Open Source Computer Vision
Looking for a C++ dev who knows OpenCV?
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►Ncv | "black box" representation of the file storage associated with a file on disk |
►Ndetail | |
CAffineBasedEstimator | Affine transformation based estimator |
CAffineBestOf2NearestMatcher | Features matcher similar to cv::detail::BestOf2NearestMatcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf |
CAffineWarper | Affine warper that uses rotations and translations |
CBasicVectorRef | |
CBestOf2NearestMatcher | Features matcher which finds two best matches for each feature and leaves the best one only if the ratio between descriptor distances is greater than the threshold match_conf |
CBestOf2NearestRangeMatcher | |
CBlender | Base class for all blenders |
CBlocksChannelsCompensator | Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block on each channel |
CBlocksCompensator | Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image blocks |
CBlocksGainCompensator | Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image block intensities, see [96] for details |
CBundleAdjusterAffine | Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param |
CBundleAdjusterAffinePartial | Bundle adjuster that expects affine transformation with 4 DOF represented in homogeneous coordinates in R for each camera param |
CBundleAdjusterBase | Base class for all camera parameters refinement methods |
CBundleAdjusterRay | Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the distances between the rays passing through the camera center and a feature |
CBundleAdjusterReproj | Implementation of the camera parameters refinement algorithm which minimizes sum of the reprojection error squares |
CCameraParams | Describes camera parameters |
CChannelsCompensator | Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities on each channel independently |
CCompileArgTag | |
CCompileArgTag< cv::gapi::GKernelPackage > | |
CCompileArgTag< cv::gapi::use_only > | |
CCompileArgTag< cv::graph_dump_path > | |
CCompileArgTag< GFluidOutputRois > | |
CCompileArgTag< GFluidParallelOutputRois > | |
CCompressedRectilinearPortraitProjector | |
CCompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper | |
CCompressedRectilinearProjector | |
CCompressedRectilinearWarper | |
CCylindricalPortraitProjector | |
CCylindricalPortraitWarper | |
CCylindricalProjector | |
CCylindricalWarper | Warper that maps an image onto the x*x + z*z = 1 cylinder |
CCylindricalWarperGpu | |
CDisjointSets | |
CDpSeamFinder | |
CEstimator | Rotation estimator base class |
CExposureCompensator | Base class for all exposure compensators |
CFeatherBlender | Simple blender which mixes images at its borders |
CFeaturesMatcher | Feature matchers base class |
CFisheyeProjector | |
CFisheyeWarper | |
Cfluid_get_in | |
Cfluid_get_in< cv::GMat > | |
Cfluid_get_in< cv::GScalar > | |
CFluidCallHelper | |
CFluidCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... >, UseScratch > | |
CGainCompensator | Exposure compensator which tries to remove exposure related artifacts by adjusting image intensities, see [14] and [105] for details |
CGArrayU | |
CGCompoundCallHelper | |
CGCompoundCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > | |
CGCompoundContext | |
CGCompoundKernel | |
CGCompoundKernelImpl | |
Cget_border_helper | |
Cget_border_helper< false, Impl, Ins... > | |
Cget_border_helper< true, Impl, Ins... > | |
Cget_compound_in | |
Cget_compound_in< cv::GArray< U > > | |
Cget_in | |
Cget_in< cv::GArray< U > > | |
Cget_in< cv::GMat > | |
Cget_in< cv::GMatP > | |
Cget_in< cv::GScalar > | |
Cget_out | |
Cget_out< cv::GArray< U > > | |
Cget_out< cv::GMat > | |
Cget_out< cv::GMatP > | |
Cget_out< cv::GScalar > | |
CGraph | |
