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HPS::Publish::PageKit Class Reference

The PageKit class is a user space object. More...

#include <sprk_publish.h>

Inheritance diagram for HPS::Publish::PageKit:
Collaboration diagram for HPS::Publish::PageKit:

Public Member Functions

 PageKit ()
 The default constructor creates an empty PageKit object. More...
 PageKit (Page::Format in_format, Page::Orientation in_orientation)
 This constructor creates a PageKit with the given format and orientation. More...
 PageKit (char const *in_filename)
 This constructor creates a PageKit from the given PDF template file. More...
 PageKit (PageKit const &in_kit)
 The copy constructor creates a new PageKit object that contains the same settings as the source PageKit. More...
 PageKit (PageKit &&in_kit)
 The move constructor creates a PageKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this PageKit. More...
virtual ~PageKit ()
HPS::Type ObjectType () const
void Set (PageKit const &in_kit)
 Copies the source PageKit into this PageKit. More...
void Show (PageKit &out_kit) const
 Copies this PageKit into the given PageKit. More...
PageKitoperator= (PageKit const &in_kit)
 Copies the source PageKit into this PageKit. More...
PageKitoperator= (PageKit &&in_kit)
 The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this PageKit. More...
bool Empty () const
 Indicates whether this PageKit has any values set on it. More...
bool Equals (PageKit const &in_kit) const
 Check if the source PageKit is equivalent to this PageKit. More...
bool operator== (PageKit const &in_kit) const
 Check if the source PageKit is equivalent to this PageKit. More...
bool operator!= (PageKit const &in_kit) const
 Check if the source PageKit is not equivalent to this PageKit. More...
PageKitSetFormat (Page::Format in_format)
 Sets the format of the page. More...
PageKitSetOrientation (Page::Orientation in_orientation)
 Sets the orientation of the page. More...
PageKitSetAnnotation (AnnotationKit const &in_annotation, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds an annotation to the page. More...
PageKitAddAnnotation (AnnotationKit const &in_annotation, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds an annotation to the page. More...
PageKitSetAnnotations (size_t in_count, AnnotationKit const in_annotations[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of annotations to the page. More...
PageKitSetAnnotations (AnnotationKitArray const &in_annotations, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of annotations to the page. More...
PageKitAddAnnotations (size_t in_count, AnnotationKit const in_annotations[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of annotations to the page. More...
PageKitAddAnnotations (AnnotationKitArray const &in_annotations, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of annotations to the page. More...
PageKitSetText (TextKit const &in_text, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a text string to the page. More...
PageKitAddText (TextKit const &in_text, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a text string to the page. More...
PageKitSetText (size_t in_count, TextKit const in_text[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds text strings to the page. More...
PageKitSetText (TextKitArray const &in_text, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds text strings to the page. More...
PageKitAddText (size_t in_count, TextKit const in_text[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds text strings to the page. More...
PageKitAddText (TextKitArray const &in_text, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds text strings to the page. More...
PageKitSetImage (ImageKit const &in_image, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds an image to the page. More...
PageKitAddImage (ImageKit const &in_image, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds an image to the page. More...
PageKitSetImages (size_t in_count, ImageKit const in_images[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of images to the page. More...
PageKitSetImages (ImageKitArray const &in_images, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of images to the page. More...
PageKitAddImages (size_t in_count, ImageKit const in_images[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of images to the page. More...
PageKitAddImages (ImageKitArray const &in_images, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of images to the page. More...
PageKitSetTable (TableKit const &in_table, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a table to the page. More...
PageKitAddTable (TableKit const &in_table, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a table to the page. More...
PageKitSetTables (size_t in_count, TableKit const in_tables[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of tables to the page. More...
PageKitSetTables (TableKitArray const &in_tables, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of tables to the page. More...
PageKitAddTables (size_t in_count, TableKit const in_tables[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of tables to the page. More...
PageKitAddTables (TableKitArray const &in_tables, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of tables to the page. More...
PageKitSetLink (LinkKit const &in_link, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a link to the page. More...
PageKitAddLink (LinkKit const &in_link, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a link to the page. More...
PageKitSetLinks (size_t in_count, LinkKit const in_links[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of links to the page. More...
PageKitSetLinks (LinkKitArray const &in_links, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of links to the page. More...
PageKitAddLinks (size_t in_count, LinkKit const in_links[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of links to the page. More...
PageKitAddLinks (LinkKitArray const &in_links, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of links to the page. More...
PageKitSetButton (ButtonKit const &in_button, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a button to the page. More...
PageKitAddButton (ButtonKit const &in_button, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a button to the page. More...
PageKitSetButtons (size_t in_count, ButtonKit const in_buttons[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of buttons to the page. More...
PageKitSetButtons (ButtonKitArray const &in_buttons, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of buttons to the page. More...
PageKitAddButtons (size_t in_count, ButtonKit const in_buttons[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of buttons to the page. More...
PageKitAddButtons (ButtonKitArray const &in_buttons, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of buttons to the page. More...
PageKitSetTextField (TextFieldKit const &in_text_field, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a text field to the page. More...
PageKitAddTextField (TextFieldKit const &in_text_field, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a text field to the page. More...
PageKitSetTextFields (size_t in_count, TextFieldKit const in_text_fields[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of text fields to the page. More...
PageKitSetTextFields (TextFieldKitArray const &in_text_fields, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of text fields to the page. More...
PageKitAddTextFields (size_t in_count, TextFieldKit const in_text_fields[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of text fields to the page. More...
PageKitAddTextFields (TextFieldKitArray const &in_text_fields, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of text fields to the page. More...
PageKitSetSlideTable (SlideTableKit const &in_slide_table, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a slide table to the page. More...
PageKitAddSlideTable (SlideTableKit const &in_slide_table, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a slide table to the page. More...
PageKitSetSlideTables (size_t in_count, SlideTableKit const in_slide_tables[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of slide tables to the page. More...
PageKitSetSlideTables (SlideTableKitArray const &in_slide_tables, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of slide tables to the page. More...
PageKitAddSlideTables (size_t in_count, SlideTableKit const in_slide_tables[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of slide tables to the page. More...
PageKitAddSlideTables (SlideTableKitArray const &in_slide_tables, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of slide tables to the page. More...
PageKitSetCheckBox (CheckBoxKit const &in_checkbox, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a check box to the page. More...
PageKitAddCheckBox (CheckBoxKit const &in_checkbox, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a check box to the page. More...
PageKitSetCheckBoxes (size_t in_count, CheckBoxKit const in_checkbox[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds check boxes to the page. More...
PageKitSetCheckBoxes (CheckBoxKitArray const &in_checkbox, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds check boxes to the page. More...
PageKitAddCheckBoxes (size_t in_count, CheckBoxKit const in_checkbox[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds check boxes to the page. More...
PageKitAddCheckBoxes (CheckBoxKitArray const &in_checkbox, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds check boxes to the page. More...
PageKitSetRadioButton (RadioButtonKit const &in_radio_button, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a radio button to the page. More...
PageKitAddRadioButton (RadioButtonKit const &in_radio_button, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a radio button to the page. More...
PageKitSetRadioButtons (size_t in_count, RadioButtonKit const in_radio_buttons[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of buttons to the page. More...
PageKitSetRadioButtons (RadioButtonKitArray const &in_radio_buttons, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of buttons to the page. More...
PageKitAddRadioButtons (size_t in_count, RadioButtonKit const in_radio_buttons[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds a list of buttons to the page. More...
PageKitAddRadioButtons (RadioButtonKitArray const &in_radio_buttons, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds a list of buttons to the page. More...
PageKitSetListBox (ListBoxKit const &in_list_box, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a list box to the page. More...
PageKitAddListBox (ListBoxKit const &in_list_box, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a list box to the page. More...
PageKitSetListBoxes (size_t in_count, ListBoxKit const in_list_box[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds list boxes to the page. More...
PageKitSetListBoxes (ListBoxKitArray const &in_list_box, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds list boxes to the page. More...
PageKitAddListBoxes (size_t in_count, ListBoxKit const in_list_box[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds list boxes to the page. More...
PageKitAddListBoxes (ListBoxKitArray const &in_list_box, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds list boxes to the page. More...
PageKitSetDropDownList (DropDownListKit const &in_drop_down_list, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a drop down list to the page. More...
PageKitAddDropDownList (DropDownListKit const &in_drop_down_list, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a drop down list to the page. More...
PageKitSetDropDownLists (size_t in_count, DropDownListKit const in_drop_down_list[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds drop down lists to the page. More...
PageKitSetDropDownLists (DropDownListKitArray const &in_drop_down_list, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds drop down lists to the page. More...
PageKitAddDropDownLists (size_t in_count, DropDownListKit const in_drop_down_list[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds drop down lists to the page. More...
PageKitAddDropDownLists (DropDownListKitArray const &in_drop_down_list, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds drop down lists to the page. More...
PageKitSetSignatureField (SignatureFieldKit const &in_signature_field, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a signature field to the page. More...
PageKitAddSignatureField (SignatureFieldKit const &in_signature_field, IntRectangle const &in_location)
 Adds a signature field to the page. More...
PageKitSetSignatureFields (size_t in_count, SignatureFieldKit const in_signature_field[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds signature fields to the page. More...
PageKitSetSignatureFields (SignatureFieldKitArray const &in_signature_field, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds signature fields to the page. More...
PageKitAddSignatureFields (size_t in_count, SignatureFieldKit const in_signature_field[], IntRectangle const in_locations[])
 Adds signature fields to the page. More...
PageKitAddSignatureFields (SignatureFieldKitArray const &in_signature_field, IntRectangleArray const &in_locations)
 Adds signature fields to the page. More...
PageKitSetTemplateFile (char const *in_filename)
 Sets the PDF file which will act as a template. More...
PageKitSetAnnotationByField (char const *in_field, AnnotationKit const &in_annotation)
 Sets an annotation on the given form field. More...
PageKitSetAnnotationsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[], AnnotationKit const in_annotations[])
 Sets annotations on the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetAnnotationsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields, AnnotationKitArray const &in_annotations)
 Sets annotations on the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetButtonIconByField (char const *in_field, ImageKit const &in_image)
 Sets an image on the icon at the given form field. More...
PageKitSetButtonIconsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[], ImageKit const in_images[])
 Sets images on the icons at the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetButtonIconsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields, ImageKitArray const &in_images)
 Sets images on the icons at the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetButtonLabelByField (char const *in_field, char const *in_label)
 Sets a label on the given form field. More...
PageKitSetButtonLabelsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[], UTF8 const in_labels[])
 Sets labels on the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetButtonLabelsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields, UTF8Array const &in_labels)
 Sets labels on the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetListItemByField (char const *in_field, char const *in_value, char const *in_export_value)
 Adds an item to the list at the given form field. More...
PageKitAddListItemByField (char const *in_field, char const *in_value, char const *in_export_value)
 Adds an item to the list at the given form field. More...
PageKitSetListItemsByField (char const *in_field, size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_values[], UTF8 const in_export_values[])
 Adds items to the list at the given form field. More...
PageKitSetListItemsByField (char const *in_field, UTF8Array const &in_values, UTF8Array const &in_export_values)
 Adds items to the list at the given form field. More...
PageKitAddListItemsByField (char const *in_field, size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_values[], UTF8 const in_export_values[])
 Adds items to the list at the given form field. More...
PageKitAddListItemsByField (char const *in_field, UTF8Array const &in_values, UTF8Array const &in_export_values)
 Adds items to the list at the given form field. More...
PageKitSetJavaScriptActionByField (char const *in_field, char const *in_source, Source::Type in_type=Source::Type::Code)
 Sets a JavaScript source or file on the given form field. More...
PageKitSetJavaScriptActionsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[], UTF8 const in_sources[], Source::Type const in_types[])
 Sets JavaScript sources and/or files on the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetJavaScriptActionsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields, UTF8Array const &in_sources, SourceTypeArray const &in_types)
 Sets JavaScript sources and/or files on the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetVisibilityByField (char const *in_field, bool in_state)
 Sets whether the object at the given form field should be visible. More...
PageKitSetVisibilitiesByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[], bool const in_states[])
 Sets whether the objects at the given form fields should be visible. More...
PageKitSetVisibilitiesByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields, BoolArray const &in_states)
 Sets whether the objects at the given form fields should be visible. More...
PageKitSetTextValueByField (char const *in_field, char const *in_value)
 Sets a text value on the given form field. More...
PageKitSetTextValuesByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[], UTF8 const in_values[])
 Sets text values on the given form fields. More...
PageKitSetTextValuesByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields, UTF8Array const &in_values)
 Sets text values on the given form fields. More...
PageKitUnsetFormat ()
 Removes the format from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetOrientation ()
 Removes the orientation from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetAnnotation (size_t in_index)
 Removes the annotation at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetAnnotations (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the annotations at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetAnnotations (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the annotations at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetAnnotations ()
 Removes all annotations from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetText (size_t in_index)
 Removes the text at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetText (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the text at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetText (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the text at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetText ()
 Removes all text from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetCheckBox (size_t in_index)
 Removes the check box at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetCheckBoxes (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the check box at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetCheckBoxes (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the check box at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetCheckBoxes ()
 Removes all check boxes from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetRadioButton (size_t in_index)
 Removes the radio button at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetRadioButtons (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the radio button at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetRadioButtons (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the radio button at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetRadioButtons ()
 Removes all radio buttons from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListBox (size_t in_index)
 Removes the list box at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListBoxes (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the list box at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListBoxes (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the list box at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListBoxes ()
 Removes all list boxes from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetDropDownList (size_t in_index)
 Removes the drop down list at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetDropDownLists (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the drop down list at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetDropDownLists (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the drop down list at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetDropDownLists ()
 Removes all drop down lists from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetSignatureField (size_t in_index)
 Removes the signature field at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetSignatureFields (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the signature field at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetSignatureFields (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the signature field at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetSignatureFields ()
 Removes all signature fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetImage (size_t in_index)
 Removes the image at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetImages (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the images at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetImages (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the images at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetImages ()
 Removes all images from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTable (size_t in_index)
 Removes the table at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTables (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the tables at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTables (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the tables at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTables ()
 Removes all tables from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetLink (size_t in_index)
 Removes the link at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetLinks (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the links at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetLinks (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the links at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetLinks ()
 Removes all links from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButton (size_t in_index)
 Removes the button at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtons (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the buttons at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtons (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the buttons at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtons ()
 Removes all buttons from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTextField (size_t in_index)
 Removes the text field at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTextFields (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the text fields at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTextFields (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the text fields at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTextFields ()
 Removes all text fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetSlideTable (size_t in_index)
 Removes the slide table at the given index from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetSlideTables (size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the slide tables at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetSlideTables (SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the slide tables at the given indices from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetSlideTables ()
 Removes all slide tables from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTemplateFile ()
 Removes the template file from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetAnnotationByField (char const *in_field)
 Removes the annotation at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetAnnotationsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[])
 Removes the annotations at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetAnnotationsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields)
 Removes the annotations at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetAnnotationsByField ()
 Removes all annotation form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtonIconByField (char const *in_field)
 Removes the image on the icon at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtonIconsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[])
 Removes the images on the icons at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtonIconsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields)
 Removes the images on the icons at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtonIconsByField ()
 Removes all button icon form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtonLabelByField (char const *in_field)
 Removes the label at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtonLabelsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[])
 Removes the labels at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtonLabelsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields)
 Removes the labels at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetButtonLabelsByField ()
 Removes all button label form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListItemByField (char const *in_field, size_t in_index)
 Removes the item at the given index from the list at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListItemsByField (char const *in_field, size_t in_count, size_t const in_indices[])
 Removes the items at the given indices from the list at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListItemsByField (char const *in_field, SizeTArray const &in_indices)
 Removes the items at the given indices from the list at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListItemsByField (char const *in_field)
 Removes all items from the list at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListItemsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[])
 Removes all items from the lists at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListItemsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields)
 Removes all items from the lists at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetListItemsByField ()
 Removes all list item form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetJavaScriptActionByField (char const *in_field)
 Removes the JavaScript action at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetJavaScriptActionsByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[])
 Removes the JavaScript actions at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetJavaScriptActionsByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields)
 Removes the JavaScript actions at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetJavaScriptActionsByField ()
 Removes all JavaScript action form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetVisibilityByField (char const *in_field)
 Removes the visibility setting at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetVisibilitiesByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[])
 Removes the visibility settings at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetVisibilitiesByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields)
 Removes the visibility settings at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetVisibilitiesByField ()
 Removes all visibility settings on form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTextValueByField (char const *in_field)
 Removes the text value at the given form field from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTextValuesByField (size_t in_count, UTF8 const in_fields[])
 Removes the text values at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTextValuesByField (UTF8Array const &in_fields)
 Removes the text values at the given form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetTextValuesByField ()
 Removes all text value form fields from the page. More...
PageKitUnsetEverything ()
 Removes all data from the page. More...
bool ShowFormat (Page::Format &out_format) const
 Shows the format of the page. More...
bool ShowOrientation (Page::Orientation &out_orientation) const
 Shows the orientation of the page. More...
bool ShowAnnotations (AnnotationKitArray &out_annotations, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the annotations on the page. More...
bool ShowText (TextKitArray &out_text, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the text on the page. More...
bool ShowImages (ImageKitArray &out_images, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the images on the page. More...
bool ShowTables (TableKitArray &out_tables, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the tables on the page. More...
bool ShowLinks (LinkKitArray &out_links, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the links on the page. More...
bool ShowButtons (ButtonKitArray &out_buttons, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the buttons on the page. More...
bool ShowCheckBoxes (CheckBoxKitArray &out_check_boxes, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the check boxes on the page. More...
bool ShowRadioButtons (RadioButtonKitArray &out_radio_buttons, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the radio buttons on the page. More...
bool ShowListBoxes (ListBoxKitArray &out_list_boxes, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the list boxes on the page. More...
bool ShowDropDownLists (DropDownListKitArray &out_drop_down_lists, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the drop down lists on the page. More...
bool ShowSignatureFields (SignatureFieldKitArray &out_signature_fields, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the signature fields on the page. More...
bool ShowTextFields (TextFieldKitArray &out_text_fields, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the text fields on the page. More...
bool ShowSlideTables (SlideTableKitArray &out_slide_tables, IntRectangleArray &out_locations) const
 Shows the slide tables on the page. More...
bool ShowTemplateFile (UTF8 &out_filename) const
 Shows the template file. More...
bool ShowAnnotationsByField (UTF8Array &out_fields, AnnotationKitArray &out_annotations) const
 Shows the annotations on form fields on the page. More...
bool ShowButtonIconsByField (UTF8Array &out_fields, ImageKitArray &out_images) const
 Shows the images on icons on form fields on the page. More...
bool ShowButtonLabelsByField (UTF8Array &out_fields, UTF8Array &out_labels) const
 Shows the labels on form fields on the page. More...
bool ShowListItemFields (UTF8Array &out_fields) const
 Shows the list item form fields on the page. More...
bool ShowListItemsByField (char const *in_field, UTF8Array &out_values, UTF8Array &out_export_values) const
 Shows the items in the list on the given field on the page. More...
bool ShowJavaScriptActionsByField (UTF8Array &out_fields, UTF8Array &out_sources, SourceTypeArray &out_types) const
 Shows the JavaScript actions on form fields on the page. More...
bool ShowVisibilitiesByField (UTF8Array &out_fields, BoolArray &out_states) const
 Shows the visibility settings on form fields on the page. More...
bool ShowTextValuesByField (UTF8Array &out_fields, UTF8Array &out_values) const
 Shows the text values on form fields on the page. More...
virtual HPS::Type Type () const
 This function returns the true type of the underlying object. More...
virtual void Reset ()
 Resets this object to its initial, uninitialized state. More...
bool HasType (HPS::Type in_mask) const
 This function indicates whether this Object has the given Type mask. More...
intptr_t GetClassID () const
 Returns a unique identifier that is shared by all objects of the same class. More...
intptr_t GetInstanceID () const
 Returns an identifier that can be used to identify which instance of a class an object is. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static PageKit GetDefault ()
 Creates a PageKit which contains the default settings. More...
template<typename T >
static intptr_t ClassID ()
 Unique identifier for this class. More...

