#include <hps.h>
◆ ClipOperation
Enumerates the clip region operation types.
Enumerator |
Keep | The geometry inside the clip region is drawn.
Everything outside of it is clipped.
Remove | The geometry outside the clip region is drawn.
Everything inside of it is clipped.
◆ ClipSpace
Enumerates the coordinate spaces types for clip regions.
Enumerator |
Window | The clip region is specified in window coordinates.
World | The clip region is specified in world coordinated.
Object | The clip region is specified in object coordinated.
◆ Handedness
Handedness is used to define the front face of a polygon as well as the orientation of the z-axis relative to the x-y plane.
Enumerator |
None | No Handedness.
Left | Left Handed.
Right | Right Handed.
◆ Overlay
Enumeration of the various overlay modes.
Enumerator |
None | No overlay will be used.
If geometry is moved, edited or highlighted, a full screen redraw will be triggered on the subsequent update.
Default | Any geometry in a segment with this mode set will be redrawn on each update and it will appear on top of the scene regardless of whether it should appear behind other geometry.
This is the most efficient overlay mode.
WithZValues | Any geometry in a segment with this mode set will be drawn on each update and it will be positioned correctly with respect to other geometry within the scene.
This is the most accurate overlay mode, but is not as efficient as NormalOverlay.
InPlace | This setting is useful when you are applying a transparent highlight style to overlay geometry.
This setting suppresses the drawing of the geometry, instead drawing the highlight itself in its place. If you are not using a transparent highlight style, this setting has no visible effect. This setting is slightly more computationally expensive than the other overlay settings.
◆ Drawing()
HPS::Drawing::Drawing |
( |
| ) |
inlineprivate |
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