CGraphCutSeamFinder | Minimum graph cut-based seam estimator |
CGraphCutSeamFinderBase | Base class for all minimum graph-cut-based seam estimators |
CGraphEdge | |
CGTypeOf | |
CGTypeOf< cv::gapi::own::Mat > | |
CGTypeOf< cv::gapi::own::Scalar > | |
CGTypeOf< cv::Mat > | |
CGTypeOf< cv::Scalar > | |
CGTypeOf< cv::UMat > | |
CGTypeOf< std::vector< U > > | |
CGTypeTraits | |
CGTypeTraits< cv::GArray< T > > | |
CGTypeTraits< cv::GMat > | |
CGTypeTraits< cv::GMatP > | |
CGTypeTraits< cv::GScalar > | |
►Chas_custom_wrap | |
Ccheck | |
CHomographyBasedEstimator | Homography based rotation estimator |
CImageFeatures | Structure containing image keypoints and descriptors |
Cis_gmat_type | |
Cis_meta_descr | |
Cis_meta_descr< GArrayDesc > | |
Cis_meta_descr< GMatDesc > | |
Cis_meta_descr< GScalarDesc > | |
CKernelTag | |
Clast_type | |
CMatchesInfo | Structure containing information about matches between two images |
CMercatorProjector | |
CMercatorWarper | |
CMetaHelper | |
CMetaHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, Out > | |
CMetaHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > | |
CMetaType | |
CMetaType< cv::GArray< U > > | |
CMetaType< cv::GMat > | |
CMetaType< cv::GMatP > | |
CMetaType< cv::GScalar > | |
CMultiBandBlender | Blender which uses multi-band blending algorithm (see [16]) |
CNoBundleAdjuster | Stub bundle adjuster that does nothing |
CNoExposureCompensator | Stub exposure compensator which does nothing |
CNoSeamFinder | Stub seam estimator which does nothing |
Cocl_get_in | |
Cocl_get_in< cv::GArray< U > > | |
Cocl_get_in< cv::GMat > | |
Cocl_get_in< cv::GScalar > | |
Cocl_get_out | |
Cocl_get_out< cv::GArray< U > > | |
Cocl_get_out< cv::GMat > | |
Cocl_get_out< cv::GScalar > | |
COCLCallHelper | |
►COCLCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > | |
Ccall_and_postprocess | |
COCVCallHelper | |
►COCVCallHelper< Impl, std::tuple< Ins... >, std::tuple< Outs... > > | |
Ccall_and_postprocess | |
CPairwiseSeamFinder | Base class for all pairwise seam estimators |
CPaniniPortraitProjector | |
CPaniniPortraitWarper | |
CPaniniProjector | |
CPaniniWarper | |
CPlanePortraitProjector | |
CPlanePortraitWarper | |
CPlaneProjector | |
CPlaneWarper | Warper that maps an image onto the z = 1 plane |
CPlaneWarperGpu | |
CProjectorBase | Base class for warping logic implementation |
CProtoToMeta | |
CProtoToMeta< cv::GArray< U > > | |
CProtoToMeta< cv::GMat > | |
CProtoToMeta< cv::GScalar > | |
CProtoToParam | |
CProtoToParam< cv::GArray< U > > | |
CProtoToParam< cv::GMat > | |
CProtoToParam< cv::GScalar > | |
CRotationWarper | Rotation-only model image warper interface |
CRotationWarperBase | Base class for rotation-based warper using a detail::ProjectorBase_ derived class |
Cscalar_wrapper | |
Cscalar_wrapper_ocl | |
Cscratch_helper | |
Cscratch_helper< false, Impl, Ins... > | |
Cscratch_helper< true, Impl, Ins... > | |
CSeamFinder | Base class for a seam estimator |
CSphericalPortraitProjector | |
CSphericalPortraitWarper | |
CSphericalProjector | |
CSphericalWarper | Warper that maps an image onto the unit sphere located at the origin |
CSphericalWarperGpu | |
CStereographicProjector | |
CStereographicWarper | |
CTimelapser | |
CTimelapserCrop | |
Ctracked_cv_mat | |
Ctracked_cv_umat | |
CTransformTag | |
CTransHelper | |
CTransHelper< K, std::tuple< Ins... >, Out > | |
CTransverseMercatorProjector | |
CTransverseMercatorWarper | |
CVectorRef | |
CVectorRefT | |
CVoronoiSeamFinder | Voronoi diagram-based seam estimator |
CWrapValue | |
►Ndirectx | |
►Ndnn | |
►Ndetails | |
C_LayerStaticRegisterer | |
C_Range | |
CAbsLayer | |
CActivationLayer | |
CBackendNode | Derivatives of this class encapsulates functions of certain backends |