Static Public Attributes

static const HPS::Type staticType = HPS::Type::PublishPageKit

Detailed Description

The PageKit class is a user space object.

It acts as the container for all data that can be on a page in a Publish PDF.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ PageKit() [1/5]

HPS::Publish::PageKit::PageKit ( )

The default constructor creates an empty PageKit object.

◆ PageKit() [2/5]

HPS::Publish::PageKit::PageKit ( Page::Format  in_format,
Page::Orientation  in_orientation 

This constructor creates a PageKit with the given format and orientation.

in_formatFormat of the page.
in_orientationOrientation of the page.

◆ PageKit() [3/5]

HPS::Publish::PageKit::PageKit ( char const *  in_filename)

This constructor creates a PageKit from the given PDF template file.

in_filenameUTF8-encoded filename for the PDF file to act as a template.

◆ PageKit() [4/5]

HPS::Publish::PageKit::PageKit ( PageKit const &  in_kit)

The copy constructor creates a new PageKit object that contains the same settings as the source PageKit.

in_kitThe source PageKit to copy.

◆ PageKit() [5/5]

HPS::Publish::PageKit::PageKit ( PageKit &&  in_kit)

The move constructor creates a PageKit by transferring the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this PageKit.

in_kitAn rvalue reference to a PageKit to take the underlying object from.

◆ ~PageKit()

virtual HPS::Publish::PageKit::~PageKit ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddAnnotation()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddAnnotation ( AnnotationKit const &  in_annotation,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds an annotation to the page.

This will not replace any existing annotations on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsert3DAnnot.

in_annotationAnnotation to add to the page.
in_locationAnnotation location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddAnnotations() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddAnnotations ( size_t  in_count,
AnnotationKit const  in_annotations[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of annotations to the page.

This will not replace any existing annotations on the page. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsert3DAnnot.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_annotationsAnnotations to add to the page.
in_locationsAnnotation locations in points relative to bottom left of the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddAnnotations() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddAnnotations ( AnnotationKitArray const &  in_annotations,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of annotations to the page.

This will not replace any existing annotations on the page. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsert3DAnnot.

in_annotationsAnnotations to add to the page.
in_locationsAnnotation locations in points relative to bottom left of the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddButton()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddButton ( ButtonKit const &  in_button,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a button to the page.

This will not replace any buttons on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertButton.

in_buttonButton to add to the page.
in_locationButton location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddButtons() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddButtons ( size_t  in_count,
ButtonKit const  in_buttons[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of buttons to the page.

This will not replace any buttons on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertButton.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_buttonsButtons to add to the page.
in_locationsButton locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddButtons() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddButtons ( ButtonKitArray const &  in_buttons,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of buttons to the page.

This will not replace any buttons on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertButton.

in_buttonsButtons to add to the page.
in_locationsButton locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddCheckBox()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddCheckBox ( CheckBoxKit const &  in_checkbox,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a check box to the page.

This will not replace any check boxes on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertCheckBox.

in_checkboxCheck Box to add to the page.
in_locationCheck Box location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddCheckBoxes() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddCheckBoxes ( size_t  in_count,
CheckBoxKit const  in_checkbox[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds check boxes to the page.

This will not replace any check boxes on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertCheckBox.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_checkboxCheck Box to add to the page.
in_locationsCheck Box locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddCheckBoxes() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddCheckBoxes ( CheckBoxKitArray const &  in_checkbox,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds check boxes to the page.

This will not replace any check boxes on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertCheckBox.

in_checkboxCheck Box to add to the page.
in_locationsCheck Box locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddDropDownList()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddDropDownList ( DropDownListKit const &  in_drop_down_list,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a drop down list to the page.

This will not replace any drop down lists on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList.

in_drop_down_listDrop Down List to add to the page.
in_locationDrop Down List location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddDropDownLists() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddDropDownLists ( size_t  in_count,
DropDownListKit const  in_drop_down_list[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds drop down lists to the page.

