JUCE  v6.1.6 (6.0.8-1114)
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 Cjuce::Array< AnalyticsEvent >
 Cstd::array< bool, sizeof...(Processors)>
 Cjuce::Array< const juce::PopupMenu * >
 Cjuce::Array< double >
 Cjuce::Array< ElementType >
 Cjuce::Array< ElementType, DummyCriticalSection >
 Cjuce::Array< float >
 Cjuce::Array< FloatingType >
 Cjuce::Array< FloatType >
 Cjuce::Array< int >
 Cstd::array< int, 2 >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ActionListener *, DummyCriticalSection >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AnimatedPosition::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ApplicationCommandManagerListener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ArgumentList::Argument >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AttributedString::Attribute >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioChannelSet >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioDeviceManager::MidiCallbackInfo >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioIODeviceCallback * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioIODeviceType::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioProcessor::BusProperties >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioProcessorGraph::Node::Connection >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioProcessorListener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioProcessorParameter * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioProcessorParameter::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::AudioSource * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::BurgerMenuComponent::Row >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Button::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ChangeListener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::CodeDocument::Iterator >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::CodeDocument::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::CodeDocument::Position * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme::TokenType >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ColourGradient::ColourPoint >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ComboBox::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Component * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ComponentPeer * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ComponentPeer::ScaleFactorListener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::DarkModeSettingListener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Displays::Display >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::File >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::FileBrowserListener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::FilenameComponentListener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::FlexItem >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::FocusChangeListener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Grid::TrackInfo >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::GridItem >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::HashMap::HashEntry * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ImagePixelData::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::InAppPurchases::Download * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::InAppPurchases::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::KeyPress >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Label::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::LookAndFeel::ColourSetting, DummyCriticalSection >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MarkerList * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MarkerList::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MenuBarModel::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MidiDeviceInfo >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MidiKeyboardState::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MouseInactivityDetector::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MouseListener * >
 Cstd::array< juce::MPEChannelAssigner::MidiChannel, 17 >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MPEInstrument::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MPENote >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MPEZoneLayout::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::MultiTouchMapper::TouchInfo >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::NamedValueSet::NamedValue >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::OSCArgument >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::OSCBundle::Element >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::PluginDescription >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::PopupMenu::Item >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::PositionedGlyph >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::PushNotifications::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::PushNotifications::Notification::Action >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::PushNotifications::Settings::Category >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Range< int > >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Range< Type > >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ReadWriteLock::ThreadRecursionCount >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Rectangle >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ScrollBar::Listener * >
 Cstd::array< juce::SmoothedValue< float >, 2 >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::StandalonePluginHolder::PluginInOuts >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::StretchableObjectResizer::Item >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::String >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::TableHeaderComponent::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::TextDiff::Change >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::TextEditor::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::TextLayout::Glyph >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::TextPropertyComponent::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Thread::Listener *, juce::CriticalSection >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ThreadPoolJob * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::TimeSliceClient * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::URL >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Value *, DummyCriticalSection >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::Value::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::ValueTree::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::WeakReference< juce::Component > >
 Cjuce::Array< juce::XWindowSystemUtilities::XSettings::Listener * >
 Cjuce::Array< ListenerClass * >
 Cjuce::Array< NumericType >
 Cjuce::Array< SampleType >
 Cstd::array< SampleType, 3 >
 Cstd::array< SampleType, numStates >
 Cjuce::Array< SelectableItemType >
 Cjuce::Array< size_t >
 Cjuce::Array< uint8 >
 Cstd::atomic< bool >
 Cstd::atomic< double >
 Cstd::atomic< float >
 Cjuce::Atomic< float >
 Cstd::atomic< int >
 Cjuce::Atomic< int >
 Cstd::atomic< int32 >
 Cjuce::Atomic< int32 >
 Cstd::atomic< int64 >
 Cstd::atomic< juce::AudioPlayHead * >
 Cstd::atomic< juce::ThreadLocalValue::ObjectHolder * >
 Cjuce::Atomic< juce::ThreadLocalValue::ObjectHolder * >
 Cjuce::Atomic< Thread::ThreadID >
 Cstd::atomic< Thread::ThreadID >
 Cjuce::Atomic< ThreadID >
 Cstd::atomic< ThreadID >
 Cstd::atomic< Type * >
 Cstd::atomic< Type >
 Cstd::atomic< uint16 >
 Cjuce::Atomic< void * >
 Cstd::atomic< void * >
 Cjuce::dsp::AudioBlock< const SampleType >
 Cjuce::dsp::AudioBlock< float >
 Cjuce::AudioBuffer< double >
 Cjuce::AudioBuffer< float >
 Cjuce::AudioBuffer< SampleType >
 Cstd::basic_string< char >
 Cstd::basic_string< char16_t >
 Cstd::basic_string< char32_t >
 Cstd::basic_string< char8_t >
 Cstd::basic_string< wchar_t >
 Cstd::basic_string_view< char >
 Cstd::basic_string_view< char16_t >
 Cstd::basic_string_view< char32_t >
 Cstd::basic_string_view< char8_t >
 Cstd::basic_string_view< wchar_t >
 Cjuce::BorderSize< int >
 Cjuce::ComSmartPtr< juce::AccessibilityNativeHandle >
 Cjuce::ComSmartPtr< juce::UIATextProvider >
 Cjuce::dsp::DelayLine< SampleType, juce::dsp::DelayLineInterpolationTypes::Linear >
 Cjuce::dsp::DelayLine< SampleType, juce::dsp::DelayLineInterpolationTypes::Thiran >
 Cstd::deque< AnalyticsEvent >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< LogRampedValue< FloatType > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< SmoothedValue< float, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< SmoothedValue< FloatType, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< SmoothedValue< NumericType, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< SmoothedValue< SampleType, juce::ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< SmoothedValue< SampleType, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< SmoothedValueType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ActionSet * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< AnalyticsEvent >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< AnimationTask * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< CachedGlyphType * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ChannelInfo * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< char >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< char, true >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< CodeDocumentLine * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< CodeEditorLine * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< const float * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< const juce::PopupMenu * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< double >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< DragImageComponent * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ElementType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< float * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< float >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< FloatingType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< FloatType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< GlyphInfo * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< IIRCoefficients * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< int >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< Item * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ActionListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AnalyticsDestination * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AnimatedPosition::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ApplicationCommandInfo * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ApplicationCommandManagerListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ArgumentList::Argument >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AttributedString::Attribute >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioChannelSet >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioDeviceManager::MidiCallbackInfo >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioFormat * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioIODeviceCallback * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioIODeviceType * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioIODeviceType::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioPluginFormat * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioProcessor::Bus * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioProcessor::BusProperties >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioProcessorGraph::Node * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioProcessorGraph::Node::Connection >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioProcessorListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioProcessorParameter * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioProcessorParameter::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioProcessorParameterGroup::AudioProcessorParameterNode * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::AudioSource * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::BufferingAudioReader::BufferedBlock * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::BurgerMenuComponent::Row >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Button::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ChangeListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::CodeDocument::Iterator >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::CodeDocument::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::CodeDocument::Position * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme::TokenType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ColourGradient::ColourPoint >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ComboBox * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ComboBox::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Component * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ComponentPeer * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ComponentPeer::ScaleFactorListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::CoreGraphicsContext::SavedState * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::DarkModeSettingListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::DirectoryContentsList::FileInfo * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Displays::Display >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::DrawableButton * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::dsp::FirstOrderTPTFilter< SampleType > * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::File >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::FileBrowserListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::FilenameComponentListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::FlexItem >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::FocusChangeListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Grid::TrackInfo >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::GridItem >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::HashMap::HashEntry * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::IIRFilter * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ImagePixelData::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::InAppPurchases::Download * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::InAppPurchases::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::KeyPress >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::KeyPressMappingSet::CommandMapping * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::KeyPressMappingSet::KeyPressTime * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::KnownPluginList::PluginTree * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Label::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::LookAndFeel::ColourSetting >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::LowLevelGraphicsPostScriptRenderer::SavedState * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MarkerList * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MarkerList::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MarkerList::Marker * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MenuBarModel::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MessageManager::MessageBase * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MidiDeviceInfo >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MidiKeyboardState::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MidiMessageSequence * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MidiMessageSequence::MidiEventHolder * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MouseInactivityDetector::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MouseListener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MPEInstrument::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MPENote >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MPESynthesiserVoice * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MPEZoneLayout::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::MultiTouchMapper::TouchInfo >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::NamedValueSet::NamedValue >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::OSCArgument >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::OSCBundle::Element >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::PluginDescription >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::PopupMenu::Item >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::PositionedGlyph >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ProgressBar * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::PushNotifications::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::PushNotifications::Notification::Action >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::PushNotifications::Settings::Category >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Range< int > >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Range< Type > >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ReadWriteLock::ThreadRecursionCount >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Rectangle >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::RelativePointPath::ElementBase * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ResamplingAudioSource::FilterState >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ScrollBar::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::StandalonePluginHolder::PluginInOuts >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::StretchableLayoutManager::ItemLayoutProperties * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::StretchableObjectResizer::Item >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::String >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::SynthesiserSound * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::SynthesiserVoice * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TabbedButtonBar::TabInfo * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TableHeaderComponent::ColumnInfo * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TableHeaderComponent::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TextButton * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TextDiff::Change >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TextEditor * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TextEditor::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TextLayout::Glyph >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TextLayout::Line * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TextLayout::Run * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TextPropertyComponent::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Thread::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ThreadPoolJob * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Timer * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TimeSliceClient * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ToggleButton * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ToolbarItemComponent * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::TreeViewItem * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::UnitTestRunner::TestResult * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::URL >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::URL::Upload * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Value * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::Value::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::ValueTree::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::WeakReference< juce::Component > >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< juce::XWindowSystemUtilities::XSettings::Listener * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ListenerClass * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ModalItem * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< MonoProcessorType * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< NumericType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ObjectClass * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< OversamplingStage * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< PanelHolder * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< RenderingHelpers::SoftwareRendererSavedState * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< SampleType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< SavedState * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< SavedStateType * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< SelectableItemType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< size_t >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< SrcPixelType >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< StateObjectType * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< SwatchComponent * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ThreadPoolThread * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ThumbData * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ThumbnailCacheEntry * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< uint32 >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< uint8 >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< UniformTextSection * >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< Vst2::VstSpeakerArrangement >
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ZipEntryHolder * >
 Cjuce::IIRFilterBase< DummyCriticalSection >
 Cjuce::IIRFilterBase< SpinLock >
 Cjuce::AbstractFifoEncapsulates the logic required to implement a lock-free FIFO
 Cjuce::AbstractFifo::ScopedReadWrite< mode >Class for a scoped reader/writer
 Cjuce::AccessibilityActionsA simple wrapper for building a collection of supported accessibility actions and corresponding callbacks for a UI element
 Cjuce::AccessibilityCellInterfaceAn abstract interface which represents a UI element that supports a cell interface
 Cjuce::AccessibilityHandlerBase class for accessible Components
 Cjuce::AccessibilityHandler::InterfacesUtility struct which holds one or more accessibility interfaces
 Cjuce::AccessibilityTableInterfaceAn abstract interface which represents a UI element that supports a table interface
 Cjuce::AccessibilityTextInterfaceAn abstract interface which represents a UI element that supports a text interface
 Cjuce::AccessibilityValueInterfaceAn abstract interface representing the value of an accessibility element
 Cjuce::AccessibilityValueInterface::AccessibleValueRangeRepresents the range of this value, if supported
 Cjuce::AccessibilityValueInterface::AccessibleValueRange::MinAndMaxThe minimum and maximum values for this range, inclusive
 Cjuce::AccessibleStateRepresents the state of an accessible UI element
 Cjuce::ActionBroadcasterManages a list of ActionListeners, and can send them messages
 Cjuce::ActionListenerInterface class for delivery of events that are sent by an ActionBroadcaster
 Cjuce::ADSRA very simple ADSR envelope class
 Cjuce::ADSR::ParametersHolds the parameters being used by an ADSR object
 Cjuce::AffineTransformRepresents a 2D affine-transformation matrix
 Cjuce::AlertWindow::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide alert-window drawing functionality
 Cjuce::AnalyticsDestinationAn interface for handling analytics events collected by an Analytics object
 Cjuce::AnalyticsDestination::AnalyticsEventContains information about an event to be logged
 Cjuce::AnimatedPosition< Behaviour >::ListenerImplement this class if you need to receive callbacks when the value of an AnimatedPosition changes
 Cjuce::AnimatedPositionBehaviours::ContinuousWithMomentumA non-snapping behaviour that allows the content to be freely flicked in either direction, with momentum based on the velocity at which it was released, and variable friction to make it come to a halt
 Cjuce::AnimatedPositionBehaviours::SnapToPageBoundariesA behaviour that gravitates an AnimatedPosition object towards the nearest integer position when released
 Cjuce::AppleRemoteDeviceReceives events from an Apple IR remote control device (Only available in OSX!)