CBackendWrapper | Derivatives of this class wraps cv::Mat for different backends and targets |
CBaseConvolutionLayer | |
CBatchNormLayer | |
CBlankLayer | |
CBNLLLayer | |
CChannelsPReLULayer | |
CConcatLayer | |
CConstLayer | Constant layer produces the same data blob at an every forward pass |
CConvolutionLayer | |
CCropAndResizeLayer | |
CCropLayer | |
CDeconvolutionLayer | |
CDetectionOutputLayer | |
CDict | This class implements name-value dictionary, values are instances of DictValue |
CDictValue | This struct stores the scalar value (or array) of one of the following type: double, cv::String or int64 |
CEltwiseLayer | |
CELULayer | |
CFlattenLayer | |
CInnerProductLayer | |
CInterpLayer | Bilinear resize layer from |
CLayer | This interface class allows to build new Layers - are building blocks of networks |
CLayerFactory | Layer factory allows to create instances of registered layers |
CLayerParams | This class provides all data needed to initialize layer |
CLRNLayer | |
CLSTMLayer | LSTM recurrent layer |
CMaxUnpoolLayer | |
CMVNLayer | |
CNet | This class allows to create and manipulate comprehensive artificial neural networks |
CNormalizeBBoxLayer | \( L_p \) - normalization layer |
CPaddingLayer | Adds extra values for specific axes |
CPermuteLayer | |
CPoolingLayer | |
CPowerLayer | |
CPriorBoxLayer | |
CProposalLayer | |
CRegionLayer | |
CReLU6Layer | |
CReLULayer | |
CReorgLayer | |
CReshapeLayer | |
CResizeLayer | Resize input 4-dimensional blob by nearest neighbor or bilinear strategy |
CRNNLayer | Classical recurrent layer |
CScaleLayer | |
CShiftLayer | |
CShuffleChannelLayer | Permute channels of 4-dimensional input blob |
CSigmoidLayer | |
CSliceLayer | Slice layer has several modes: |
CSoftmaxLayer | |
CSplitLayer | |
CTanHLayer | |
►Nflann | |
CAutotunedIndexParams | |
CCompositeIndexParams | |
CCvType | |
CCvType< char > | |
CCvType< double > | |
CCvType< float > | |
CCvType< short > | |
CCvType< unsigned char > | |
CCvType< unsigned short > | |
CGenericIndex | The FLANN nearest neighbor index class |
CHierarchicalClusteringIndexParams | |
CIndex | |
CIndex_ | |
CIndexParams | |
CKDTreeIndexParams | |
CKMeansIndexParams | |
CLinearIndexParams | |
CLshIndexParams | |
CSavedIndexParams | |
CSearchParams | |
►Ngapi | |
►Ncore | |
►Nfluid | |
CBorder | |
►CBuffer | |
CCache | |
►CView | |
CCache | |
►Nimgproc | |
►Nown | |
►Ndetail | |
CMatHeader | |
CMat | |
CPoint | |
CRect | |
CScalar | |
CSize | |
►Nwip | |
►Ndraw | |
CCircle | A structure to represent parameters for drawing a circle |
CLine | A structure to represent parameters for drawing a line |
CRect | A structure to represent parameters for drawing a rectangle |
CText | A structure to represent parameters for drawing a text string |
CGAsyncCanceled | |
CGAsyncContext | |
CGBackend | |
CGKernelPackage | A container class for heterogeneous kernel implementation collections and graph transformations |
Cuse_only | Cv::use_only() is a special combinator which hints G-API to use only kernels specified in cv::GComputation::compile() (and not to extend kernels available by default with that package) |
►Nhal | |
CDCT2D | |
CDFT1D | |
CDFT2D | |
►Ninstr | |
CNodeData | |
CNodeDataTls | |
►Nml | |
CANN_MLP | Artificial Neural Networks - Multi-Layer Perceptrons |
CBoost | Boosted tree classifier derived from DTrees |
►CDTrees | The class represents a single decision tree or a collection of decision trees |
CNode | The class represents a decision tree node |
CSplit | The class represents split in a decision tree |
CEM | The class implements the Expectation Maximization algorithm |
CKNearest | The class implements K-Nearest Neighbors model |
CLogisticRegression | Implements Logistic Regression classifier |
CNormalBayesClassifier | Bayes classifier for normally distributed data |