This will not replace any drop down lists on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_drop_down_listDrop Down List to add to the page.
in_locationsDrop Down List locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddDropDownLists() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddDropDownLists ( DropDownListKitArray const &  in_drop_down_list,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds drop down lists to the page.

This will not replace any drop down lists on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList.

in_drop_down_listDrop Down List to add to the page.
in_locationsDrop Down List locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddImage()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddImage ( ImageKit const &  in_image,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds an image to the page.

This will not replace any images on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertImage.

in_imageImage to add to the page.
in_locationImage location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddImages() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddImages ( size_t  in_count,
ImageKit const  in_images[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of images to the page.

This will not replace any images on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertImage.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_imagesImages to add to the page.
in_locationsImage locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddImages() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddImages ( ImageKitArray const &  in_images,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of images to the page.

This will not replace any images on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertImage.

in_imagesImages to add to the page.
in_locationsImage locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddLink()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddLink ( LinkKit const &  in_link,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a link to the page.

This will not replace any links on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertLink.

in_linkLink to add to the page.
in_locationLink location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddLinks() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddLinks ( size_t  in_count,
LinkKit const  in_links[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of links to the page.

This will not replace any links on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertLink.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_linksLinks to add to the page.
in_locationsLink locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddLinks() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddLinks ( LinkKitArray const &  in_links,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of links to the page.

This will not replace any links on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertLink.

in_linksLinks to add to the page.
in_locationsLink locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddListBox()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddListBox ( ListBoxKit const &  in_list_box,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a list box to the page.

This will not replace any list boxes on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertListBox.

in_list_boxList Box to add to the page.
in_locationList Box location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddListBoxes() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddListBoxes ( size_t  in_count,
ListBoxKit const  in_list_box[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds list boxes to the page.

This will not replace any list boxes on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertListBox.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_list_boxList Box to add to the page.
in_locationsList Box locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddListBoxes() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddListBoxes ( ListBoxKitArray const &  in_list_box,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds list boxes to the page.

This will not replace any list boxes on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertListBox.

in_list_boxList Box to add to the page.
in_locationsList Box locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddListItemByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddListItemByField ( char const *  in_field,
char const *  in_value,
char const *  in_export_value 

Adds an item to the list at the given form field.

The item to will be appended to any existing items in the list at the given form field. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldListAddItem. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the list.
in_valueUTF8-encoded value for the item to be added to the list at the given form field.
in_export_valueUTF8-encoded export value for the item to be added to the list at the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddListItemsByField() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddListItemsByField ( char const *  in_field,
size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_values[],
UTF8 const  in_export_values[] 

Adds items to the list at the given form field.

The items to will be appended to any existing items in the list at the given form field. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldListAddItem. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the list.
in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_valuesThe values for the items to be added to the list at the given form field.
in_export_valuesThe export values for the items to be added to the list at the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddListItemsByField() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddListItemsByField ( char const *  in_field,
UTF8Array const &  in_values,
UTF8Array const &  in_export_values 

Adds items to the list at the given form field.

The items to will be appended to any existing items in the list at the given form field. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldListAddItem. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the list.
in_valuesThe values for the items to be added to the list at the given form field.
in_export_valuesThe export values for the items to be added to the list at the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddRadioButton()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddRadioButton ( RadioButtonKit const &  in_radio_button,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a radio button to the page.

This will not replace any radio buttons on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertRadioButton.

in_radio_buttonRadio button to add to the page.
in_locationButton location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddRadioButtons() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddRadioButtons ( size_t  in_count,
RadioButtonKit const  in_radio_buttons[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of buttons to the page.

This will not replace any radio buttons on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertRadioButton.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_radio_buttonsRadio buttons to add to the page.
in_locationsButton locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddRadioButtons() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddRadioButtons ( RadioButtonKitArray const &  in_radio_buttons,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of buttons to the page.

This will not replace any radio buttons on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertRadioButton.

in_radio_buttonsRadio buttons to add to the page.
in_locationsButton locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddSignatureField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddSignatureField ( SignatureFieldKit const &  in_signature_field,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a signature field to the page.

This will not replace any signature fields on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertSignatureField.

in_signature_fieldSignature Field to add to the page.
in_locationSignature Field location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddSignatureFields() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddSignatureFields ( size_t  in_count,
SignatureFieldKit const  in_signature_field[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds signature fields to the page.

This will not replace any signature fields on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertSignatureField.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_signature_fieldSignature Field to add to the page.
in_locationsSignature Field locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddSignatureFields() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddSignatureFields ( SignatureFieldKitArray const &  in_signature_field,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds signature fields to the page.

This will not replace any signature fields on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertSignatureField.

in_signature_fieldSignature Field to add to the page.
in_locationsSignature Field locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddSlideTable()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddSlideTable ( SlideTableKit const &  in_slide_table,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a slide table to the page.

This will not replace any slide tables on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFDefineSlideTable.

in_slide_tableSlide table to add to the page.
in_locationSlide table location in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddSlideTables() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddSlideTables ( size_t  in_count,
SlideTableKit const  in_slide_tables[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of slide tables to the page.

This will not replace any slide tables on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFDefineSlideTable.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_slide_tablesSlide tables to add to the page.
in_locationsSlide table locations in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddSlideTables() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddSlideTables ( SlideTableKitArray const &  in_slide_tables,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of slide tables to the page.

This will not replace any slide tables on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFDefineSlideTable.

in_slide_tablesSlide tables to add to the page.
in_locationsSlide table locations in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddTable()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddTable ( TableKit const &  in_table,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a table to the page.

This will not replace any tables on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTable.

in_tableTable to add to the page.
in_locationTable location in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddTables() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddTables ( size_t  in_count,
TableKit const  in_tables[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of tables to the page.

This will not replace any tables on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTable.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_tablesTables to add to the page.
in_locationsTable locations in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddTables() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddTables ( TableKitArray const &  in_tables,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of tables to the page.

This will not replace any tables on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTable.

in_tablesTables to add to the page.
in_locationsTable locations in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddText() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddText ( TextKit const &  in_text,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a text string to the page.

This will not replace any text on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertText.

in_textText to add to the page.
in_locationText location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddText() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddText ( size_t  in_count,
TextKit const  in_text[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds text strings to the page.

This will not replace any text on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertText.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_textText to add to the page.
in_locationsText locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddText() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddText ( TextKitArray const &  in_text,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds text strings to the page.

This will not replace any text on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertText.

in_textText to add to the page.
in_locationsText locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddTextField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddTextField ( TextFieldKit const &  in_text_field,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a text field to the page.

This will not replace any text fields on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTextField.

in_text_fieldText field to add to the page.
in_locationText field location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddTextFields() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddTextFields ( size_t  in_count,
TextFieldKit const  in_text_fields[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of text fields to the page.

This will not replace any text fields on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTextField.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_text_fieldsText fields to add to the page.
in_locationsText field locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ AddTextFields() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::AddTextFields ( TextFieldKitArray const &  in_text_fields,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of text fields to the page.

This will not replace any text fields on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTextField.

in_text_fieldsText fields to add to the page.
in_locationsText field locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ ClassID()

template<typename T >
static intptr_t HPS::Object::ClassID ( )

Unique identifier for this class.

Note: this method uses construction of static objects. If used in a constructor, it should be used in the body not the initializer list.

◆ Empty()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::Empty ( ) const

Indicates whether this PageKit has any values set on it.

true if no values are set on this PageKit, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from HPS::Object.

◆ Equals()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::Equals ( PageKit const &  in_kit) const

Check if the source PageKit is equivalent to this PageKit.

in_kitThe source PageKit to compare to this PageKit.
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

◆ GetClassID()

intptr_t HPS::Object::GetClassID ( ) const

Returns a unique identifier that is shared by all objects of the same class.

