Hoops Visualize HPS  version 2018-SP2
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HPS::OffScreenWindowKey Class Reference

The OffScreenWindowKey class is a smart pointer to a database object. More...

#include <hps.h>

Inheritance diagram for HPS::OffScreenWindowKey:
Collaboration diagram for HPS::OffScreenWindowKey:

Public Member Functions

 OffScreenWindowKey ()
 The default constructor creates an uninitialized OffScreenWindowKey object. More...
 OffScreenWindowKey (Key const &in_key)
 The copy constructor creates an OffScreenWindowKey object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Key. More...
 OffScreenWindowKey (OffScreenWindowKey const &in_that)
 The copy constructor creates a OffScreenWindowKey object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source OffScreenWindowKey. More...
 OffScreenWindowKey (OffScreenWindowKey &&in_that)
 The move constructor creates an OffScreenWindowKey by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this OffScreenWindowKey thereby avoiding a copy and allocation. More...
OffScreenWindowKeyoperator= (OffScreenWindowKey &&in_that)
 The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this OffScreenWindowKey thereby avoiding a copy. More...
 ~OffScreenWindowKey ()
HPS::Type ObjectType () const
OffScreenWindowOptionsControl const GetWindowOptionsControl () const
 Gets a control that allows querying options specific to offscreen windows. More...
OffScreenWindowOptionsControl GetWindowOptionsControl ()
 Gets a control that allows querying options specific to offscreen windows. More...
bool ShowWindowOptions (OffScreenWindowOptionsKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the offscreen-window-specific options for this OffScreenWindowKey. More...
bool ConvertCoordinate (Coordinate::Space in_space, Point const &in_point, Coordinate::Space in_output_space, Point &out_point) const
 Converts the point in_point from in_space to in_output_space using the transforms associated with this window. More...
size_t FindFonts (FontSearchResults &out_results) const
 Searches the system for fonts. More...
size_t FindHighlights (HighlightSearchOptionsKit const &in_options, HighlightSearchResults &out_results) const
 Searches for any highlights under this WindowKey. More...
size_t FindHighlights (KeyPath const &in_key_path, HPS::HighlightSearch::Scope in_scope, HighlightSearchOptionsKit const &in_options, HighlightSearchResults &out_results) const
 Searches for any highlights under this WindowKey. More...
WindowKeySetPostProcessEffects (PostProcessEffectsKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the post-process effects attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowPostProcessEffects (PostProcessEffectsKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the post-process effects attribute settings on this segment. More...
PostProcessEffectsControl GetPostProcessEffectsControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the post-process effects attribute on this segment. More...
PostProcessEffectsControl const GetPostProcessEffectsControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the post-process effects attribute on this segment. More...
WindowKeySetDebugging (DebuggingKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the debugging attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
WindowKeySetDriverEventHandler (DriverEventHandler const &in_handler, intptr_t in_type)
 Sets the specified driver event handler as the handler for the specified driver event type on this window. More...
WindowKeyUnsetDriverEventHandler (intptr_t in_type)
 Unsets the driver event handler for the specified driver event type on this window. More...
bool ShowDebugging (DebuggingKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the debugging attribute settings on this segment. More...
DebuggingControl GetDebuggingControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the debugging attribute on this segment. More...
DebuggingControl const GetDebuggingControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the debugging attribute on this segment. More...
WindowInfoControl const GetWindowInfoControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to query various window properties, including size, aspect ratio, resolution, etc. More...
bool ShowWindowInfo (WindowInfoKit &out_kit) const
WindowKeySetSelectionOptions (SelectionOptionsKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the options that will be used by default for selections performed from this window. More...
bool ShowSelectionOptions (SelectionOptionsKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the options that will be used by default for selections performed from this window. More...
WindowKeySetUpdateOptions (HPS::UpdateOptionsKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the options that will be used by default for update options performed from this window. More...
bool ShowUpdateOptions (HPS::UpdateOptionsKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the options that will be used by default for update options performed from this window. More...
SelectionOptionsControl GetSelectionOptionsControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the selection options on this window. More...
SelectionOptionsControl const GetSelectionOptionsControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the selection options on this window. More...
SelectionControl GetSelectionControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to perform selections in this window. More...
SelectionControl const GetSelectionControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to perform selections in this window. More...
HighlightControl GetHighlightControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to highlight segments or geometry in this window. More...
HighlightControl const GetHighlightControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to highlight segments or geometry in this window. More...
UpdateOptionsControl GetUpdateOptionsControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to change update options in this window. More...
UpdateOptionsControl const GetUpdateOptionsControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to change update options in this window. More...
void Update ()
 Performs a default update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display. More...
void Update (UpdateOptionsKit const &in_kit)
 Performs an update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display using the options in the UpdateOptionsKit. More...
void Update (Window::UpdateType in_type, Time in_time_limit=-1)
 Performs an update in this window within the specified amount of time, redrawing and refreshing the display based on the Window::UpdateType value. More...
UpdateNotifier UpdateWithNotifier ()
 Performs a default update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display. More...
UpdateNotifier UpdateWithNotifier (HPS::UpdateOptionsKit const &in_kit)
 Performs a default update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display. More...
UpdateNotifier UpdateWithNotifier (Window::UpdateType in_type, Time in_time_limit=-1)
 Performs an update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display. More...
EventDispatcherGetEventDispatcher ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to interact with events in various ways. More...
EventDispatcher const & GetEventDispatcher () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to interact with events in various ways. More...
bool ShowSnapshot (ImageKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the current display as an image. More...
UTF8 Name () const
 Returns the name given to this segment when it was created. More...
SegmentKeySetName (char const *in_name)
 Sets the new name of this segment. More...
SegmentKey Down (char const *in_segment_name, bool in_create_if_not_present=false) const
 Returns the segment contained by this key with name of in_segment_name. More...
SegmentKey Subsegment (char const *in_segment_name="", bool in_create_if_not_present=true) const
 Returns the segment contained by this key with name of in_segment_name. More...
void Flush (Search::Type in_type_to_remove=Search::Type::Everything, Search::Space in_search_space=Search::Space::SegmentOnly)
 Searches in_search_space for in_type_to_remove and deletes all instances from the segment(s). More...
void Flush (SearchTypeArray const &in_types_to_remove, Search::Space in_search_space=Search::Space::SegmentOnly)
 Searches in_search_space for in_types_to_remove and deletes all instances from the segment(s). More...
void Flush (size_t in_types_count, Search::Type const in_types_to_remove [], Search::Space in_search_space=Search::Space::SegmentOnly)
 Searches in_search_space for in_types_to_remove and deletes all instances from the segment(s). More...
size_t Find (Search::Type in_request, Search::Space in_search_space, SearchResults &out_results) const
 Searches in_search_space for in_request and returns a handle to the results. More...
size_t Find (SearchTypeArray const &in_requests, Search::Space in_search_space, SearchResults &out_results) const
 Searches in_search_space for in_request and returns a handle to the results. More...
size_t Find (size_t in_types_count, Search::Type const in_requests [], Search::Space in_search_space, SearchResults &out_results) const
 Searches in_search_space for in_request and returns a handle to the results. More...
size_t Find (SearchOptionsKit const &in_options, SearchResults &out_results) const
 Searches starting at this segment using in_options and writes found objects into out_results, returns count. More...
size_t Find (SearchOptionsKit const &in_options) const
 Searches starting at this segment using in_options, returns count. More...
IncludeKey IncludeSegment (SegmentKey const &in_seg)
 Creates a link between this segment and in_seg, returns a handle to the include itself. More...
IncludeKey IncludeSegment (SegmentKey const &in_seg, ConditionalExpression const &in_conditional)
 Creates a link between this segment and in_seg, returns a handle to the include itself. More...
ReferenceKey ReferenceGeometry (Key const &in_key)
 References either a geometry key or a segment key in this segment. More...
ReferenceKey ReferenceGeometry (Key const &in_key, ConditionalExpression const &in_conditional)
 Conditionally references either a geometry key or a segment key in this segment. More...
size_t ShowSubsegments () const
size_t ShowSubsegments (SegmentKeyArray &out_children) const
size_t ShowReferrers (SegmentKeyArray &out_segments) const
 Shows the all the segments which contain references to this key. More...
size_t ShowReferrers (ReferenceKeyArray &out_references) const
 Shows the all the references to this key. More...
size_t ShowStylers (SegmentKeyArray &out_segments) const
 Shows the all the segments which are styled by this key. More...
size_t ShowStylers (StyleKeyArray &out_styles) const
 Shows the all the styles which refer to this key. More...
size_t ShowIncluders (SegmentKeyArray &out_segments) const
 Shows the all the segments which contain includes of this key. More...
size_t ShowIncluders (IncludeKeyArray &out_includes) const
 Shows the all the includes of this key. More...
StyleControl GetStyleControl ()
StyleControl const GetStyleControl () const
PortfolioControl GetPortfolioControl ()
PortfolioControl const GetPortfolioControl () const
SegmentKeySetCondition (char const *in_condition)
 Sets in_condition as the only condition on this segment, replacing any existing conditions. More...
SegmentKeySetConditions (UTF8Array const &in_conditions)
 Sets in_conditions as the only conditions on this segment, replacing any existing conditions. More...
SegmentKeySetConditions (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_conditions [])
 Sets in_conditions as the only conditions on this segment, replacing any existing conditions. More...
SegmentKeyUnsetConditions ()
 Unsets all conditions on this segment. More...
bool ShowConditions (UTF8Array &out_conditions) const
 Shows all conditions on this segment. More...
ConditionControl GetConditionControl ()
ConditionControl const GetConditionControl () const
SegmentKeySetMaterialPalette (char const *in_name)
 Applies the material palette associated with in_name to this segment, replacing any existing material palette. More...
SegmentKeyUnsetMaterialPalette ()
 Removes the existing material palette, if any, that is active on this segment. More...
bool ShowMaterialPalette (UTF8 &out_name) const
 Shows the existing material palette, if any, that is active on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetPriority (int in_priority)
 Assigns a specific drawing priority value to this segment. More...
SegmentKeyUnsetPriority ()
 Removes the drawing priority setting. More...
bool ShowPriority (int &out_priority) const
 Shows the drawing priority. More...
SegmentKeySetUserData (IntPtrTArray const &in_indices, ByteArrayArray const &in_data)
 Sets user data on this key. More...
SegmentKeySetUserData (intptr_t in_index, size_t in_bytes, byte const in_data[])
 Sets user data on this key. More...
SegmentKeySetUserData (intptr_t in_index, ByteArray const &in_data)
 Sets user data on this key. More...
SegmentKeyUnsetUserData (intptr_t in_index)
 Removes the user data at the given index from this key. More...
SegmentKeyUnsetUserData (size_t in_count, intptr_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the user data at the given indices from this key. More...
SegmentKeyUnsetUserData (HPS::IntPtrTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the user data at the given indices from this key. More...
SegmentKeyUnsetAllUserData ()
 Removes all user data from this key. More...
size_t ShowUserDataCount () const
 Get the number of user data indices set on this key. More...
bool ShowUserData (IntPtrTArray &out_indices, ByteArrayArray &out_data) const
 Shows all user data for this key. More...
bool ShowUserData (intptr_t in_index, ByteArray &out_data) const
 Shows the user data at a given index for this key. More...
bool ShowUserDataIndices (IntPtrTArray &out_indices) const
 Shows the indices of all user data set on this key. More...
LineKey InsertLine (LineKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLine (size_t in_count, Point const in_pts[])
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLine (PointArray const &in_pts)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLine (Point const &pt1, Point const &pt2)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CylinderKey InsertCylinder (CylinderKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new cylinder geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CylinderKey InsertCylinder (size_t in_pcount, Point const in_points[], size_t in_rcount, float const in_radii [], Cylinder::Capping in_caps=Cylinder::Capping::Both)
 Creates a new cylinder geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CylinderKey InsertCylinder (PointArray const &in_points, FloatArray const &in_radii, Cylinder::Capping in_caps=Cylinder::Capping::Both)
 Creates a new cylinder geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CylinderKey InsertCylinder (Point const &in_point1, Point const &in_point2, float in_radius, Cylinder::Capping in_caps=Cylinder::Capping::Both)
 Creates a new cylinder geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
SphereKey InsertSphere (SphereKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new sphere geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
SphereKey InsertSphere (Point const &in_center, float in_radius, Vector const &in_axis=Vector(0, 1, 0), Vector const &in_prime_meridian=Vector(1, 0, 0))
 Creates a new sphere geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CircleKey InsertCircle (CircleKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new circle geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CircleKey InsertCircle (Point const &in_start, Point const &in_middle, Point const &in_end)
 Creates a new circle geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CircleKey InsertCircle (Point const &in_center, float in_radius, Vector const &in_normal)
 Creates a new circle geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CircularArcKey InsertCircularArc (CircularArcKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new circular arc geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CircularArcKey InsertCircularArc (Point const &in_start, Point const &in_middle, Point const &in_end)
 Creates a new circular arc geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CircularWedgeKey InsertCircularWedge (CircularWedgeKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new circular wedge geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CircularWedgeKey InsertCircularWedge (Point const &in_start, Point const &in_middle, Point const &in_end)
 Creates a new circular wedge geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
EllipseKey InsertEllipse (EllipseKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new ellipse geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
EllipseKey InsertEllipse (Point const &in_center, Point const &in_major, Point const &in_minor)
 Creates a new ellipse geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
EllipticalArcKey InsertEllipticalArc (EllipticalArcKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new elliptical arc geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
EllipticalArcKey InsertEllipticalArc (Point const &in_center, Point const &in_major, Point const &in_minor, float in_start, float in_end)
 Creates a new elliptical arc geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
PolygonKey InsertPolygon (PolygonKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new polygon geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
PolygonKey InsertPolygon (PointArray const &in_points)
 Creates a new polygon geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
PolygonKey InsertPolygon (size_t in_count, Point const in_points [])
 Creates a new polygon geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShell (ShellKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShell (PointArray const &in_points, IntArray const &in_facelist)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShell (size_t in_point_count, Point const in_points [], size_t in_facelist_count, int const in_facelist [])
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellByTristrips (PointArray const &in_points, IntArray const &in_tristrips)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and then returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellByTristrips (size_t in_point_count, Point const in_points [], size_t in_tristrips_count, int const in_tristrips [])
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
MeshKey InsertMesh (MeshKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new mesh geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
MeshKey InsertMesh (size_t in_rows, size_t in_columns, PointArray const &in_points)
 Creates a new mesh geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
MeshKey InsertMesh (size_t in_rows, size_t in_columns, size_t in_point_count, Point const in_points [])
 Creates a new mesh geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
MarkerKey InsertMarker (Point const &in_position)
 Creates a new marker geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
MarkerKey InsertMarker (MarkerKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new marker geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
DistantLightKey InsertDistantLight (Vector const &in_direction)
 Creates a new distant light geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
DistantLightKey InsertDistantLight (DistantLightKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new distant light geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CuttingSectionKey InsertCuttingSection (Plane const &in_plane)
 Creates a new cutting section in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CuttingSectionKey InsertCuttingSection (CuttingSectionKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new cutting section in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CuttingSectionKey InsertCuttingSection (PlaneArray const &in_planes)
 Creates a new cutting section in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
CuttingSectionKey InsertCuttingSection (size_t in_planes_count, Plane const in_planes [])
 Creates a new cutting section in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
InfiniteLineKey InsertInfiniteLine (InfiniteLineKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new infinite line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
InfiniteLineKey InsertInfiniteLine (Point const &in_first, Point const &in_second, InfiniteLine::Type in_type)
 Creates a new infinite line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
SpotlightKey InsertSpotlight (Point const &in_position, Point const &in_target)
 Creates a new spot light geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
SpotlightKey InsertSpotlight (SpotlightKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new spot light geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
NURBSCurveKey InsertNURBSCurve (NURBSCurveKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new NURBS curve geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
NURBSCurveKey InsertNURBSCurve (size_t in_degree, PointArray const &in_points, FloatArray const &in_weights, FloatArray const &in_knots, float in_start_u, float in_end_u)
 Creates a new NURBS curve geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
NURBSCurveKey InsertNURBSCurve (size_t in_degree, size_t in_pcount, Point const in_points [], float const in_weights[], size_t in_knot_count, float const in_knots[], float in_start_u, float in_end_u)
 Creates a new NURBS curve geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
NURBSSurfaceKey InsertNURBSSurface (NURBSSurfaceKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
NURBSSurfaceKey InsertNURBSSurface (size_t in_udegree, size_t in_vdegree, size_t in_ucount, size_t in_vcount, PointArray const &in_points, FloatArray const &in_weights, FloatArray const &in_uknots, FloatArray const &in_vknots)
 Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
NURBSSurfaceKey InsertNURBSSurface (size_t in_udegree, size_t in_vdegree, size_t in_ucount, size_t in_vcount, size_t in_point_count, Point const in_points[], float const in_weights[], size_t in_uknot_count, float const in_uknots[], size_t in_vknot_count, float const in_vknots[])
 Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
NURBSSurfaceKey InsertNURBSSurface (size_t in_udegree, size_t in_vdegree, size_t in_ucount, size_t in_vcount, PointArray const &in_points, FloatArray const &in_weights, FloatArray const &in_uknots, FloatArray const &in_vknots, TrimKitArray const &in_trims)
 Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
NURBSSurfaceKey InsertNURBSSurface (size_t in_udegree, size_t in_vdegree, size_t in_ucount, size_t in_vcount, size_t in_point_count, Point const in_points[], float const in_weights[], size_t in_uknot_count, float const in_uknots[], size_t in_vknot_count, float const in_vknots[], size_t in_trim_count, TrimKit const in_trims[])
 Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
TextKey InsertText (TextKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new text geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
TextKey InsertText (Point const &in_position, char const *in_text)
 Creates a new text geometry in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
GridKey InsertGrid (GridKit const &in_kit)
 Creates a new grid in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
GridKey InsertGrid (Point const &in_origin, Point const &in_first_point=Point(1, 0, 0), Point const &in_second_point=Point(0, 1, 0), int in_first_count=0, int in_second_count=0, Grid::Type in_type=Grid::Type::Quadrilateral)
 Creates a new grid in this segment and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLineFromGeometry (CircleKey const &in_circle, float in_deviation=-1.0f)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given circle and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLineFromGeometry (CircularArcKey const &in_circular_arc, float in_deviation=-1.0f)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given circular arc and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLineFromGeometry (CircularWedgeKey const &in_circular_wedge, float in_deviation=-1.0f)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given circular wedge and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLineFromGeometry (EllipseKey const &in_ellipse, float in_deviation=-1.0f)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given ellipse and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLineFromGeometry (EllipticalArcKey const &in_elliptical_arc, float in_deviation=-1.0f)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given elliptical arc and returns a key to it. More...
LineKey InsertLineFromGeometry (NURBSCurveKey const &in_nurbs_curve, float in_deviation=-1.0f)
 Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given NURBS curve and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (SphereKey const &in_sphere)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given sphere and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (CylinderKey const &in_cylinder)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given cylinder and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (NURBSSurfaceKey const &in_nurbs_surface)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given NURBS surface and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (MeshKey const &in_mesh)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given mesh and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (PolygonKey const &in_polygon)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given polygon and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (EllipseKey const &in_ellipse)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given ellipse and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (CircleKey const &in_circle)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given circle and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (CircularWedgeKey const &in_circular_wedge)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given circular wedge and returns a key to it. More...
ShellKey InsertShellFromGeometry (TextKey const &in_text)
 Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given text and returns a key to it. More...
SegmentKeySetAttributeLock (AttributeLockKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the attribute locks designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowAttributeLock (AttributeLockKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the attribute locks settings on this segment. More...
AttributeLockControl GetAttributeLockControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the attribute locks on this segment. More...
AttributeLockControl const GetAttributeLockControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the attribute locks on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetBounding (BoundingKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the bounding designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
SegmentKeyUnsetBounding ()
 Removes all bounding settings from this segment. More...
bool ShowBounding (BoundingKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the bounding or bounding settings on this segment. More...
BoundingControl GetBoundingControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the bounding control on this segment. More...
BoundingControl const GetBoundingControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the bounding control on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetCamera (CameraKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the camera attribute designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowCamera (CameraKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the camera attribute settings on this segment. More...
CameraControl GetCameraControl ()
CameraControl const GetCameraControl () const
SegmentKeySetColorInterpolation (ColorInterpolationKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the color interpolation attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowColorInterpolation (ColorInterpolationKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the color interpolation attribute settings on this segment. More...
ColorInterpolationControl GetColorInterpolationControl ()
ColorInterpolationControl const GetColorInterpolationControl () const
SegmentKeySetContourLine (ContourLineKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the contour line attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowContourLine (ContourLineKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the contour line attribute settings on this segment. More...
ContourLineControl GetContourLineControl ()
ContourLineControl const GetContourLineControl () const
SegmentKeySetCulling (CullingKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the culling attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowCulling (CullingKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the culling attribute settings on this segment. More...
CullingControl GetCullingControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the culling attribute on this segment. More...
CullingControl const GetCullingControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the culling attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetCurveAttribute (CurveAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the curve attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowCurveAttribute (CurveAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the curve attribute settings on this segment. More...
CurveAttributeControl GetCurveAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the curve attribute on this segment. More...
CurveAttributeControl const GetCurveAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the curve attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetCuttingSectionAttribute (CuttingSectionAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the cutting section attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowCuttingSectionAttribute (CuttingSectionAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the cutting section attribute settings on this segment. More...
CuttingSectionAttributeControl GetCuttingSectionAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the cutting section attributes on this segment. More...
CuttingSectionAttributeControl const GetCuttingSectionAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the cutting section attributes on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetCylinderAttribute (CylinderAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the cylinder attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowCylinderAttribute (CylinderAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the cylinder attribute settings on this segment. More...
CylinderAttributeControl GetCylinderAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the cylinder attribute on this segment. More...
CylinderAttributeControl const GetCylinderAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the cylinder attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetDrawingAttribute (DrawingAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the drawing attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowDrawingAttribute (DrawingAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the drawing attribute settings on this segment. More...
DrawingAttributeControl GetDrawingAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the drawing attribute on this segment. More...
DrawingAttributeControl const GetDrawingAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the drawing attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetEdgeAttribute (EdgeAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the edge attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowEdgeAttribute (EdgeAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the edge attribute settings on this segment. More...
EdgeAttributeControl GetEdgeAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the edge attribute on this segment. More...
EdgeAttributeControl const GetEdgeAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the edge attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetHiddenLineAttribute (HiddenLineAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the hidden line attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowHiddenLineAttribute (HiddenLineAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the hidden line attribute settings on this segment. More...
HiddenLineAttributeControl GetHiddenLineAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the hidden line attribute on this segment. More...
HiddenLineAttributeControl const GetHiddenLineAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the hidden line attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetLightingAttribute (LightingAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the lighting attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowLightingAttribute (LightingAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the lighting attribute settings on this segment. More...
LightingAttributeControl GetLightingAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the lighting attribute on this segment. More...
LightingAttributeControl const GetLightingAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the lighting attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetLineAttribute (LineAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the line attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowLineAttribute (LineAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the line attribute settings on this segment. More...
LineAttributeControl GetLineAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the line attribute on this segment. More...
LineAttributeControl const GetLineAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the line attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetMaterialMapping (MaterialMappingKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the material mappings designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowMaterialMapping (MaterialMappingKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the material mapping settings on this segment. More...
MaterialMappingControl GetMaterialMappingControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the material mapping on this segment. More...
MaterialMappingControl const GetMaterialMappingControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the material mapping on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetMarkerAttribute (MarkerAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the marker attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowMarkerAttribute (MarkerAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the marker attribute settings on this segment. More...
MarkerAttributeControl GetMarkerAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the marker attribute on this segment. More...
MarkerAttributeControl const GetMarkerAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the marker attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetModellingMatrix (MatrixKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the modelling matrix attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowModellingMatrix (MatrixKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the modelling matrix setting on this segment. More...
ModellingMatrixControl GetModellingMatrixControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the modelling matrix on this segment. More...
ModellingMatrixControl const GetModellingMatrixControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the modelling matrix on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetNURBSSurfaceAttribute (NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the NURBS surface attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowNURBSSurfaceAttribute (NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the NURBS surface attribute settings on this segment. More...
NURBSSurfaceAttributeControl GetNURBSSurfaceAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the NURBS surface attribute on this segment. More...
NURBSSurfaceAttributeControl const GetNURBSSurfaceAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the NURBS surface attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetPerformance (PerformanceKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the performance attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowPerformance (PerformanceKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the performance attribute settings on this segment. More...
PerformanceControl GetPerformanceControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the performance attribute on this segment. More...
PerformanceControl const GetPerformanceControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the performance attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetSelectability (SelectabilityKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the selectability attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowSelectability (SelectabilityKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the selectability attribute settings on this segment. More...
SelectabilityControl GetSelectabilityControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the selectability attribute on this segment. More...
SelectabilityControl const GetSelectabilityControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the selectability attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetSphereAttribute (SphereAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the sphere attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowSphereAttribute (SphereAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the sphere attribute settings on this segment. More...
SphereAttributeControl GetSphereAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the sphere attribute on this segment. More...
SphereAttributeControl const GetSphereAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the sphere attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetSubwindow (SubwindowKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the subwindow attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowSubwindow (SubwindowKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the subwindow attribute settings on this segment. More...
SubwindowControl GetSubwindowControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the subwindow attribute on this segment. More...
SubwindowControl const GetSubwindowControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the subwindow attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetTextAttribute (TextAttributeKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the text attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowTextAttribute (TextAttributeKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the text attribute settings on this segment. More...
TextAttributeControl GetTextAttributeControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the text attribute on this segment. More...
TextAttributeControl const GetTextAttributeControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the text attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetTextureMatrix (MatrixKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the texture matrix attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowTextureMatrix (MatrixKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the texture matrix setting on this segment. More...
TextureMatrixControl GetTextureMatrixControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the texture matrix on this segment. More...
TextureMatrixControl const GetTextureMatrixControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the texture matrix on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetTransformMask (TransformMaskKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the transform mask designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowTransformMask (TransformMaskKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the transform mask settings on this segment. More...
TransformMaskControl GetTransformMaskControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the transform mask on this segment. More...
TransformMaskControl const GetTransformMaskControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the transform mask on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetTransparency (TransparencyKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the transparency attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowTransparency (TransparencyKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the transparency attribute settings on this segment. More...
TransparencyControl GetTransparencyControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the transparency attribute on this segment. More...
TransparencyControl const GetTransparencyControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the transparency attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetVisibility (VisibilityKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the visibility attribute designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowVisibility (VisibilityKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the visibility attribute settings on this segment. More...
VisibilityControl GetVisibilityControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the visibility attribute on this segment. More...
VisibilityControl const GetVisibilityControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the visibility attribute on this segment. More...
SegmentKeySetVisualEffects (VisualEffectsKit const &in_kit)
 Sets the visual effects attributes designated by in_kit on this segment. More...
bool ShowVisualEffects (VisualEffectsKit &out_kit) const
 Shows the visual effects attribute settings on this segment. More...
VisualEffectsControl GetVisualEffectsControl ()
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the visual effects attribute on this segment. More...
VisualEffectsControl const GetVisualEffectsControl () const
 Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the visual effects attribute on this segment. More...
void Optimize (SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit const &in_kit)
 Optimizes this Segment according to the options specified in the SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit. More...
bool HasOwner () const
SegmentKey Up () const
SegmentKey Owner () const
void Delete ()
 Removes the database object referred to by this key. More...
virtual void Assign (Key const &in_that)
 Share the underlying smart-pointer of the Key source. More...
bool Equals (Key const &in_that) const
 Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same. More...
bool operator!= (Key const &in_that) const
 Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same. More...
bool operator== (Key const &in_that) const
 Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same. More...
size_t GetHash () const
 Returns a hash code for the key. More...
virtual HPS::Type Type () const
 This function returns the true type of the underlying object. More...
virtual bool Empty () const
 Indicates whether this object has any values set on it. More...
virtual void Reset ()
 Resets this object to its initial, uninitialized state. More...
bool HasType (HPS::Type in_mask) const
 This function indicates whether this Object has the given Type mask. More...
intptr_t GetClassID () const
 Returns a unique identifier that is shared by all objects of the same class. More...
intptr_t GetInstanceID () const
 Returns an identifier that can be used to identify which instance of a class an object is. More...