CParamGrid | The structure represents the logarithmic grid range of statmodel parameters |
CRTrees | The class implements the random forest predictor |
CSimulatedAnnealingSolverSystem | This class declares example interface for system state used in simulated annealing optimization algorithm |
CStatModel | Base class for statistical models in OpenCV ML |
►CSVM | Support Vector Machines |
CKernel | |
CSVMSGD | Stochastic Gradient Descent SVM classifier |
CTrainData | Class encapsulating training data |
►Nocl | |
CContext | |
CDevice | |
CImage2D | |
CKernel | |
CKernelArg | |
CPlatform | |
CPlatformInfo | |
CProgram | |
CProgramSource | |
CQueue | |
CTimer | |
►Nogl | |
CArrays | Wrapper for OpenGL Client-Side Vertex arrays |
CBuffer | Smart pointer for OpenGL buffer object with reference counting |
CTexture2D | Smart pointer for OpenGL 2D texture memory with reference counting |
►Nutil | |
►Ndetail | |
Ctype_list_index_helper | |
Ctype_list_index_helper< I, Target, First > | |
Cany | |
Cbad_any_cast | |
Cbad_optional_access | |
Cbad_variant_access | |
Cmonostate | |
Coptional | |
Ctype_list_index | |
Cvariant | |
►Nutils | |
►Nlogging | |
CLogTag | |
CLogTagAuto | |
CAllocatorStatisticsInterface | |
Clock_guard | A simple scoped lock (RAII-style locking for exclusive/write access) |
Coptional_lock_guard | An optional simple scoped lock (RAII-style locking for exclusive/write access) |
Coptional_shared_lock_guard | An optional shared scoped lock (RAII-style locking for shared/reader access) |
Cshared_lock_guard | A shared scoped lock (RAII-style locking for shared/reader access) |
►Nva_intel | |
C_InputArray | This is the proxy class for passing read-only input arrays into OpenCV functions |
C_InputOutputArray | |
C_OutputArray | This type is very similar to InputArray except that it is used for input/output and output function parameters |
CAccumulator | |
CAccumulator< char > | |
CAccumulator< short > | |
CAccumulator< unsigned char > | |
CAccumulator< unsigned short > | |
CAffine3 | Affine transform |
CAffineWarper | Affine warper factory class |
CAgastFeatureDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the AGAST method |
CAKAZE | Class implementing the AKAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [1] |
CAlgorithm | This is a base class for all more or less complex algorithms in OpenCV |
CAlignExposures | The base class for algorithms that align images of the same scene with different exposures |
CAlignMTB | This algorithm converts images to median threshold bitmaps (1 for pixels brighter than median luminance and 0 otherwise) and than aligns the resulting bitmaps using bit operations |
►CAllocator | The STL-compliant memory Allocator based on cv::fastMalloc() and cv::fastFree() |
Crebind | |
CAsyncArray | Returns result of asynchronous operations |
CAsyncPromise | Provides result of asynchronous operations |
CAutoBuffer | Automatically Allocated Buffer Class |
CAVIReadContainer | |
CAVIWriteContainer | |
CBackgroundSubtractor | Base class for background/foreground segmentation |
CBackgroundSubtractorKNN | K-nearest neighbours - based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
CBackgroundSubtractorMOG2 | Gaussian Mixture-based Background/Foreground Segmentation Algorithm |
►CBaseCascadeClassifier | |
CMaskGenerator | |
CBFMatcher | Brute-force descriptor matcher |
CBOWImgDescriptorExtractor | Class to compute an image descriptor using the bag of visual words |
CBOWKMeansTrainer | Kmeans -based class to train visual vocabulary using the bag of visual words approach |
CBOWTrainer | Abstract base class for training the bag of visual words vocabulary from a set of descriptors |
CBRISK | Class implementing the BRISK keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [53] |