A unique value shared by all objects of the same class.

◆ GetDefault()

static PageKit HPS::Publish::PageKit::GetDefault ( )

Creates a PageKit which contains the default settings.

The returned object will not necessarily have values for every setting, but it will have them where it is reasonable to have a default. These values will be used for export unless a setting is overridden by the PageKit passed to File::Export.

A PageKit with the default settings.

◆ GetInstanceID()

intptr_t HPS::Object::GetInstanceID ( ) const

Returns an identifier that can be used to identify which instance of a class an object is.

Different keys and controls will return the same value if they are backed by the same database resource.

A value unique to an instance of an object and all objects that are backed by the same database resource.

◆ HasType()

bool HPS::Object::HasType ( HPS::Type  in_mask) const

This function indicates whether this Object has the given Type mask.

in_maskThe Type mask to check against this Object.
true if this Object has the given Type mask, false otherwise.

◆ ObjectType()

HPS::Type HPS::Publish::PageKit::ObjectType ( ) const

Reimplemented from HPS::SprocketKit.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator!=()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::operator!= ( PageKit const &  in_kit) const

Check if the source PageKit is not equivalent to this PageKit.

in_kitThe source PageKit to compare to this PageKit.
true if the objects are not equivalent, false otherwise.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::operator= ( PageKit const &  in_kit)

Copies the source PageKit into this PageKit.

in_kitThe source PageKit to copy.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::operator= ( PageKit &&  in_kit)

The move assignment operator transfers the underlying object of the rvalue reference to this PageKit.

in_kitAn rvalue reference to a PageKit to take the underlying object from.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ operator==()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::operator== ( PageKit const &  in_kit) const

Check if the source PageKit is equivalent to this PageKit.

in_kitThe source PageKit to compare to this PageKit.
true if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.

◆ Reset()

◆ Set()

void HPS::Publish::PageKit::Set ( PageKit const &  in_kit)

Copies the source PageKit into this PageKit.

in_kitThe source PageKit to copy.

◆ SetAnnotation()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetAnnotation ( AnnotationKit const &  in_annotation,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds an annotation to the page.

This will replace all annotations (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsert3DAnnot.

in_annotationAnnotation to add to the page.
in_locationAnnotation location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetAnnotationByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetAnnotationByField ( char const *  in_field,
AnnotationKit const &  in_annotation 

Sets an annotation on the given form field.

If there is an existing annotation on the given form field, it will get overwritten. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSet3DAnnot. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the annotation.
in_annotationThe annotation to be set on the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetAnnotations() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetAnnotations ( size_t  in_count,
AnnotationKit const  in_annotations[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of annotations to the page.

This will replace all annotations (if any) on the page. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsert3DAnnot.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_annotationsAnnotations to add to the page.
in_locationsAnnotation locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetAnnotations() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetAnnotations ( AnnotationKitArray const &  in_annotations,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of annotations to the page.

This will replace all annotations (if any) on the page. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsert3DAnnot.

in_annotationsAnnotations to add to the page.
in_locationsAnnotation locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetAnnotationsByField() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetAnnotationsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[],
AnnotationKit const  in_annotations[] 

Sets annotations on the given form fields.

If there is an existing annotation on a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSet3DAnnot. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_fieldsThe form field names for the annotations.
in_annotationsThe annotations to be set on the corresponding form fields.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetAnnotationsByField() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetAnnotationsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields,
AnnotationKitArray const &  in_annotations 

Sets annotations on the given form fields.

If there is an existing annotation on a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSet3DAnnot. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldsThe form field names for the annotations.
in_annotationsThe annotations to be set on the corresponding form fields.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButton()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButton ( ButtonKit const &  in_button,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a button to the page.

This will replace all buttons (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertButton.

in_buttonButton to add to the page.
in_locationButton location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButtonIconByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButtonIconByField ( char const *  in_field,
ImageKit const &  in_image 

Sets an image on the icon at the given form field.

If there is an existing image on an icon at the given form field, it will get overwritten. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldButtonSetIcon. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the icon.
in_imageThe image to be set on the icon at the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButtonIconsByField() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButtonIconsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[],
ImageKit const  in_images[] 

Sets images on the icons at the given form fields.

If there is an existing image on an icon at a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldButtonSetIcon. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_fieldsThe form field names for the icons.
in_imagesThe images to be set on the icons at the corresponding form fields.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButtonIconsByField() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButtonIconsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields,
ImageKitArray const &  in_images 

Sets images on the icons at the given form fields.

If there is an existing image on an icon at a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldButtonSetIcon. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldsThe form field names for the icons.
in_imagesThe images to be set on the icons at the corresponding form fields.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButtonLabelByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButtonLabelByField ( char const *  in_field,
char const *  in_label 

Sets a label on the given form field.

If there is an existing label on the given form field, it will get overwritten. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldButtonSetLabel. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the label.
in_labelUTF8-encoded label to be set on the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButtonLabelsByField() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButtonLabelsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[],
UTF8 const  in_labels[] 

Sets labels on the given form fields.

If there is an existing label on a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldButtonSetLabel. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_fieldsThe form field names for the labels.
in_labelsThe labels to be set on the corresponding form fields.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButtonLabelsByField() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButtonLabelsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields,
UTF8Array const &  in_labels 

Sets labels on the given form fields.

If there is an existing label on a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to the values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldButtonSetLabel. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldsThe form field names for the labels.
in_labelsThe labels to be set on the corresponding form fields.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButtons() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButtons ( size_t  in_count,
ButtonKit const  in_buttons[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of buttons to the page.

This will replace all buttons (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertButton.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_buttonsButtons to add to the page.
in_locationsButton locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetButtons() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetButtons ( ButtonKitArray const &  in_buttons,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of buttons to the page.

This will replace all buttons (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertButton.

in_buttonsButtons to add to the page.
in_locationsButton locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetCheckBox()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetCheckBox ( CheckBoxKit const &  in_checkbox,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a check box to the page.

This will replace all check box (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertCheckBox.

in_checkboxCheck Box to add to the page.
in_locationCheck Box location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetCheckBoxes() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetCheckBoxes ( size_t  in_count,
CheckBoxKit const  in_checkbox[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds check boxes to the page.

This will replace all check boxes (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertCheckBox.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_checkboxCheck Box to add to the page.
in_locationsCheck Box locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetCheckBoxes() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetCheckBoxes ( CheckBoxKitArray const &  in_checkbox,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds check boxes to the page.

This will replace all check boxes (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertCheckBox.

in_checkboxCheck Box to add to the page.
in_locationsCheck Box locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetDropDownList()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetDropDownList ( DropDownListKit const &  in_drop_down_list,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a drop down list to the page.

This will replace all drop down list (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList.

in_drop_down_listDrop Down List to add to the page.
in_locationDrop Down List location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetDropDownLists() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetDropDownLists ( size_t  in_count,
DropDownListKit const  in_drop_down_list[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds drop down lists to the page.

This will replace all drop down lists (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_drop_down_listDrop Down List to add to the page.
in_locationsDrop Down List locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetDropDownLists() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetDropDownLists ( DropDownListKitArray const &  in_drop_down_list,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds drop down lists to the page.

This will replace all drop down lists (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertDropDownList.

in_drop_down_listDrop Down List to add to the page.
in_locationsDrop Down List locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetFormat()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetFormat ( Page::Format  in_format)

Sets the format of the page.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageData::m_ePageSize. This has no effect if this page has a template file.

in_formatFormat of the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetImage()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetImage ( ImageKit const &  in_image,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds an image to the page.

This will replace all images (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertImage.

in_imageImage to add to the page.
in_locationImage location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetImages() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetImages ( size_t  in_count,
ImageKit const  in_images[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of images to the page.

This will replace all images (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertImage.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_imagesImages to add to the page.
in_locationsImage locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetImages() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetImages ( ImageKitArray const &  in_images,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of images to the page.

This will replace all images (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertImage.

in_imagesImages to add to the page.
in_locationsImage locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetJavaScriptActionByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetJavaScriptActionByField ( char const *  in_field,
char const *  in_source,
Source::Type  in_type = Source::Type::Code 

Sets a JavaScript source or file on the given form field.

