > const &b, Point_3D< F > const &c) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (Point_3D< F > const &p) |
template<typename F , typename S > |
HPS_INLINE Point_2D< F > | operator* (S s, Point_2D< F > const &a) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Point_2D< F > | Midpoint (Point_2D< F > const &a, Point_2D< F > const &b) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Point_2D< F > | Midpoint (Point_2D< F > const &a, Point_2D< F > const &b, Point_2D< F > const &c) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (Point_2D< F > const &p) |
template<typename F , typename S > |
HPS_INLINE Vector_3D< F > | operator* (S s, Vector_3D< F > const &v) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (Vector_3D< F > const &v) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Point_3D< F > | Interpolate (Point_3D< F > const &a, Point_3D< F > const &b, float t) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Vector_3D< F > | Interpolate (Vector_3D< F > const &a, Vector_3D< F > const &b, float t) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE double | PointToPointDistance (Point_3D< F > const &p1, Point_3D< F > const &p2) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE double | PointToPointDistanceSquared (Point_3D< F > const &p1, Point_3D< F > const &p2) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Point_3D< F > | Circumcenter (Point_3D< F > const &a, Point_3D< F > const &b, Point_3D< F > const &c) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Normalize (size_t count, Vector_3D< F > *vectors) |
template<typename F , typename S > |
HPS_INLINE Vector_2D< F > | operator* (S s, Vector_2D< F > const &v) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (Vector_2D< F > const &v) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (Plane_3D< F > const &p) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE F | operator* (Plane_3D< F > const &plane, Point_3D< F > const &point) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE F | operator* (Point_3D< F > const &point, Plane_3D< F > const &plane) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Plane_3D< F > | Interpolate (Plane_3D< F > const &a, Plane_3D< F > const &b, float t) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE bool | Is_Abnormal (Plane_2D< F > const &p) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE F | operator* (Plane_2D< F > const &plane, Point_2D< F > const &point) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE F | operator* (Point_3D< F > const &point, Plane_2D< F > const &plane) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Plane_2D< F > | Interpolate (Plane_2D< F > const &a, Plane_2D< F > const &b, float t) |
HPS_INLINE IntRectangle | Expand (IntRectangle const &a, IntRectangle const &border) |
HPS_INLINE IntRectangle | Expand (IntRectangle const &a, int border) |
HPS_INLINE IntRectangle | Contract (IntRectangle const &a, int border) |
HPS_INLINE IntRectangle | Contract (IntRectangle const &a, IntRectangle const &border) |
HPS_INLINE IntRectangle | Intersect (IntRectangle const &a, IntRectangle const &b) |
HPS_INLINE IntRectangle | Union (IntRectangle const &a, IntRectangle const &b) |
HPS_INLINE IntRectangle | Floor (Rectangle const &a) |
HPS_INLINE Rectangle | Expand (Rectangle const &a, Rectangle const &border) |
HPS_INLINE Rectangle | Expand (Rectangle const &a, float border) |
HPS_INLINE Rectangle | Contract (Rectangle const &a, int border) |
HPS_INLINE Rectangle | Contract (Rectangle const &a, Rectangle const &border) |
HPS_INLINE Rectangle | Intersect (Rectangle const &a, Rectangle const &b) |
HPS_INLINE Rectangle | Union (Rectangle const &a, Rectangle const &b) |
HPS_INLINE Rectangle | Inscribe_Scope (Rectangle const &a, Rectangle const &scope) |
HPS_INLINE Rectangle | Circumscribe_Scope (Rectangle const &a, Rectangle const &scope) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D< F > | Intersect (Cuboid_3D< F > const &a, Cuboid_3D< F > const &b) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D< F > | Union (Cuboid_3D< F > const &a, Cuboid_3D< F > const &b) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D< F > | Expand (Cuboid_3D< F > const &a, F border) |
template<typename F > |
HPS_INLINE Cuboid_3D< F > | Contract (Cuboid_3D< F > const &a, F border) |
HPS_INLINE RGBColor const | operator* (float s, RGBColor const &v) |
HPS_INLINE RGBColor const | operator+ (float s, RGBColor const &v) |
HPS_INLINE RGBColor const | operator- (float s, RGBColor const &v) |
HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const | operator* (float s, RGBAColor const &v) |
HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const | operator+ (float s, RGBAColor const &v) |
HPS_INLINE RGBAColor const | operator- (float s, RGBAColor const &v) |
HPS_INLINE RGBColor | Modulate (RGBColor const &a, RGBColor const &b) |
HPS_INLINE RGBColor | Interpolate (RGBColor const &a, RGBColor const &b, float t) |
HPS_INLINE RGBAColor | Interpolate (RGBAColor const &a, RGBAColor const &b, float t) |
HPS_INLINE RGBAS32Color | Interpolate (RGBAS32Color const &a, RGBAS32Color const &b, float t) |
HPS_INLINE RGBA32Color | Interpolate (RGBA32Color const &a, RGBA32Color const &b, float t) |
HPS_INLINE RGB24Color | Interpolate (RGB24Color const &a, RGB24Color const &b, float t) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