CBufferPoolController | |
CCalibrateCRF | The base class for camera response calibration algorithms |
CCalibrateDebevec | Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system |
CCalibrateRobertson | Inverse camera response function is extracted for each brightness value by minimizing an objective function as linear system |
CCascadeClassifier | Cascade classifier class for object detection |
CCirclesGridFinderParameters | |
CCLAHE | Base class for Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization |
CCommandLineParser | Designed for command line parsing |
CComplex | A complex number class |
CCompressedRectilinearPortraitWarper | |
CCompressedRectilinearWarper | |
CConjGradSolver | This class is used to perform the non-linear non-constrained minimization of a function with known gradient, |
CCylindricalWarper | Cylindrical warper factory class |
CDataDepth | A helper class for cv::DataType |
CDataType | Template "trait" class for OpenCV primitive data types |
CDefaultDeleter< CvCapture > | |
CDefaultDeleter< CvHaarClassifierCascade > | |
CDefaultDeleter< CvVideoWriter > | |
CDenseOpticalFlow | Base class for dense optical flow algorithms |
►CDescriptorMatcher | Abstract base class for matching keypoint descriptors |
CDescriptorCollection | Class to work with descriptors from several images as with one merged matrix |
►CDetectionBasedTracker | |
CExtObject | |
CIDetector | |
CInnerParameters | |
CParameters | |
CTrackedObject | |
CDetectionROI | Struct for detection region of interest (ROI) |
CDISOpticalFlow | DIS optical flow algorithm |
CDMatch | Class for matching keypoint descriptors |
CDownhillSolver | This class is used to perform the non-linear non-constrained minimization of a function, |
CException | Class passed to an error |
CFarnebackOpticalFlow | Class computing a dense optical flow using the Gunnar Farneback's algorithm |
CFastFeatureDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the FAST method |
CFeature2D | Abstract base class for 2D image feature detectors and descriptor extractors |
CFileNode | File Storage Node class |
CFileNodeIterator | Used to iterate through sequences and mappings |
CFileStorage | XML/YAML/JSON file storage class that encapsulates all the information necessary for writing or reading data to/from a file |
CFisheyeWarper | |
CFlannBasedMatcher | Flann-based descriptor matcher |
Cfloat16_t | |
CFormatted | |
CFormatter | |
CGArg | |
CGArray | |
CGArrayDesc | |
CGCall | |
CGCompileArg | Represents an arbitrary compilation argument |
CGCompiled | Represents a compiled computation (graph) |
CGComputation | GComputation class represents a captured computation graph |
CGComputationT | |
►CGComputationT< R(Args...)> | |
CGCompiledT | |
►CGComputationT< std::tuple< R... >(Args...)> | |
CGCompiledT | |
CGCPUContext | |
CGCPUKernel | |
CGCPUKernelImpl | |
CGeneralizedHough | Finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform |
CGeneralizedHoughBallard | Finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform |
CGeneralizedHoughGuil | Finds arbitrary template in the grayscale image using Generalized Hough Transform |
CGFluidKernel | |
CGFluidKernelImpl | |
CGFluidOutputRois | |
CGFluidParallelOutputRois | |
CGFTTDetector | Wrapping class for feature detection using the goodFeaturesToTrack function |
CGIOProtoArgs | |
CGKernel | |
CGKernelImpl | |
CGKernelType | |
CGKernelType< K, std::function< R(Args...)> > | |
CGKernelTypeM | |
CGKernelTypeM< K, std::function< std::tuple< R... >(Args...)> > | |
CGMat | |
CGMatDesc | |
CGMatP | |
CGOCLContext | |
CGOCLKernel | |
CGOCLKernelImpl | |
Cgraph_dump_path | Ask G-API to dump compiled graph in Graphviz format under the given file name |
CGScalar | |
CGScalarDesc | |