If there is any existing JavaScript source or file at the given form field, it will be overwritten. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSetActionJavascriptFromString or A3DPDFPageFieldSetActionJavascriptFromFile. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the JavaScript action.
in_sourceUTF8-encoded JavaScript source or file (depending on the following argument) to be set on the given form field.
in_typeThe type of the preceding argument. Defaults to Source::Type::Code.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetJavaScriptActionsByField() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetJavaScriptActionsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[],
UTF8 const  in_sources[],
Source::Type const  in_types[] 

Sets JavaScript sources and/or files on the given form fields.

If there is any existing JavaScript source or file at a given form field, it will be overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSetActionJavascriptFromString or A3DPDFPageFieldSetActionJavascriptFromFile. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_fieldsThe form field names for the JavaScript actions.
in_sourcesThe JavaScript sources and/or files (depending on the corresponding entry in the following argument) to be set on the corresponding form fields.
in_typesThe types for each item in the preceding argument array.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetJavaScriptActionsByField() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetJavaScriptActionsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields,
UTF8Array const &  in_sources,
SourceTypeArray const &  in_types 

Sets JavaScript sources and/or files on the given form fields.

If there is any existing JavaScript source or file at a given form field, it will be overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSetActionJavascriptFromString or A3DPDFPageFieldSetActionJavascriptFromFile. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldsThe form field names for the JavaScript actions.
in_sourcesThe JavaScript sources and/or files (depending on the corresponding entry in the following argument) to be set on the corresponding form fields.
in_typesThe types for each item in the preceding argument array.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetLink()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetLink ( LinkKit const &  in_link,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a link to the page.

This will replace all links (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertLink.

in_linkLink to add to the page.
in_locationLink location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetLinks() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetLinks ( size_t  in_count,
LinkKit const  in_links[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of links to the page.

This will replace all links (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertLink.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_linksLinks to add to the page.
in_locationsLink locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetLinks() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetLinks ( LinkKitArray const &  in_links,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of links to the page.

This will replace all links (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertLink.

in_linksLinks to add to the page.
in_locationsLink locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetListBox()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetListBox ( ListBoxKit const &  in_list_box,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a list box to the page.

This will replace all list box (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertListBox.

in_list_boxList Box to add to the page.
in_locationList Box location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetListBoxes() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetListBoxes ( size_t  in_count,
ListBoxKit const  in_list_box[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds list boxes to the page.

This will replace all list boxes (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertListBox.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_list_boxList Box to add to the page.
in_locationsList Box locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetListBoxes() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetListBoxes ( ListBoxKitArray const &  in_list_box,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds list boxes to the page.

This will replace all list boxes (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertListBox.

in_list_boxList Box to add to the page.
in_locationsList Box locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetListItemByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetListItemByField ( char const *  in_field,
char const *  in_value,
char const *  in_export_value 

Adds an item to the list at the given form field.

If there are any existing items in the list at the given form field, they will be overwritten. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldListAddItem. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the list.
in_valueUTF8-encoded value for the item to be added to the list at the given form field.
in_export_valueUTF8-encoded export value for the item to be added to the list at the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetListItemsByField() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetListItemsByField ( char const *  in_field,
size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_values[],
UTF8 const  in_export_values[] 

Adds items to the list at the given form field.

If there are any existing items in the list at the given form field, they will be overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldListAddItem. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the list.
in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_valuesThe values for the items to be added to the list at the given form field.
in_export_valuesThe export values for the items to be added to the list at the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetListItemsByField() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetListItemsByField ( char const *  in_field,
UTF8Array const &  in_values,
UTF8Array const &  in_export_values 

Adds items to the list at the given form field.

If there are any existing items in the list at the given form field, they will be overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldListAddItem. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the list.
in_valuesThe values for the items to be added to the list at the given form field.
in_export_valuesThe export values for the items to be added to the list at the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetOrientation()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetOrientation ( Page::Orientation  in_orientation)

Sets the orientation of the page.

This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageData::m_ePageOrientation. This has no effect if this page has a template file.

in_orientationOrientation of the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetRadioButton()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetRadioButton ( RadioButtonKit const &  in_radio_button,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a radio button to the page.

This will replace all radio buttons (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertRadioButton.

in_radio_buttonRadio button to add to the page.
in_locationButton location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetRadioButtons() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetRadioButtons ( size_t  in_count,
RadioButtonKit const  in_radio_buttons[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of buttons to the page.

This will replace all radio buttons (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertRadioButton.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_radio_buttonsRadio buttons to add to the page.
in_locationsButton locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetRadioButtons() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetRadioButtons ( RadioButtonKitArray const &  in_radio_buttons,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of buttons to the page.

This will replace all radio buttons (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertRadioButton.

in_radio_buttonsRadio buttons to add to the page.
in_locationsButton locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetSignatureField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetSignatureField ( SignatureFieldKit const &  in_signature_field,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a signature field to the page.

This will replace all signature field (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertSignatureField.

in_signature_fieldSignature Field to add to the page.
in_locationSignature Field location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetSignatureFields() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetSignatureFields ( size_t  in_count,
SignatureFieldKit const  in_signature_field[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds signature fields to the page.

This will replace all signature fields (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertSignatureField.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_signature_fieldSignature Field to add to the page.
in_locationsSignature Field locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetSignatureFields() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetSignatureFields ( SignatureFieldKitArray const &  in_signature_field,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds signature fields to the page.

This will replace all signature fields (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertSignatureField.

in_signature_fieldSignature Field to add to the page.
in_locationsSignature Field locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetSlideTable()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetSlideTable ( SlideTableKit const &  in_slide_table,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a slide table to the page.

This will replace all slide tables (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFDefineSlideTable.

in_slide_tableSlide table to add to the page.
in_locationSlide table location in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetSlideTables() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetSlideTables ( size_t  in_count,
SlideTableKit const  in_slide_tables[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of slide tables to the page.

This will replace all slide tables (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFDefineSlideTable.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_slide_tablesSlide tables to add to the page.
in_locationsSlide table locations in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetSlideTables() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetSlideTables ( SlideTableKitArray const &  in_slide_tables,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of slide tables to the page.

This will replace all slide tables (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFDefineSlideTable.

in_slide_tablesSlide tables to add to the page.
in_locationsSlide table locations in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTable()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTable ( TableKit const &  in_table,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a table to the page.

This will replace all tables (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTable.

in_tableTable to add to the page.
in_locationTable location in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTables() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTables ( size_t  in_count,
TableKit const  in_tables[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of tables to the page.

This will replace all tables (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTable.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_tablesTables to add to the page.
in_locationsTable locations in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTables() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTables ( TableKitArray const &  in_tables,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of tables to the page.

This will replace all tables (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTable.

in_tablesTables to add to the page.
in_locationsTable locations in points relative to upper left of the page. Only the left and top fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTemplateFile()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTemplateFile ( char const *  in_filename)

Sets the PDF file which will act as a template.

in_filenameUTF8-encoded filename for the PDF file to act as a template.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetText() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetText ( TextKit const &  in_text,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a text string to the page.

This will replace all text (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertText.

in_textText to add to the page.
in_locationText location in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetText() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetText ( size_t  in_count,
TextKit const  in_text[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds text strings to the page.

This will replace all text (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertText.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_textText to add to the page.
in_locationsText locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetText() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetText ( TextKitArray const &  in_text,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds text strings to the page.

This will replace all text (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertText.

in_textText to add to the page.
in_locationsText locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. Only the left and bottom fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTextField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTextField ( TextFieldKit const &  in_text_field,
IntRectangle const &  in_location 

Adds a text field to the page.

This will replace all text fields (if any) on the page. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTextField.

in_text_fieldText field to add to the page.
in_locationText field location in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the location will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTextFields() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTextFields ( size_t  in_count,
TextFieldKit const  in_text_fields[],
IntRectangle const  in_locations[] 

Adds a list of text fields to the page.