 Cjuce::ApplicationCommandInfoHolds information describing an application command
 Cjuce::ApplicationCommandManagerListenerA listener that receives callbacks from an ApplicationCommandManager when commands are invoked or the command list is changed
 Cjuce::ApplicationCommandTargetA command target publishes a list of command IDs that it can perform
 Cjuce::ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfoContains contextual details about the invocation of a command
 Cjuce::ApplicationPropertiesManages a collection of properties
 Cjuce::ArgumentListHolds a list of command-line arguments, and provides useful methods for searching and operating on them
 Cjuce::ArgumentList::ArgumentOne of the arguments in an ArgumentList
 Cjuce::Array< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse, minimumAllocatedSize >Holds a resizable array of primitive or copy-by-value objects
 Cjuce::AsyncUpdaterHas a callback method that is triggered asynchronously
 Cjuce::Atomic< Type >A simple wrapper around std::atomic
 Cjuce::AttributedStringA text string with a set of colour/font settings that are associated with sub-ranges of the text
 Cjuce::AttributedString::AttributeAn attribute that has been applied to a range of characters in an AttributedString
 Cjuce::AudioBuffer< Type >A multi-channel buffer containing floating point audio samples
 Cjuce::AudioCDBurner::BurnProgressListenerReceives progress callbacks during a cd-burn operation
 Cjuce::AudioChannelSetRepresents a set of audio channel types
 Cjuce::AudioDataThis class a container which holds all the classes pertaining to the AudioData::Pointer audio sample format class
 Cjuce::AudioData::ChannelData< IsInterleaved, IsConst, Format >
 Cjuce::AudioData::ChannelDataSubtypes< IsInterleaved, IsConst,... >
 Cjuce::AudioData::ChannelDataSubtypes< IsInterleaved, IsConst, DataFormat, Endianness >
 Cjuce::AudioData::ChannelDataSubtypes< IsInterleaved, IsConst, Format< DataFormat, Endianness > >
 Cjuce::AudioData::ConverterA base class for objects that are used to convert between two different sample formats
 Cjuce::AudioData::Format< DataFormatIn, EndiannessIn >A struct that contains a SampleFormat and Endianness to be used with the source and destination types when calling the interleaveSamples() and deinterleaveSamples() helpers
 Cjuce::AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetupThis structure holds a set of properties describing the current audio setup
 Cjuce::AudioFormatSubclasses of AudioFormat are used to read and write different audio file formats
 Cjuce::AudioFormatManagerA class for keeping a list of available audio formats, and for deciding which one to use to open a given file
 Cjuce::AudioFormatReaderReads samples from an audio file stream
 Cjuce::AudioFormatReader::ReadHelper< DestSampleType, SourceSampleType, SourceEndianness >Used by AudioFormatReader subclasses to copy data to different formats
 Cjuce::AudioFormatWriterWrites samples to an audio file stream
 Cjuce::AudioFormatWriter::ThreadedWriterProvides a FIFO for an AudioFormatWriter, allowing you to push incoming data into a buffer which will be flushed to disk by a background thread
 Cjuce::AudioFormatWriter::ThreadedWriter::IncomingDataReceiverReceiver for incoming data
 Cjuce::AudioFormatWriter::WriteHelper< DestSampleType, SourceSampleType, DestEndianness >Used by AudioFormatWriter subclasses to copy data to different formats
 Cjuce::AudioIODeviceBase class for an audio device with synchronised input and output channels
 Cjuce::AudioIODeviceCallbackOne of these is passed to an AudioIODevice object to stream the audio data in and out
 Cjuce::AudioIODeviceTypeRepresents a type of audio driver, such as DirectSound, ASIO, CoreAudio, etc
 Cjuce::AudioIODeviceType::ListenerA class for receiving events when audio devices are inserted or removed
 Cjuce::AudioPlayHeadA subclass of AudioPlayHead can supply information about the position and status of a moving play head during audio playback
 Cjuce::AudioPlayHead::CurrentPositionInfoThis structure is filled-in by the AudioPlayHead::getCurrentPosition() method
 Cjuce::AudioPlayHead::FrameRateMore descriptive frame rate type
 Cjuce::AudioPluginFormatManagerThis maintains a list of known AudioPluginFormats
 Cjuce::AudioProcessLoadMeasurerMaintains an ongoing measurement of the proportion of time which is being spent inside an audio callback
 Cjuce::AudioProcessLoadMeasurer::ScopedTimerThis class measures the time between its construction and destruction and adds it to an AudioProcessLoadMeasurer
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorBase class for audio processing classes or plugins
 Cjuce::AudioProcessor::BusDescribes the layout and properties of an audio bus
 Cjuce::AudioProcessor::BusesLayoutRepresents the bus layout state of a plug-in
 Cjuce::AudioProcessor::BusesPropertiesStructure used for AudioProcessor Callbacks
 Cjuce::AudioProcessor::BusPropertiesStructure used for AudioProcessor Callbacks
 Cjuce::AudioProcessor::CurveDataSome plug-ins support sharing response curve data with the host so that it can display this curve on a console or in the mixer panel
 Cjuce::AudioProcessor::TrackPropertiesA struct containing information about the DAW track inside which your AudioProcessor is loaded
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorEditor::ParameterControlHighlightInfoUsed by the setParameterHighlighting() method
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorEditorHostContextCalling AudioProcessorEditor::getHostContext() may return a pointer to an instance of this class
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorGraph::ConnectionRepresents a connection between two channels of two nodes in an AudioProcessorGraph
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorGraph::NodeAndChannelRepresents an input or output channel of a node in an AudioProcessorGraph
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorGraph::NodeIDEach node in the graph has a UID of this type
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorListenerBase class for listeners that want to know about changes to an AudioProcessor
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorListener::ChangeDetailsProvides details about aspects of an AudioProcessor which have changed
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorParameterAn abstract base class for parameter objects that can be added to an AudioProcessor
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorParameter::ListenerA base class for listeners that want to know about changes to an AudioProcessorParameter
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorParameterGroupA class encapsulating a group of AudioProcessorParameters and nested AudioProcessorParameterGroups
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorParameterGroup::AudioProcessorParameterNodeA child of an AudioProcessorParameterGroup
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorParameterWithIDAttributesAn instance of this class may be passed to the constructor of an AudioProcessorParameterWithID to set optional characteristics of that parameter
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ButtonAttachmentAn object of this class maintains a connection between a Button and a parameter in an AudioProcessorValueTreeState
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ComboBoxAttachmentAn object of this class maintains a connection between a ComboBox and a parameter in an AudioProcessorValueTreeState
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ListenerA listener class that can be attached to an AudioProcessorValueTreeState
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ParameterLayoutA class to contain a set of RangedAudioParameters and AudioProcessorParameterGroups containing RangedAudioParameters
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::SliderAttachmentAn object of this class maintains a connection between a Slider and a parameter in an AudioProcessorValueTreeState
 Cjuce::AudioProcessorValueTreeStateParameterAttributesAdvanced properties of an AudioProcessorValueTreeState::Parameter
 Cjuce::AudioSourceBase class for objects that can produce a continuous stream of audio
 Cjuce::AudioSourceChannelInfoUsed by AudioSource::getNextAudioBlock()
 Cjuce::AudioThumbnailCacheAn instance of this class is used to manage multiple AudioThumbnail objects
 Cjuce::Base64Contains some static methods for converting between binary and the standard base-64 encoding format
 Cjuce::BigIntegerAn arbitrarily large integer class
 Cjuce::BlowFishBlowFish encryption class
 Cjuce::BluetoothMidiDevicePairingDialogueOpens a Bluetooth MIDI pairing dialogue that allows the user to view and connect to Bluetooth MIDI devices that are currently found nearby
 Cjuce::BorderSize< ValueType >Specifies a set of gaps to be left around the sides of a rectangle
 Cjuce::BubbleComponent::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::Button::ListenerUsed to receive callbacks when a button is clicked
 Cjuce::Button::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide button-drawing functionality
 Cjuce::ByteOrderContains static methods for converting the byte order between different endiannesses
 Cjuce::CachedComponentImageBase class used internally for structures that can store cached images of component state
 Cjuce::CallOutBox::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::CameraDeviceControls any video capture devices that might be available
 Cjuce::CameraDevice::ListenerReceives callbacks with individual frames from a CameraDevice
 Cjuce::CFObjectDeleter< CFType >
 Cjuce::CFObjectHolder< CFType >
 Cjuce::ChangeBroadcasterHolds a list of ChangeListeners, and sends messages to them when instructed
 Cjuce::ChangeListenerReceives change event callbacks that are sent out by a ChangeBroadcaster
 Cjuce::CharacterFunctionsA collection of functions for manipulating characters and character strings
 Cjuce::CharacterFunctions::HexParser< ResultType >Parses a character string, to read a hexadecimal value
 Cjuce::CharPointer_ASCIIWraps a pointer to a null-terminated ASCII character string, and provides various methods to operate on the data
 Cjuce::CharPointer_UTF16Wraps a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-16 character string, and provides various methods to operate on the data
 Cjuce::CharPointer_UTF32Wraps a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-32 character string, and provides various methods to operate on the data
 Cjuce::CharPointer_UTF8Wraps a pointer to a null-terminated UTF-8 character string, and provides various methods to operate on the data
 Cjuce::ChildProcessLaunches and monitors a child process
 Cjuce::ChildProcessCoordinatorActs as the coordinator in a coordinator/worker pair of connected processes
 Cjuce::ChildProcessWorkerActs as the worker end of a coordinator/worker pair of connected processes
 Cjuce::CodeDocumentA class for storing and manipulating a source code file
 Cjuce::CodeDocument::IteratorIterates the text in a CodeDocument
 Cjuce::CodeDocument::ListenerAn object that receives callbacks from the CodeDocument when its text changes
 Cjuce::CodeDocument::PositionA position in a code document
 Cjuce::CodeEditorComponent::ColourSchemeDefines a syntax highlighting colour scheme
 Cjuce::CodeEditorComponent::ColourScheme::TokenTypeDefines a colour for a token type
 Cjuce::CodeEditorComponent::StateCan be used to save and restore the editor's caret position, selection state, etc
 Cjuce::CodeTokeniserA base class for tokenising code so that the syntax can be displayed in a code editor
 Cjuce::ColourRepresents a colour, also including a transparency value
 Cjuce::ColourGradientDescribes the layout and colours that should be used to paint a colour gradient
 Cjuce::ComboBox::ListenerA class for receiving events from a ComboBox
 Cjuce::ComboBox::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide ComboBox functionality
 Cjuce::Component::BailOutCheckerA class to keep an eye on a component and check for it being deleted
 Cjuce::Component::PositionerBase class for objects that can be used to automatically position a component according to some kind of algorithm
 Cjuce::Component::SafePointer< ComponentType >Holds a pointer to some type of Component, which automatically becomes null if the component is deleted
 Cjuce::ComponentBoundsConstrainerA class that imposes restrictions on a Component's size or position
 Cjuce::ComponentBuilder::ImageProviderThis class is used when references to images need to be stored in ValueTrees
 Cjuce::ComponentBuilder::TypeHandlerThe class is a base class for objects that manage the loading of a type of component from a ValueTree
 Cjuce::ComponentDraggerAn object to take care of the logic for dragging components around with the mouse
 Cjuce::ComponentListenerGets informed about changes to a component's hierarchy or position
 Cjuce::ComponentPeerThe Component class uses a ComponentPeer internally to create and manage a real operating-system window
 Cjuce::ComponentPeer::DragInfoStructure to describe drag and drop information