CGTransform | |
CGTransformImpl | |
CGTransformImpl< K, std::function< R(Args...)> > | |
CHamming | |
CHOGDescriptor | Implementation of HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) descriptor and object detector |
CIn_Tag | |
CKalmanFilter | Kalman filter class |
CKAZE | Class implementing the KAZE keypoint detector and descriptor extractor, described in [2] |
CKeyPoint | Data structure for salient point detectors |
CKeyPointsFilter | A class filters a vector of keypoints |
CL1 | |
CL2 | |
CLDA | Linear Discriminant Analysis |
CLineIterator | Line iterator |
CLineSegmentDetector | Line segment detector class |
►CLMSolver | Levenberg-Marquardt solver |
CCallback | |
CMat | N-dimensional dense array class |
CMat_ | Template matrix class derived from Mat |
CMatAllocator | Custom array allocator |
CMatCommaInitializer_ | Comma-separated Matrix Initializer |
CMatConstIterator | |
CMatConstIterator_ | Matrix read-only iterator |
CMatExpr | Matrix expression representation |
CMatIterator_ | Matrix read-write iterator |
CMatOp | |
CMatSize | |
CMatStep | |
CMatx | Template class for small matrices whose type and size are known at compilation time |
CMatxCommaInitializer | Comma-separated Matrix Initializer |
CMercatorWarper | |
CMergeDebevec | The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response |
CMergeExposures | The base class algorithms that can merge exposure sequence to a single image |
CMergeMertens | Pixels are weighted using contrast, saturation and well-exposedness measures, than images are combined using laplacian pyramids |
CMergeRobertson | The resulting HDR image is calculated as weighted average of the exposures considering exposure values and camera response |
►CMinProblemSolver | Basic interface for all solvers |
CFunction | Represents function being optimized |
CMoments | Struct returned by cv::moments |
CMSER | Maximally stable extremal region extractor |
CNAryMatIterator | N-ary multi-dimensional array iterator |
CNode | |
CORB | Class implementing the ORB (oriented BRIEF) keypoint detector and descriptor extractor |
COut_Tag | |
CPaniniPortraitWarper | |
CPaniniWarper | |
CParallelLoopBody | Base class for parallel data processors |
CParallelLoopBodyLambdaWrapper | |
CParamType | |
CParamType< _Tp, typename std::enable_if< std::is_enum< _Tp >::value >::type > | |
CParamType< Algorithm > | |
CParamType< bool > | |
CParamType< double > | |
CParamType< float > | |
CParamType< Mat > | |
CParamType< Scalar > | |
CParamType< std::vector< Mat > > | |
CParamType< String > | |
CParamType< uchar > | |
CParamType< uint64 > | |
CParamType< unsigned > | |
CPCA | Principal Component Analysis |
CPlaneWarper | Plane warper factory class |
CPoint3_ | Template class for 3D points specified by its coordinates x , y and z |
CPoint_ | Template class for 2D points specified by its coordinates x and y |
CPyRotationWarper | |
CQRCodeDetector | |
CQtFont | QtFont available only for Qt |
CRange | Template class specifying a continuous subsequence (slice) of a sequence |
CRect_ | Template class for 2D rectangles |
CRNG | Random Number Generator |
CRNG_MT19937 | Mersenne Twister random number generator |
CRotatedRect | The class represents rotated (i.e |
CScalar_ | Template class for a 4-element vector derived from Vec |
CSimilarRects | Class for grouping object candidates, detected by Cascade Classifier, HOG etc |
►CSimpleBlobDetector | Class for extracting blobs from an image |
CParams | |
CSize_ | Template class for specifying the size of an image or rectangle |
CSL2 | |
Csoftdouble | |
Csoftfloat | |
►CSparseMat | The class SparseMat represents multi-dimensional sparse numerical arrays |
CHdr | Sparse matrix header |
CNode | Sparse matrix node - element of a hash table |