Static Public Member Functions

template<typename T >
static intptr_t ClassID ()
 Unique identifier for this class. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::OffScreenWindowKey

Detailed Description

The OffScreenWindowKey class is a smart pointer to a database object.

Offscreen windows are special types of windows that represent images that can be rendered into.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ OffScreenWindowKey() [1/4]

HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::OffScreenWindowKey ( )

The default constructor creates an uninitialized OffScreenWindowKey object.

The Type() function will return Type::None.

◆ OffScreenWindowKey() [2/4]

HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::OffScreenWindowKey ( Key const &  in_key)

The copy constructor creates an OffScreenWindowKey object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source Key.

The copy will only be successful if the source key is really an upcast of an offscreen window. Otherwise the copy will fail and the resulting OffScreenWindowKey will be invalid.

in_keyThe source Key to copy.

◆ OffScreenWindowKey() [3/4]

HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::OffScreenWindowKey ( OffScreenWindowKey const &  in_that)

The copy constructor creates a OffScreenWindowKey object that shares the underlying smart-pointer of the source OffScreenWindowKey.

in_thatThe source OffScreenWindowKey to copy.

◆ OffScreenWindowKey() [4/4]

HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::OffScreenWindowKey ( OffScreenWindowKey &&  in_that)

The move constructor creates an OffScreenWindowKey by transferring the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this OffScreenWindowKey thereby avoiding a copy and allocation.

in_thatAn rvalue reference to an OffScreenWindowKey to take the impl from.

◆ ~OffScreenWindowKey()

HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::~OffScreenWindowKey ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ Assign()

virtual void HPS::Key::Assign ( Key const &  in_that)

Share the underlying smart-pointer of the Key source.

in_thatThe Key source of the assignment.

◆ ClassID()

template<typename T >
static intptr_t HPS::Object::ClassID ( )

Unique identifier for this class.

Note: this method uses construction of static objects. If used in a constructor, it should be used in the body not the initializer list.

◆ ConvertCoordinate()

bool HPS::WindowKey::ConvertCoordinate ( Coordinate::Space  in_space,
Point const &  in_point,
Coordinate::Space  in_output_space,
Point out_point 
) const

Converts the point in_point from in_space to in_output_space using the transforms associated with this window.

Returns success.

◆ Delete()

void HPS::Key::Delete ( )

Removes the database object referred to by this key.

◆ Down()

SegmentKey HPS::SegmentKey::Down ( char const *  in_segment_name,
bool  in_create_if_not_present = false 
) const

Returns the segment contained by this key with name of in_segment_name.

If the segment does not exist and the flag in_create_if_not_present is not set, the key returned will be uninitialized.

◆ Empty()

virtual bool HPS::Object::Empty ( ) const

Indicates whether this object has any values set on it.

true if no values are set on this object, false otherwise.