 Cjuce::ComponentPeer::OptionalBorderSizeRepresents the window borders around a window component
 Cjuce::ComponentPeer::ScaleFactorListenerUsed to receive callbacks when the OS scale factor of this ComponentPeer changes
 Cjuce::ComponentTraverserBase class for traversing components
 Cjuce::ComSmartPtr< ComClass >A simple COM smart pointer
 Cjuce::ConcertinaPanel::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::ConsoleApplicationRepresents a the set of commands that a console app can perform, and provides helper functions for performing them
 Cjuce::ConsoleApplication::CommandRepresents a command that can be executed if its command-line arguments are matched
 Cjuce::ContainerDeletePolicy< ObjectType >Used by container classes as an indirect way to delete an object of a particular type
 Cjuce::CppTokeniserFunctionsClass containing some basic functions for simple tokenising of C++ code
 Cjuce::CppTokeniserFunctions::StringIteratorA class that can be passed to the CppTokeniserFunctions functions in order to parse a String
 Cjuce::CriticalSectionA re-entrant mutex
 Cjuce::DarkModeSettingListenerClasses can implement this interface and register themselves with the Desktop class to receive callbacks when the operating system dark mode setting changes
 Cjuce::DatagramSocketA wrapper for a datagram (UDP) socket
 Cjuce::DecibelsThis class contains some helpful static methods for dealing with decibel values
 Cjuce::DefaultElementComparator< ElementType >A simple ElementComparator class that can be used to sort an array of objects that support the '<' operator
 Cjuce::DefaultHashFunctionsA simple class to generate hash functions for some primitive types, intended for use with the HashMap class
 Cjuce::DeletedAtShutdownClasses derived from this will be automatically deleted when the application exits
 Cjuce::DialogWindow::LaunchOptionsThis class defines a collection of settings to be used to open a DialogWindow
 Cjuce::DirectoryContentsDisplayComponentA base class for components that display a list of the files in a directory
 Cjuce::DirectoryContentsList::FileInfoContains cached information about one of the files in a DirectoryContentsList
 Cjuce::DirectoryEntryDescribes the attributes of a file or folder
 Cjuce::DisplaysManages details about connected display devices
 Cjuce::Displays::DisplayRepresents a connected display device
 Cjuce::DocumentWindow::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide window drawing functionality
 Cjuce::DragAndDropContainerEnables drag-and-drop behaviour for a component and all its sub-components
 Cjuce::DragAndDropTargetComponents derived from this class can have things dropped onto them by a DragAndDropContainer
 Cjuce::DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetailsContains details about the source of a drag-and-drop operation
 Cjuce::Draggable3DOrientationStores a 3D orientation, which can be rotated by dragging with the mouse
 Cjuce::DropShadowDefines a drop-shadow effect
 Cjuce::dsp::AudioBlock< SampleType >Minimal and lightweight data-structure which contains a list of pointers to channels containing some kind of sample data
 Cjuce::dsp::BallisticsFilter< SampleType >A processor to apply standard attack / release ballistics to an input signal
 Cjuce::dsp::Bias< FloatType >Adds a DC offset (voltage bias) to the audio samples
 Cjuce::dsp::Chorus< SampleType >A simple chorus DSP widget that modulates the delay of a delay line in order to create sweeping notches in the magnitude frequency response
 Cjuce::dsp::Compressor< SampleType >A simple compressor with standard threshold, ratio, attack time and release time controls
 Cjuce::dsp::ConvolutionPerforms stereo partitioned convolution of an input signal with an impulse response in the frequency domain, using the JUCE FFT class
 Cjuce::dsp::Convolution::LatencyContains configuration information for a convolution with a fixed latency
 Cjuce::dsp::Convolution::NonUniformContains configuration information for a non-uniform convolution
 Cjuce::dsp::ConvolutionMessageQueueUsed by the Convolution to dispatch engine-update messages on a background thread
 Cjuce::dsp::DelayLine< SampleType, InterpolationType >A delay line processor featuring several algorithms for the fractional delay calculation, block processing, and sample-by-sample processing useful when modulating the delay in real time or creating a standard delay effect with feedback
 Cjuce::dsp::DelayLineInterpolationTypes::Lagrange3rdSuccessive samples in the delay line will be interpolated using a 3rd order Lagrange interpolator
 Cjuce::dsp::DelayLineInterpolationTypes::LinearSuccessive samples in the delay line will be linearly interpolated
 Cjuce::dsp::DelayLineInterpolationTypes::NoneNo interpolation between successive samples in the delay line will be performed
 Cjuce::dsp::DelayLineInterpolationTypes::ThiranSuccessive samples in the delay line will be interpolated using 1st order Thiran interpolation
 Cjuce::dsp::DryWetMixer< SampleType >A processor to handle dry/wet mixing of two audio signals, where the wet signal may have additional latency
 Cjuce::dsp::FastMathApproximationsThis class contains various fast mathematical function approximations
 Cjuce::dsp::FFTPerforms a fast fourier transform
 Cjuce::dsp::FilterDesign< FloatType >This class provides a set of functions which generates FIR::Coefficients and IIR::Coefficients, of high-order low-pass filters
 Cjuce::dsp::FilterDesign< FloatType >::IIRPolyphaseAllpassStructureThe structure returned by the function designIIRLowpassHalfBandPolyphaseAllpassMethod
 Cjuce::dsp::FIR::Coefficients< NumericType >A set of coefficients for use in an FIRFilter object
 Cjuce::dsp::FIR::Filter< SampleType >A processing class that can perform FIR filtering on an audio signal, in the time domain
 Cjuce::dsp::FirstOrderTPTFilter< SampleType >A first order filter class using the TPT (Topology-Preserving Transform) structure
 Cjuce::dsp::FixedSizeFunction< len, Ret(Args...)>A type similar to std::function that holds a callable object
 Cjuce::dsp::Gain< FloatType >Applies a gain to audio samples as single samples or AudioBlocks
 Cjuce::dsp::IIR::ArrayCoefficients< NumericType >A set of coefficients for use in an Filter object
 Cjuce::dsp::IIR::Filter< SampleType >A processing class that can perform IIR filtering on an audio signal, using the Transposed Direct Form II digital structure
 Cjuce::dsp::LadderFilter< SampleType >Multi-mode filter based on the Moog ladder filter
 Cjuce::dsp::Limiter< SampleType >A simple limiter with standard threshold and release time controls, featuring two compressors and a hard clipper at 0 dB
 Cjuce::dsp::LinkwitzRileyFilter< SampleType >A filter class designed to perform multi-band separation using the TPT (Topology-Preserving Transform) structure
 Cjuce::dsp::LookupTable< FloatType >Class for efficiently approximating expensive arithmetic operations
 Cjuce::dsp::LookupTableTransform< FloatType >Class for approximating expensive arithmetic operations
 Cjuce::dsp::Matrix< ElementType >General matrix and vectors class, meant for classic math manipulation such as additions, multiplications, and linear systems of equations solving
 Cjuce::dsp::NoiseGate< SampleType >A simple noise gate with standard threshold, ratio, attack time and release time controls
 Cjuce::dsp::Oscillator< SampleType >Generates a signal based on a user-supplied function
 Cjuce::dsp::Oversampling< SampleType >A processor that performs multi-channel oversampling
 Cjuce::dsp::Panner< SampleType >A processor to perform panning operations on stereo buffers
 Cjuce::dsp::Phase< Type >Represents an increasing phase value between 0 and 2*pi
 Cjuce::dsp::Phaser< SampleType >A 6 stage phaser that modulates first order all-pass filters to create sweeping notches in the magnitude frequency response
 Cjuce::dsp::Polynomial< FloatingType >A class representing a polynomial
 Cjuce::dsp::ProcessContextNonReplacing< ContextSampleType >Contains context information that is passed into an algorithm's process method
 Cjuce::dsp::ProcessContextReplacing< ContextSampleType >Contains context information that is passed into an algorithm's process method
 Cjuce::dsp::ProcessorBaseActs as a polymorphic base class for processors
 Cjuce::dsp::ProcessorChain< Processors >This variadically-templated class lets you join together any number of processor classes into a single processor which will call process() on them all in sequence
 Cjuce::dsp::ProcessorDuplicator< MonoProcessorType, StateType >Converts a mono processor class into a multi-channel version by duplicating it and applying multichannel buffers across an array of instances
 Cjuce::dsp::ProcessSpecThis structure is passed into a DSP algorithm's prepare() method, and contains information about various aspects of the context in which it can expect to be called
 Cjuce::dsp::ReverbProcessor wrapper around juce::Reverb for easy integration into ProcessorChain
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >Useful fallback routines to use if the native SIMD op is not supported
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarAdd
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarAnd
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarEq
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarGeq
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarGt
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarMax
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarMin
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarMul
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarNeq
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarNot
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarOr
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarSub
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::ScalarXor
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::UnionMaskType
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDFallbackOps< ScalarType, vSIMDType >::UnionType
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::Log2Helper< n >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::Log2Helper< 1 >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< Primitive >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< char >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< double >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< float >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< int16_t >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< int32_t >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< int64_t >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< int8_t >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< std::complex< double > >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< std::complex< float > >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::PrimitiveType< Primitive >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::PrimitiveType< std::complex< Primitive > >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDRegister< Type >A wrapper around the platform's native SIMD register type
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDRegister< Type >::ElementAccess
 Cjuce::dsp::SpecialFunctionsContains miscellaneous filter design and windowing functions
 Cjuce::dsp::StateVariableFilter::Filter< SampleType >An IIR filter that can perform low, band and high-pass filtering on an audio signal, with 12 dB of attenuation per octave, using a TPT structure, designed for fast modulation (see Vadim Zavalishin's documentation about TPT structures for more information)
 Cjuce::dsp::StateVariableFilter::Parameters< NumericType >Structure used for the state variable filter parameters
 Cjuce::dsp::StateVariableTPTFilter< SampleType >An IIR filter that can perform low, band and high-pass filtering on an audio signal, with 12 dB of attenuation per octave, using a TPT structure, designed for fast modulation (see Vadim Zavalishin's documentation about TPT structures for more information)
 Cjuce::dsp::WaveShaper< FloatType, Function >Applies waveshaping to audio samples as single samples or AudioBlocks
 Cjuce::dsp::WindowingFunction< FloatType >A class which provides multiple windowing functions useful for filter design and spectrum analyzers
 Cjuce::DummyCriticalSectionA class that can be used in place of a real CriticalSection object, but which doesn't perform any locking
 Cjuce::DummyCriticalSection::ScopedLockTypeA dummy scoped-lock type to use with a dummy critical section
 Cjuce::DynamicLibraryHandles the opening and closing of DLLs
 Cjuce::EdgeTableA table of horizontal scan-line segments - used for rasterising Paths
 Cjuce::ExpressionA class for dynamically evaluating simple numeric expressions
 Cjuce::Expression::ScopeWhen evaluating an Expression object, this class is used to resolve symbols and perform functions that the expression uses
 Cjuce::Expression::Scope::VisitorUsed as a callback by the Scope::visitRelativeScope() method
 Cjuce::Expression::SymbolRepresents a symbol that is used in an Expression