CSparseMat_ | Template sparse n-dimensional array class derived from SparseMat |
CSparseMatConstIterator | Read-Only Sparse Matrix Iterator |
CSparseMatConstIterator_ | Template Read-Only Sparse Matrix Iterator Class |
CSparseMatIterator | Read-write Sparse Matrix Iterator |
CSparseMatIterator_ | Template Read-Write Sparse Matrix Iterator Class |
CSparseOpticalFlow | Base interface for sparse optical flow algorithms |
CSparsePyrLKOpticalFlow | Class used for calculating a sparse optical flow |
CSphericalWarper | Spherical warper factory class |
CStereoBM | Class for computing stereo correspondence using the block matching algorithm, introduced and contributed to OpenCV by K |
CStereographicWarper | |
CStereoMatcher | The base class for stereo correspondence algorithms |
CStereoSGBM | The class implements the modified H |
CStitcher | High level image stitcher |
►CSubdiv2D | |
CQuadEdge | |
CVertex | |
CSVD | Singular Value Decomposition |
CTermCriteria | The class defining termination criteria for iterative algorithms |
CTickMeter | Class to measure passing time |
CTLSData | |
CTLSDataContainer | |
CTonemap | Base class for tonemapping algorithms - tools that are used to map HDR image to 8-bit range |
CTonemapDrago | Adaptive logarithmic mapping is a fast global tonemapping algorithm that scales the image in logarithmic domain |
CTonemapMantiuk | This algorithm transforms image to contrast using gradients on all levels of gaussian pyramid, transforms contrast values to HVS response and scales the response |
CTonemapReinhard | This is a global tonemapping operator that models human visual system |
CTransverseMercatorWarper | |
CUMat | |
CUMatData | |
Cv_reg | |
CV_TypeTraits | |
CV_TypeTraits< double > | |
CV_TypeTraits< float > | |
CV_TypeTraits< int64 > | |
CV_TypeTraits< schar > | |
CV_TypeTraits< short > | |
CV_TypeTraits< uchar > | |
CV_TypeTraits< uint64 > | |
CV_TypeTraits< unsigned > | |
CV_TypeTraits< ushort > | |
CVariationalRefinement | Variational optical flow refinement |
CVec | Template class for short numerical vectors, a partial case of Matx |
CVecCommaInitializer | Comma-separated Vec Initializer |
CVideoCapture | Class for video capturing from video files, image sequences or cameras |
CVideoWriter | Video writer class |
CWarperCreator | Image warper factories base class |
►Ncvflann | |
►Nanyimpl | |
Cbad_any_cast | |
Cbase_any_policy | |
Cchoose_policy | |
Cchoose_policy< any > | Choosing the policy for an any type is illegal, but should never happen |
Cchoose_policy< bool > | |
Cchoose_policy< float > | |
Cchoose_policy< signed char > | |
Cchoose_policy< signed long > | |
Cchoose_policy< signed short > | |
Cchoose_policy< unsigned char > | |
Cchoose_policy< unsigned long > | |
Cchoose_policy< unsigned short > | |
Cempty_any | |
CSinglePolicy | |
Ctyped_base_any_policy | |
►Nlsh | |
CLshStats | POD for stats about an LSH table |
CLshTable | Lsh hash table |
CAccumulator | |
CAccumulator< char > | |
CAccumulator< short > | |
CAccumulator< unsigned char > | |
CAccumulator< unsigned short > | |
Cany | |
CAutotunedIndex | |
CAutotunedIndexParams | |
CBranchStruct | |
CChiSquareDistance | |
CCompositeIndex | This index builds a kd-tree index and a k-means index and performs nearest neighbour search both indexes |
CCompositeIndexParams | Index parameters for the CompositeIndex |
CCreatorNotFound | |
CDatatype | |
CDatatype< char > | |
CDatatype< double > | |
CDatatype< float > | |
CDatatype< short > | |
CDatatype< unsigned char > | |
CDatatype< unsigned short > | |
CDynamicBitset | Class re-implementing the boost version of it This helps not depending on boost, it also does not do the bound checks and has a way to reset a block for speed |
CFalse | |
CFLANNException | |