bool | operator== (const Allocator< T > &, const Allocator< U > &) |
template<typename T , typename U > |
bool | operator!= (const Allocator< T > &, const Allocator< U > &) |
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | NOT (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand) |
| A NOT condition is satisfied if its operand condition is not satisfied. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | OR (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An OR condition is satisfied if either of its operand conditions are satisfied. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | XOR (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An XOR condition is satisfied if either operand condition is satisfied, but not both. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | AND (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An AND condition is satisfied if both of its operand conditions are satisfied. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | EQ (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An EQ conditional expression is satisfied if its operand expressions are equal. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | NEQ (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An NEQ conditional expression is satisfied if its operand expressions are not equal. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | GT (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An GT conditional expression is satisfied if its second operand is greater than the first operand. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | LT (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An LT conditional expression is satisfied if its second operand is less than the first operand. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | GTEQ (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An GTEQ conditional expression is satisfied if its second operand is greater than or equal to the first operand. More...
HPS_API ConditionalExpression | LTEQ (ConditionalExpression const &in_operand1, ConditionalExpression const &in_operand2) |
| An LTEQ conditional expression is satisfied if its second operand is less than or equal to the first operand. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (Key const &in_lhs, Key const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of two keys. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (Key const &in_lhs, KeyArray const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of the key and key array. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (Key const &in_lhs, KeyPath const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of a key and key path. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (KeyArray const &in_lhs, Key const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of a key array and a key. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (KeyArray const &in_lhs, KeyArray const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of two key arrays. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (KeyArray const &in_lhs, KeyPath const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of a key array and a key path. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (KeyPath const &in_lhs, Key const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of a key path and a key. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (KeyPath const &in_lhs, KeyArray const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of a key path and key array. More...
KeyPath | operator+ (KeyPath const &in_lhs, KeyPath const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new KeyPath object representing the concatenation of two key paths. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (Component const &in_lhs, Component const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of two Components. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (Component const &in_lhs, ComponentArray const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of the Component and Component array. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (Component const &in_lhs, ComponentPath const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of a Component and Component path. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (ComponentArray const &in_lhs, Component const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of a Component array and a Component. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (ComponentArray const &in_lhs, ComponentArray const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of two Component arrays. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (ComponentArray const &in_lhs, ComponentPath const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of a Component array and a Component path. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (ComponentPath const &in_lhs, Component const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of a Component path and a Component. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (ComponentPath const &in_lhs, ComponentArray const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of a Component path and Component array. More...
ComponentPath | operator+ (ComponentPath const &in_lhs, ComponentPath const &in_rhs) |
| Creates a new ComponentPath object representing the concatenation of two Component paths. More...