The Exchange class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via Exchange. More...
#include <sprk_exchange.h>
Classes | |
class | CADModel |
The CADModel class is a smart pointer. More... | |
class | Capture |
The Capture class is a smart pointer. More... | |
class | CommonMeasurementOperator |
The CommonMeasurementOperator class defines an operator which contains many often used functions when inserting measurements. More... | |
class | Component |
The Component class is a smart pointer. More... | |
class | Configuration |
The Configuration class is a user space object. More... | |
class | Export3MFOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::Export3MFOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportACISOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportACISOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportIGESOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportIGESOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportJTOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportJTOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportNotifier |
The ExportNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a file export. More... | |
class | ExportParasolidOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportParasolidOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportPRCOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportPRCOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportSTEPOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportSTEPOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportSTLOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportSTLOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportU3DOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportU3DOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | ExportXMLOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ExportXMLOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | Factory |
The Factory class is used to create and Exchange objects which inherit from HPS::Component or one of its subclasses. More... | |
class | File |
The File class provides functions to import and export CAD files via Exchange. More... | |
class | Filter |
The Filter class is a smart pointer. More... | |
class | ImportNotifier |
The ImportNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a file import. More... | |
class | ImportOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ImportOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | JT |
The Exchange::JT class is a concept class for JT-related enums. More... | |
class | MeasurementOperator |
The MeasurementOperator class defines an operator which allows the user to insert measurements into the scene This operator requires the model be loaded using the Exchange bridge, and the model must contain B-rep. More... | |
class | ModelFileImportOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::ModelFileImportOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | NURBSConversionOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::NURBSConversionOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | PRC |
The Exchange::PRC class is a concept class for PRC-related enums. More... | |
class | ProductOccurrence |
class | ProE |
The Exchange::ProE class is a concept class for ProE-related enums. More... | |
class | ReloadNotifier |
The ReloadNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a Component::Reload or a CADModel::Reload. More... | |
class | Sheet |
The Sheet class is a user space object. More... | |
class | STEP |
The Exchange::STEP class is a concept class for STEP-related enums. More... | |
class | Tessellation |
The Exchange::Tessellation class is a concept class for tessellation-related enums. More... | |
class | TessellationOptionsKit |
The TessellationOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | Translation |
The Exchange::Translation class is a concept class for translation-related enums. More... | |
class | TranslationNotifier |
The TranslationNotifier class is a smart-pointer that is tied to a file translation. More... | |
class | TranslationOptionsKit |
The HPS::Exchange::TranslationOptionsKit class is a user space object. More... | |
class | U3D |
The Exchange::U3D class is a concept class for U3D-related enums. More... | |
Private Member Functions | |
Exchange () | |
Private default constructor to prevent instantiation. More... | |
The Exchange class contains objects and enumerations used for importing and exporting CAD files via Exchange.
typedef std::vector<Configuration, HPS::Allocator<Configuration> > HPS::Exchange::ConfigurationArray |
typedef std::vector<CurveType, HPS::Allocator<CurveType> > HPS::Exchange::CurveTypeArray |
typedef std::vector<Sheet, HPS::Allocator<Sheet> > HPS::Exchange::SheetArray |
typedef std::vector<SurfaceType, HPS::Allocator<SurfaceType> > HPS::Exchange::SurfaceTypeArray |
strong |
Enumerates the type of data in the scene to use to generate cameras for annotation captures.
strong |
Enumerates the ways in which to import BRep and tessellation data for files imported via Exchange.
Enumerator | |
TessellationOnly | Only tessellation data will be requested from Exchange, which will tessellate items as necessary or extract existing tessellations as appropriate. No BRep data will be available for the file if this mode is used. (kA3DReadTessOnly) |
BRepOnly | Only BRep data will be requested from Exchange, and each representation item will be tessellated individually as necessary. This can potentially lead to a lower peak memory level at the expense of a potentially longer import. (kA3DReadGeomOnly) |
BRepAndTessellation | BRep and tessellation data will be requested from Exchange, which will perform the tessellations in one shot rather than on demand. This can potentially lead to a higher peak memory level with the benefit of a potentially faster import. (kA3DReadGeomAndTess) |
strong |
Enumerates the types of curves supported by Exchange.