 Cjuce::ExtensionsVisitorCreate a derived implementation of this class and pass it to AudioPluginInstance::getExtensions() to retrieve format-specific information about a plugin instance
 Cjuce::ExtensionsVisitor::AudioUnitClientCan be used to retrieve information about an AudioUnit that is wrapped by an AudioProcessor
 Cjuce::ExtensionsVisitor::UnknownIndicates that there is no platform specific information available
 Cjuce::ExtensionsVisitor::VST3ClientCan be used to retrieve information about a VST3 that is wrapped by an AudioProcessor
 Cjuce::ExtensionsVisitor::VSTClientCan be used to retrieve information about a VST that is wrapped by an AudioProcessor
 Cjuce::ExtraLookAndFeelBaseClassesThis class is used to hold a few look and feel base classes which are associated with classes that may not be present because they're from modules other than juce_gui_basics
 Cjuce::ExtraLookAndFeelBaseClasses::AudioDeviceSelectorComponentMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::ExtraLookAndFeelBaseClasses::KeyMappingEditorComponentMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::ExtraLookAndFeelBaseClasses::LassoComponentMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::FileRepresents a local file or directory
 Cjuce::File::NaturalFileComparatorComparator for files
 Cjuce::FileBrowserComponent::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide various file-browser layout and drawing methods
 Cjuce::FileBrowserListenerA listener for user selection events in a file browser
 Cjuce::FileChooserCreates a dialog box to choose a file or directory to load or save
 Cjuce::FileDragAndDropTargetComponents derived from this class can have files dropped onto them by an external application
 Cjuce::FileFilterInterface for deciding which files are suitable for something
 Cjuce::FilenameComponent::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::FilenameComponentListenerListens for events happening to a FilenameComponent
 Cjuce::FileSearchPathRepresents a set of folders that make up a search path
 Cjuce::FillTypeRepresents a colour or fill pattern to use for rendering paths
 Cjuce::FlexBoxRepresents a FlexBox container, which contains and manages the layout of a set of FlexItem objects
 Cjuce::FlexItemDescribes the properties of an item inside a FlexBox container
 Cjuce::FlexItem::MarginRepresents a margin
 Cjuce::FocusChangeListenerClasses can implement this interface and register themselves with the Desktop class to receive callbacks when the currently focused component changes
 Cjuce::FocusOutline::OutlineWindowPropertiesDefines the focus outline window properties
 Cjuce::FontRepresents a particular font, including its size, style, etc
 Cjuce::GenericInterpolator< InterpolatorTraits, memorySize >An interpolator base class for resampling streams of floats
 Cjuce::GenericScopedLock< LockType >Automatically locks and unlocks a mutex object
 Cjuce::GenericScopedTryLock< LockType >Automatically locks and unlocks a mutex object
 Cjuce::GenericScopedUnlock< LockType >Automatically unlocks and re-locks a mutex object
 Cjuce::GlyphArrangementA set of glyphs, each with a position
 Cjuce::GraphicsA graphics context, used for drawing a component or image
 Cjuce::Graphics::ScopedSaveStateUses RAII to save and restore the state of a graphics context
 Cjuce::GridContainer that handles geometry for grid layouts (fixed columns and rows) using a set of declarative rules
 Cjuce::Grid::FrA fractional ratio integer
 Cjuce::Grid::PxA size in pixels
 Cjuce::Grid::TrackInfoRepresents a track
 Cjuce::GridItemDefines an item in a Grid
 Cjuce::GridItem::MarginRepresents a margin
 Cjuce::GridItem::PropertyRepresents a property
 Cjuce::GridItem::SpanRepresents a span
 Cjuce::GridItem::StartAndEndPropertyRepresents start and end properties
 Cjuce::GroupComponent::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::HashMap< KeyType, ValueType, HashFunctionType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >Holds a set of mappings between some key/value pairs
 Cjuce::HashMap< KeyType, ValueType, HashFunctionType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::HashEntry
 Cjuce::HashMap< KeyType, ValueType, HashFunctionType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >::IteratorIterates over the items in a HashMap
 Cjuce::HeapBlock< ElementType, throwOnFailure >Very simple container class to hold a pointer to some data on the heap
 Cjuce::HeavyweightLeakedObjectDetector< OwnerClass >This class is a useful way of tracking down hard to find memory leaks when the regular LeakedObjectDetector isn't enough
 Cjuce::HeavyweightLeakedObjectDetector< OwnerClass >::BacktraceMapHolder
 Cjuce::HighResolutionTimerA high-resolution periodic timer
 Cjuce::HostProvidedContextMenuThis wraps a context menu for a specific parameter, as provided by the host
 Cjuce::IdentifierRepresents a string identifier, designed for accessing properties by name
 Cjuce::IIRCoefficientsA set of coefficients for use in an IIRFilter object
 Cjuce::IIRFilterBase< Mutex >An IIR filter that can perform low, high, or band-pass filtering on an audio signal
 Cjuce::ImageHolds a fixed-size bitmap
 Cjuce::Image::BitmapDataRetrieves a section of an image as raw pixel data, so it can be read or written to
 Cjuce::Image::BitmapData::BitmapDataReleaserUsed internally by custom image types to manage pixel data lifetime
 Cjuce::ImageButton::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::ImageCacheA global cache of images that have been loaded from files or memory
 Cjuce::ImageConvolutionKernelRepresents a filter kernel to use in convoluting an image
 Cjuce::ImageEffectFilterA graphical effect filter that can be applied to components
 Cjuce::ImageFileFormatBase-class for codecs that can read and write image file formats such as PNG, JPEG, etc
 Cjuce::ImagePixelData::ListenerUsed to receive callbacks for image data changes
 Cjuce::ImageTypeThis base class is for handlers that control a type of image manipulation format, e.g
 Cjuce::InAppPurchases::DownloadIOS only: represents in-app purchase download
 Cjuce::InAppPurchases::ListenerRepresents an object that gets notified about events such as product info returned or product purchase finished
 Cjuce::InAppPurchases::Listener::PurchaseInfoStructure holding purchase information
 Cjuce::InAppPurchases::ProductRepresents a product available in the store
 Cjuce::InAppPurchases::PurchaseRepresents a purchase of a product in the store
 Cjuce::InputSourceA lightweight object that can create a stream to read some kind of resource
 Cjuce::InputStreamThe base class for streams that read data
 Cjuce::InterpolatorsA collection of different interpolators for resampling streams of floats
 Cjuce::InterprocessConnectionManages a simple two-way messaging connection to another process, using either a socket or a named pipe as the transport medium
 Cjuce::InterProcessLockActs as a critical section which processes can use to block each other
 Cjuce::InterProcessLock::ScopedLockTypeAutomatically locks and unlocks an InterProcessLock object
 Cjuce::IPAddressRepresents an IP address
 Cjuce::JavascriptEngineA simple javascript interpreter!
 Cjuce::JSONContains static methods for converting JSON-formatted text to and from var objects
 Cjuce::JUCEApplicationBaseAbstract base class for application classes
 Cjuce::JustificationRepresents a type of justification to be used when positioning graphical items
 Cjuce::KeyboardComponentBase::NoteAndVelocityThis structure is returned by the getNoteAndVelocityAtPosition() method
 Cjuce::KeyGenerationContains static utilities for generating key-files that can be unlocked by the OnlineUnlockStatus class
 Cjuce::KeyListenerReceives callbacks when keys are pressed
 Cjuce::KeyPressRepresents a key press, including any modifier keys that are needed
 Cjuce::KnownPluginList::CustomScannerClass to define a custom plugin scanner
 Cjuce::KnownPluginList::PluginTreeA structure that recursively holds a tree of plugins
 Cjuce::Label::ListenerA class for receiving events from a Label
 Cjuce::Label::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide label drawing functionality
 Cjuce::LassoSource< SelectableItemType >A class used by the LassoComponent to manage the things that it selects
 Cjuce::LeakedObjectDetector< OwnerClass >Embedding an instance of this class inside another class can be used as a low-overhead way of detecting leaked instances
 Cjuce::LeakedObjectDetector< OwnerClass >::LeakCounter
 Cjuce::Line< ValueType >Represents a line
 Cjuce::LinkedListPointer< ObjectType >Helps to manipulate singly-linked lists of objects
 Cjuce::LinkedListPointer< ObjectType >::AppenderAllows efficient repeated insertions into a list
 Cjuce::ListBoxModelA subclass of this is used to drive a ListBox
 Cjuce::ListenerList< ListenerClass, ArrayType >Holds a set of objects and can invoke a member function callback on each object in the set with a single call
 Cjuce::ListenerList< ListenerClass, ArrayType >::DummyBailOutCheckerA dummy bail-out checker that always returns false
 Cjuce::ListenerList< ListenerClass, ArrayType >::Iterator< BailOutCheckerType, ListType >Iterates the listeners in a ListenerList
 Cjuce::LocalisedStringsUsed to convert strings to localised foreign-language versions
 Cjuce::LocalRef< JavaType >
 Cjuce::LoggerActs as an application-wide logging class
 Cjuce::LookAndFeel_V4::ColourSchemeA struct containing the set of colours to apply to the GUI
 Cjuce::LowLevelGraphicsContextInterface class for graphics context objects, used internally by the Graphics class
 Cjuce::LowLevelGraphicsPostScriptRenderer::SavedStateDescribes a saved state
 Cjuce::MACAddressRepresents a MAC network card adapter address ID
 Cjuce::MarkerListHolds a set of named marker points along a one-dimensional axis
 Cjuce::MarkerList::ListenerA class for receiving events when changes are made to a MarkerList
 Cjuce::MarkerList::MarkerRepresents a marker in a MarkerList
 Cjuce::MarkerList::MarkerListHolderA base class for objects that want to provide a MarkerList
 Cjuce::MarkerList::ValueTreeWrapperForms a wrapper around a ValueTree that can be used for storing a MarkerList
 Cjuce::MathConstants< FloatType >Commonly used mathematical constants
 Cjuce::Matrix3D< Type >A 4x4 3D transformation matrix
 Cjuce::MD5MD5 checksum class
 Cjuce::MemoryBlockA class to hold a resizable block of raw data
 Cjuce::MemoryMappedFileMaps a file into virtual memory for easy reading and/or writing
 Cjuce::MenuBarModel::ListenerA class to receive callbacks when a MenuBarModel changes
 Cjuce::MessageBoxOptionsClass used to create a set of options to pass to the AlertWindow and NativeMessageBox methods for showing dialog boxes
 Cjuce::MessageListenerMessageListener subclasses can post and receive Message objects
 Cjuce::MessageManagerThis class is in charge of the application's event-dispatch loop
 Cjuce::MessageManager::LockA lock you can use to lock the message manager
 Cjuce::MetaSuperFn< T, b >
 Cjuce::MetaSuperFn< T, false >
 Cjuce::MidiBufferHolds a sequence of time-stamped midi events
 Cjuce::MidiBufferIteratorAn iterator to move over contiguous raw MIDI data, which Allows iterating over a MidiBuffer using C++11 range-for syntax
 Cjuce::MidiDataConcatenatorHelper class that takes chunks of incoming midi bytes, packages them into messages, and dispatches them to a midi callback
 Cjuce::MidiDeviceInfoThis struct contains information about a MIDI input or output device
 Cjuce::MidiFileReads/writes standard midi format files
 Cjuce::MidiInputRepresents a midi input device
 Cjuce::MidiInputCallbackReceives incoming messages from a physical MIDI input device
 Cjuce::MidiKeyboardStateRepresents a piano keyboard, keeping track of which keys are currently pressed
 Cjuce::MidiKeyboardState::ListenerReceives events from a MidiKeyboardState object
 Cjuce::MidiMessageEncapsulates a MIDI message
 Cjuce::MidiMessage::VariableLengthValueHolds information about a variable-length value which was parsed from a stream of bytes
 Cjuce::MidiMessageMetadataA view of MIDI message data stored in a contiguous buffer
 Cjuce::MidiMessageSequenceA sequence of timestamped midi messages
 Cjuce::MidiMessageSequence::MidiEventHolderStructure used to hold midi events in the sequence
 Cjuce::MidiRPNDetectorParses a stream of MIDI data to assemble RPN and NRPN messages from their constituent MIDI CC messages
 Cjuce::MidiRPNGeneratorGenerates an appropriate sequence of MIDI CC messages to represent an RPN or NRPN message
 Cjuce::MidiRPNMessageRepresents a MIDI RPN (registered parameter number) or NRPN (non-registered parameter number) message
 Cjuce::ModalCallbackFunctionThis class provides some handy utility methods for creating ModalComponentManager::Callback objects that will invoke a static function with some parameters when a modal component is dismissed
 Cjuce::ModalComponentManager::CallbackReceives callbacks when a modal component is dismissed
 Cjuce::ModifierKeysRepresents the state of the mouse buttons and modifier keys
 Cjuce::MountedVolumeListChangeDetectorAn instance of this class will provide callbacks when drives are mounted or unmounted on the system
 Cjuce::MouseCursorRepresents a mouse cursor image