Reimplemented in HPS::STL::ImportResultsKit, HPS::STL::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::OBJ::ImportResultsKit, HPS::OBJ::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::Hardcopy::File::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::Stream::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::Stream::ImportResultsKit, HPS::Stream::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::PointCloud::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::PointCloud::ImportResultsKit, HPS::UpdateOptionsKit, HPS::HighlightSearchOptionsKit, HPS::HighlightOptionsKit, HPS::SelectionOptionsKit, HPS::SearchOptionsKit, HPS::CutGeometryGatheringOptionsKit, HPS::ShapeKit, HPS::ShaderKit, HPS::Shader::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::ImageKit, HPS::Image::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::Image::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::TextureOptionsKit, HPS::LinePatternKit, HPS::LinePatternParallelKit, HPS::LinePatternOptionsKit, HPS::GlyphKit, HPS::ApplicationWindowOptionsKit, HPS::OffScreenWindowOptionsKit, HPS::StandAloneWindowOptionsKit, HPS::GridKit, HPS::PolygonKit, HPS::MeshKit, HPS::ShellKit, HPS::ShellRelationResultsKit, HPS::ShellRelationOptionsKit, HPS::ShellOptimizationOptionsKit, HPS::TextKit, HPS::EllipticalArcKit, HPS::EllipseKit, HPS::TrimKit, HPS::NURBSSurfaceKit, HPS::NURBSCurveKit, HPS::SpotlightKit, HPS::InfiniteLineKit, HPS::CuttingSectionKit, HPS::CircularWedgeKit, HPS::CircularArcKit, HPS::CircleKit, HPS::SphereKit, HPS::CylinderKit, HPS::DistantLightKit, HPS::MarkerKit, HPS::LineKit, HPS::AttributeLockKit, HPS::FontInfoState, HPS::WindowInfoKit, HPS::DebuggingKit, HPS::SubwindowKit, HPS::ContourLineKit, HPS::VisualEffectsKit, HPS::TransformMaskKit, HPS::PostProcessEffectsKit, HPS::DrawingAttributeKit, HPS::HiddenLineAttributeKit, HPS::PerformanceKit, HPS::NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit, HPS::MaterialKit, HPS::MaterialMappingKit, HPS::MatrixKit, HPS::CurveAttributeKit, HPS::EdgeAttributeKit, HPS::LineAttributeKit, HPS::TextAttributeKit, HPS::CuttingSectionAttributeKit, HPS::CylinderAttributeKit, HPS::LightingAttributeKit, HPS::SphereAttributeKit, HPS::MarkerAttributeKit, HPS::CullingKit, HPS::ColorInterpolationKit, HPS::TransparencyKit, HPS::SelectabilityKit, HPS::CameraKit, HPS::VisibilityKit, HPS::BoundingKit, HPS::SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::TextFieldKit, HPS::Publish::SignatureFieldKit, HPS::Publish::DropDownListKit, HPS::Exchange::TessellationOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ListBoxKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportSTEPOptionsKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportParasolidOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::RadioButtonKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportIGESOptionsKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportXMLOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::CheckBoxKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportU3DOptionsKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportSTLOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ButtonKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportPRCOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::LinkKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportJTOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::SlideTableKit, HPS::Exchange::ExportACISOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::TableKit, HPS::Exchange::Export3MFOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ImageKit, HPS::Publish::TextKit, HPS::Exchange::ModelFileImportOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ViewKit, HPS::Exchange::TranslationOptionsKit, HPS::Publish::ArtworkKit, HPS::Publish::AnnotationKit, HPS::ComponentPath, HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::Parasolid::ExportOptionsKit, HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit, HPS::Parasolid::LineTessellationKit, HPS::Exchange::Configuration, HPS::Publish::PageKit, HPS::Parasolid::FacetTessellationKit, HPS::Publish::DocumentKit, HPS::Parasolid::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::DWG::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::OOC::ImportOptionsKit, HPS::Sketchup::ImportOptionsKit, and HPS::Sketchup::ImportResultsKit.

◆ Equals()

bool HPS::Key::Equals ( Key const &  in_that) const

Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same.

Empty keys (when key.Empty() returns true) are never equal to any key, even when the key is compared against itself (they act analogously to NaN comparisons in this case.)

◆ Find() [1/5]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::Find ( Search::Type  in_request,
Search::Space  in_search_space,
SearchResults out_results 
) const

Searches in_search_space for in_request and returns a handle to the results.

◆ Find() [2/5]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::Find ( SearchTypeArray const &  in_requests,
Search::Space  in_search_space,
SearchResults out_results 
) const

Searches in_search_space for in_request and returns a handle to the results.

◆ Find() [3/5]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::Find ( size_t  in_types_count,
Search::Type const  in_requests[],
Search::Space  in_search_space,
SearchResults out_results 
) const

Searches in_search_space for in_request and returns a handle to the results.

◆ Find() [4/5]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::Find ( SearchOptionsKit const &  in_options,
SearchResults out_results 
) const

Searches starting at this segment using in_options and writes found objects into out_results, returns count.

◆ Find() [5/5]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::Find ( SearchOptionsKit const &  in_options) const

Searches starting at this segment using in_options, returns count.

◆ FindFonts()

size_t HPS::WindowKey::FindFonts ( FontSearchResults out_results) const

Searches the system for fonts.

out_resultsOut parameter that contains results of the font search
The number of fonts found

◆ FindHighlights() [1/2]

size_t HPS::WindowKey::FindHighlights ( HighlightSearchOptionsKit const &  in_options,
HighlightSearchResults out_results 
) const

Searches for any highlights under this WindowKey.

in_optionsSearch options constraining what type of highlights to look for. If this is empty, all highlights will be returned.
out_resultsThe key paths under the window that are highlighted with the given search options.
The number of highlighted key paths found.

◆ FindHighlights() [2/2]

size_t HPS::WindowKey::FindHighlights ( KeyPath const &  in_key_path,
HPS::HighlightSearch::Scope  in_scope,
HighlightSearchOptionsKit const &  in_options,
HighlightSearchResults out_results 
) const

Searches for any highlights under this WindowKey.

in_key_pathThe key path to scope this highlight search by.
in_scopeDetermines how the scope is interpreted during a highlight search.
in_optionsSearch options constraining what type of highlights to look for. If this is empty, all highlights will be returned.
out_resultsThe key paths under the window that are highlighted with the given search options.
The number of highlighted key paths found.

◆ Flush() [1/3]

void HPS::SegmentKey::Flush ( Search::Type  in_type_to_remove = Search::Type::Everything,
Search::Space  in_search_space = Search::Space::SegmentOnly 

Searches in_search_space for in_type_to_remove and deletes all instances from the segment(s).

◆ Flush() [2/3]

void HPS::SegmentKey::Flush ( SearchTypeArray const &  in_types_to_remove,
Search::Space  in_search_space = Search::Space::SegmentOnly 

Searches in_search_space for in_types_to_remove and deletes all instances from the segment(s).

◆ Flush() [3/3]

void HPS::SegmentKey::Flush ( size_t  in_types_count,
Search::Type const  in_types_to_remove[],
Search::Space  in_search_space = Search::Space::SegmentOnly 

Searches in_search_space for in_types_to_remove and deletes all instances from the segment(s).

◆ GetAttributeLockControl() [1/2]

AttributeLockControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetAttributeLockControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the attribute locks on this segment.

◆ GetAttributeLockControl() [2/2]

AttributeLockControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetAttributeLockControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the attribute locks on this segment.

◆ GetBoundingControl() [1/2]

BoundingControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetBoundingControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the bounding control on this segment.

◆ GetBoundingControl() [2/2]

BoundingControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetBoundingControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the bounding control on this segment.

◆ GetCameraControl() [1/2]

CameraControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetCameraControl ( )
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the camera attribute on this segment.

◆ GetCameraControl() [2/2]

CameraControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetCameraControl ( ) const
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the camera attribute on this segment.

◆ GetClassID()

intptr_t HPS::Object::GetClassID ( ) const

Returns a unique identifier that is shared by all objects of the same class.

A unique value shared by all objects of the same class.

◆ GetColorInterpolationControl() [1/2]

ColorInterpolationControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetColorInterpolationControl ( )
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the color interpolation attributes on this segment.

◆ GetColorInterpolationControl() [2/2]

ColorInterpolationControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetColorInterpolationControl ( ) const
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the color interpolation attributes on this segment.

◆ GetConditionControl() [1/2]

ConditionControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetConditionControl ( )
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of conditions on this segment.

◆ GetConditionControl() [2/2]

ConditionControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetConditionControl ( ) const
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of conditions on this segment.

◆ GetContourLineControl() [1/2]

ContourLineControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetContourLineControl ( )
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the contour line attributes on this segment.

◆ GetContourLineControl() [2/2]

ContourLineControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetContourLineControl ( ) const
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the contour line attributes on this segment.

◆ GetCullingControl() [1/2]

CullingControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetCullingControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the culling attribute on this segment.

◆ GetCullingControl() [2/2]

CullingControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetCullingControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the culling attribute on this segment.

◆ GetCurveAttributeControl() [1/2]

CurveAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetCurveAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the curve attribute on this segment.

◆ GetCurveAttributeControl() [2/2]

CurveAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetCurveAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the curve attribute on this segment.

◆ GetCuttingSectionAttributeControl() [1/2]

CuttingSectionAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetCuttingSectionAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the cutting section attributes on this segment.

◆ GetCuttingSectionAttributeControl() [2/2]

CuttingSectionAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetCuttingSectionAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the cutting section attributes on this segment.

◆ GetCylinderAttributeControl() [1/2]

CylinderAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetCylinderAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the cylinder attribute on this segment.

◆ GetCylinderAttributeControl() [2/2]

CylinderAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetCylinderAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the cylinder attribute on this segment.

◆ GetDebuggingControl() [1/2]

DebuggingControl HPS::WindowKey::GetDebuggingControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the debugging attribute on this segment.

◆ GetDebuggingControl() [2/2]

DebuggingControl const HPS::WindowKey::GetDebuggingControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the debugging attribute on this segment.

◆ GetDrawingAttributeControl() [1/2]

DrawingAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetDrawingAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the drawing attribute on this segment.

◆ GetDrawingAttributeControl() [2/2]

DrawingAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetDrawingAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the drawing attribute on this segment.

◆ GetEdgeAttributeControl() [1/2]

EdgeAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetEdgeAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the edge attribute on this segment.

◆ GetEdgeAttributeControl() [2/2]

EdgeAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetEdgeAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the edge attribute on this segment.

◆ GetEventDispatcher() [1/2]

EventDispatcher& HPS::WindowKey::GetEventDispatcher ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to interact with events in various ways.

◆ GetEventDispatcher() [2/2]

EventDispatcher const& HPS::WindowKey::GetEventDispatcher ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to interact with events in various ways.

◆ GetHash()

size_t HPS::Key::GetHash ( ) const

Returns a hash code for the key.

The size_t hash code.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ GetHiddenLineAttributeControl() [1/2]

HiddenLineAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetHiddenLineAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the hidden line attribute on this segment.

◆ GetHiddenLineAttributeControl() [2/2]

HiddenLineAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetHiddenLineAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the hidden line attribute on this segment.

