The Search class is a concept class for search-related enum classes. More...
#include <hps.h>
Private Member Functions | |
Search () | |
The Search class is a concept class for search-related enum classes.
strong |
strong |
strong |
Enumeration of the types that can be searched for.
Enumerator | |
None | No type. |
Everything | Search for all attributes, geometry, segments, includes and includers. |
Include | Search for include keys. |
Segment | Search for segments. |
Includer | Search for segments which include the current segment being searched. |
Geometry | Search for all geometry types. |
CuttingSection | Search for cutting sections. |
Shell | Search for shells. |
Mesh | Search for meshes. |
Grid | Search for grids. |
NURBSSurface | Search for NURBS surfaces. |
Cylinder | Search for cylinders. |
Sphere | Search for spheres. |
Polygon | Search for polygons. |
Circle | Search for circles. |
CircularWedge | Search for circular wedges. |
Ellipse | Search for ellipses. |
Line | Search for lines. |
NURBSCurve | Search for NURBS curves. |
CircularArc | Search for circular arcs. |
EllipticalArc | Search for elliptical arcs. |
InfiniteLine | Search for infinite lines. |
Marker | Search for markers. |
Text | Search for text. |
Reference | Search for geometry references. |
DistantLight | Search for distant lights. |
Spotlight | Search for spotlights. |
InfiniteRay | Search for infinite rays. |
Attribute | Search for all attributes. |
Priority | Search for priority settings. |
Material | Search for material settings. |
Camera | Search for cameras. |
ModellingMatrix | Search for modelling matrices. |
UserData | Search for user data settings. |
TextureMatrix | Search for texture matrices. |
Culling | Search for any culling attribute settings. |
CullingBackFace | Search for back face culling settings. |
CullingExtent | Search for extent culling settings. |
CullingVector | Search for vector culling settings. |
CullingVectorTolerance | Search for vector tolerance culling settings. |
CullingFrustum | Search for frustum culling settings. |
CullingDeferralExtent | Search for deferral extent culling settings. |
CurveAttribute | Search for any curve attribute settings. |
CurveAttributeBudget | Search for curve budget settings. |
CurveAttributeContinuedBudget | Search for curve continued budget settings. |
CurveAttributeViewDependent | Search for curve view dependent settings. |
CurveAttributeMaximumDeviation | Search for curve maximum deviation settings. |
CurveAttributeMaximumAngle | Search for curve maximum angle settings. |
CurveAttributeMaximumLength | Search for curve maximum length settings. |
CylinderAttribute | Search for any cylinder attribute settings. |
CylinderAttributeTessellation | Search for cylinder tessellation settings. |
CylinderAttributeOrientation | Search for cylinder orientation settings. |
EdgeAttribute | Search for any edge attribute settings. |
EdgeAttributePattern | Search for edge pattern settings. |
EdgeAttributeWeight | Search for edge weight settings. |
EdgeAttributeHardAngle | Search for edge weight settings. |
LightingAttribute | Search for any lighting attribute settings. |
LightingAttributeInterpolation | Search for lighting interpolation settings. |
LineAttribute | Search for any line attribute settings. |
LineAttributePattern | Search for line pattern settings. |
LineAttributeWeight | Search for line weight settings. |
MarkerAttribute | Search for any marker attribute settings. |
MarkerAttributeSize | Search for marker size settings. |
MarkerAttributeSymbol | Search for marker symbol settings. |
MarkerAttributePreference | Search for marker drawing preference settings. |
SurfaceAttribute | Search for any surface attribute settings. |
SurfaceAttributeBudget | Search for surface budget settings. |
SurfaceAttributeMaximumFacetDeviation | Search for surface maximum facet deviation settings. |
SurfaceAttributeMaximumFacetAngle | Search for surface maximum facet angle settings. |
SurfaceAttributeMaximumFacetWidth | Search for surface maximum facet width settings. |
SurfaceAttributeTrimCurveBudget | Search for surface trim curve budget settings. |
SurfaceAttributeMaximumTrimCurveDeviation | Search for surface maximum trim curve deviation settings. |
Selectability | Search for any selectability settings. |
SelectabilityWindows | Search for window selectability settings. |
SelectabilityEdges | Search for edge selectability settings. |
SelectabilityFaces | Search for face selectability settings. |
SelectabilityLights | Search for light selectability settings. |
SelectabilityLines | Search for line selectability settings. |
SelectabilityMarkers | Search for marker selectability settings. |
SelectabilityVertices | Search for vertex selectability settings. |
SelectabilityText | Search for text selectability settings. |
SphereAttribute | Search for any sphere attribute settings. |
SphereAttributeTessellation | Search for sphere tessellation settings. |
Subwindow | Search for any subwindow settings. |
SubwindowEitherType | Search for either standard or lightweight subwindow settings. |
SubwindowStandard | Search for standard subwindow settings. |
SubwindowLightweight | Search for lightweight subwindow settings. |
SubwindowBackground | Search for subwindow background settings. |
SubwindowBorder | Search for subwindow border settings. |
SubwindowRenderingAlgorithm | Search for subwindow rendering algorithm. |