 Cjuce::MouseEventContains position and status information about a mouse event
 Cjuce::MouseInactivityDetector::ListenerClasses should implement this to receive callbacks from a MouseInactivityDetector when the mouse becomes active or inactive
 Cjuce::MouseInputSourceRepresents a linear source of mouse events from a mouse device or individual finger in a multi-touch environment
 Cjuce::MouseListenerA MouseListener can be registered with a component to receive callbacks about mouse events that happen to that component
 Cjuce::MouseWheelDetailsContains status information about a mouse wheel event
 Cjuce::MPEChannelAssignerThis class handles the assignment of new MIDI notes to member channels of an active MPE zone
 Cjuce::MPEChannelRemapperThis class handles the logic for remapping MIDI note messages from multiple MPE sources onto a specified MPE zone
 Cjuce::MPEInstrumentThis class represents an instrument handling MPE
 Cjuce::MPEInstrument::ListenerDerive from this class to be informed about any changes in the MPE notes played by this instrument, and any changes to its zone layout
 Cjuce::MPEMessagesThis helper class contains the necessary helper functions to generate MIDI messages that are exclusive to MPE, such as defining the upper and lower MPE zones and setting per-note and master pitchbend ranges
 Cjuce::MPENoteThis struct represents a playing MPE note
 Cjuce::MPESynthesiserVoiceRepresents an MPE voice that an MPESynthesiser can use to play a sound
 Cjuce::MPEValueThis class represents a single value for any of the MPE dimensions of control
 Cjuce::MPEZoneThis struct represents an MPE zone
 Cjuce::MPEZoneLayoutThis class represents the current MPE zone layout of a device capable of handling MPE
 Cjuce::MPEZoneLayout::ListenerListener class
 Cjuce::MultiTimerA type of timer class that can run multiple timers with different frequencies, all of which share a single callback
 Cjuce::MultiTouchMapper< IDType >
 Cjuce::MultiTouchMapper< IDType >::TouchInfo
 Cjuce::NamedPipeA cross-process pipe that can have data written to and read from it
 Cjuce::NamedValueSetHolds a set of named var objects
 Cjuce::NamedValueSet::NamedValueStructure for a named var object
 Cjuce::NativeMessageBoxThis class contains some static methods for showing native alert windows
 Cjuce::NeedsStret< T >
 Cjuce::NeedsStret< void >
 Cjuce::NetworkServiceDiscoveryContains classes that implement a simple protocol for broadcasting the availability and location of a discoverable service on the local network, and for maintaining a list of known services
 Cjuce::NetworkServiceDiscovery::ServiceContains information about a service that has been found on the network
 Cjuce::NewLineThis class is used for represent a new-line character sequence
 Cjuce::NormalisableRange< ValueType >Represents a mapping between an arbitrary range of values and a normalised 0->1 range
 Cjuce::NullCheckedInvocationSome helper methods for checking a callable object before invoking with the specified arguments
 Cjuce::ObjCBlock< BlockType >
 Cjuce::ObjCClass< SuperclassType >
 Cjuce::ObjCObjectHandle< T >
 Cjuce::OnlineUnlockStatusA base class for online unlocking systems
 Cjuce::OnlineUnlockStatus::MachineIDUtilitiesThis class contains some utility functions that might help with machine ID generation
 Cjuce::OnlineUnlockStatus::UnlockResultThis provides some details about the reply that the server gave in a call to attemptWebserverUnlock()
 Cjuce::OpenGLContextCreates an OpenGL context, which can be attached to a component
 Cjuce::OpenGLExtensionFunctionsThis class contains a generated list of OpenGL extension functions, which are either dynamically loaded for a specific GL context, or simply call-through to the appropriate OS function where available
 Cjuce::OpenGLFrameBufferCreates an openGL frame buffer
 Cjuce::OpenGLGraphicsContextCustomShaderUsed to create custom shaders for use with an openGL 2D rendering context
 Cjuce::OpenGLHelpersA set of miscellaneous openGL helper functions
 Cjuce::OpenGLPixelFormatRepresents the various properties of an OpenGL pixel format
 Cjuce::OpenGLRendererA base class that should be implemented by classes which want to render openGL on a background thread
 Cjuce::OpenGLShaderProgramManages an OpenGL shader program
 Cjuce::OpenGLShaderProgram::AttributeRepresents an openGL vertex attribute value
 Cjuce::OpenGLShaderProgram::UniformRepresents an openGL uniform value
 Cjuce::OpenGLTextureCreates an openGL texture from an Image
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< ObjectType >Holds a pointer to an object which can optionally be deleted when this pointer goes out of scope
 Cjuce::OSCAddressAn OSC address
 Cjuce::OSCAddressPatternAn OSC address pattern
 Cjuce::OSCArgumentAn OSC argument
 Cjuce::OSCBundleAn OSC bundle
 Cjuce::OSCBundle::ElementAn OSC bundle element
 Cjuce::OSCColourHolds a 32-bit RGBA colour for passing to and from an OSCArgument
 Cjuce::OSCMessageAn OSC Message
 Cjuce::OSCReceiverA class for receiving OSC data
 Cjuce::OSCReceiver::Listener< CallbackType >A class for receiving OSC data from an OSCReceiver
 Cjuce::OSCReceiver::ListenerWithOSCAddress< CallbackType >A class for receiving only those OSC messages from an OSCReceiver that match a given OSC address
 Cjuce::OSCReceiver::MessageLoopCallbackUse this struct as the template parameter for Listener and ListenerWithOSCAddress to receive incoming OSC data on the message thread
 Cjuce::OSCReceiver::RealtimeCallbackUse this struct as the template parameter for Listener and ListenerWithOSCAddress to receive incoming OSC data immediately after it arrives, called directly on the network thread that listens to incoming OSC traffic
 Cjuce::OSCSenderAn OSC message sender
 Cjuce::OSCTimeTagAn OSC time tag
 Cjuce::OSCTypesThe definitions of supported OSC types and their associated OSC type tags, as defined in the OpenSoundControl 1.0 specification
 Cjuce::OutputStreamThe base class for streams that write data to some kind of destination
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >An array designed for holding objects
 Cjuce::Parallelogram< ValueType >Represents a parallelogram that is defined by 3 points
 Cjuce::ParameterIDCombines a parameter ID and a version hint
 Cjuce::PathA path is a sequence of lines and curves that may either form a closed shape or be open-ended
 Cjuce::Path::IteratorIterates the lines and curves that a path contains
 Cjuce::PathFlatteningIteratorFlattens a Path object into a series of straight-line sections
 Cjuce::PathStrokeTypeDescribes a type of stroke used to render a solid outline along a path
 Cjuce::PenDetailsContains status information about a pen event
 Cjuce::PerformanceCounterA timer for measuring performance of code and dumping the results to a file
 Cjuce::PerformanceCounter::StatisticsHolds the current statistics
 Cjuce::PixelAlphaRepresents an 8-bit single-channel pixel, and can perform compositing operations on it
 Cjuce::PixelARGBRepresents a 32-bit INTERNAL pixel with premultiplied alpha, and can perform compositing operations with it
 Cjuce::PixelRGBRepresents a 24-bit RGB pixel, and can perform compositing operations on it
 Cjuce::PluginDescriptionA small class to represent some facts about a particular type of plug-in
 Cjuce::PluginDirectoryScannerScans a directory for plugins, and adds them to a KnownPluginList
 Cjuce::PluginHostTypeA useful utility class to determine the host or DAW in which your plugin is loaded
 Cjuce::Point< ValueType >A pair of (x, y) coordinates
 Cjuce::PopupMenuCreates and displays a popup-menu
 Cjuce::PopupMenu::ItemDescribes a popup menu item
 Cjuce::PopupMenu::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide menu drawing functionality
 Cjuce::PopupMenu::MenuItemIteratorAllows you to iterate through the items in a pop-up menu, and examine their properties
 Cjuce::PopupMenu::OptionsClass used to create a set of options to pass to the show() method
 Cjuce::PositionedGlyphA glyph from a particular font, with a particular size, style, typeface and position
 Cjuce::PrimesPrime number creation class
 Cjuce::ProcessRepresents the current executable's process
 Cjuce::ProgressBar::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::PropertiesFile::OptionsStructure describing properties file options
 Cjuce::PropertyComponent::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::PropertySetA set of named property values, which can be strings, integers, floating point, etc
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::ChannelAndroid API level 26 or higher only: Represents notification channel through which notifications will be sent
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::ChannelGroupAndroid API level 26 or higher only: represents a channel group
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::ListenerRegister a listener (ideally on application startup) to receive information about notifications received and any callbacks to async functions called
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::NotificationRepresents a notification that can be sent or received
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::Notification::ActionRepresents an action on a notification that can be presented as a button or a text input
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::Notification::LedBlinkPatternAllows to control the time the device's led is on and off
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::Notification::ProgressUsed to represent a progress of some operation
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::SettingsDescribes settings we want to use for current device
 Cjuce::PushNotifications::Settings::CategoryDescribes a category of a notification
 Cjuce::Quaternion< Type >Holds a quaternion (a 3D vector and a scalar value)
 Cjuce::RandomA random number generator
 Cjuce::Range< ValueType >A general-purpose range object, that simply represents any linear range with a start and end point
 Cjuce::RangedAudioParameterAttributes< Derived, Value >
 Cjuce::RangedDirectoryIteratorAllows iterating over files and folders using C++11 range-for syntax
 Cjuce::ReadWriteLockA critical section that allows multiple simultaneous readers
 Cjuce::RecentlyOpenedFilesListManages a set of files for use as a list of recently-opened documents
 Cjuce::Rectangle< ValueType >Manages a rectangle and allows geometric operations to be performed on it
 Cjuce::RectangleList< ValueType >Maintains a set of rectangles as a complex region
 Cjuce::RectanglePlacementDefines the method used to position some kind of rectangular object within a rectangular viewport
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedArray< ObjectClass, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >Holds a list of objects derived from ReferenceCountedObject, or which implement basic reference-count handling methods
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectA base class which provides methods for reference-counting
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< ObjectType >A smart-pointer class which points to a reference-counted object
 Cjuce::RelativeCoordinateExpresses a coordinate as a dynamically evaluated expression
 Cjuce::RelativeCoordinate::StringsA set of static strings that are commonly used by the RelativeCoordinate class
 Cjuce::RelativeParallelogramA parallelogram defined by three RelativePoint positions
 Cjuce::RelativePointAn X-Y position stored as a pair of RelativeCoordinate values
 Cjuce::RelativePointPathA path object that consists of RelativePoint coordinates rather than the normal fixed ones
 Cjuce::RelativePointPath::ElementBaseBase class for the elements that make up a RelativePointPath
 Cjuce::RelativeRectangleA rectangle stored as a set of RelativeCoordinate values
 Cjuce::RelativeTimeA relative measure of time
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::ClipRegions< SavedStateType >
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::ClipRegions< SavedStateType >::RectangleListRegion::SubRectangleIterator
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::ClipRegions< SavedStateType >::RectangleListRegion::SubRectangleIteratorFloat
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::EdgeTableFillers::ImageFill< DestPixelType, SrcPixelType, repeatPattern >Fills an edge-table with a non-transformed image
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::EdgeTableFillers::SolidColour< PixelType, replaceExisting >Fills an edge-table with a solid colour
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::EdgeTableFillers::TransformedImageFill< DestPixelType, SrcPixelType, repeatPattern >Fills an edge-table with a transformed image
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::EdgeTableFillers::TransformedImageFill< DestPixelType, SrcPixelType, repeatPattern >::TransformedImageSpanInterpolator
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::EdgeTableFillers::TransformedImageFill< DestPixelType, SrcPixelType, repeatPattern >::TransformedImageSpanInterpolator::BresenhamInterpolator