◆ GetHighlightControl() [1/2]

HighlightControl HPS::WindowKey::GetHighlightControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to highlight segments or geometry in this window.

◆ GetHighlightControl() [2/2]

HighlightControl const HPS::WindowKey::GetHighlightControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to highlight segments or geometry in this window.

◆ GetInstanceID()

intptr_t HPS::Object::GetInstanceID ( ) const

Returns an identifier that can be used to identify which instance of a class an object is.

Different keys and controls will return the same value if they are backed by the same database resource.

A value unique to an instance of an object and all objects that are backed by the same database resource.

◆ GetLightingAttributeControl() [1/2]

LightingAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetLightingAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the lighting attribute on this segment.

◆ GetLightingAttributeControl() [2/2]

LightingAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetLightingAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the lighting attribute on this segment.

◆ GetLineAttributeControl() [1/2]

LineAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetLineAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the line attribute on this segment.

◆ GetLineAttributeControl() [2/2]

LineAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetLineAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the line attribute on this segment.

◆ GetMarkerAttributeControl() [1/2]

MarkerAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetMarkerAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the marker attribute on this segment.

◆ GetMarkerAttributeControl() [2/2]

MarkerAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetMarkerAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the marker attribute on this segment.

◆ GetMaterialMappingControl() [1/2]

MaterialMappingControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetMaterialMappingControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the material mapping on this segment.

◆ GetMaterialMappingControl() [2/2]

MaterialMappingControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetMaterialMappingControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the material mapping on this segment.

◆ GetModellingMatrixControl() [1/2]

ModellingMatrixControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetModellingMatrixControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the modelling matrix on this segment.

◆ GetModellingMatrixControl() [2/2]

ModellingMatrixControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetModellingMatrixControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the modelling matrix on this segment.

◆ GetNURBSSurfaceAttributeControl() [1/2]

NURBSSurfaceAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetNURBSSurfaceAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the NURBS surface attribute on this segment.

◆ GetNURBSSurfaceAttributeControl() [2/2]

NURBSSurfaceAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetNURBSSurfaceAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the NURBS surface attribute on this segment.

◆ GetPerformanceControl() [1/2]

PerformanceControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetPerformanceControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the performance attribute on this segment.

◆ GetPerformanceControl() [2/2]

PerformanceControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetPerformanceControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the performance attribute on this segment.

◆ GetPortfolioControl() [1/2]

PortfolioControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetPortfolioControl ( )
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query portfolios in use on this segment.

◆ GetPortfolioControl() [2/2]

PortfolioControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetPortfolioControl ( ) const
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query portfolios in use on this segment.

◆ GetPostProcessEffectsControl() [1/2]

PostProcessEffectsControl HPS::WindowKey::GetPostProcessEffectsControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the post-process effects attribute on this segment.

◆ GetPostProcessEffectsControl() [2/2]

PostProcessEffectsControl const HPS::WindowKey::GetPostProcessEffectsControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the post-process effects attribute on this segment.

◆ GetSelectabilityControl() [1/2]

SelectabilityControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetSelectabilityControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the selectability attribute on this segment.

◆ GetSelectabilityControl() [2/2]

SelectabilityControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetSelectabilityControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the selectability attribute on this segment.

◆ GetSelectionControl() [1/2]

SelectionControl HPS::WindowKey::GetSelectionControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to perform selections in this window.

◆ GetSelectionControl() [2/2]

SelectionControl const HPS::WindowKey::GetSelectionControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to perform selections in this window.

◆ GetSelectionOptionsControl() [1/2]

SelectionOptionsControl HPS::WindowKey::GetSelectionOptionsControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the selection options on this window.

◆ GetSelectionOptionsControl() [2/2]

SelectionOptionsControl const HPS::WindowKey::GetSelectionOptionsControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the selection options on this window.

◆ GetSphereAttributeControl() [1/2]

SphereAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetSphereAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the sphere attribute on this segment.

◆ GetSphereAttributeControl() [2/2]

SphereAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetSphereAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the sphere attribute on this segment.

◆ GetStyleControl() [1/2]

StyleControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetStyleControl ( )
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of styles on this segment.

◆ GetStyleControl() [2/2]

StyleControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetStyleControl ( ) const
A control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of styles on this segment.

◆ GetSubwindowControl() [1/2]

SubwindowControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetSubwindowControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the subwindow attribute on this segment.

◆ GetSubwindowControl() [2/2]

SubwindowControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetSubwindowControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the subwindow attribute on this segment.

◆ GetTextAttributeControl() [1/2]

TextAttributeControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetTextAttributeControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the text attribute on this segment.

◆ GetTextAttributeControl() [2/2]

TextAttributeControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetTextAttributeControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the text attribute on this segment.

◆ GetTextureMatrixControl() [1/2]

TextureMatrixControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetTextureMatrixControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the texture matrix on this segment.

◆ GetTextureMatrixControl() [2/2]

TextureMatrixControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetTextureMatrixControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the texture matrix on this segment.

◆ GetTransformMaskControl() [1/2]

TransformMaskControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetTransformMaskControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the transform mask on this segment.

◆ GetTransformMaskControl() [2/2]

TransformMaskControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetTransformMaskControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the transform mask on this segment.

◆ GetTransparencyControl() [1/2]

TransparencyControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetTransparencyControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the transparency attribute on this segment.

◆ GetTransparencyControl() [2/2]

TransparencyControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetTransparencyControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the transparency attribute on this segment.

◆ GetUpdateOptionsControl() [1/2]

UpdateOptionsControl HPS::WindowKey::GetUpdateOptionsControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to change update options in this window.

◆ GetUpdateOptionsControl() [2/2]

UpdateOptionsControl const HPS::WindowKey::GetUpdateOptionsControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to change update options in this window.

◆ GetVisibilityControl() [1/2]

VisibilityControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetVisibilityControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the visibility attribute on this segment.

◆ GetVisibilityControl() [2/2]

VisibilityControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetVisibilityControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the visibility attribute on this segment.

◆ GetVisualEffectsControl() [1/2]

VisualEffectsControl HPS::SegmentKey::GetVisualEffectsControl ( )

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the visual effects attribute on this segment.

◆ GetVisualEffectsControl() [2/2]

VisualEffectsControl const HPS::SegmentKey::GetVisualEffectsControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to manipulate and query details of the visual effects attribute on this segment.

◆ GetWindowInfoControl()

WindowInfoControl const HPS::WindowKey::GetWindowInfoControl ( ) const

Returns a control that allows the user to query various window properties, including size, aspect ratio, resolution, etc.

◆ GetWindowOptionsControl() [1/2]

OffScreenWindowOptionsControl const HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::GetWindowOptionsControl ( ) const

Gets a control that allows querying options specific to offscreen windows.

A control that allows querying options specific to offscreen windows.

◆ GetWindowOptionsControl() [2/2]

OffScreenWindowOptionsControl HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::GetWindowOptionsControl ( )

Gets a control that allows querying options specific to offscreen windows.

A control that allows querying options specific to offscreen windows.

◆ HasOwner()

bool HPS::Key::HasOwner ( ) const
Indicates whether this key has an owner or not.

◆ HasType()

bool HPS::Object::HasType ( HPS::Type  in_mask) const

This function indicates whether this Object has the given Type mask.

in_maskThe Type mask to check against this Object.
true if this Object has the given Type mask, false otherwise.

◆ IncludeSegment() [1/2]

IncludeKey HPS::SegmentKey::IncludeSegment ( SegmentKey const &  in_seg)

Creates a link between this segment and in_seg, returns a handle to the include itself.

Included segments are treated like child segments for most operations including drawing.

◆ IncludeSegment() [2/2]

IncludeKey HPS::SegmentKey::IncludeSegment ( SegmentKey const &  in_seg,
ConditionalExpression const &  in_conditional 

Creates a link between this segment and in_seg, returns a handle to the include itself.

The link will only be applied if the condition is set in the draw path. Included segments are treated like child segments for most operations including drawing.

◆ InsertCircle() [1/3]

CircleKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCircle ( CircleKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new circle geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCircle() [2/3]

CircleKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCircle ( Point const &  in_start,
Point const &  in_middle,
Point const &  in_end 

Creates a new circle geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCircle() [3/3]

CircleKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCircle ( Point const &  in_center,
float  in_radius,
Vector const &  in_normal 

Creates a new circle geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCircularArc() [1/2]

CircularArcKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCircularArc ( CircularArcKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new circular arc geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCircularArc() [2/2]

CircularArcKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCircularArc ( Point const &  in_start,
Point const &  in_middle,
Point const &  in_end 

Creates a new circular arc geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCircularWedge() [1/2]

CircularWedgeKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCircularWedge ( CircularWedgeKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new circular wedge geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCircularWedge() [2/2]

CircularWedgeKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCircularWedge ( Point const &  in_start,
Point const &  in_middle,
Point const &  in_end 

Creates a new circular wedge geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCuttingSection() [1/4]

CuttingSectionKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCuttingSection ( Plane const &  in_plane)

Creates a new cutting section in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCuttingSection() [2/4]

CuttingSectionKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCuttingSection ( CuttingSectionKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new cutting section in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCuttingSection() [3/4]

CuttingSectionKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCuttingSection ( PlaneArray const &  in_planes)

Creates a new cutting section in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCuttingSection() [4/4]

CuttingSectionKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCuttingSection ( size_t  in_planes_count,
Plane const  in_planes[] 

Creates a new cutting section in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCylinder() [1/4]

CylinderKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCylinder ( CylinderKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new cylinder geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCylinder() [2/4]

CylinderKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCylinder ( size_t  in_pcount,
Point const  in_points[],
size_t  in_rcount,
float const  in_radii[],
Cylinder::Capping  in_caps = Cylinder::Capping::Both 

Creates a new cylinder geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCylinder() [3/4]

CylinderKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCylinder ( PointArray const &  in_points,
FloatArray const &  in_radii,
Cylinder::Capping  in_caps = Cylinder::Capping::Both 

Creates a new cylinder geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertCylinder() [4/4]

CylinderKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertCylinder ( Point const &  in_point1,
Point const &  in_point2,
float  in_radius,
Cylinder::Capping  in_caps = Cylinder::Capping::Both 

Creates a new cylinder geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertDistantLight() [1/2]

DistantLightKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertDistantLight ( Vector const &  in_direction)

Creates a new distant light geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertDistantLight() [2/2]

DistantLightKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertDistantLight ( DistantLightKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new distant light geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertEllipse() [1/2]

EllipseKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertEllipse ( EllipseKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new ellipse geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertEllipse() [2/2]

EllipseKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertEllipse ( Point const &  in_center,
Point const &  in_major,
Point const &  in_minor 

Creates a new ellipse geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertEllipticalArc() [1/2]

EllipticalArcKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertEllipticalArc ( EllipticalArcKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new elliptical arc geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertEllipticalArc() [2/2]

EllipticalArcKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertEllipticalArc ( Point const &  in_center,
Point const &  in_major,
Point const &  in_minor,
float  in_start,
float  in_end 

Creates a new elliptical arc geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertGrid() [1/2]

GridKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertGrid ( GridKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new grid in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertGrid() [2/2]

GridKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertGrid ( Point const &  in_origin,
Point const &  in_first_point = Point(1, 0, 0),
Point const &  in_second_point = Point(0, 1, 0),
int  in_first_count = 0,
int  in_second_count = 0,
Grid::Type  in_type = Grid::Type::Quadrilateral 

Creates a new grid in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertInfiniteLine() [1/2]

InfiniteLineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertInfiniteLine ( InfiniteLineKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new infinite line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertInfiniteLine() [2/2]

InfiniteLineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertInfiniteLine ( Point const &  in_first,
Point const &  in_second,
InfiniteLine::Type  in_type 

Creates a new infinite line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertLine() [1/4]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLine ( LineKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertLine() [2/4]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLine ( size_t  in_count,
Point const  in_pts[] 

Creates a new line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertLine() [3/4]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLine ( PointArray const &  in_pts)

Creates a new line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertLine() [4/4]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLine ( Point const &  pt1,
Point const &  pt2 

Creates a new line geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertLineFromGeometry() [1/6]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLineFromGeometry ( CircleKey const &  in_circle,
float  in_deviation = -1.0f 

Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given circle and returns a key to it.

in_circleThe CircleKey that will be used to compute the line approximation.
in_deviationThe distance in object space from the line approximation to the circle. Default value is -1.0f, which tells Visualize to compute a deviation based on the bounding volume of the circle.
The reference to the newly created line. Will have a type of Type::None if line insertion failed.

◆ InsertLineFromGeometry() [2/6]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLineFromGeometry ( CircularArcKey const &  in_circular_arc,
float  in_deviation = -1.0f 

Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given circular arc and returns a key to it.

in_circular_arcThe CircularArcKey that will be used to compute the line approximation.
in_deviationThe distance in object space from the line approximation to the circular arc. Default value is -1.0f, which tells Visualize to compute a deviation based on the bounding volume of the circular arc.
The reference to the newly created line. Will have a type of Type::None if line insertion failed.

◆ InsertLineFromGeometry() [3/6]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLineFromGeometry ( CircularWedgeKey const &  in_circular_wedge,
float  in_deviation = -1.0f 

Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given circular wedge and returns a key to it.

in_circular_wedgeThe CircularWedgeKey that will be used to compute the line approximation.
in_deviationThe distance in object space from the line approximation to the circular wedge. Default value is -1.0f, which tells Visualize to compute a deviation based on the bounding volume of the circular wedge.
The reference to the newly created line. Will have a type of Type::None if line insertion failed.

◆ InsertLineFromGeometry() [4/6]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLineFromGeometry ( EllipseKey const &  in_ellipse,
float  in_deviation = -1.0f 

Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given ellipse and returns a key to it.

in_ellipseThe EllipseKey that will be used to compute the line approximation.
in_deviationThe distance in object space from the line approximation to the ellipse. Default value is -1.0f, which tells Visualize to compute a deviation based on the bounding volume of the ellipse.
The reference to the newly created line. Will have a type of Type::None if line insertion failed.

◆ InsertLineFromGeometry() [5/6]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLineFromGeometry ( EllipticalArcKey const &  in_elliptical_arc,
float  in_deviation = -1.0f 

Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given elliptical arc and returns a key to it.

in_elliptical_arcThe EllipticalArcKey that will be used to compute the line approximation.
in_deviationThe distance in object space from the line approximation to the elliptical arc. Default value is -1.0f, which tells Visualize to compute a deviation based on the bounding volume of the elliptical arc.
The reference to the newly created line. Will have a type of Type::None if line insertion failed.

◆ InsertLineFromGeometry() [6/6]

LineKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertLineFromGeometry ( NURBSCurveKey const &  in_nurbs_curve,
float  in_deviation = -1.0f 

Creates a new line geometry in this segment which approximates the given NURBS curve and returns a key to it.

in_nurbs_curveThe NURBSCurveKey that will be used to compute the line approximation.
in_deviationThe distance in object space from the line approximation to the NURBS curve. Default value is -1.0f, which tells Visualize to compute a deviation based on the bounding volume of the NURBS curve.
The reference to the newly created line. Will have a type of Type::None if line insertion failed.

◆ InsertMarker() [1/2]

MarkerKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertMarker ( Point const &  in_position)

Creates a new marker geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertMarker() [2/2]

MarkerKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertMarker ( MarkerKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new marker geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertMesh() [1/3]

MeshKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertMesh ( MeshKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new mesh geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertMesh() [2/3]

MeshKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertMesh ( size_t  in_rows,
size_t  in_columns,
PointArray const &  in_points 

Creates a new mesh geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertMesh() [3/3]

MeshKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertMesh ( size_t  in_rows,
size_t  in_columns,
size_t  in_point_count,
Point const  in_points[] 

Creates a new mesh geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertNURBSCurve() [1/3]

NURBSCurveKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertNURBSCurve ( NURBSCurveKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new NURBS curve geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertNURBSCurve() [2/3]

NURBSCurveKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertNURBSCurve ( size_t  in_degree,
PointArray const &  in_points,
FloatArray const &  in_weights,
FloatArray const &  in_knots,
float  in_start_u,
float  in_end_u 

Creates a new NURBS curve geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertNURBSCurve() [3/3]

NURBSCurveKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertNURBSCurve ( size_t  in_degree,
size_t  in_pcount,
Point const  in_points[],
float const  in_weights[],
size_t  in_knot_count,
float const  in_knots[],
float  in_start_u,
float  in_end_u 

Creates a new NURBS curve geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertNURBSSurface() [1/5]

NURBSSurfaceKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertNURBSSurface ( NURBSSurfaceKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertNURBSSurface() [2/5]

NURBSSurfaceKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertNURBSSurface ( size_t  in_udegree,
size_t  in_vdegree,
size_t  in_ucount,
size_t  in_vcount,
PointArray const &  in_points,
FloatArray const &  in_weights,
FloatArray const &  in_uknots,
FloatArray const &  in_vknots 

Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertNURBSSurface() [3/5]

NURBSSurfaceKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertNURBSSurface ( size_t  in_udegree,
size_t  in_vdegree,
size_t  in_ucount,
size_t  in_vcount,
size_t  in_point_count,
Point const  in_points[],
float const  in_weights[],
size_t  in_uknot_count,
float const  in_uknots[],
size_t  in_vknot_count,
float const  in_vknots[] 

Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertNURBSSurface() [4/5]

NURBSSurfaceKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertNURBSSurface ( size_t  in_udegree,
size_t  in_vdegree,
size_t  in_ucount,
size_t  in_vcount,
PointArray const &  in_points,
FloatArray const &  in_weights,
FloatArray const &  in_uknots,
FloatArray const &  in_vknots,
TrimKitArray const &  in_trims 

Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertNURBSSurface() [5/5]

NURBSSurfaceKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertNURBSSurface ( size_t  in_udegree,
size_t  in_vdegree,
size_t  in_ucount,
size_t  in_vcount,
size_t  in_point_count,
Point const  in_points[],
float const  in_weights[],
size_t  in_uknot_count,
float const  in_uknots[],
size_t  in_vknot_count,
float const  in_vknots[],
size_t  in_trim_count,
TrimKit const  in_trims[] 

Creates a new NURBS surface geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertPolygon() [1/3]

PolygonKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertPolygon ( PolygonKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new polygon geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertPolygon() [2/3]

PolygonKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertPolygon ( PointArray const &  in_points)

Creates a new polygon geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertPolygon() [3/3]

PolygonKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertPolygon ( size_t  in_count,
Point const  in_points[] 

Creates a new polygon geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertShell() [1/3]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShell ( ShellKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertShell() [2/3]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShell ( PointArray const &  in_points,
IntArray const &  in_facelist 

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertShell() [3/3]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShell ( size_t  in_point_count,
Point const  in_points[],
size_t  in_facelist_count,
int const  in_facelist[] 

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertShellByTristrips() [1/2]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellByTristrips ( PointArray const &  in_points,
IntArray const &  in_tristrips 

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and then returns a key to it.

in_pointsAn array of HPS::Point that will serve as vertices in the tri-strip.
in_tristripsAn array of integers that designates the order of the vertices. The first number indicates the number of vertices in a tri-strip. For example, the following declaration specifies two tri-strips, the first with three vertices and the second with five: IntArray triStripIndex = { 3, 0, 1, 2, 5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };

◆ InsertShellByTristrips() [2/2]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellByTristrips ( size_t  in_point_count,
Point const  in_points[],
size_t  in_tristrips_count,
int const  in_tristrips[] 

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [1/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( SphereKey const &  in_sphere)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given sphere and returns a key to it.

in_sphereThe SphereKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [2/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( CylinderKey const &  in_cylinder)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given cylinder and returns a key to it.

in_cylinderThe CylinderKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [3/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( NURBSSurfaceKey const &  in_nurbs_surface)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given NURBS surface and returns a key to it.

in_nurbs_surfaceThe NURBSSurfaceKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [4/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( MeshKey const &  in_mesh)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given mesh and returns a key to it.

in_meshThe MeshKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [5/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( PolygonKey const &  in_polygon)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given polygon and returns a key to it.

in_polygonThe PolygonKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [6/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( EllipseKey const &  in_ellipse)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given ellipse and returns a key to it.

in_ellipseThe EllipseKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [7/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( CircleKey const &  in_circle)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given circle and returns a key to it.

in_circleThe CircleKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [8/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( CircularWedgeKey const &  in_circular_wedge)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given circular wedge and returns a key to it.

in_circular_wedgeThe CircularWedgeKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertShellFromGeometry() [9/9]

ShellKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertShellFromGeometry ( TextKey const &  in_text)

Creates a new shell geometry in this segment which approximates the given text and returns a key to it.

The text must be inserted into the window segment in order for this call to succeed.

in_textThe TextKey that will be used to compute the shell approximation.
The reference to the newly created shell. Will have a type of Type::None if shell insertion failed.