TextAttribute | Search for any text attribute settings. |
TextAttributeAlignment | Search for text alignment settings. |
TextAttributeBold | Search for bold text settings. |
TextAttributeItalic | Search for italic text settings. |
TextAttributeOverline | Search for overline text settings. |
TextAttributeStrikethrough | Search for strikethrough text settings. |
TextAttributeUnderline | Search for underline text settings. |
TextAttributeSlant | Search for text slant settings. |
TextAttributeLineSpacing | Search for text line spacing settings. |
TextAttributeRotation | Search for text rotation settings. |
TextAttributeExtraSpace | Search for text extra space settings. |
TextAttributeGreeking | Search for text greeking settings. |
TextAttributeSizeTolerance | Search for text size tolerance settings. |
TextAttributeSize | Search for text size settings. |
TextAttributeFont | Search for text font settings. |
TextAttributeTransform | Search for text transform settings. |
TextAttributeRenderer | Search for text renderer settings. |
TextAttributePreference | Search for text preference settings. |
TextAttributePath | Search for text path settings. |
TextAttributeSpacing | Search for text spacing settings. |
TextAttributeBackground | Search for text background settings. |
TextAttributeBackgroundMargins | Search for text background margin settings. |
TextAttributeBackgroundStyle | Search for text background style settings. |
TextAttributeLeaderLine | Search for text leader line settings. |
Transparency | Search for any transparency settings. |
TransparencyMethod | Search for transparency method settings. |
TransparencyAlgorithm | Search for transparency algorithm settings. |
TransparencyDepthPeelingLayers | Search for depth peeling layers settings. |
TransparencyDepthPeelingMinimumArea | Search for depth peeling minimum area settings. |
TransparencyDepthWriting | Search for depth writing settings. |
Visibility | Search for any visibility settings. |
VisibilityCuttingSections | Search for cutting section visibility settings. |
VisibilityCutEdges | Search for cut edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityCutFaces | Search for cut face visibility settings. |
VisibilityWindows | Search for window visibility settings. |
VisibilityText | Search for text visibility settings. |
VisibilityLines | Search for line visibility settings. |
VisibilityEdgeLights | Search for edge light visibility settings. |
VisibilityMarkerLights | Search for marker light visibility settings. |
VisibilityFaceLights | Search for face light visibility settings. |
VisibilityGenericEdges | Search for generic edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityHardEdges | Search for hard edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityAdjacentEdges | Search for adjacent edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityInteriorSilhouetteEdges | Search for interior silhouette edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityShadowEmitting | Search for shadow emitting visibility settings. |
VisibilityShadowReceiving | Search for shadow receiving visibility settings. |
VisibilityShadowCasting | Search for shadow casting visibility settings. |
VisibilityMarkers | Search for marker visibility settings. |
VisibilityVertices | Search for vertex visibility settings. |
VisibilityFaces | Search for face visibility settings. |
VisibilityPerimeterEdges | Search for perimeter edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityNonCulledEdges | Search for non-culled edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityMeshQuadEdges | Search for mesh quad edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityEdges | Search for any edge visibility settings. |
VisibilityLeaderLines | Search for text leader line visibility settings. |
VisualEffects | Search for any visual effects settings. |
VisualEffectsPostProcessEffectsEnabled | Search for visual effects post-process effects enabled settings. |
VisualEffectsAntiAliasing | Search for visual effects anti-aliasing settings. |
VisualEffectsShadowMaps | Search for visual effects shadow maps settings. |
VisualEffectsSimpleShadow | Search for visual effects simple shadow settings. |
VisualEffectsSimpleShadowPlane | Search for visual effects simple shadow plane settings. |
VisualEffectsSimpleShadowLightDirection | Search for visual effects simple shadow light direction settings. |
VisualEffectsSimpleShadowColor | Search for visual effects simple shadow color settings. |
VisualEffectsSimpleReflection | Search for visual effects simple reflection settings. |
VisualEffectsSimpleReflectionPlane | Search for visual effects simple reflection plane settings. |
VisualEffectsSimpleReflectionVisibility | Search for visual effects simple reflection visibility settings. |
VisualEffectsEyeDomeLightingBackColor | Search for visual effects eye dome lighting back color settings. |
Performance | Search for any performance settings. |
PerformanceDisplayLists | Search for performance display lists settings. |
PerformanceStaticModel | Search for performance static model settings. |
StaticModelSegment | Search for static model segments. |
DrawingAttribute | Search for any drawing attribute settings. |
DrawingAttributePolygonHandedness | Search for drawing attribute polygon handedness settings. |
DrawingAttributeDepthRange | Search for drawing attribute depth range settings. |