This will replace all text fields (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTextField.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_text_fieldsText fields to add to the page.
in_locationsText field locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTextFields() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTextFields ( TextFieldKitArray const &  in_text_fields,
IntRectangleArray const &  in_locations 

Adds a list of text fields to the page.

This will replace all text fields (if any) on the page. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageInsertTextField.

in_text_fieldsText fields to add to the page.
in_locationsText field locations in points relative to bottom left of the page. All fields in the locations will be used.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTextValueByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTextValueByField ( char const *  in_field,
char const *  in_value 

Sets a text value on the given form field.

If there is an existing text value on the given form field, it will get overwritten. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldTextSetValue. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name for the text value.
in_valueUTF8-encoded text value to be set on the given form field.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTextValuesByField() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTextValuesByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[],
UTF8 const  in_values[] 

Sets text values on the given form fields.

If there is an existing text value on a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldTextSetValue. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_fieldsThe form field names for the text values.
in_valuesThe text values to be set on the corresponding form fields.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetTextValuesByField() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetTextValuesByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields,
UTF8Array const &  in_values 

Sets text values on the given form fields.

If there is an existing text value on a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldTextSetValue. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldsThe form field names for the text values.
in_valuesThe text values to be set on the corresponding form fields.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetVisibilitiesByField() [1/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetVisibilitiesByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[],
bool const  in_states[] 

Sets whether the objects at the given form fields should be visible.

If there is an existing visibility on a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSetVisibility. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_countSize of the following arrays.
in_fieldsThe form field names on which to set visibility.
in_statesWhether the objects at the at the corresponding form fields should be visible.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetVisibilitiesByField() [2/2]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetVisibilitiesByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields,
BoolArray const &  in_states 

Sets whether the objects at the given form fields should be visible.

If there is an existing visibility on a given form field, it will get overwritten. These correspond to values that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSetVisibility. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldsThe form field names on which to set visibility.
in_statesWhether the objects at the at the corresponding form fields should be visible.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ SetVisibilityByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::SetVisibilityByField ( char const *  in_field,
bool  in_state 

Sets whether the object at the given form field should be visible.

If there is an existing visibility on the given form field, it will get overwritten. This corresponds to the value that will be passed to A3DPDFPageFieldSetVisibility. This will only have an effect if the page has a template file.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name on which to set visibility.
in_stateWhether the object at the at the given form field should be visible.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ Show()

void HPS::Publish::PageKit::Show ( PageKit out_kit) const

Copies this PageKit into the given PageKit.

out_kitThe PageKit to populate with the contents of this PageKit.

◆ ShowAnnotations()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowAnnotations ( AnnotationKitArray out_annotations,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the annotations on the page.

out_annotationsAnnotations on the page.
out_locationsAnnotation locations on the page.
true if annotations were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowAnnotationsByField()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowAnnotationsByField ( UTF8Array out_fields,
AnnotationKitArray out_annotations 
) const

Shows the annotations on form fields on the page.

out_fieldsThe annotation form field names on the page.
out_annotationsThe annotations on the corresponding form fields.
true if form field annotations were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowButtonIconsByField()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowButtonIconsByField ( UTF8Array out_fields,
ImageKitArray out_images 
) const

Shows the images on icons on form fields on the page.

out_fieldsThe button icon form field names on the page.
out_imagesThe images on the icons at the corresponding form fields.
true if form field icons were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowButtonLabelsByField()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowButtonLabelsByField ( UTF8Array out_fields,
UTF8Array out_labels 
) const

Shows the labels on form fields on the page.

out_fieldsThe button label form field names on the page.
out_labelsThe labels on the corresponding form fields.
true if form field labels were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowButtons()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowButtons ( ButtonKitArray out_buttons,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the buttons on the page.

out_buttonsButtons on the page.
out_locationsButton locations on the page.
true if buttons were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowCheckBoxes()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowCheckBoxes ( CheckBoxKitArray out_check_boxes,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the check boxes on the page.

out_check_boxesCheck boxes on the page.
out_locationsCheck box locations on the page.
true if check boxes were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowDropDownLists()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowDropDownLists ( DropDownListKitArray out_drop_down_lists,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the drop down lists on the page.

out_drop_down_listsDrop down lists on the page.
out_locationsDrop drown list locations on the page.
true if drop down lists were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowFormat()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowFormat ( Page::Format out_format) const

Shows the format of the page.

out_formatFormat of the page.
true if a format was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowImages()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowImages ( ImageKitArray out_images,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the images on the page.

out_imagesImages on the page.
out_locationsImage locations on the page.
true if images were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowJavaScriptActionsByField()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowJavaScriptActionsByField ( UTF8Array out_fields,
UTF8Array out_sources,
SourceTypeArray out_types 
) const

Shows the JavaScript actions on form fields on the page.

out_fieldsThe form field names with JavaScript actions on the page.
out_sourcesThe JavaScript sources and/or files (depending on the corresponding entry in the following argument) on the corresponding form fields.
out_typesThe types for each item in the preceding argument array.
true if form field JavaScript actions were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowLinks()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowLinks ( LinkKitArray out_links,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the links on the page.

out_linksLinks on the page.
out_locationsLink locations on the page.
true if links were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowListBoxes()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowListBoxes ( ListBoxKitArray out_list_boxes,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the list boxes on the page.

out_list_boxesList boxes on the page.
out_locationsList boxes locations on the page.
true if list boxes were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowListItemFields()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowListItemFields ( UTF8Array out_fields) const

Shows the list item form fields on the page.

out_fieldsThe list form field names on the page.
true if any form field lists were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowListItemsByField()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowListItemsByField ( char const *  in_field,
UTF8Array out_values,
UTF8Array out_export_values 
) const

Shows the items in the list on the given field on the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name of the list with the items to be shown.
out_valuesThe values for the items in the list at the given form field.
out_export_valuesThe export values for the items in the list at the given form field.
true if list items on the given form field were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowOrientation()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowOrientation ( Page::Orientation out_orientation) const

Shows the orientation of the page.

out_orientationOrientation of the page.
true if an orientation was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowRadioButtons()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowRadioButtons ( RadioButtonKitArray out_radio_buttons,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the radio buttons on the page.

out_radio_buttonsRadio buttons on the page.
out_locationsRadio buttons locations on the page.
true if radio buttons were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSignatureFields()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowSignatureFields ( SignatureFieldKitArray out_signature_fields,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the signature fields on the page.

out_signature_fieldsSignature fields on the page.
out_locationsSignature field locations on the page.
true if signature fields were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowSlideTables()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowSlideTables ( SlideTableKitArray out_slide_tables,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the slide tables on the page.

out_slide_tablesSlide tables on the page.
out_locationsSlide table locations on the page.
true if slide tables were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTables()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowTables ( TableKitArray out_tables,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the tables on the page.

out_tablesTables on the page.
out_locationsTable locations on the page.
true if tables were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTemplateFile()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowTemplateFile ( UTF8 out_filename) const

Shows the template file.

out_filenameThe filename for the PDF file to act as a template.
true if a template file was specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowText()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowText ( TextKitArray out_text,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the text on the page.

out_textText on the page.
out_locationsText locations on the page.
true if text strings were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTextFields()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowTextFields ( TextFieldKitArray out_text_fields,
IntRectangleArray out_locations 
) const

Shows the text fields on the page.

out_text_fieldsText fields on the page.
out_locationsText field locations on the page.
true if text fields were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowTextValuesByField()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowTextValuesByField ( UTF8Array out_fields,
UTF8Array out_values 
) const

Shows the text values on form fields on the page.

out_fieldsThe form field names with the text values on the template.
out_valuesThe text values on the corresponding form fields.
true if form field text values were specified, false otherwise.

◆ ShowVisibilitiesByField()

bool HPS::Publish::PageKit::ShowVisibilitiesByField ( UTF8Array out_fields,
BoolArray out_states 
) const

Shows the visibility settings on form fields on the page.

out_fieldsThe form field names with visibility settings on the page.
out_statesWhether the objects at the at the corresponding form fields should be visible.
true if form field visibilities were specified, false otherwise.