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::FloatRectangleRasterisingInfoCalculates the alpha values and positions for rendering the edges of a non-pixel-aligned rectangle
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::GradientPixelIterators::LinearIterates the colour of pixels in a linear gradient
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::GradientPixelIterators::RadialIterates the colour of pixels in a circular radial gradient
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::SavedStateBase< SavedStateType >
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::SavedStateStack< StateObjectType >
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::TranslationOrTransformHolds either a simple integer translation, or an affine transform
 Cjuce::ReservoirHelper functions for managing buffered readers
 Cjuce::ResizableBorderComponent::ZoneRepresents the different sections of a resizable border, which allow it to resized in different ways
 Cjuce::ResizableWindow::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide window drawing functionality
 Cjuce::ResultRepresents the 'success' or 'failure' of an operation, and holds an associated error message to describe the error when there's a failure
 Cjuce::ReverbPerforms a simple reverb effect on a stream of audio data
 Cjuce::Reverb::ParametersHolds the parameters being used by a Reverb object
 Cjuce::RSAKeyRSA public/private key-pair encryption class
 Cjuce::ScaledImageAn image that will be resampled before it is drawn
 Cjuce::ScopedAutoReleasePoolA handy C++ wrapper that creates and deletes an NSAutoreleasePool object using RAII
 Cjuce::ScopedDPIAwarenessDisablerA Windows-specific class that temporarily sets the DPI awareness context of the current thread to be DPI unaware and resets it to the previous context when it goes out of scope
 Cjuce::ScopedJuceInitialiser_GUIA utility object that helps you initialise and shutdown JUCE correctly using an RAII pattern
 Cjuce::ScopedLowPowerModeDisablerDisables low-power-mode for the duration of an instance's lifetime
 Cjuce::ScopedNoDenormalsHelper class providing an RAII-based mechanism for temporarily disabling denormals on your CPU
 Cjuce::ScopedReadLockAutomatically locks and unlocks a ReadWriteLock object
 Cjuce::ScopedTimeMeasurementSimple RAII class for measuring the time spent in a scope
 Cjuce::ScopedValueSetter< ValueType >Helper class providing an RAII-based mechanism for temporarily setting and then re-setting a value
 Cjuce::ScopedWriteLockAutomatically locks and unlocks a ReadWriteLock object
 Cjuce::ScrollBar::ListenerA class for receiving events from a ScrollBar
 Cjuce::ScrollBar::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide scrollbar-drawing functionality
 Cjuce::SHA256SHA-256 secure hash generator
 Cjuce::SharedResourcePointer< SharedObjectType >A smart-pointer that automatically creates and manages the lifetime of a shared static instance of a class
 Cjuce::SharedResourcePointer< SharedObjectType >::SharedObjectHolder
 Cjuce::SidePanel::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide SidePanel drawing functionality
 Cjuce::SingleThreadedAbstractFifoEncapsulates the logic for a single-threaded FIFO
 Cjuce::SingleThreadedReferenceCountedObjectAdds reference-counting to an object
 Cjuce::Slider::ListenerA class for receiving callbacks from a Slider
 Cjuce::Slider::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide slider drawing functionality
 Cjuce::Slider::RotaryParametersStructure defining rotary parameters for a slider
 Cjuce::Slider::ScopedDragNotificationAn RAII class for sending slider listener drag messages
 Cjuce::Slider::SliderLayoutA struct defining the placement of the slider area and the text box area relative to the bounds of the whole Slider component
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >A base class for the smoothed value classes
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< T >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< SmoothedValueClass< FloatType > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValueType >::FloatTypeHelper< SmoothedValueClass< FloatType, SmoothingType > >
 Cjuce::SortedSet< ElementType, TypeOfCriticalSectionToUse >Holds a set of unique primitive objects, such as ints or doubles
 Cjuce::SparseSet< Type >Holds a set of primitive values, storing them as a set of ranges
 Cjuce::SpeakerMappings::MappingStructure describing a mapping
 Cjuce::SpeakerMappings::VstSpeakerConfigurationHolderClass to hold a speaker configuration
 Cjuce::SpinLockA simple spin-lock class that can be used as a simple, low-overhead mutex for uncontended situations
 Cjuce::StandalonePluginHolder::PluginInOutsStructure used for the number of inputs and outputs
 Cjuce::StatisticsAccumulator< FloatType >A class that measures various statistics about a series of floating point values that it is given
 Cjuce::StatisticsAccumulator< FloatType >::KahanSum
 Cjuce::StreamingSocketA wrapper for a streaming (TCP) socket
 Cjuce::StretchableLayoutManagerFor laying out a set of components, where the components have preferred sizes and size limits, but where they are allowed to stretch to fill the available space
 Cjuce::StretchableLayoutResizerBar::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::StretchableObjectResizerA utility class for fitting a set of objects whose sizes can vary between a minimum and maximum size, into a space
 Cjuce::StringThe JUCE String class!
 Cjuce::StringArrayA special array for holding a list of strings
 Cjuce::StringPairArrayA container for holding a set of strings which are keyed by another string
 Cjuce::StringPoolA StringPool holds a set of shared strings, which reduces storage overheads and improves comparison speed when dealing with many duplicate strings
 Cjuce::StringRefA simple class for holding temporary references to a string literal or String
 Cjuce::SynthesiserBase class for a musical device that can play sounds
 Cjuce::SynthesiserVoiceRepresents a voice that a Synthesiser can use to play a SynthesiserSound
 Cjuce::SystemAudioVolumeContains functions to control the system's master volume
 Cjuce::SystemClipboardHandles reading/writing to the system's clipboard
 Cjuce::SystemStatsContains methods for finding out about the current hardware and OS configuration
 Cjuce::TabbedButtonBar::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide window drawing functionality
 Cjuce::TableHeaderComponent::ListenerReceives events from a TableHeaderComponent when columns are resized, moved, etc
 Cjuce::TableHeaderComponent::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::TableListBoxModelOne of these is used by a TableListBox as the data model for the table's contents
 Cjuce::TemporaryFileManages a temporary file, which will be deleted when this object is deleted
 Cjuce::TextDiffCalculates and applies a sequence of changes to convert one text string into another
 Cjuce::TextDiff::ChangeDescribes a change, which can be either an insertion or deletion
 Cjuce::TextDragAndDropTargetComponents derived from this class can have text dropped onto them by an external application
 Cjuce::TextEditor::InputFilterBase class for input filters that can be applied to a TextEditor to restrict the text that can be entered
 Cjuce::TextEditor::ListenerReceives callbacks from a TextEditor component when it changes
 Cjuce::TextEditor::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide TextEditor drawing functionality
 Cjuce::TextEditorKeyMapper< CallbackClass >This class is used to invoke a range of text-editor navigation methods on an object, based upon a keypress event
 Cjuce::TextInputTargetAn abstract base class which can be implemented by components that function as text editors
 Cjuce::TextLayoutA Pre-formatted piece of text, which may contain multiple fonts and colours
 Cjuce::TextLayout::DereferencingIterator< Iterator >
 Cjuce::TextLayout::GlyphA positioned glyph
 Cjuce::TextLayout::LineA line containing a sequence of glyph-runs
 Cjuce::TextLayout::RunA sequence of glyphs with a common font and colour
 Cjuce::TextPropertyComponent::ListenerUsed to receive callbacks for text changes
 Cjuce::ThreadEncapsulates a thread
 Cjuce::Thread::ListenerUsed to receive callbacks for thread exit calls
 Cjuce::ThreadLocalValue< Type >Provides cross-platform support for thread-local objects
 Cjuce::ThreadLocalValue< Type >::ObjectHolder
 Cjuce::ThreadPoolA set of threads that will run a list of jobs
 Cjuce::ThreadPool::JobSelectorA callback class used when you need to select which ThreadPoolJob objects are suitable for some kind of operation
 Cjuce::ThreadPoolJobA task that is executed by a ThreadPool object
 Cjuce::TimeHolds an absolute date and time
 Cjuce::TimerMakes repeated callbacks to a virtual method at a specified time interval
 Cjuce::TimeSliceClientUsed by the TimeSliceThread class
 Cjuce::Toolbar::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes
 Cjuce::ToolbarItemFactoryA factory object which can create ToolbarItemComponent objects
 Cjuce::TooltipClientComponents that want to use pop-up tooltips should implement this interface
 Cjuce::TooltipWindow::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide window drawing functionality
 Cjuce::TreeView::LookAndFeelMethodsThis abstract base class is implemented by LookAndFeel classes to provide TreeView drawing functionality
 Cjuce::TreeViewItemAn item in a TreeView
 Cjuce::TreeViewItem::OpennessRestorerThis handy class takes a copy of a TreeViewItem's openness when you create it, and restores that openness state when its destructor is called
 Cjuce::TypeHelpers::ParameterType< Type >The ParameterType struct is used to find the best type to use when passing some kind of object as a parameter
 Cjuce::TypeHelpers::SmallestFloatType< Type >These templates are designed to take a type, and if it's a double, they return a double type; for anything else, they return a float type
 Cjuce::TypeHelpers::UnsignedTypeWithSize< bytes >These templates are designed to take an integer type, and return an unsigned int version with the same size
 Cjuce::UndoableActionUsed by the UndoManager class to store an action which can be done and undone
 Cjuce::UnitTestThis is a base class for classes that perform a unit test
 Cjuce::UnitTestRunnerRuns a set of unit tests
 Cjuce::UnitTestRunner::TestResultContains the results of a test
 Cjuce::URLRepresents a URL and has a bunch of useful functions to manipulate it
 Cjuce::URL::DownloadTaskRepresents a download task
 Cjuce::URL::DownloadTaskListenerUsed to receive callbacks for download progress
 Cjuce::URL::DownloadTaskOptionsHolds options that can be specified when starting a new download with downloadToFile()
 Cjuce::URL::InputStreamOptionsClass used to create a set of options to pass to the createInputStream() method
 Cjuce::UuidA universally unique 128-bit identifier
 Cjuce::UUIDGetter< Type >
 Cjuce::UUIDGetter<::IUnknown >
 Cjuce::ValueRepresents a shared variant value
 Cjuce::Value::ListenerReceives callbacks when a Value object changes
 Cjuce::ValueSmoothingTypes::LinearUsed to indicate a linear smoothing between values
 Cjuce::ValueSmoothingTypes::MultiplicativeUsed to indicate a smoothing between multiplicative values
 Cjuce::ValueTreeA powerful tree structure that can be used to hold free-form data, and which can handle its own undo and redo behaviour
 Cjuce::ValueTree::ComparatorAdapter< ElementComparator >
 Cjuce::ValueTree::IteratorIterator for a ValueTree
 Cjuce::ValueTree::ListenerListener class for events that happen to a ValueTree
 Cjuce::varA variant class, that can be used to hold a range of primitive values
 Cjuce::var::NativeFunctionArgsThis structure is passed to a NativeFunction callback, and contains invocation details about the function's arguments and context
 Cjuce::VariantConverter< Type >This template-overloaded class can be used to convert between var and custom types
 Cjuce::Vector3D< Type >A three-coordinate vector
 Cjuce::VST3ClientExtensionsAn interface to allow an AudioProcessor to implement extended VST3-specific functionality
 Cjuce::VSTCallbackHandlerAn interface to allow an AudioProcessor to send and receive VST specific calls from the host
 Cjuce::VSTPluginFormat::ExtraFunctionsBase class for some extra functions that can be attached to a VST plugin instance
 Cjuce::WaitableEventAllows threads to wait for events triggered by other threads
 Cjuce::WeakReference< ObjectType, ReferenceCountingType >This class acts as a pointer which will automatically become null if the object to which it points is deleted
 Cjuce::WeakReference< ObjectType, ReferenceCountingType >::MasterThis class is embedded inside an object to which you want to attach WeakReference pointers
 Cjuce::WebInputStream::ListenerUsed to receive callbacks for POST data send progress
 Cjuce::WebView2PreferencesClass used to create a set of preferences to pass to the WindowsWebView2WebBrowserComponent wrapper constructor to modify aspects of its behaviour and settings
 Cjuce::WhirlpoolWhirlpool hash class
 Cjuce::WindowsRegistryContains some static helper functions for manipulating the MS Windows registry (Only available on Windows, of course!)