DrawingAttributeFaceDisplacement | Search for drawing attribute face displacement settings. |
DrawingAttributeGeneralDisplacement | Search for drawing attribute general displacement settings. |
DrawingAttributeVertexDisplacement | Search for drawing attribute vertex displacement settings. |
DrawingAttributeOverlay | Search for drawing attribute overlay settings. |
DrawingAttributeDeferral | Search for drawing attribute deferral settings. |
DrawingAttributeVertexDecimation | Search for drawing attribute vertex decimation settings. |
DrawingAttributeVertexRandomization | Search for drawing attribute vertex randomization settings. |
DrawingAttributeClipRegion | Search for drawing attribute clip region settings. |
DrawingAttributeWorldHandedness | Search for drawing attribute world handedness settings. |
HiddenLineAttribute | Search for any hidden line attribute settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeAlgorithm | Search for hidden line algorithm settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeColor | Search for hidden line color settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeDimFactor | Search for hidden line dim factor settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeFaceDisplacement | Search for hidden line face displacement settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeLinePattern | Search for hidden line pattern settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeLineSort | Search for hidden line sort settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeRenderFaces | Search for hidden line render faces settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeRenderText | Search for hidden line render text settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeSilhouetteCleanup | Search for hidden line silhouette cleanup settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeTransparencyCutoff | Search for hidden line transparency cutoff settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeVisibility | Search for hidden line visibility settings. |
HiddenLineAttributeWeight | Search for hidden line weight settings. |
SegmentStyle | Search for any segment style settings. |
NamedStyle | Search for any named style settings. |
MaterialPalette | Search for any material palette settings. |
Portfolio | Search for any portfolio settings. |
ContourLine | Search for any contour line settings. |
ContourLineVisibility | Search for contour line visibility settings. |
ContourLinePosition | Search for contour line position settings. |
ContourLineColor | Search for contour line color settings. |
ContourLinePattern | Search for contour line pattern settings. |
ContourLineWeight | Search for contour line weight settings. |
ContourLineLighting | Search for contour line lighting settings. |
Condition | Search for any condition settings. |
Bounding | Search for any bounding settings. |
BoundingVolume | Search for bounding volume settings. |
BoundingExclusion | Search for bounding exclusion settings. |
AttributeLock | Search for any attribute lock settings. |
AttributeLockSetting | Search for attribute lock setting settings. |
AttributeLockSubsegmentOverride | Search for attribute lock subsegment override settings. |
TransformMask | Search for any transform mask settings. |
TransformMaskCamera | Search for any transform mask camera settings. |
TransformMaskCameraTranslation | Search for transform mask translation settings. |
TransformMaskCameraScale | Search for transform mask scale settings. |
TransformMaskCameraOffset | Search for transform mask offset settings. |
TransformMaskCameraRotation | Search for transform mask rotation settings. |
TransformMaskCameraPerspectiveScale | Search for transform mask perspective scale settings. |
TransformMaskCameraProjection | Search for transform mask projection settings. |
TransformMaskModellingMatrix | Search for any transform mask modelling matrix settings. |
TransformMaskModellingMatrixTranslation | Search for transform mask modelling matrix translation settings. |
TransformMaskModellingMatrixScale | Search for transform mask modelling matrix scale settings. |
TransformMaskModellingMatrixOffset | Search for transform mask modelling matrix offset settings. |
TransformMaskModellingMatrixRotation | Search for transform mask modelling matrix rotation settings. |
ColorInterpolation | Search for any color interpolation settings. |
ColorInterpolationFaceColor | Search for color interpolation face color settings. |
ColorInterpolationEdgeColor | Search for color interpolation edge color settings. |
ColorInterpolationMarkerColor | Search for color interpolation marker color settings. |
ColorInterpolationFaceIndex | Search for color interpolation face index settings. |
ColorInterpolationEdgeIndex | Search for color interpolation edge index settings. |
ColorInterpolationMarkerIndex | Search for color interpolation marker index settings. |
CuttingSectionAttribute | Search for any cutting section attribute settings. |
CuttingSectionAttributeCuttingLevel | Search for cutting section cutting level settings. |
CuttingSectionAttributeCappingLevel | Search for cutting section capping level settings. |
CuttingSectionAttributeMaterialPreference | Search for cutting section material preference settings. |
CuttingSectionAttributeEdgeWeight | Search for cutting section edge weight settings. |
CuttingSectionAttributeTolerance | Search for cutting section tolerance settings. |
inlineprivate |