CHamming | Hamming distance functor (pop count between two binary vectors, i.e |
CHamming2 | |
CHammingLUT | Hamming distance functor - counts the bit differences between two strings - useful for the Brief descriptor bit count of A exclusive XOR'ed with B |
►CHeap | Priority Queue Implementation |
CCompareT | |
CHellingerDistance | |
CHierarchicalClusteringIndex | Hierarchical index |
CHierarchicalClusteringIndexParams | |
CHistIntersectionDistance | |
CIndex | |
Cindex_creator | |
Cindex_creator< False, False, Distance > | |
Cindex_creator< False, VectorSpace, Distance > | |
CIndexHeader | Structure representing the index header |
CKDTreeIndex | Randomized kd-tree index |
CKDTreeIndexParams | |
CKDTreeSingleIndex | Randomized kd-tree index |
CKDTreeSingleIndexParams | |
CKL_Divergence | |
►CKMeansIndex | Hierarchical kmeans index |
CKMeansDistanceComputer | |
CKMeansIndexParams | |
CKNNRadiusUniqueResultSet | Class that holds the k NN neighbors within a radius distance |
CKNNResultSet | K-Nearest neighbour result set |
CKNNSimpleResultSet | KNNSimpleResultSet does not ensure that the element it holds are unique |
CKNNUniqueResultSet | Class that holds the k NN neighbors Faster than KNNResultSet as it uses a binary heap and does not maintain two arrays |
CL1 | |
CL2 | Squared Euclidean distance functor, optimized version |
CL2_Simple | Squared Euclidean distance functor |
CLinearIndex | |
CLinearIndexParams | |
CLogger | |
CLshIndex | Randomized kd-tree index |
CLshIndexParams | |
CMatrix | Class that implements a simple rectangular matrix stored in a memory buffer and provides convenient matrix-like access using the [] operators |
CMaxDistance | |
CMinkowskiDistance | |
CNNIndex | Nearest-neighbour index base class |
CObjectFactory | |
CPooledAllocator | |
CRadiusResultSet | A result-set class used when performing a radius based search |
CRadiusUniqueResultSet | Class that holds the radius nearest neighbors It is more accurate than RadiusResult as it is not limited in the number of neighbors |
CResultSet | |
CSavedIndexParams | (Deprecated) Index parameters for creating a saved index |
CSearchParams | |
CsimpleDistance | |
CsimpleDistance< ChiSquareDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsimpleDistance< HellingerDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsimpleDistance< L2< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsimpleDistance< L2_Simple< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsimpleDistance< MinkowskiDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance | |
CsquareDistance< ChiSquareDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance< HellingerDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance< L2< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance< L2_Simple< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CsquareDistance< MinkowskiDistance< ElementType >, ElementType > | |
CStartStopTimer | A start-stop timer class |
CTrue | |
CUniqueRandom | Random number generator that returns a distinct number from the [0,n) interval each time |
►CUniqueResultSet | Class that holds the k NN neighbors Faster than KNNResultSet as it uses a binary heap and does not maintain two arrays |
CDistIndex | |
CUntypedMatrix | |
CZeroIterator | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< cv::gapi::GBackend > | |
Chash< cv::GShape > | |
C<AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate> | |
CCv16suf | |
CCv32suf | |
CCv64suf | |
CCvAbstractCamera | |
CcvhalDFT | Dummy structure storing DFT/DCT context |
CcvhalFilter2D | Dummy structure storing filtering context |
CcvhalKeyPoint | |
CCvPhotoCamera | |
C<CvPhotoCameraDelegate > | |
CCvVideoCamera | |
C<CvVideoCameraDelegate > | |
CNSObject | |
C<NSObject> | |
C<NSObjectNSObject> | |
COpenCV_API_Header |