 Cjuce::XmlDocumentParses a text-based XML document and creates an XmlElement object from it
 Cjuce::XmlElementUsed to build a tree of elements representing an XML document
 Cjuce::XmlElement::TextFormatA struct containing options for formatting the text when representing an XML element as a string
 Cjuce::XWindowSystemUtilities::AtomsInitialises and stores some atoms for the display
 Cjuce::XWindowSystemUtilities::GetXPropertyGets a specified window property and stores its associated data, freeing it on deletion
 Cjuce::XWindowSystemUtilities::ScopedXLockA handy struct that uses XLockDisplay and XUnlockDisplay to lock the X server using RAII
 Cjuce::XWindowSystemUtilities::XSettingRepresents a setting according to the XSETTINGS specification
 Cjuce::XWindowSystemUtilities::XSettingsParses and stores the X11 settings for a display according to the XSETTINGS specification
 Cjuce::ZipFileDecodes a ZIP file from a stream
 Cjuce::ZipFile::BuilderUsed to create a new zip file
 Cjuce::ZipFile::ZipEntryContains information about one of the entries in a ZipFile
 Cjuce::LinkedListPointer< juce::XmlElement >
 Cjuce::LinkedListPointer< juce::XmlElement::XmlAttributeNode >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::AnimatedPosition::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::ApplicationCommandManagerListener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::AudioIODeviceType::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::Button::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::ChangeListener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::CodeDocument::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::ComboBox::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::ComponentPeer::ScaleFactorListener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::DarkModeSettingListener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::FileBrowserListener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::FilenameComponentListener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::FocusChangeListener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::ImagePixelData::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::InAppPurchases::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::Label::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::MarkerList::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::MenuBarModel::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::MidiKeyboardState::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::MouseInactivityDetector::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::MouseListener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::MPEInstrument::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::MPEZoneLayout::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::PushNotifications::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::ScrollBar::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::TextEditor::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::TextPropertyComponent::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::Thread::Listener, juce::Array< juce::Thread::Listener *, juce::CriticalSection > >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::Value::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::ValueTree::Listener >
 Cjuce::ListenerList< juce::XWindowSystemUtilities::XSettings::Listener >
 Cjuce::dsp::LookupTable< NumericType >
 Cjuce::dsp::LookupTable< SampleType >
 Cjuce::dsp::LookupTableTransform< NumericType >
 Cjuce::dsp::LookupTableTransform< SampleType >
 Cstd::map< AccessibilityActionType, std::function< void()> >
 Cstd::map< HeavyweightLeakedObjectDetector< OwnerClass > *, String >
 Cstd::map< int, uint16 >
 Cstd::map< juce::StringRef, std::unique_ptr< ParameterAdapter >, juce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::StringRefLessThan >
 Cjuce::dsp::SIMDInternal::MaskTypeFor< ScalarType >
 Cjuce::NormalisableRange< float >
 Cjuce::ObjCClass< NSObject >
 Cjuce::ObjCClass< NSOpenGLView >
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< juce::AudioFormatReader >
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< juce::AudioSource >
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< juce::Component >
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< juce::InputStream >
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< juce::OutputStream >
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< juce::PositionableAudioSource >
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< juce::PropertySet >
 Cjuce::OptionalScopedPointer< juce::TextEditor::InputFilter >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< ActionSet >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< AnimationTask >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< ChannelInfo >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< CodeDocumentLine >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< CodeEditorLine >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< DragImageComponent >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< GlyphInfo >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< Item >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::AnalyticsDestination >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::ApplicationCommandInfo >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::AudioFormat >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::AudioIODeviceType >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::AudioPluginFormat >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::AudioProcessor::Bus >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::AudioProcessorParameterGroup::AudioProcessorParameterNode >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::AudioSource >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::BufferingAudioReader::BufferedBlock >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::ComboBox >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::Component >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::CoreGraphicsContext::SavedState >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::DirectoryContentsList::FileInfo >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::DrawableButton >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::dsp::FirstOrderTPTFilter< SampleType > >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::IIRFilter >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::KeyPressMappingSet::CommandMapping >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::KeyPressMappingSet::KeyPressTime >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::KnownPluginList::PluginTree >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::LowLevelGraphicsPostScriptRenderer::SavedState >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::MarkerList::Marker >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::MidiMessageSequence >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::MidiMessageSequence::MidiEventHolder >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::MPESynthesiserVoice >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::ProgressBar >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::RelativePointPath::ElementBase >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::StretchableLayoutManager::ItemLayoutProperties >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::SynthesiserVoice >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::TabbedButtonBar::TabInfo >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::TableHeaderComponent::ColumnInfo >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::TextButton >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::TextEditor >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::TextLayout::Line >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::TextLayout::Run >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::Timer >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::ToggleButton >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::ToolbarItemComponent >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::TreeViewItem >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< juce::UnitTestRunner::TestResult, juce::CriticalSection >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< ModalItem >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< MonoProcessorType >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< OversamplingStage >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< PanelHolder >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< RenderingHelpers::SoftwareRendererSavedState >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< SavedState >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< SavedStateType >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< StateObjectType >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< SwatchComponent >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< ThreadPoolThread >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< ThumbData >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< ThumbnailCacheEntry >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< UniformTextSection >
 Cjuce::OwnedArray< ZipEntryHolder >
 Cjuce::Parallelogram< float >
 Cjuce::dsp::Phase< NumericType >
 CVideoComponent::Pimpl::PlayerControllerBase< PlayerController >
 Cjuce::Point< float >
 Cjuce::Point< int >
 Cjuce::Quaternion< float >
 Cjuce::Range< double >
 Cjuce::Range< float >
 Cjuce::Range< int >
 Cjuce::Range< int64 >
 Cjuce::Range< Type >
 Cjuce::RangedAudioParameterAttributes< AudioParameterBoolAttributes, bool >
 Cjuce::RangedAudioParameterAttributes< AudioParameterChoiceAttributes, int >
 Cjuce::RangedAudioParameterAttributes< AudioParameterFloatAttributes, float >
 Cjuce::RangedAudioParameterAttributes< AudioParameterIntAttributes, int >
 Cjuce::Rectangle< float >
 Cjuce::Rectangle< int >
 Cjuce::RectangleList< int >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedArray< CachedGlyphType >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedArray< IIRCoefficients >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedArray< juce::AudioProcessorGraph::Node >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedArray< juce::MessageManager::MessageBase, juce::CriticalSection >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedArray< juce::SynthesiserSound >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedArray< juce::URL::Upload >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< AsyncUpdaterMessage >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< BlockingMessage >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< Bookmark >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< juce::ImagePixelData >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< juce::PopupMenu::CustomCallback >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< juce::PopupMenu::CustomComponent >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< juce::ReferenceCountedObject >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< juce::Value::ValueSource >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< LevelMeter >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< RootObject >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< SharedFontInternal >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< SharedObject >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< SharedPointer >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< SynthesiserSound >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< Term >
 Cjuce::ReferenceCountedObjectPtr< Typeface >
 Cjuce::Component::SafePointer< juce::AudioProcessorEditor >
 Cjuce::Component::SafePointer< juce::Component >
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::SavedStateBase< SoftwareRendererSavedState >
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::SavedStateStack< RenderingHelpers::SoftwareRendererSavedState >
 Cjuce::RenderingHelpers::SavedStateStack< SavedStateType >
 Cstd::shared_ptr< DirectoryIterator >
 Cstd::shared_ptr< juce::FileChooser::Pimpl >
 Cstd::shared_ptr< SafeAction >
 Cstd::shared_ptr< SharedCursorHandle >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< LogRampedValue< FloatType > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValue< float, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValue< FloatType, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValue< NumericType, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValue< SampleType, juce::ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SmoothedValueBase< SmoothedValue< SampleType, ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cjuce::SortedSet< juce::ActionListener * >
 Cjuce::SortedSet< juce::LookAndFeel::ColourSetting >
 Cjuce::SortedSet< juce::Value * >
 Cjuce::SparseSet< int >
 Cstd::allocator< T >STL class
 Cstd::array< T >STL class
 Cstd::array< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::array< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::array< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::array< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::atomic< T >STL class
 Cstd::atomic_ref< T >STL class
 Cstd::auto_ptr< T >STL class
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >STL class
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::basic_string_view< Char >STL class
 Cstd::basic_string_view< Char >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::basic_string_view< Char >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::basic_string_view< Char >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::basic_string_view< Char >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::bitset< Bits >STL class
 Cstd::complexSTL class
 Cstd::deque< T >STL class
 Cstd::deque< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::deque< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::deque< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::deque< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::error_categorySTL class
 Cstd::error_codeSTL class
 Cstd::error_conditionSTL class
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::forward_list< T >STL class
 Cstd::forward_list< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::forward_list< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::forward_list< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::forward_list< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cstd::jthreadSTL class
 Cstd::list< T >STL class
 Cstd::list< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::list< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::list< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::list< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::lock_guard< T >STL class
 Cstd::map< K, T >STL class
 Cstd::map< K, T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::map< K, T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::map< K, T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::map< K, T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::multimap< K, T >STL class
 Cstd::multimap< K, T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::multimap< K, T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::multimap< K, T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::multimap< K, T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::multiset< K >STL class
 Cstd::multiset< K >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::multiset< K >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::multiset< K >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::multiset< K >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::mutexSTL class
 Cstd::priority_queue< T >STL class
 Cstd::queue< T >STL class
 Cstd::recursive_mutexSTL class
 Cstd::recursive_timed_mutexSTL class
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 Cstd::set< K >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::set< K >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::set< K >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::set< K >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::shared_lock< T >STL class
 Cstd::shared_mutexSTL class
 Cstd::shared_ptr< T >STL class
 Cstd::shared_timed_mutexSTL class
 Cstd::smart_ptr< T >STL class
 Cstd::span< T >STL class
 Cstd::span< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::span< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::span< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::span< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::stack< T >STL class
 Cstd::string::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::string::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::string::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::string::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::string_view::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::string_view::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::string_view::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::string_view::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::system_errorSTL class
 Cstd::threadSTL class
 Cstd::timed_mutexSTL class
 Cstd::u16string::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u16string::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u16string::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u16string::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u16string_view::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u16string_view::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u16string_view::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u16string_view::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u32string::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u32string::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u32string::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u32string::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u32string_view::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u32string_view::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u32string_view::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u32string_view::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u8string::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u8string::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u8string::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u8string::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u8string_view::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u8string_view::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u8string_view::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::u8string_view::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unique_lock< T >STL class
 Cstd::unique_ptr< T >STL class
 Cstd::unordered_map< K, T >STL class
 Cstd::unordered_map< K, T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_map< K, T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_map< K, T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_map< K, T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >STL class
 Cstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_multimap< K, T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_multiset< K >STL class
 Cstd::unordered_multiset< K >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_multiset< K >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_multiset< K >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_multiset< K >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_set< K >STL class
 Cstd::unordered_set< K >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_set< K >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_set< K >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unordered_set< K >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::valarray< T >STL class
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cstd::vector< T >::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::vector< T >::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::vector< T >::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::vector< T >::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::weak_ptr< T >STL class
 Cstd::wstring::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::wstring::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::wstring::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::wstring::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::wstring_view::const_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::wstring_view::const_reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::wstring_view::iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::wstring_view::reverse_iteratorSTL iterator class
 Cstd::unique_ptr< AccessibilityNativeImpl >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< AccessibleItemComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< Attachment >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< BehindFrontTabComp >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< Buffer >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ButtonListenerProxy >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CachedWindow >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CallbackHandler >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CallbackHelper >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CameraDevice::Pimpl::CaptureSessionModeBase >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CameraDevice::Pimpl::ImageOutputBase >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CameraDevice::Pimpl::ImageReader >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CameraDevice::Pimpl::MediaRecorder >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CameraDevice::Pimpl::ScopedCameraDevice >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CameraDevice::Pimpl::ScopedCameraDevice::CaptureSession >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CameraDevice::Pimpl::ScopedCameraDevice::CaptureSession::StillPictureTaker >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CGColorSpace, ColorSpaceDelete >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CGContext, ContextDelete >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< CGGradient, GradientDelete >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ColourPreviewComp >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ColourSpaceView >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< Connection >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ConnectionThread >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< Contents >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< DragToScrollListener >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< GutterComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< GZIPCompressorHelper >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< GZIPDecompressHelper >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< HintingParams >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< HueSelectorComp >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< Impl >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< InsertPointHighlight >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< Instance >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AccessibilityCellInterface >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AccessibilityTableInterface >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AccessibilityTextInterface >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AccessibilityValueInterface >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ActionBroadcaster >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AlertWindow >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioBuffer< float > >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioDeviceManager::AudioDeviceSetup >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioFormatReader >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioIODevice >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioProcessor >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioProcessorEditor >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioProcessorEditor::AudioProcessorEditorListener >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioProcessorParameter >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioProcessorParameterGroup >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ParameterLayout::ParameterStorageBase >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::AudioSource >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::BubbleMessageComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::Button >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ButtonParameterAttachment >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::CaretComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ChildProcess >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ChildProcess::ActiveProcess >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ColourGradient >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ComboBox >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ComboBoxParameterAttachment >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::Component >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ComponentPeer >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::CoreGraphicsContext::SavedState >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::DirectoryContentsList >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::Displays >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::Drawable >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::DropShadower >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::dsp::LookupTableTransform< NumericType > >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::EdgeTable >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::FileChooser >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::FocusOutline >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::FocusOutline::OutlineWindowProperties >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::HighResolutionTimer::Pimpl >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::Image::BitmapData::BitmapDataReleaser >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::InputSource >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::InputStream >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::InterProcessLock::Pimpl >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::KeyPressMappingSet >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::KnownPluginList::CustomScanner >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::Label >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::LocalisedStrings >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::LookAndFeel >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::LowLevelGraphicsContext >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::MemoryBlock >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::MemoryMappedFile >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::MidiInput >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::MidiOutput >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::MouseListener >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::MPEChannelAssigner >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::NamedPipe >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::OpenGLContext::NativeContext::DummyComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::OSCBundle >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::OSCMessage >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::OutputStream >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::PopupMenu >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::PositionableAudioSource >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::PropertiesFile >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::PropertySet >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::PushNotifications::Notification >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::RangedDirectoryIterator >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ResizableBorderComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ResizableCornerComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ScopedThreadDPIAwarenessSetter >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::ScrollBar >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::Slider >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::SliderParameterAttachment >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::StandalonePluginHolder >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::StreamingSocket >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::TabBarButton >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::TabbedButtonBar >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::TabbedComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::TableListBoxModel >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::TextButton >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::TextEditor >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::TextEditor::InputFilter >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::Viewport >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::WebInputStream >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::XmlElement >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::XWindowSystem::DisplayVisuals >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< juce::XWindowSystemUtilities::XSettings >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< LabelComp >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< LevelDataSource >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ListViewport >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< MidiInputSelectorComponentListBox >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< MouseInputSource::SourceList >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< MPENoteComponent >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< MPEZoneLayout::Zone >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< MultipleInstanceHandler >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< NativeDarkModeChangeDetectorImpl >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< NativeImpl >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< NSObject, NSObjectDeleter >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ObjectType >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< PanelSizes >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ParameterAdapter >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ParentVisibilityChangedListener >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< Pimpl >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< RenderingHelpers::SoftwareRendererSavedState >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< RenderSequenceDouble >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< RenderSequenceFloat >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< SavedState >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< SavedStateType >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< Scanner >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< ScrollbarButton >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< SharedObjectType >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< StateObjectType >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< TargetGroupHighlight >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< TopLevelItem >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< TreeViewport >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< VideoComponent::Pimpl::ComponentWatcher >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< VideoComponent::Pimpl::DirectShowContext >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< VideoComponent::Pimpl::DirectShowContext::NativeWindow >
 Cstd::unique_ptr< VideoRenderers::Base >
 Cstd::unordered_map< juce::String, juce::XWindowSystemUtilities::XSetting >
 Cstd::unordered_set< juce::String >
 Cjuce::Vector3D< float >
 Cstd::vector< const float * >
 Cstd::vector< float * >
 Cstd::vector< int >
 Cstd::vector< juce::ConsoleApplication::Command >
 Cstd::vector< juce::NetworkServiceDiscovery::Service >
 Cstd::vector< juce::SmoothedValue< SampleType, juce::ValueSmoothingTypes::Linear > >
 Cstd::vector< SampleType >
 Cstd::vector< std::array< SampleType, numStates > >
 Cstd::vector< std::pair< juce::MPENote, bool > >
 Cstd::vector< std::unique_ptr< AccessibleItemComponent > >
 Cstd::vector< std::unique_ptr< juce::AudioProcessorValueTreeState::ParameterLayout::ParameterStorageBase > >
 Cstd::vector< std::unique_ptr< juce::MidiInput > >
 Cstd::vector< std::unique_ptr< MPENoteComponent > >
 CVideoComponent::Pimpl::PlayerControllerBase< Derived >
 CVideoComponent::Pimpl::PlayerControllerBase< Derived >::PlayerAsyncInitialiser
 Cstd::weak_ptr< DirectoryIterator >
 Cjuce::WeakReference< juce::Component >
 Cjuce::WeakReference< juce::LookAndFeel >
 Cjuce::WeakReference< juce::MessageListener >
 CDisplay *
 CActionSet * *
 CAnimationTask * *
 CArray< CameraDevice::ViewerComponent * >
 CArray< Rectangle< int > >
 CAtomic< int >
 CAVCaptureDeviceInput *
 CAVCaptureMovieFileOutput *
 CAVCaptureSession *
 CAVCaptureStillImageOutput *
 CAVPlayerLayer *
 CAVPlayerView *
 CBallisticsFilter< SampleType >
 CCachedGlyphType * *
 CCameraDevice &
 CCFUniquePtr< CFRunLoopSourceRef >
 CChannelInfo * *
 CCharType *
 CCodeDocumentLine * *
 CCodeEditorLine * *
 CComClass *
 CComponentPeer *
 CCompressor< SampleType >
 CComSmartPtr< CameraDevice::Pimpl::GrabberCallback >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IBaseFilter >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IBasicAudio >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::ICaptureGraphBuilder2 >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IGraphBuilder >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IMediaControl >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IMediaEventEx >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IMediaPosition >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IMFVideoDisplayControl >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IPin >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::ISampleGrabber >
 CComSmartPtr< ComTypes::IVMRWindowlessControl >
 Cconst AccessibilityRole
 Cconst Category
 Cconst CGFloat
 CVtable< Ret, Args... > *
 Cconst Edge
 Cconst ElementType
 Cconst Format
 Cconst IODeviceType
 Cconst KeyType
 Cconst ListType &
 Cconst LockType &
 Cconst OpenGLVersion
 Cconst ParameterHandling
 Cconst uint32
 Cconst VariantType *
 Cconst void *
 Cconst WrapperType
 CContentComponent *
 CDestPixelType *
 CDragImageComponent * *
 CDryWetMixer< SampleType >
 CEAGLContext *
 CElementComparator &
 CElementType *
 CFloatingType *
 CGlobalRef &
 CGlyphInfo * *
 CHeavyweightLeakedObjectDetector< OwnerClass > *
 CHRESULT(WINAPI *)(HWND, IRawElementProviderSimple **)
 CHRESULT(WINAPI *)(IRawElementProviderSimple *)
 CHRESULT(WINAPI *)(IRawElementProviderSimple *, EVENTID)
 CHWND__ *
 CIBaseFilter *
 Cid< AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate >
 CIRawElementProviderSimple *
 CItem * *
 CIUnknown *
 CFirstOrderTPTFilter< SampleType > * *
 CLassoSource< SelectableItemType > *
 CListenerClass * *
 CListenerList< CameraDevice::Pimpl::PreviewDisplay::Listener >
 CListenerList< Listener >
 CLocalRef< jbyteArray >
 Clong long
 CLookupTable< FloatType >
 CLRESULT(WINAPI *)(HWND, WPARAM, LPARAM, IRawElementProviderSimple *)
 CModalItem * *
 CMonoProcessorType * *
 CMouseInputSourceInternal *
 CNativeFunction *
 CNSOpenGLContext *
 CNSOpenGLView *
 CNSView *
 CNSWindow *
 CNumericType *
 CObjectClass * *
 CObjectType *
 COscillator< SampleType >
 COversamplingStage * *
 CPanelHolder * *
 CPixelType *
 CPoint< ValueType >
 CPropertyHolderComponent *
 CRectangle< int >
 CReferenceCountedObjectPtr< AsyncUpdaterMessage >
 CReferenceCountedObjectPtr< BlockingMessage >
 CReferencedType *
 CSelectableItemType *
 CSparseSet< int >
 CSrcPixelType *
 CSrcPixelType *
 Cstatic const uint32
 Cstatic constexpr auto
 Cstatic constexpr jint
 Cstatic constexpr NumericType
 Cstatic constexpr unsigned long
 Cstatic EGLConfig
 Cstatic EGLDisplay
 Cfunction< juce::ModifierKeys()>
 Ctime_point< std::chrono::steady_clock >
 Cfunction< bool(const juce::String &)>
 Cfunction< bool(const String &)>
 Cfunction< bool(int, int)>
 Cfunction< double(const juce::String &)>
 Cfunction< float(const juce::String &)>
 Cfunction< float(const String &)>
 Cfunction< float(float rangeStart, float rangeEnd, float valueToRemap)>
 Cfunction< float(float)>
 Cfunction< int(const juce::String &)>
 Cfunction< int(const String &)>
 Cfunction< juce::String(bool, int)>
 Cfunction< juce::String(double)>
 Cfunction< juce::String(float, int)>
 Cfunction< juce::String(int, int)>
 Cfunction< NumericType(NumericType)>
 Cfunction< String(bool, int)>
 Cfunction< String(float, int)>
 Cfunction< String(int, int)>
 Cfunction< String(Value, int)>
 Cfunction< Value(const String &)>
 Cfunction< ValueType(ValueType rangeStart, ValueType rangeEnd, ValueType valueToRemap)>
 Cfunction< void()>
 Cfunction< void(bool)>
 Cfunction< void(bool, juce::String)>
 Cfunction< void(const Image &)>
 Cfunction< void(const juce::ArgumentList &)>
 Cfunction< void(const juce::FileChooser &)>
 Cfunction< void(const juce::String &)>
 Cfunction< void(const String &, const String &)>
 Cfunction< void(const URL &, Result)>
 Cfunction< void(float)>
 Cfunction< void(juce::OpenGLShaderProgram &)>
 Cpair< juce::MPENote, bool >
 Ctuple< Processors... >
 CSwatchComponent * *
 CTextHolderComponent *
 CThreadPoolThread * *
 CThumbData * *
 CThumbnailCacheEntry * *
 Cuint32 *
 CUniformTextSection * *
 Cunsigned char
 Cunsigned long
 Cunsigned long long
 CVector3D< Type >
 CVideoComponent &
 CVisual *
 Cvoid *
 CVstSpeakerArrangement *
 CXVisualInfo *
 CZipEntryHolder * *