◆ Type()

◆ UnsetAnnotation()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetAnnotation ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the annotation at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the annotation to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetAnnotationByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetAnnotationByField ( char const *  in_field)

Removes the annotation at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name with the annotation to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetAnnotations() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetAnnotations ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the annotations at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the annotations to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetAnnotations() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetAnnotations ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the annotations at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the annotations to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetAnnotations() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetAnnotations ( )

Removes all annotations from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetAnnotationsByField() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetAnnotationsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[] 

Removes the annotations at the given form fields from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_fieldsForm field names with the annotations to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetAnnotationsByField() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetAnnotationsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields)

Removes the annotations at the given form fields from the page.

in_fieldsForm field names with the annotations to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetAnnotationsByField() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetAnnotationsByField ( )

Removes all annotation form fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButton()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButton ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the button at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the button to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtonIconByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtonIconByField ( char const *  in_field)

Removes the image on the icon at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name of the icon with the image to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtonIconsByField() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtonIconsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[] 

Removes the images on the icons at the given form fields from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_fieldsForm field names of icons with the images to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtonIconsByField() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtonIconsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields)

Removes the images on the icons at the given form fields from the page.

in_fieldsForm field names of icons with the images to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtonIconsByField() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtonIconsByField ( )

Removes all button icon form fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtonLabelByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtonLabelByField ( char const *  in_field)

Removes the label at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name of the label to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtonLabelsByField() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtonLabelsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[] 

Removes the labels at the given form fields from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_fieldsForm field names of the labels to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtonLabelsByField() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtonLabelsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields)

Removes the labels at the given form fields from the page.

in_fieldsForm field names of the labels to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtonLabelsByField() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtonLabelsByField ( )

Removes all button label form fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtons() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtons ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the buttons at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the buttons to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtons() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtons ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the buttons at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the buttons to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetButtons() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetButtons ( )

Removes all buttons from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetCheckBox()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetCheckBox ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the check box at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the check box to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetCheckBoxes() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetCheckBoxes ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the check box at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the check box to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetCheckBoxes() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetCheckBoxes ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the check box at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the check box to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetCheckBoxes() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetCheckBoxes ( )

Removes all check boxes from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetDropDownList()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetDropDownList ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the drop down list at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the drop down list to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetDropDownLists() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetDropDownLists ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the drop down list at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the drop down list to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetDropDownLists() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetDropDownLists ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the drop down list at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the drop down list to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetDropDownLists() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetDropDownLists ( )

Removes all drop down lists from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetEverything()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetEverything ( )

Removes all data from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetFormat()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetFormat ( )

Removes the format from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetImage()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetImage ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the image at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the image to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetImages() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetImages ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the images at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the images to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetImages() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetImages ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the images at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the images to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetImages() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetImages ( )

Removes all images from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetJavaScriptActionByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetJavaScriptActionByField ( char const *  in_field)

Removes the JavaScript action at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name of the action to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetJavaScriptActionsByField() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetJavaScriptActionsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[] 

Removes the JavaScript actions at the given form fields from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_fieldsForm field names of the actions to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetJavaScriptActionsByField() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetJavaScriptActionsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields)

Removes the JavaScript actions at the given form fields from the page.

in_fieldsForm field names of the actions to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetJavaScriptActionsByField() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetJavaScriptActionsByField ( )

Removes all JavaScript action form fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetLink()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetLink ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the link at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the link to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetLinks() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetLinks ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the links at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the links to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetLinks() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetLinks ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the links at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the links to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetLinks() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetLinks ( )

Removes all links from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListBox()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListBox ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the list box at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the list box to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListBoxes() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListBoxes ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the list box at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the list box to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListBoxes() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListBoxes ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the list box at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the list box to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListBoxes() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListBoxes ( )

Removes all list boxes from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListItemByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListItemByField ( char const *  in_field,
size_t  in_index 

Removes the item at the given index from the list at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name of the list with the item to be removed.
in_indexIndex of the item in the list at the given form field to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListItemsByField() [1/6]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListItemsByField ( char const *  in_field,
size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the items at the given indices from the list at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name of the list with the items to be removed.
in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the items in the list at the form field to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListItemsByField() [2/6]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListItemsByField ( char const *  in_field,
SizeTArray const &  in_indices 

Removes the items at the given indices from the list at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name of the list with the items to be removed.
in_indicesIndices of the items in the list at the form field to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListItemsByField() [3/6]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListItemsByField ( char const *  in_field)

Removes all items from the list at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name of the list with the items to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListItemsByField() [4/6]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListItemsByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[] 

Removes all items from the lists at the given form fields from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_fieldsForm field names of the lists with the items to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListItemsByField() [5/6]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListItemsByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields)

Removes all items from the lists at the given form fields from the page.

in_fieldsForm field names of the lists with the items to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetListItemsByField() [6/6]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetListItemsByField ( )

Removes all list item form fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetOrientation()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetOrientation ( )

Removes the orientation from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetRadioButton()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetRadioButton ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the radio button at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the radio button to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetRadioButtons() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetRadioButtons ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the radio button at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the radio button to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetRadioButtons() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetRadioButtons ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the radio button at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the radio button to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetRadioButtons() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetRadioButtons ( )

Removes all radio buttons from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetSignatureField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetSignatureField ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the signature field at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the signature field to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetSignatureFields() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetSignatureFields ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the signature field at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the signature field to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetSignatureFields() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetSignatureFields ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the signature field at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the signature field to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetSignatureFields() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetSignatureFields ( )

Removes all signature fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetSlideTable()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetSlideTable ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the slide table at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the slide table to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetSlideTables() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetSlideTables ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the slide tables at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the slide tables to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetSlideTables() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetSlideTables ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the slide tables at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the slide tables to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetSlideTables() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetSlideTables ( )

Removes all slide tables from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTable()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTable ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the table at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the table to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTables() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTables ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the tables at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the tables to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTables() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTables ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the tables at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the tables to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTables() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTables ( )

Removes all tables from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTemplateFile()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTemplateFile ( )

Removes the template file from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetText() [1/4]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetText ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the text at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the text to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetText() [2/4]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetText ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the text at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the text to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetText() [3/4]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetText ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the text at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the text to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetText() [4/4]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetText ( )

Removes all text from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTextField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTextField ( size_t  in_index)

Removes the text field at the given index from the page.

in_indexIndex of the text field to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTextFields() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTextFields ( size_t  in_count,
size_t const  in_indices[] 

Removes the text fields at the given indices from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_indicesIndices of the text fields to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTextFields() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTextFields ( SizeTArray const &  in_indices)

Removes the text fields at the given indices from the page.

in_indicesIndices of the text fields to remove from the page.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTextFields() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTextFields ( )

Removes all text fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTextValueByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTextValueByField ( char const *  in_field)

Removes the text value at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name with the text value to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTextValuesByField() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTextValuesByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[] 

Removes the text values at the given form fields from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_fieldsForm field names with the text values to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTextValuesByField() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTextValuesByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields)

Removes the text values at the given form fields from the page.

in_fieldsForm field names with the text values to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetTextValuesByField() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetTextValuesByField ( )

Removes all text value form fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetVisibilitiesByField() [1/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetVisibilitiesByField ( size_t  in_count,
UTF8 const  in_fields[] 

Removes the visibility settings at the given form fields from the page.

in_countSize of the following array.
in_fieldsForm field names with the visibility settings to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetVisibilitiesByField() [2/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetVisibilitiesByField ( UTF8Array const &  in_fields)

Removes the visibility settings at the given form fields from the page.

in_fieldsForm field names with the visibility settings to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetVisibilitiesByField() [3/3]

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetVisibilitiesByField ( )

Removes all visibility settings on form fields from the page.

A reference to this PageKit.

◆ UnsetVisibilityByField()

PageKit& HPS::Publish::PageKit::UnsetVisibilityByField ( char const *  in_field)

Removes the visibility setting at the given form field from the page.

in_fieldUTF8-encoded form field name with the visibility setting to be removed.
A reference to this PageKit.

Member Data Documentation

◆ staticType

const HPS::Type HPS::Publish::PageKit::staticType = HPS::Type::PublishPageKit

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