Work Order  v7.0.1-2735
StyleLine Work Order
See also
Work Order Window
Admin Tab: Wood
Admin Tab: Wood Cost
Admin Tab: Finish Types
Admin Tab: Finish Type Costs
Admin Tab: Finish Details
Admin Tab: Finish Detail Costs
Order Customer Status Schedule Wood Profile Doors Drawers Solid Plywood Dovetail Drawer Boxes Butcher Blocks Miscellaneous Invoice History

Manage the wood selection, finish, and finish detail.


The left-hand text fields are used to perform case-insensitive partial word matches on the wood, finish, and finish detail fields.

For example, typing "eas map" will automatically select the wood type "Maple (Eastern)", and "oa te" would match most closely with "Oak (White)".

The full list of wood types, finish, finish details, and associated costs can be edited using WO-Admin.