◆ InsertSphere() [1/2]

SphereKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertSphere ( SphereKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new sphere geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

in_kitThe SphereKit that will define the sphere
The reference to the newly created sphere. Will have a type of Type::None if sphere insertion failed

◆ InsertSphere() [2/2]

SphereKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertSphere ( Point const &  in_center,
float  in_radius,
Vector const &  in_axis = Vector(0, 1, 0),
Vector const &  in_prime_meridian = Vector(1, 0, 0) 

Creates a new sphere geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

in_centerThe Point that will define the center of the sphere
in_radiusThe radius of the sphere
in_axisThe Vector that will define the axis of the sphere
in_prime_meridianThe Vector that will define the orientation of the sphere (as rotated on its axis)
The reference to the newly created sphere. Will have a type of Type::None if sphere insertion failed

◆ InsertSpotlight() [1/2]

SpotlightKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertSpotlight ( Point const &  in_position,
Point const &  in_target 

Creates a new spot light geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertSpotlight() [2/2]

SpotlightKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertSpotlight ( SpotlightKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new spot light geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertText() [1/2]

TextKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertText ( TextKit const &  in_kit)

Creates a new text geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

◆ InsertText() [2/2]

TextKey HPS::SegmentKey::InsertText ( Point const &  in_position,
char const *  in_text 

Creates a new text geometry in this segment and returns a key to it.

in_positionThe position, in world coordinates, where the text will be inserted.
in_textThe text UTF-8 encoded string to insert.
A reference to the newly created TextKey object. Will have a type of Type::None if line insertion failed.

◆ Name()

UTF8 HPS::SegmentKey::Name ( ) const

Returns the name given to this segment when it was created.

◆ ObjectType()

HPS::Type HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::ObjectType ( ) const

Reimplemented from HPS::WindowKey.

◆ operator!=()

bool HPS::Key::operator!= ( Key const &  in_that) const

Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same.

◆ operator=()

OffScreenWindowKey& HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::operator= ( OffScreenWindowKey &&  in_that)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying impl of the rvalue reference to this OffScreenWindowKey thereby avoiding a copy.

in_thatAn rvalue reference to an OffScreenWindowKey to take the impl from.
A reference to this OffScreenWindowKey.

◆ operator==()

bool HPS::Key::operator== ( Key const &  in_that) const

Determines whether the database objects pointed to by this key and in_that are the same.

◆ Optimize()

void HPS::SegmentKey::Optimize ( SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit const &  in_kit)

Optimizes this Segment according to the options specified in the SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit.

in_kitA SegmentOptimizationOptionsKit that specifies how the Segment should be optimized.

◆ Owner()

SegmentKey HPS::Key::Owner ( ) const
The segment containing this key.

◆ ReferenceGeometry() [1/2]

ReferenceKey HPS::SegmentKey::ReferenceGeometry ( Key const &  in_key)

References either a geometry key or a segment key in this segment.

If the provided key is a geometry key, that geometry will be drawn as though it was in this segment. If the provided key is a segment key, all geometry in that segment will be drawn as though they were in this segment, however no attributes, subsegments or geometry in subsegments will be brought along (though attributes set directly on geometry within the segment will be preserved).

in_keyA key to either a piece of geometry or a segment.
A reference to the newly created geometry reference. This will have a type of Type::None if geometry reference creation failed.

◆ ReferenceGeometry() [2/2]

ReferenceKey HPS::SegmentKey::ReferenceGeometry ( Key const &  in_key,
ConditionalExpression const &  in_conditional 

Conditionally references either a geometry key or a segment key in this segment.

If the provided key is a geometry key, that geometry will be drawn as though it was in this segment. If the provided key is a segment key, all geometry in that segment will be drawn as though they were in this segment, however no attributes, subsegments or geometry in subsegments will be brought along (though attributes set directly on geometry within the segment will be preserved). The referenced geometry will only get drawn in this segment if a condition is set above the geometry reference satisfying the provided condition.

in_keyA key to either a piece of geometry or a segment.
in_conditionalA conditional expression which will determine whether the referenced geometry gets drawn for this segment.
A reference to the newly created geometry reference. This will have a type of Type::None if geometry reference creation failed.

◆ Reset()

◆ SetAttributeLock()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetAttributeLock ( AttributeLockKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the attribute locks designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetBounding()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetBounding ( BoundingKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the bounding designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetCamera()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetCamera ( CameraKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the camera attribute designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetColorInterpolation()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetColorInterpolation ( ColorInterpolationKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the color interpolation attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetCondition()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetCondition ( char const *  in_condition)

Sets in_condition as the only condition on this segment, replacing any existing conditions.

◆ SetConditions() [1/2]

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetConditions ( UTF8Array const &  in_conditions)

Sets in_conditions as the only conditions on this segment, replacing any existing conditions.

◆ SetConditions() [2/2]

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetConditions ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_conditions[] 

Sets in_conditions as the only conditions on this segment, replacing any existing conditions.

◆ SetContourLine()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetContourLine ( ContourLineKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the contour line attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetCulling()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetCulling ( CullingKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the culling attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetCurveAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetCurveAttribute ( CurveAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the curve attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetCuttingSectionAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetCuttingSectionAttribute ( CuttingSectionAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the cutting section attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetCylinderAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetCylinderAttribute ( CylinderAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the cylinder attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetDebugging()

WindowKey& HPS::WindowKey::SetDebugging ( DebuggingKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the debugging attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetDrawingAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetDrawingAttribute ( DrawingAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the drawing attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetDriverEventHandler()

WindowKey& HPS::WindowKey::SetDriverEventHandler ( DriverEventHandler const &  in_handler,
intptr_t  in_type 

Sets the specified driver event handler as the handler for the specified driver event type on this window.

in_handlerDriver event handler to be set.
in_typeType of driver event to add the handler for.

◆ SetEdgeAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetEdgeAttribute ( EdgeAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the edge attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetHiddenLineAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetHiddenLineAttribute ( HiddenLineAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the hidden line attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetLightingAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetLightingAttribute ( LightingAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the lighting attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetLineAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetLineAttribute ( LineAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the line attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetMarkerAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetMarkerAttribute ( MarkerAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the marker attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetMaterialMapping()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetMaterialMapping ( MaterialMappingKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the material mappings designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetMaterialPalette()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetMaterialPalette ( char const *  in_name)

Applies the material palette associated with in_name to this segment, replacing any existing material palette.

◆ SetModellingMatrix()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetModellingMatrix ( MatrixKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the modelling matrix attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetName()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetName ( char const *  in_name)

Sets the new name of this segment.

A reference to this key

◆ SetNURBSSurfaceAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetNURBSSurfaceAttribute ( NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the NURBS surface attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetPerformance()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetPerformance ( PerformanceKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the performance attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetPostProcessEffects()

WindowKey& HPS::WindowKey::SetPostProcessEffects ( PostProcessEffectsKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the post-process effects attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetPriority()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetPriority ( int  in_priority)

Assigns a specific drawing priority value to this segment.

It affects the order in which the segment is visited if and only if the rendering algorithm is set to Priority. Segments have a default drawing priority assigned, based on the order that they were created.

in_priorityThe drawing priority, higher priority items are drawn on top of lower priority items.
A reference to this object.
See also

◆ SetSelectability()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetSelectability ( SelectabilityKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the selectability attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetSelectionOptions()

WindowKey& HPS::WindowKey::SetSelectionOptions ( SelectionOptionsKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the options that will be used by default for selections performed from this window.

Note: these options cannot be unset.

◆ SetSphereAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetSphereAttribute ( SphereAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the sphere attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetSubwindow()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetSubwindow ( SubwindowKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the subwindow attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetTextAttribute()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetTextAttribute ( TextAttributeKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the text attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetTextureMatrix()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetTextureMatrix ( MatrixKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the texture matrix attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetTransformMask()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetTransformMask ( TransformMaskKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the transform mask designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetTransparency()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetTransparency ( TransparencyKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the transparency attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetUpdateOptions()

WindowKey& HPS::WindowKey::SetUpdateOptions ( HPS::UpdateOptionsKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the options that will be used by default for update options performed from this window.

Note: these options cannot be unset.

◆ SetUserData() [1/3]

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetUserData ( IntPtrTArray const &  in_indices,
ByteArrayArray const &  in_data 

Sets user data on this key.

in_indicesAn array of user data indices to set.
in_dataAn array of bytes of user data to set.
A reference to this key.

◆ SetUserData() [2/3]

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetUserData ( intptr_t  in_index,
size_t  in_bytes,
byte const  in_data[] 

Sets user data on this key.

in_indexThe index of the user data to set.
in_bytesThe number of bytes of user data to set.
in_dataThe bytes of user data to set.
A reference to this key.

◆ SetUserData() [3/3]

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetUserData ( intptr_t  in_index,
ByteArray const &  in_data 

Sets user data on this key.

in_indexThe index of the user data to set.
in_dataThe bytes of user data to set.
A reference to this key.

◆ SetVisibility()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetVisibility ( VisibilityKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the visibility attribute designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ SetVisualEffects()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::SetVisualEffects ( VisualEffectsKit const &  in_kit)

Sets the visual effects attributes designated by in_kit on this segment.

◆ ShowAttributeLock()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowAttributeLock ( AttributeLockKit out_kit) const

Shows the attribute locks settings on this segment.

False if no attribute locks settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowBounding()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowBounding ( BoundingKit out_kit) const

Shows the bounding or bounding settings on this segment.

False if no bounding or bounding settings on this segment.

◆ ShowCamera()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowCamera ( CameraKit out_kit) const

Shows the camera attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no camera is set on this segment.

◆ ShowColorInterpolation()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowColorInterpolation ( ColorInterpolationKit out_kit) const

Shows the color interpolation attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no color interpolation attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowConditions()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowConditions ( UTF8Array out_conditions) const

Shows all conditions on this segment.

◆ ShowContourLine()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowContourLine ( ContourLineKit out_kit) const

Shows the contour line attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no contour line attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowCulling()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowCulling ( CullingKit out_kit) const

Shows the culling attribute settings on this segment.

False if no culling attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowCurveAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowCurveAttribute ( CurveAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the curve attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no curve attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowCuttingSectionAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowCuttingSectionAttribute ( CuttingSectionAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the cutting section attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no cutting section attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowCylinderAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowCylinderAttribute ( CylinderAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the cylinder attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no cylinder attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowDebugging()

bool HPS::WindowKey::ShowDebugging ( DebuggingKit out_kit) const

Shows the debugging attribute settings on this segment.

False if no debugging attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowDrawingAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowDrawingAttribute ( DrawingAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the drawing attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no drawing settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowEdgeAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowEdgeAttribute ( EdgeAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the edge attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no edge attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowHiddenLineAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowHiddenLineAttribute ( HiddenLineAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the hidden line attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no hidden line settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowIncluders() [1/2]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowIncluders ( SegmentKeyArray out_segments) const

Shows the all the segments which contain includes of this key.

out_segmentsThe list of segments which contains includes of this key.
The number of segments which contain includes of this key.