Enumerator | |
Blend | Blend boundary curve (kA3DTypeCrvBlend02Boundary ). |
NURBS | NURBS curve (kA3DTypeCrvNurbs ). |
Circle | Circle (kA3DTypeCrvCircle ). |
Composite | Array of oriented curves (kA3DTypeCrvComposite ). |
CurveOnSurface | Curve defined by a UV curve on a surface (kA3DTypeCrvOnSurf ). |
Ellipse | Ellipse (kA3DTypeCrvEllipse ). |
Equation | Curve described by an equation (kA3DTypeCrvEquation ). |
Helix | Helix (kA3DTypeCrvHelix ). |
Hyperbola | Hyperbola (kA3DTypeCrvHyperbola ). |
Intersection | Intersection between two surfaces (kA3DTypeCrvIntersection ). |
Line | Line (kA3DTypeCrvLine ). |
Offset | Offset curve (kA3DTypeCrvOffset ). |
Parabola | Parabola (kA3DTypeCrvParabola ). |
Polyline | Polyhedric curve (kA3DTypeCrvPolyLine ). |
Transform | Transformed curve (kA3DTypeCrvTransform ). |
strong |
Enumerates the ways in which to perform file import via Exchange.
strong |
Enumerates the various load statuses for a ProductOccurrence.
Enumerator | |
Unknown | Unknown state. |
Loaded | Product occurrence is loaded in Exchange and has visualization data. |
VisualizationOnly | Product occurrence has only visualization data, no Exchange data is available. |
PartiallyLoaded | Some product occurrences under the product occurrence are loaded, some are not. |
NotLoaded | No Exchange or visualization data is loaded for the product occurrence. |
strong |
Enumerates the types of surfaces supported by Exchange.
Enumerator | |
Blend01 | Blend Type 1 surface (kA3DTypeSurfBlend01). |
Blend02 | Blend Type 2 surface (kA3DTypeSurfBlend02). |
Blend03 | Blend Type 3 surface (kA3DTypeSurfBlend03). |
Blend04 | Blend Type 4 surface (kA3DTypeSurfBlend04). |
NURBS | NURBS surface (kA3DTypeSurfNurbs ). |
Cone | Conical surface (kA3DTypeSurfCone ). |
Cylinder | Cylindrical surface (kA3DTypeSurfCylinder ). |
Offset | Offset surface (kA3DTypeSurfOffset ). |
Pipe | Pipe surface (kA3DTypeSurfPipe ). |
Plane | Planar surface (kA3DTypeSurfPlane ). |
Ruled | Ruled surface (kA3DTypeSurfRuled ). |
Sphere | Spherical surface (kA3DTypeSurfSphere ). |
Revolution | Revolution surface (kA3DTypeSurfRevolution ). |
Extrusion | An Extrusion (kA3DTypeSurfExtrusion ). |
FromCurve | Surface defined from a curve (kA3DTypeSurfFromCurves). |
Torus | Torus surface (kA3DTypeSurfTorus). |
Transform | Transform (kA3DTypeSurfTransform ). |
strong |
Enumerates the units for files imported via Exchange.
Enumerator | |
Unknown | Unknown unit type (kA3DUnitUnknown). |
Point | Point (1/72 of an inch) units (kA3DUnitPoint). |
Inch | Inch units (kA3DUnitInch). |
Millimeter | Millimeter units (kA3DUnitMillimeter). |
Centimeter | Centimeter units (kA3DUnitCentimeter). |
Pica | Pica (1/72 of a foot) units (kA3DUnitPicas). |
Foot | Foot units (kA3DUnitFoot). |
Yard | Yard units (kA3DUnitYard). |
Meter | Meter units (kA3DUnitMeter). |
Kilometer | Kilometer units (kA3DUnitKilometer). |
Mile | Mile units (kA3DUnitMile). |
strong |
Enumerates the ways in which a ProductOccurrence can be unloaded.
Enumerator | |
ExchangeAndVisualization | Exchange data will be unloaded for a ProductOccurrence via the A3DAsmModelFileUnloadParts and the Component objects corresponding to Exchange entities which were removed will be deleted. |
ExchangeOnly | Exchange data will be unloaded for a ProductOccurrence via the A3DAsmModelFileUnloadParts while the corresponding Component objects will be kept around. This will invalidate the entity pointers for any Component which no longer exists in the Exchange data, but still allows use of the Component APIs to interact with the components. Any such components will have a load status of LoadStatus::VisualizationOnly, and would be reimported if they or a parent product occurrence get loaded again. |
private |
Private default constructor to prevent instantiation.