◆ ShowIncluders() [2/2]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowIncluders ( IncludeKeyArray out_includes) const

Shows the all the includes of this key.

out_includesThe list of all includes of this key.
The number of includes of this key.

◆ ShowLightingAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowLightingAttribute ( LightingAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the lighting attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no lighting attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowLineAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowLineAttribute ( LineAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the line attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no line attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowMarkerAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowMarkerAttribute ( MarkerAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the marker attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no marker attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowMaterialMapping()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowMaterialMapping ( MaterialMappingKit out_kit) const

Shows the material mapping settings on this segment.

Returns false if no material mapping settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowMaterialPalette()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowMaterialPalette ( UTF8 out_name) const

Shows the existing material palette, if any, that is active on this segment.

◆ ShowModellingMatrix()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowModellingMatrix ( MatrixKit out_kit) const

Shows the modelling matrix setting on this segment.

Returns false if no modelling matrix setting exists on this segment.

◆ ShowNURBSSurfaceAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowNURBSSurfaceAttribute ( NURBSSurfaceAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the NURBS surface attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no NURBS surface attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowPerformance()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowPerformance ( PerformanceKit out_kit) const

Shows the performance attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no performance settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowPostProcessEffects()

bool HPS::WindowKey::ShowPostProcessEffects ( PostProcessEffectsKit out_kit) const

Shows the post-process effects attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no post-process effects attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowPriority()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowPriority ( int &  out_priority) const

Shows the drawing priority.

out_priorityThe drawing priority, higher priority items are drawn on top of lower priority items.
true if a priority was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowReferrers() [1/2]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowReferrers ( SegmentKeyArray out_segments) const

Shows the all the segments which contain references to this key.

Note that while a segment may only appear once in the returned array, that segment could have multiple references to this key.

out_segmentsThe list of segments which contains references to this key.
The number of segments which contain references to this key.

◆ ShowReferrers() [2/2]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowReferrers ( ReferenceKeyArray out_references) const

Shows the all the references to this key.

out_referencesThe list of all references to this key.
The number of references to this key.

◆ ShowSelectability()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowSelectability ( SelectabilityKit out_kit) const

Shows the selectability attribute settings on this segment.

False if no selectability settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowSelectionOptions()

bool HPS::WindowKey::ShowSelectionOptions ( SelectionOptionsKit out_kit) const

Shows the options that will be used by default for selections performed from this window.

◆ ShowSnapshot()

bool HPS::WindowKey::ShowSnapshot ( ImageKit out_kit) const

Shows the current display as an image.

Note: this will return false if an Update was never made.

out_kitAn image kit to show the display into.
true if able to show display into ImageKit, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSphereAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowSphereAttribute ( SphereAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the sphere attribute settings on this segment.

False if no sphere attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowStylers() [1/2]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowStylers ( SegmentKeyArray out_segments) const

Shows the all the segments which are styled by this key.

Note that while a segment may only appear once in the returned array, that segment could have multiple styles which refer to this key.

out_segmentsThe list of segments which are styled by this key.
The number of segments which are styled by this key.

◆ ShowStylers() [2/2]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowStylers ( StyleKeyArray out_styles) const

Shows the all the styles which refer to this key.

out_stylesThe list of all styles which refer to this key.
The number of styles which refer to this key.

◆ ShowSubsegments() [1/2]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowSubsegments ( ) const
A count of all child segments of this segment

◆ ShowSubsegments() [2/2]

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowSubsegments ( SegmentKeyArray out_children) const
A count of all child segments of this segment and populates out_children with keys to them.

◆ ShowSubwindow()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowSubwindow ( SubwindowKit out_kit) const

Shows the subwindow attribute settings on this segment.

False if no subwindow attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowTextAttribute()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowTextAttribute ( TextAttributeKit out_kit) const

Shows the text attribute settings on this segment.

Returns false if no text attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowTextureMatrix()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowTextureMatrix ( MatrixKit out_kit) const

Shows the texture matrix setting on this segment.

False if no texture matrix setting exists on this segment.

◆ ShowTransformMask()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowTransformMask ( TransformMaskKit out_kit) const

Shows the transform mask settings on this segment.

False if no bounding settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowTransparency()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowTransparency ( TransparencyKit out_kit) const

Shows the transparency attribute settings on this segment.

False if no transparency attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowUpdateOptions()

bool HPS::WindowKey::ShowUpdateOptions ( HPS::UpdateOptionsKit out_kit) const

Shows the options that will be used by default for update options performed from this window.

◆ ShowUserData() [1/2]

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowUserData ( IntPtrTArray out_indices,
ByteArrayArray out_data 
) const

Shows all user data for this key.

out_indicesAn array of all user data indices set on this key.
out_dataAn array of all user data set on this key.
true if there is user data on this key, false otherwise.

◆ ShowUserData() [2/2]

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowUserData ( intptr_t  in_index,
ByteArray out_data 
) const

Shows the user data at a given index for this key.

in_indexThe index of the user data to show.
out_dataThe user data at the given index.
true if there is user data at the given index, false otherwise.

◆ ShowUserDataCount()

size_t HPS::SegmentKey::ShowUserDataCount ( ) const

Get the number of user data indices set on this key.

◆ ShowUserDataIndices()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowUserDataIndices ( IntPtrTArray out_indices) const

Shows the indices of all user data set on this key.

out_indicesThe user data indices set on this key.
The number of user data indices set on this key.

◆ ShowVisibility()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowVisibility ( VisibilityKit out_kit) const

Shows the visibility attribute settings on this segment.

False if no visibility is set on this segment.

◆ ShowVisualEffects()

bool HPS::SegmentKey::ShowVisualEffects ( VisualEffectsKit out_kit) const

Shows the visual effects attribute settings on this segment.

False if no visual effects attribute settings exist on this segment.

◆ ShowWindowInfo()

bool HPS::WindowKey::ShowWindowInfo ( WindowInfoKit out_kit) const

◆ ShowWindowOptions()

bool HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::ShowWindowOptions ( OffScreenWindowOptionsKit out_kit) const

Shows the offscreen-window-specific options for this OffScreenWindowKey.

out_kitThe offscreen-window-specific options for this OffScreenWindowKey.
true if any options are set, false otherwise.

◆ Subsegment()

SegmentKey HPS::SegmentKey::Subsegment ( char const *  in_segment_name = "",
bool  in_create_if_not_present = true 
) const

Returns the segment contained by this key with name of in_segment_name.

The segment will be created automatically if it does not exist. To prevent automatic segment creation, pass a value of false for in_create_not_present.

◆ Type()

◆ UnsetAllUserData()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::UnsetAllUserData ( )

Removes all user data from this key.

A reference to this key.

◆ UnsetBounding()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::UnsetBounding ( )

Removes all bounding settings from this segment.

◆ UnsetConditions()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::UnsetConditions ( )

Unsets all conditions on this segment.

◆ UnsetDriverEventHandler()

WindowKey& HPS::WindowKey::UnsetDriverEventHandler ( intptr_t  in_type)

Unsets the driver event handler for the specified driver event type on this window.

in_typeType of driver event to remove the handler for

◆ UnsetMaterialPalette()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::UnsetMaterialPalette ( )

Removes the existing material palette, if any, that is active on this segment.

◆ UnsetPriority()

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::UnsetPriority ( )

Removes the drawing priority setting.

A reference to this object.

◆ UnsetUserData() [1/3]

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::UnsetUserData ( intptr_t  in_index)

Removes the user data at the given index from this key.

in_indexThe index of the user data to remove.
A reference to this key.

◆ UnsetUserData() [2/3]

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::UnsetUserData ( size_t  in_count,
intptr_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the user data at the given indices from this key.

in_countThe size of the following array.
in_indicesThe indices of the user data to remove.
A reference to this key.

◆ UnsetUserData() [3/3]

SegmentKey& HPS::SegmentKey::UnsetUserData ( HPS::IntPtrTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the user data at the given indices from this key.

in_indicesThe indices of the user data to remove.
A reference to this key.

◆ Up()

SegmentKey HPS::Key::Up ( ) const
The segment containing this key.

◆ Update() [1/3]

void HPS::WindowKey::Update ( )

Performs a default update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display.

◆ Update() [2/3]

void HPS::WindowKey::Update ( UpdateOptionsKit const &  in_kit)

Performs an update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display using the options in the UpdateOptionsKit.

in_kitAllows the user to control how thorough an update should be.

◆ Update() [3/3]

void HPS::WindowKey::Update ( Window::UpdateType  in_type,
Time  in_time_limit = -1 

Performs an update in this window within the specified amount of time, redrawing and refreshing the display based on the Window::UpdateType value.

Key behavioral notes regarding a timed-update:

  • Geometry deferral/omission
    • View-dependent shadows will not be drawn (view-independent shadows will be drawn.)
    • Transparent geometry will be deferred and processed after the rest of the scene.
    • If static tree + lmv is enabled, text and lines will be deferred and drawn after opaque facetted geometry
  • Non-incremental rendering modes/attributes

    • A timed update requires Visualize to interrupt the rendering process. However, certain types of rendering modes/attributes cannot be interrupted because they are 'non-incremental'. - If your application wishes to use such modes/attributes alongside fixed-framerate, it will need to make a decision about whether Fixed-framerate is preferred. They include: - HiddenLine and FastHiddenLine rendering algorithms
      • Transparency that is drawn using 'depth peeling'. (All depth-peeled transparent geometry will be processed once it is started.)
    in_controlAllows the user to control how thorough this update should be.
    in_time_limitSpecifies the desired maximum time this update should take.

◆ UpdateWithNotifier() [1/3]

UpdateNotifier HPS::WindowKey::UpdateWithNotifier ( )

Performs a default update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display.

A UpdateNotifier object that can be used to find out information about the update.

◆ UpdateWithNotifier() [2/3]

UpdateNotifier HPS::WindowKey::UpdateWithNotifier ( HPS::UpdateOptionsKit const &  in_kit)

Performs a default update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display.

A UpdateNotifier object that can be used to find out information about the update.

◆ UpdateWithNotifier() [3/3]

UpdateNotifier HPS::WindowKey::UpdateWithNotifier ( Window::UpdateType  in_type,
Time  in_time_limit = -1 

Performs an update in this window, redrawing and refreshing the display.

in_typeAllows the user to control how thorough an update should be.
in_time_limitSpecifies a maximum time this update should take.
A UpdateNotifier object that can be used to find out information about the update.

Member Data Documentation

◆ staticType

const HPS::Type HPS::OffScreenWindowKey::staticType = HPS::Type::OffScreenWindowKey

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